Saturday, December 16, 2006


Spot the difference: before and after plastic surgery to remove the disfiguring scar from her ‘dead’ right eye. Result of Illuminati MIND CONTROL ‘training’.

The highlights of THE unofficial biography of Eliza Manningham-Buller (as written by an ex-spook, who has worked for both MI6 and MI5):

Or as I prefer to call it: potted history of a shrimp who pretended to be a shark and ended up like one of those plastic blow-up models – just waiting to be harpooned.

Eliza Manningham-Buller

1980: guilty of the torture, disfigurement and murder of Kathleen – a Solihull schoolgirl who became an MI5 recruit upon the Russian course in 1979.

Manningham-Buller had originally been recruited into British Intelligence Services to teach Russian. She was a hopeless teacher but worse than that - she used to instruct her classes to stand up and do the 'Nazi' salute as she entered the room. We were not allowed to begin the lesson until this had been performed. She was known as the 'Mad Bull'.

Manningham-Buller took an instant dislike to Kathleen and set fire to her hair, in front of all the other trainees. No one was allowed to help Kathleen to put the flames out. Manningham-Buller was screaming ‘vanity of vanities’ to Kathleen, as her face burnt. Kathleen survived this attack but with third degree burns. She had been run as a prostitute (common use for female agents) but was now too disfigured to be used in this way. Manningham-Buller gave the order for her to be murdered. Various members of staff arranged for Kathleen to be ‘accidentally’ electrocuted. Kathleen also survived this attack. She was then smothered in her sleep. Stella Rimington attended her funeral. One of the ‘service’ always has to be at the funeral.

Manningham-Buller's reign of terror at MI5:

‘She is understood to be keen to widen the range of recruits appointed to the security service to include more from ethnic minority groups.
Her specialist field is counter-terrorism, which is especially relevant given the threat posed by Islamic groups linked to al-Qaeda.’

This is a LIE. She is creating mind control slaves to start terrorist cells.

Spooks series:

I advised M-B in 1997 to take control of public image of MI5 (rather like James Bond is a great advertisement for MI6) in the same way as the FBI had done with various cop shows including the ‘X files’.

'A security source said: "We want to attract more females but the Spooks programme may be having a bad effect because of the way some of the female characters have been killed off."'

This show is now geared to recruiting young women (after having been lambasted for putting young women off applying because of the amount of female officers dying in the first series).

This is NOT fiction. This is FACT.

Moreover, female recruits are not necessarily killed in action – the vast majority of them are murdered by their employers.

A bad joke on my part? You don’t know the half of it.

The Times October 31, 2005

"The concern about the shortage of female applicants has coincided with MI5’s drive to expand its staff from 2,000 to 3,000, following an injection of extra cash from the Treasury. Dame Eliza had originally planned to reach the new total of 3,000 by the end of 2008. But the date has now been brought forward to 2007 to cope with the increased demands for surveillance and intelligence officers since the July 7 suicide bombings in London. MI5 is also looking for new premises in London because its headquarters at Thames House is nearly full. Office blocks, big enough to take several hundred staff, are being checked within the M25 area.
One proviso is that the new building, which will act as an alternative HQ in the event of any terrorist attempt to target Thames House, will remain a secret address — as during the Cold War days when the MI5 HQ at Gower Street in London was never listed as the official home of the Security Service.
MI5 is also in the process of opening new regional premises, to house small numbers of staff to work closely with local Special Branch offices. Eight outlying stations whose precise location will also remain secret, will cover Scotland, the North East. the North West, the Midlands, Wales, southwest England, southeast England and East England"

Read ex-MI6 officer: Richard Tomlinson’ blog to get an idea of what MI5 does in tandem with Special Branch.

They have been persecuting and vilifying him for years. The ‘hidden hand’ behind all of this is MI6 but the Mad Bull and Scarlett (Penelope Pitstop to his friends) have been ‘bosom buddies’ for years. In 1979 and whilst employed as an MI6 trainer of new recruits on the 'INSET' course (a 6 month module of 'mind control' training), Scarlett was trying to have an affair with Manningham-Buller. He has had a soft spot for her every since. Manningham-Buller repaid this by having his young son kidnapped and raped in 1980.

Manningham-Buller was transsexual at birth. She is a lesbian and develops ‘crushes’ on her female colleagues. She attended a private school for girls with Princess Anne and has been part of the aristocracy from birth. She was known as the ‘Bully’, during her tenure as head-girl at this establishment.

One can say in view of Manningham-Buller's personal history that what she most needed to do was to see a ‘good therapist’, appropriate counseling – that sort of thing. What she did not need was to be made Director General of MI5. Nor did the country, for that matter.

For the ‘official’ blurb – see Wikipedia:


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Anonymous said...

Jonathan Evans (MI5)owns a house called NASHVILLE in Harwich, his home town.

Read Cathy O' Brien to find out how influential 'Nashville' has been in mind control programming.

Anonymous said...

This is getting more and more productive in terms of pulling up weeds.

This guys have just been pulled out of the closet:

CIA says that they are defending the indefensible i.e. their 'assets', in the HARRY POTTER books.

Two creepy pseuds who have been forced to stick their heads over the parapet, in order to protect their Master programmers and their unearned 'bonuses'.

If one sees it in that light - one might even muster up a little sympathy for them.

It must be hellish to be so lack-lustre and to have stooped so low. How would one live with oneself?

Anonymous said...

Any opinions on David Icke? Is he under mind control?

Black Rabbit said...


I saw MARTIN AYRES/EYRES as a 'good guy' because he appeared to sincerely want to help me but as I am not so sure. What if he were trying to protect his 'assets' too?

I first met him upon this side of the mirror, at my parents first house upon KILN LANE - he had joined my father's bookclub: THE PROUST GROUP.

I remember my mother telling me that he had been married, had 4 children and had lived in some mansion with horses/ponies until the big 'falling out' and now, none of his children would speak to him and he was very upset about it. He had moved out and had since had an affair with a Russian teacher, whom he had met at one of these 'educational conferences' in Russia.

He used to live down at the end of KILN LANE at the MALTINGS - opposite to my parents' house...and in his window box were a line of ornamental 'pinetree' shrubs - the MI6 variety. That is what made me think that he had been programmed by them but for some reason - AYRES/EYRES had upset TOMLINSON and TONY GREEN considerably at ACORN VILLAGES Ltd because neither of them appeared to recognise him - you would have thought that TOMLINSON might because he was obviously working for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE.

I always wondered where MARTIN had made his money - he was a governmental schools inspector and the pay is high but not that high - not enough to keep a family of four children in a massive country house, with horses etc but he seemed a really good guy compared to others and I trusted him but not in terms of staking anything on it and not enough to keep his identity secret now...

He is hopefully, the last person that I will remember, in the long list of people that I met - whilst being reprogrammed by RIMINGTON in and around HARWICH, a few years ago.

Additionally, I also remember meeting him upon the other side of the mirror - at my parents' flat whilst they had one, at the WHITE HOUSE upon WATERLOO BRIDGE (they sold it to move to MANNINGTREE). I have no idea why he was with me...but I remember being in bed with him...he kept telling me that 'it would be all right' i.e. that he would protect me in some way...but that was what TOMLINSON used to say most of the time and most of the time, he was lying.

If he was as I now suspect - high up in MI6 - then what the hell was MARTIN up to?

Why didn't TOMLINSON appear to know about him...maybe he did but wasn't letting on to TONY GREEN...

In point of fact, I know when TOMLINSON is lying and he was certainly acting in that way...whilst telling GREEN that he had no idea who the guy was...

Other notes:

DALDRY was rather like the EYRE/EYORE DON-KEYS of the ILL fact, he had become one...i.e. a 'top theatre director' and presumably 'MASTER mind control programmer' trusted by ROYALTY.

I knew that in 1995 and that is why I took the piss out of him as an EYORE character from WINNIE THE POOH.

As far as I can remember - the next up are the PALM TREE programmers - that is as high as you can get (from the line-up in the 'nativity scene' OSBORNE children's book.)

Other notes:

I caught a glimpse of some guy who looked rather like DALDRY in a blue sleeveless Tee-shirt, doing up the house/flat which was recently vacated by programmers...the one which is beside the CAPTAIN'S house - opposite to LILAC COTTAGE up CHURCH road.

He was smoking like Daldry i.e. didn't bother to take the fag out of his mouth whilst working...a complete addict...and narrowed his eyes as soon as he saw me but I was cycling past and couldn't be sure who I saw...maybe sensed a 'Daldry alter' in a builder there...

I muttered under my breath 'so you want to be in your own film, now?'

That is the thing with the ILL. It is the old HITCHCOCK prerogative - to make a 'guest' appearance in your film and everyone has to watch out and spot you...I guess they have 'snuff movies' down what they would call an 'art form' nowadays...

It wouldn't surprise me in the least, having looked at ANDREW MARR'S 'bad poetry site' for programmers with MASSIVE literary pretensions i.e. Andrew Tait's apology for poetry and his 'friends'. Mind you, it is quite entertaining in its way - MARR was always an 'entertainer'...SIDESHOW BOB.

Upon that note...having cycled past BEACH HUT 16 and reached the end of the line of beach huts upon DOVERCOURT BAY...what did I see as the last hut but:


Yes, it was a ROYAL blue hut with bright ORANGE writing over the door stating THE KRUSTY CRAB.

Now, I know where the creators of THE SIMPSONS got their 'inspiration' from.

Other notes:

Having cycled past ESPLANADE HOUSE again, I queried the CIA about what was going on in there...why were the LAMPS LIT outside...i.e. the electric lights were still on that morning...'because they are still programming in there'...

So my horror yesterday, was entirely correct. Those young people were mind control victims...about 6/7 of them, leaving the building in drips and drabs...I didn't stay to see how many.

I queried this one again with the CIA...yes, it is as sick as it looks...THE ROYAL FAMILY have been warned NOT to do this but they have ignored all warnings...they will therefore have to be removed.

The ILL are so stupid and so brain-damaged that they do not get the simple truth about protecting one's country: people who have not been brain-damaged by ILL programming and who have not been microchipped are impossible to 'control' or even to 'access' in terms of 'deep thought' - they are therefore invulnerable to attack. If you want a healthy society of human beings - you do NOT ILL-program.

IF you ILL-program, you create a 'slave-base' of people who can be overtaken and overrun by just about anybody, who can break your codes.

I suppose the UK ILL might have got that one but it obviously goes against 'tradition' i.e. they are 'slave-drivers' and they need their slaves - to keep them in their old age, sort of thing...I haven't viewed their minds upon this one but it all stinks and I have no wish to 'understand' their insane reasonings upon that one...

Other notes:

I have been watching SELECTED POTATOES being downloaded off lorries and into the PIE SEAS fish and chip shop for some time now...many weeks...a change from the 'usual'.

I then 'saw' it, this morning:



That is what the ROYAL FAMILY are now - a bunch of potato-heads under ROCKEFELLER control.

I then wondered about the CIA and MARK - had he given them the codes for the SPUDNIKS?

No he hadn't...that is what was now making problems for 'everyone'...the SPUDNIKS were still under ROCKEFELLER control.

I do not even pretend to know what is going on: all I can think of is - MI6 get the CPS to declare laws where you can take all money and possessions off the ROYALS and use the money to get rid of mind control in the UK...I can see how difficult it is for governmental agencies (of any country) to fight 'big business' due to lack of funds...and the ROCKEFELLERS are one of the most powerful families, monetarily...

As far as I can see, the US government has taken 'on' big business in terms of fighting MICROSOFT through the courts AND almost bizarre...that a government might be in danger of losing against a 'giant' that was increasingly become a 'monopoly' and 'tyrant' in terms of computing...

Yet, to my knowledge - nobody in the UK thought MICROSOFT enough of a threat, to take them to court...IBM for one...the ENGLISH rival which went 'down' quite early respect to being any serious competition...IBM - the MI6 official 'brand' of laptop...

At the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - the assembled ILL had all been given a 'party game' in terms of the 13th ONE 'horror-game' to be played around RICHARD that they were all to contribute photographs which would be put up in PUBLIC PHOTOGRAPHS on MICROSOFT WINDOWS...every photograph was a 'clue' to the 13th ONE, of the true identity of their 'puppet-masters' i.e these sick ILL people, who would then conspire to goad the 13th ONE into madness and ultimately watch their murder, in a 'snuff movie'...

So one can say that the ROYAL ILL thought that MICROSOFT was another TEMPLAR company, that they owned...just like the BBC.

Other notes:

Saturday morning...last night...I was thinking about ALANIS MORISSETTE again...and her birthday...11 years after mine...and how TOMLINSON had been 11/12 years older than me...and then a series of images hit me...and I knew what had happened...IAN RICKSON had held this young woman as a baby, as TOMLINSON had me...he was her main 'daddy' programmer and was 'in love' with this 'baby' whom he thought as his own and tortured himself with thoughts of as a young woman who had 'deserted' her it wasn't a bizarre 'one-off' thing between myself and Tomlinson...this was another sick game, played upon the other side of the mirror...

I then remembered more about this reprogramming of myself as RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON'S baby at the TEMPLAR was as strange as it was bizarre...I was to 'grow up' in terms of days, weeks instead of years...and RIMINGTON then sent me out on my first 'date'...with Ian Rickson's brother...who was also at the Templar Castle - a walk in the castle grounds (naturally you weren't allowed to leave)...afterwards she got hold of me and checked my knickers to make sure that I hadn't had would have been humiliating in normal circumstances but not on this occasion...they could do far worse to you...she then decided that I should be punished anyway...and TOMLINSON quickly said that he would take me down to a torture dungeon...but he had no interest in punishing me...he just held me and cried...he was in an extremely emotionally confused young alter...

Other notes:

I bought a DAILY MAIL yesterday and was surprised that STELLA RIMINGTON would even dare to put her name to any article in the press but she had done - not that she would have written the piece, somebody else would have penned it but the fact that she dared to put her name to it - was quite incredible, within itself. It was a review of a new book by spymaster novelist JOHN LE CARRE but one can see that she only did it, to add an advertisement for her new novel at the end of the article. The review is actively funny because she appears to be taking the high moral ground and talking about 'standards' within British society and politics - apparently LE CARRE is saying that there are none, in terms of British Intelligence operations anymore...and even though it is quite apparent that LE CARRE will have been writing about people like RIMINGTON...she chooses to go into 'full denial' and writes this hypocritical review about how there are still 'standards' in the UK...this review is actually funny to read. She must have taken the stance and perspective of this new spy novel as a critique of herself and rather 'personally'.

Mind you, RIMINGTON was not the only HYPOCRITE to show her face in the DAILY MAIL yesterday, there is also a rather grotesque and twisted photograph of the Queen who is demanding another £7.9 million a year from the taxpayer...because the ROYALS need to do up their palaces etc. That sort of chutzpah, puts even RIMINGTON into the shade.

Other notes:

...I began to read snatches of CATHY O' Brien's book again before I slept, not having read it word for word at the beginning...too much concentrated information and I only wanted the gist...but looking through it now, the WORDPLAY and PUNS upon words were exactly how the UK programmers had acted in 1980 and were to continue to act whilst reprogramming me...

I gawped at PIERRE TRUDEAU of Canada...and his his password with CATHY...then was reminded of the MARQUIS D'EAU...which I already knew to be ANDREW MARR...his pseudonym at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and then thought back to his poem: EVERYONE'S A FRUIT AND NUT CAKE.

It was then that I saw this line:

"The pecan was Ivan the Terrible's aunt, the raisin was the Lamb of God. The formidable former yelled YOU'RE APPALLING and the little latter moaned M-M-M-M-M-MEM-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-AAAAAIR!"

So here we have a deliberate stab at MARTIN AYRE/EYRE'S surname - AIR.

The 'nut' was the rebellious person and the 'fruit' was their programming.



PAUL LYNN (I remember now - something about how this man was called Lyndsey de Paul as a 'joke' on his name).


Looking through this poem - I came across many other such possible wordplays:


With 'organ' I suddenly realised that the above was linked to ORGONITE because I looked at that ROYAL BLUE of the KRUSTY CRAB beach hut yesterday and then the ROYAL BLUE of one of the PENGUIN GREAT LOVES books by my bed...called MAGNETISM and then it all clicked.
This was all about the 'electrified' sperm and I remembered what the ILL had done to the young men in front of us on programming...made them rape each other and upon the point of ejaculation - were electrocuted up their anuses by a programmer. The programmers called this 'enlightenment' and 'electrified sperm'.

I then began to think more about these odd punning terms and found my own.

I had previously looked through this computer's files and found many system ones that were termed FED and then it hit me:


Firstly, my Swiss grandmother used to sing to us as children 'fait dors dors'...meaning 'go to sleep...' and I remember singing it to DABYDEEN and he retorted that my French accent was bad...that you said 'door' and not more like 'dough' with almost no 'r'...but that was precisely how my Swiss-French grandmother had sung it and he wasn't French or Swiss therefore I stood by the pronunciation.


My first proper bike was a RAYLEIGH - I have seen so many of them around HARWICH - one of the most popular makes of bike around here.

The knowledge of this opened a door to a control room in my mind...where I met JOHN WATERS again who began to show me everything...all of my early programming...anything and everything I had missed (for example WOOD/DRYAD programming)...I was then shown a bank account as my 'payment for services rendered' and the liberty to leave whenever I felt like it...the advice was to go and stay at the CARLTON HOTEL in London, for a while and then to go to Switzerland.

I then wondered about the CLAUDE BUTLER bike that had been bought me by UNCLE BOBBY, more recently...

I remembered how I had laughed at DALDRY in PRAGUE - in relation to the game CLUEDO: THE BUTLER DID IT!

Daldry seemed to think that it had been MRS WHITE THE COOK for no apparent reason.

I then laughed even more and said SCARLETT IN THE STUDY WITH THE LEAD PIPING.

Now, what could I have meant by that?

Did DALDRY mean the WC when in fact it was the CS/SC with an LP?

Other notes:

I was looking at a French phrasebook and then another anagram hit me:


My code name as a 'seer' was that of one of the old 'Charlie's angels' as in 'Farrah' which is apparently an Arabic name. It was a generic one, given to all of the women.

Other notes:

I remember MARK telling me his theory upon how the ILL CULT would end...he was of the opinion that it would be by ENTROPY more than anything else.

I can see why. The ILL CULT is so AGAINST NATURE - as a 'culture' it has so much of a DEATH WISH that one can see that all things living upon this planet will eventually 'gang up' upon it and destroy it, in order to survive.

Naturally, one would like to see this process happen within one's own lifetime. However, I am quite sure that I have done as much as I can do now in what I have written upon the INTERNET. There is only so much that one can do.

I was surprised by the apparent attack by my father and his son-in-law MIKE WEALE if only because when you have heard about how your sister has to tend her young son LEO night and day because he is so terrified...has a deathly pallor to his such a 'lovely child' but so emotionally needy because he has been so abused - and now has to go to a special school where they are apparently telling all mothers that children are not allowed to bring dummies into the school (we were allowed our 'snufflies' at school in the first year - and this is a 'special school' that should understand that sort of thing - the mind boggles) wonder where MIKE WEALE, his father, is coming from.

I suppose all one can say is that you have NO idea how 'dark' their alters are, upon the other side of the mirror. Rather like looking at MARTIN AYRES/EYRES - he seemed like a nice enough chap upon this side of the mirror, although my brother Ed said he was a 'bit odd' and put a 'query' over him in general...rather like my father is a 'nice sort of chap' but in 'looking glass world' they have these insanely cruel and evil personalities.

Other notes:

Unless you have access to the files and know how much these people have been haven't got a hope...I had no idea how programmed MALCOLM in PRAGUE was until his 'NAZI alter' came out...before that, I had chatted with him every day, in his office, as the most considerate and socially aware person upon the staff at the British Council...yet I had no idea of this 'schizoid personality' of idea of what lay behind his front alter...not a clue.

Walking down the High Street in HARWICH with access to those files, I now know who is 'very ILL', 'ILL' 'hardly ILL at all', 'not ILL at all' and most people ARE ILL to a degree. That is how far it has gone in the UK.

I suppose one of the major reasons why the ILL CULT all has to come down now is because it isn't just BRITISH INTELLIGENCE who are programming people...since 1995, the ROCKEFELLERS had learnt pretty much all there was to know about mind control programming and were now programming outside of 'intelligence agencies' - within the Public Sector. For example, RIMINGTON was running mind control courses at MARKS & SPENCERS (as 'graduate' courses) which were nothing to do with British Intelligence and everything to do with the ILLuminati slave market of 'office managerial types'.

Additionally, there were the MASONIC groups who were all also mind-control programming...for example, THE SHRINERS...DALDRY had only just become aware of them in the USA in 2001...and had immediately set up meetings with them, in the hope of getting them to join the TEMPLARS and their NWO crusade. I have no idea whether he was successful in this, or not.

Other notes:

I had another ansaphone message from COMPASS yesterday - from ROGER - one assumes he was calling about another not worry ROGER...I will soon have left the country. You can have your precious little flat back for all the 'good' it will do the landlord. You can throw away everything that I leave behind - I have no more need of anything here - along with the programming objects e.g. plumbing, fridges...whatever.

One can see that the ILL are still upon their little predestined courses...they have had their mind control orders to 'renovate' all ILL properties with a simplified PAS system of mind control symbolism - which concentrates upon the 'new trade' allocated to this country i.e. GLANDS/EGGS/SPERM.

Other notes:

RIMINGTON and CO - I 'saw' them in a huddle a smallish room - they were horrified by what was on the VDU.

ALL of their SAUDI MONEY had disappeared...or most of it, at any rate - to the tune of something over £400 million - their British Intelligence/NWO organisation was now officially 'bankrupt'. How long ago did this happen? Yesterday or further back in time?

Isn't it amazing how money on a screen can just 'disappear'? They had NO way of getting it back again.

I that why I saw RIMINGTON a few weeks ago now, in her old threadbare off-white jacket, (which I recognised immediately - she used to wear it 10 years ago) looking into the Jewellers shop on the HIGH STREET? Are they all 'penniless' now? Is that why she is using her contacts (mind control slaves) to publish new 'novels' and taken up having reviews ghost-written for her, in the DAILY MAIL? What about your M&S mate, RIMINGTON? Can't he bail you out? What about MARTIN and his mansion? Can't he spare you a few pennies?

MARTIN was one of MANNINGHAM-BULLER'S editors on the HARRY POTTER series, after all (having read his file - I now know what he was up to...and I can now see that anyone who put me under mind control and abused me, was interested in one thing and that was the MONEY - they all knew who I was and how much I was worth - so they gave each other my codes and abused me like some amnesiac blow-up doll, tossed around from one to the next.)

That is a DOUBLE-BLOW isn't it, TEMPLARS? How much can you afford to lose? First the NAZI GOLD and then the SAUDI MONEY - what next? How far do you want to go?

One can only hope that this SAUDI MONEY has gone to good causes - like helping children/adults with 'learning disabilities'. A 'little bird' tells me that it has.

This is all 'coming right' now, isn't it?

I now understand why the TEMPLAR NETWORK told me that they had borrowed up to the hilt. One supposes that they just couldn't give up their 'affluent' (obscenely rich) lifestyles and were keeping up with the Joneses, by fraud and deception. They are technically bankrupt as an 'organisation'.

I can now see why the QUEEN is asking for obscene amounts of money from the taxpayer. Obviously she is not 'bankrupt' and as the DAILY MAIL cartoon jokingly stated - they could sell a few palaces to make up the deficeit or would that be deficit...I am thinking of 'deceit' upon a grand scale here....but they will not get away with it for long.

I am beginning to lighten up now...I suppose it would have been too hard to get all of these memories back at once...and that a 'slow drip' was the best way...but even so, it has been a struggle to get this far but it is worth it.

Even funnier, ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER'S grand country mansion WAS razed to the ground and it was all covered up as a 'fire'...even funnier, she had NO insurance whatsoever, for the building or her costly possessions within it...she just 'hadn't thought about it' as she tried to explain to her friends, afterwards. What happened to the llamas then?

Other notes:

In relation to 'history' as it is taught in schools - I never paid much attention to it and probably to my cost - but then BRITISH INTELLIGENCE picked me up at 16 years old and in relation to military history 'it's all lies - this is what really happened'...about CHURCHILL, WWII, D-DAY, why wartime restrictions were imposed...the whole lot...

I suppose that in relation to believing anybody about what 'really happened'...this is a technical impossibility...that is why I have simply put down my memories of what I had actually witnessed (throughout my life) and then tried to draw up a framework, connecting the dots - whilst listening to many different people with their own version of events...I still do not know the 'truth' behind it all...but apparently it is now 'crystal clear' to the CIA - in relation to 9-11 and so forth.

The bizarre picture that emerged for me, was a 'takeover' of the MOSSAD by Turkish Intelligence (aided by Mark Rockefeller)...the overspill of mind control programming into the Public Sector and big-time...big business - after 1995...the planned 9-11 egged on by MARK'S people (affiliated to Israeli Intelligence - 'crazy fockers' as the CIA put it) - who encouraged the ROYALS/BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to do something as insane as attacking the US and the PENTAGON in particular, hoping to pass it off as a Muslim terrorist attack (in revenge for being humiliated at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001) far as MARK was concerned, in order to 'get them all later for it'...this was the abridged version of MARK'S plan, which I had agreed to follow...I hated the UK ILL for what they had done to me...and I wonder now if MARK hadn't sacrificed himself in the end, to achieve his aims because in 1994, he KNEW that I was FBI-affiliated...even went so far as to call me their 'Scully' although he was obviously CIA...and had also told me to trust NOBODY, not even him...because perhaps he knew that the ILL would get him back under mind control in the future...after 1994...which they did...and so now, as in TOMLINSON'S words...I have spilled the beans upon everybody as a 'remote-viewer' who has gone AWOL...which was MARK'S intention, in 1994...and then I find JOHN WATERS behind most of it, as was all planned...and very to put it simply...the big FBI plan, from the turn of the last century was to bring down the ILLuminati cult as run by the BRITISH MONARCHY and one can guess that by now, they have almost succeeded.

Of course, I could be wrong. It isn't a 'neat' jigsaw puzzle - any of it - but then real life, rarely is.

Other notes:

I wonder now about the ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY CULT - when I look at the ORANGE book of the NARNIA series A HORSE AND HIS BOY...this 'RA kingdom' is between east and west...just like CONSTANTINOPLE...which is mentioned in DR SEUSS...I remember the 'joke' that JOHN WATERS had taught me as a child...and my northern grandparents also told me this joke: 'Constantinople is a very big word, if you cannot spell IT, you are the biggest dunce in the world'.

CONSTANTINOPLE - ISTANBUL - the true home of the RA cult?

Didn't MOHAMMED EL FAHID have his origins in TURKEY?

This city was historically known as the greatest trading place between East and West...and I am quite sure that the ARCHENLAND in A HORSE AND HIS BOY was based upon this City. A location where the East and the West did most of their business and therefore it must have become an 'arbitration point' for all merchants and politicians involved in trade - including Kings and Queens.

So if one talks about 'Turkish Intelligence' infiltration - we are really talking about the RA Freemasonry cult.

Mr D'Ajani was an 'adept' of this RA Freemasonry cult - as a direct descendent of Suleiman the Great.

This OTTOMANN EMPIRE was ideologically opposed to the TEMPLARS/CHRISTIANS for many centuries - did they ever really 'make friends'?

From what I can now see - symbolically within the film DOGMA - the ROYAL FAMILY have been chucked out of 'heaven' and are now 'on the other side of the ARCH'.

As far as ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY is concerned - the ROYALTY in question, are no longer 'British' - if they ever were.

I can now see how the ORDER OF HUMAN CAMELS (and 'LEARNER-CAMELS' as we were called in 1980) came about...and why COLLIE had joked about the FOREIGN OFFICE being full of 'camels' (apparently a normal nickname for those in the FCO)...this Freemasonry cult had its roots in the trading routes between East and West. 'Pack animals'.

Other notes:

So who was my cross-dressing husband, RYMAN?

I guess I have TWO options there (unless there was another marriage that I have yet to remember...)

SO MR TOMLINSON, let me tell you that I am NOT walking down the street with you in a DRESS (unless it is some form of middle-eastern garb).

Other notes:

In terms of the ROMAN ZODIAC signs allocated to us all. I can now see why this flat was decked out with a light blue 'double-headed' EAGLE symbol...okay this was a symbol of the KGB...but 'we are all Comunists now - including the ROYAL FAMILY' as Eliza Manningham-Buller had told her Russian class in 1980...and why I was given a cabin, upon the STENALINE with the constellation ALTAIR ('the eagle') upon the wall...

I had always known that TOMLINSON was a CAPRICORN and this corresponds to the dates of the ROMAN SIGN ALTAIR - THE EAGLE - therefore, as his 'substitute' I was always bumping into 'eagle signs' along the 'trail' of this ROMAN GAME.

DALDRY had been programmed as a 'PEGASUS' i.e. a FLYING HORSE which according to an internet website I found on ALTAIR...makes for a good 'creative team' with Altair.

I had been programmed as a 'ANDROMEDA' but had given the ILL a wrong birthdate in 1980...and so this was incorrect. I was actually born under ERIDANUS - THE RIVER. According to the rules of this 'Roman game', only the SWAN constellation is supposed to be able to see to the depths of a 'river' person. That SWAN was Franco Zechhin - he was born under this Roman sign.

I also met two other 'river people' i.e. NIR HOFFMAN and IVAN DUBCEK and instantly realised that I was in the presence of others, just like me but had no idea why. Now I can see why - it was all to do with ILL ROMAN ASTROLOGY.

I could guess the possible identity of MR TOM then - as an 'alter' of FRANCO ZECHHIN. I can only hope that the ILL didn't harm him in terms of getting his 'alter' into the cat.

Anyway, I can see why I told DALDRY in 1995, that he couldn't block me or damn me up because I would break all restraints...I was like a 'river' which would force its way to the sea.

We had been extensively programmed with LOCKS and the AGE OF INDUSTRIALISATION during THREE MEN IN A BOAT programming in 1980...each lock on the canal, represented another compartmentalised memory and ILL programming.

Other notes:

I had seen two GERMAN groups of young people who were being programmed around HARWICH...and an ENGLISH group...2 out of the 3 groups were of predominantly 'Asian-looking' young people.

One can now see that the ROYALS are programming upon a shoestring - they have had to cut costs and therefore are only doing a 'minimal program' because of the loss of Saudi money.

I wonder if this is connected to the recent human eggs/sperm deal that the ROYALS made with the SAUDIS?

It probably is - mainly because they have annoyed the RUSSIANS so much that this oil/gas source may be cut off in the future...and they have to go elsewhere...cap in hand...and I suppose that the above 'deal' could have been part of the new 'hard bargain', driven by the Saudis - or those who were running it, through them.

Regarding those young people - I do not think that many governments or agencies will be viewing Muslim mind control slave 'terrorists' in the same way anymore - particularly not the PENTAGON and so the ROYALS are onto a losing ticket here, if they produce any more. I am sure that the photographs of each and every one of those young people, seen around HARWICH - will now be on the files of many 'intelligence agencies' so that they use them for identification purposes, at a later date - to see whether or not, a so-called 'terrorist' picked up in their country, is being run by the ROYALS/British Intelligence.

Other notes:

I just had a very odd message - from 'Saudi Intelligence' - not sure what to make of this:

'We are NOT going to pay them - we are going to chuck it in the sea - as a final humiliation for them'.

Additionally - after typing the above - I then got 'you think you are so clever, don't you Bunnyrabbit' from TOMLINSON.

"No, TOMLINSON I do not think that I am 'so clever' - I am just a 'satellite dish' here, wired for sound and it is a horrible experience - you would have been in the same position if I hadn't substituted for you. That is all I have to say upon the matter."

And you can refrain from calling me a 'stinking Bunnyrabbit' too.

If TOMLINSON is the 'Mulder' to my 'Scully' and not Mr Icke - then it is all looking more and more like an S/M comedy act, by the minute - which is, I suppose, what MARK was hoping for - in his film.

Other notes:

ROGER from COMPASS rang to say that HOUSING BENEFIT hasn't paid any rent for this month - well, we all knew that one, didn't we? But let us keep on acting out the charade...this is really getting very monotonous...

The ILL all know what they did to me - those two beach huts with the wires across them - programmed to be 'wired for sound' - a sick idea and one that they had designed to torture MR TOMLINSON with - to drive him crazy and then to murder him.

I am perhaps less 'flappable' than someone like TOMLINSON but women tend to be able to control their emotions better than men, when taunted and abused.

Other notes:

Perhaps it is important and perhaps not...but the SAUDI message was from an Islamic man...dressed in Saudi garb...I had an 'image' of him and oddly enough, he looked rather like SHARON...and I knew that I had 'seen' this image before...he was laughing...beside a quay edge and the sea beyond...walking along...another telepath...and the inference was obvious...we designed that deal to 'dishonour' and 'expose' the BRITISH MONARCHY.

Anonymous said...

Regarding David Icke - we were all put under mind control.

Mr Icke has fought valiantly to get free and has been being fed information directly from British Intelligence files to expose a lot of what has been going on by DR JOANNE COLLIE (who was originally in charge of the mind control experiments at Fort Monckton for MI6).

However, Joanne Collie is one of the Queen's women. That makes it a little more complicated.

She had formed a group around the Queen because of the increasing insanity of the Templar cult, run by Prince Philip. Collie knew that the Templar cult had been hijacked but didn't know by who - or what organisation.

She wanted to find out and therefore employed David Icke as a 'worthy' and 'trusted' spokesperson who knew how to handle the media and had great experience in that area - having been a very popular BBC sports commentator.

However, why Collie would want to push 'space lizards' through Mr Icke is still a mystery.

She would have known, as much as anybody else that mind control programmers at Fort Monckton, used to dress up in lizard masks in order to terrorise British Intelligence recruits (who had been drugged) into believing that they were run by alien 'masters'.

Why would they want to do anything as crazy as that? Go ask the Marines. A lot of what happened during those early years of mind control experimentation was pure insanity but perhaps it was because they didn't want anyone to believe (on the other side of the mirror) that their Master mind control programmer was a human being and was therefore far more vulnerable to confrontation and exposure (as well as being made accountable for their actions), than a 'space lizard'.

Anonymous said...

Read THE TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA by MARK PHILIPS and CATHY O' BRIEN to see where 'lizard programming' originated - with GEORGE BUSH.

Anonymous said...

So the BUTLER did it?

That wouldn't be STELLA BUTLER would it?

Anonymous said...



(You can read the first bit if you want, TOMLINSON but in fact I have changed my mind - having understood the whole ILL GAME concerning THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME - you must NEVER let yourself be caught - that is an ORDER even if it means leaving me in the lurch - do not worry - you have plenty of supporters and I will also do as I please - I am 'free' too in terms of nobody being able to use mind control over me. I have only left the notes below in because it details my 'diary' in terms of waking up and beginning to realise what was really going on and I apologise beforehand - I got it wrong.)

Having made a google search for Rene Rutlinger - I found out that I was probably spelling Rutlinger wrong (having heard it phonetically and not seen it written down) - because Reutlinger came up as an alternative spelling...and so I looked through the images to find one of a SAN FRANCISCO house recently renovated by a certain RICHARD REUTLINGER.

The website was run by somebody called 'CATTY'. It figures.

So, I suppose you can walk down the street in your DRESS with 'pride' now, eh Tomlinson?

Thank you so much for leaving me in the lurch here - under hellish conditions - whilst you set up home in Dorothyville, occupying your time with 'interior design' and the niceties of 'pointing' and cornices.

Why do I suspect the hand of MARK in this? I know that the CIA were 'tough' with him and got what they needed out of him - but did they let him survive in the end? I 'feel' that he is still very much alive somewhere...and it would have been the FBI who ultimately dealt with him. A sensitive issue, considering 'Daddy' is one of the richest men upon the planet.

Having managed to get to a point where I feel that I have now achieved what I set out to do and not particularly what anybody else wanted me to do i.e. after having had that message from the SAUDIS that the whole sperm/egg deal with the BRITISH ROYALS was a set-up. I get the feeling that the world has wised up to this sick trade and various highly influential bodies, are pulling out of it. So no more money from that mafioso trade, ROYAL FAMILY.

That was my big point - to expose enough and to raise awareness enough to have some effect upon these sick trades, which are a product of mind control. I have no idea whether or not I affected Arab Intelligence within this area, or was just a mouthpiece for decisions taken a long time ago - but it all dovetails together in the end, to a conclusion that I had wanted, from the beginning.

Plus, after so much 'negative Press' - it gives the SAUDIS the higher moral ground, over BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and the ROYAL FAMILY.

I suppose one can argue that it is one thing to indulge in Public displays of 'flogging' and so many lashes of the whip, in the marketplace - and quite another, to castrate your victims behind the stone walls of a TEMPLAR CASTLE - and then to eat their body parts.

I am laughing again but I shouldn't because - all of these things really happened and the relatives of those who 'went missing' after 2001, would not 'thank' me for it.

I simply cannot bear the situation I am in, anymore and therefore - my own 'safety valve' is laughter. It is the only thing that keeps me going, sometimes.

However, I remember PETER SMITH (DTO manager in Prague) telling me that one should never laugh anything off and that EVERYTHING was important - it all MATTERED.

Yes, it DOES MATTER but when you are powerless to stop whatever criminal activities are going on, by yourself and nobody appears to be overtly helping you to do so (apart from covertly but then one could argue that this was all 'coincidence' e.g. books left out in the library and so on)...what can you do but laugh?

So...if you are going to San Francisco...and you see the guy with a flower in his hair...about 6 foot 4 inches with massive shoulders...flouncing down the street in his dress...CATTY wants you to know that this is RICHARD TOMLINSON.

Thank you 'KATSAV' programmers - if that is who you are or were...

Does the world honestly expect any more, or less from MI6 male operatives?

I would like to write the next JAMES BOND script.

One could say that it has already been written in terms of THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME but I am not so sure - the FULL DETAILS didn't come out in those films...but what 'genre' to put it into? The real story doesn't fit easily into any of the available categories. Perhaps it is best to put it into a category of its own. Whatever category it fits into, it certainly doesn't fit into 'comedy' but maybe, that is the best way to handle it, in terms of healing.

One has to 'laugh' at life now and again but then, that is also what we were taught upon 'son of G-d' programming after being crucified...i.e. the MONTY PYTHON film - THE LIFE OF BRIAN which was shown to us, before and afterwards - to make us 'lighten up' about the pure sickness and horror of what had been done to us by MI6 and their 'associates' i.e. 'always look on the bright side of life'...the martyr's theme tune.

MR SMITH was from Arabic origins and didn't take that point of view, seriously at all - one never laughed at life - it was far too important. You laugh at life - you laugh at your oppressors and you end up crucified. DEAD. You take everything seriously - every single detail.

No ILL person can bear being laughed at. That is what SHARON - an Arab Jew - told me. You laugh at them - they will hound you until the day you die - or rather, the day that they murder you because being laughed at, is the one thing that they cannot stand.

So that is why I am doing it.

I am not laughing at 'life in general' - like a crucified 'Brian'.

I am NOT laughing at my own personal plight - that, I do NOT find funny, at all.

I am laughing AT THEM.

So they cannot bear it? What the hell. They put me in the 'gong room'. I will laugh at THEM until the day I die.

One cannot take the ILL or their ideas, or their lives, or their self-importance, 'seriously'.

They are incredibly sick people who, if they didn't have the money that they have, to protect themselves - would have been 'quarantined' in some asylum for the CRIMINALLY INSANE, a long time ago - and straight-jacketed to protect the staff, who would have to deal with them.

I have made that abundantly clear, by exposing their insane beliefs and practices (which all take place behind closed doors i.e. 'the closet' where nobody can question them)...and I will continue to expose any further 'ILL insanities' that I come across.

ILL obsession with the ANUS - anal rape as the main focus of mind control programming - subsequent male anxiety over sexuality in adult life - it didn't affect certain women that much and that is why I am LAUGHING.

I mean, to have 'sexual anxieties' over that one as a woman - would mean that I was a 'female homosexual' no? Freud told us about 'sexual fantasies' about our parents raping us...he should know all about that one, having been ILL-programmed...but as MARK said to me in relation to Cathy O' Brien...whom he 'knew' about...even in 1994...and before her book was published...she was a mind control slave who had 'enjoyed' certain 'sexual events' because your body took over from your mind and simply 'sneezed' as it were...when certain muscles are caused to react in a certain way...

QUEER THEORY that is a 'new title' for a new 'distractor' topic in terms of really fogging the Public as to what is really going on...

Yes, okay, TOMLINSON - if you hadn't gone to SAN FRANCISCO - leaving me in the mess I am now in here, and without a care in the world - I wouldn't have attacked you on the 'lowest common denominator' which is, in effect - you 'getting in touch with your feminine side' and trying to 'realise' love with another man - because you couldn't possibly do it with a woman - but from teenage years - you were never inclined that way, as you admitted to me in Switzerland...and so it is a search for your 'true sexual identity'.

I can understand that one but what I am really pissed off with, is your extreme selfishness - you left me in this hole - the hole that YOU should have been in - and all the while, I knew you were somewhere in California...what I didn't know was that you were quietly making a voluptuous home for yourself (upon whose money?) retire as an 'aging queen' upon the sunset...whilst I was going through HELL ON EARTH here. Thank you, CATTY for making that quite clear. RUSSIAN intelligence says they are 'on to it'.

But back to what MARK was doing...he KNEW the CATHY O' BRIEN story before it was let out...he was sympathetic to her, sexually...because he had suffered the same fate as her (as all male victims willl have done) various points within their sexual abuse...their bodies did what was normal and that is perhaps, what harmed them most, later on...the memory that they had actually 'enjoyed' it...

Cathy O' Brien had, at certain points - 'enjoyed' a helpless orgasm whilst under control of these monsters...

Male and female genitalia are very can be made to ejaculate and achieve 'orgasm' in a much quicker way than women.

However, as the Russians had made clear to me in 1993, a woman who is continuously raped by one man (or several) - will eventually achieve orgasm - therefore women are much harder to 'break' in that way.

In 1993, GRISEZEK was to tell me that PUTIN had taken a drug that 'kept it up all night'.

Susan Sinclair (after the PUTIN kidnap) came back into the staffroom - energised - full of 'up them and at them' energy...she was no longer a 'puppet' to some degree but to others, hugely...she was still a 'duchess' to her baby daughter, in terms of ALICE programming...however the keys to control, were 'rape' - men or women could be included in that - with men, 'gang-rape' was more effective - with women, one man was generally used...the quickest way to get out of mind control - as somebody said upon TOMLINSON'S blogspot.

In summary - if you were put under mind control - just take a drug - like MR PUTIN did, to keep it up for 24 hours...then go for it with your will take him/her out of mind control IF you both have that intent, beforehand

Quite obviously, VIAGRA was something that the RUSSIANS knew about (the KGB) since 1993 and it is now available upon the market place - possibly the easiest and most effective way to break free from your ILL programmer and bond with your 'nearest and dearest'. No wonder RICHARD & JUDY adovcated it as 'safe,' having tried it themselves on CH 4 and talked about it extensively, upon TV.

Other notes:

I had some odd intuitions last night firstly about SISKEY...

There were so many KEYS:

The DON KEY (Oxbridge)

MON KEY (as opened up by the 'monkeys' at the Templar Castle, Mons)

I suppose that is why RIMINGTON laughed when she heard the surname of my friend 'CONKEY' - she couldn't believe her good luck...that was a name to be conjured with.


HUMPHREY is the one that interests me - in terms of the RA CULT it appears to symbolise NOT being a CAMEL as in HUMP FREE.

From HUMPHREY on YES, MINSTER - to MR HUMPHRIES who is quite obviously 'out' and gay in ARE YOU BEING SERVED? (one of MARK'S favourite UK comedy shows - it was a hit in the USA). His catchphrase was even 'I'M FREE!'

The 'humphries' are an interesting one 'watch out, watch out, there is a Humphrey about' as the milk ad jingle went and then the red and white CROOK appeared - to try to steal your milk.

I now know what happened upon our first 'camp' at LANGLEY SENIORS. It is truly terrifying.

I remember how we had all returned to school and the following things happened:

Sue Whalley and I were discussing 'camp' and how one of the boys - the twin of one of the HUMPHRIES boys had suffered a serious accident. I had an image in my mind of several boys climbing up ropes like 'monkeys' and the brother of DAVID HUMPHRIES was the best at it. I knew DAVID HUMPHRIES because he had been in 4U at LANGLEY SENIORS - his brother was in 4L.

SUE WHALLEY had this image in her mind too. We discussed what had happened and we had both 'seen' the same thing. This boy had fallen off a rope tied to a bough at the edge of the forest and didn't get up again. We had all seen it happen because it was in the evening and getting dark - we were all standing around - watching these boys 'show' off, climbing up the ropes. He was crying. MR FLETCHER ran in, scooped him up and carried him off to his car. The teachers told us that FLETCHER was taking him to hospital - he appeared to have broken his wrists. The teachers told us that he had landed on them although it didn't look like he had - they weren't under him.

DEB MCD couldn't remember anything about this at all, back at school. Neither could a whole load of other children (who had been present at the time) and so SUE decided to find out about it all from her great friend JAN THOMAS who was the daughter of the maths teacher at our school: MR SHAW.

JAN told SUE that all she had found out was that the HUMPHRIES boys had both been removed from the school after the incident and that that entire family had upped and moved away from Solihull, almost overnight. Nobody was to see them again, at school and as far as I can recall, friends of the boys, called round at their house but they had already moved and with no forwarding address. SUE found this all very suspicious but couldn't put her finger on it. She kept making inquiries with the boys who had been round to the HUMPHRIES house but got no further with it.

In 1994, I remember telling MARK about this whole curious incident and he just smiled knowingly and said 'he wouldn't have broken his wrists'. I assured MARK that he had and recited the 'image' in my mind of the ropes and the boy who had fallen off - who couldn't get up again. He had obviously broken something.

Yesterday, I got the whole memory back from behind the implanted one.

The teachers used to make a bonfire in the middle of camp at night - and used to program us around it. Upon this particular night - they had put a CAULDRON of boiling water upon the glowing fire. FLETCHER had turned up with a bucket. He then pulled out the head of his boy and told us to all take a good look because that is what would happen to us, if we refused to obey orders or talked about anything that we had seen. He then put this head, into the cauldron. It was the Humphries boy's head. No doubt about that one, at all but it looked as though it had been bashed in - bloodied and matted hair. After boiling the head, FLETCHER took a mug of the boiling water, waited until it had cooled and then the teachers passed it around the circle - making sure that we all took a sip. They were all positioned around the circle of children at the time - like NAZI camp commandants - just in case anybody dared to make a run for it - nobody did.

No wonder, very few kids could even remember the implanted memory - never mind what had really happened and the HUMPHRIES family disappeared, without trace, from Solihull - almost overnight.

This was an example of the power that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE SATANISTS had over not just the entire school but also the entire community within this town, in Birmingham.

I suppose that because these boys who were climbing ropes had been depicted as 'MONKEYS' - the programming involved surrounded MONS Templar Castle.

I also wonder about the lie that the teachers told us about BROKEN WRISTS - and how as soon as MARK had heard that one - he knew it to be a lie.


I know this is something to do with son of G-d programming but cannot remember the boys being 'crucified' for being 'monkeys'...I cannot remember what actually started it all off but I now mistrust the whole 'climbing the ropes' memory.


Other notes:

I now understand why I had written a particular line of poetry for an exhibition of my work at DARTINGTON:

'Here we are growing stronger, a fender around my fire'

It was an odd line and I was using the technique of 'free consciousness/thinking' in my writing to see what words would come up - that were associated together in my mind...

The word GREAT is used to mean GRATE as in the WOMB in ILL thinking. The chimney 'lizard' comes down the chimney to abort the child. Chimneys are seen as 'upside down' legs of ILL slaves...the ILL 'lit fires' in the bellies of female slaves with 'solar energy' - at the solar plexus. That is why whilst I was at Dartington, my periods conformed to the SOLAR year of 12 menses rather than the lunar one. This is all about the RA CULT.

I suppose that is why JADE then went on to build a metallic dragon with a 'TV' in its belly - which breathed fire...that was the image that we would all have been given...and called it 'dragon-lady'.
Who was 'she'? I was a 'rabbit' according to Chinese zodiac signs and Jade was a 'horse'...a 'fire horse' which the Chinese are very wary of 'it is not good to marry' someone from this combination, apparently - too 'feisty'. Yet the Chinese called me 'dragon-lady' according to NIR, in China...I had been associated with the Chinese LI family and for no apparent reason, within the ILL cult. Perhaps I was one of the few successful experiments in the 'solarisation' of women by the RA CULT or perhaps it is because I was a zygote slave, whose eggs would go for a premium, upon their ILL market. 'Solarised eggs/zygotes'.

Other notes:

I would guess that there are a lot of KEYS TO THE KINGDOM (mind control bastions - referred to by Cathy O' Brien in her account)...the ILL KINGDOM...but the MONS KEY has now been used to unlock that hideous bastion...

I can now see that the programming command MONKEY NUTS was what locked in this hideous programming - it had been first put in, for myself and the graduates in JAMAICA and by the ROYAL FAMILY. We were led to a rocky cleft of a mountain under trees...where there were several monkeys who had had 'tables' affixed to their heads - they were underneath - the tops of their skulls had been sliced off and it was introduced to us as a 'delicacy' to eat their brains whilst they chatted piteously below the table. I couldn't/wouldn't do it (nor would Tomlinson/Marr) but DALDRY immediately dipped a spoon in and with relish.

Other notes:

I have no idea what the other 'keys' could be...FUNKY... SPUNKY ... PUNKY ...HUNKY ...JUNKY ...LUNKY... NUN-KEY...YOLKY...I wonder if my Star Trek character YEOMAN assigned to me was a YOLK key...the motherly nurse with a beehive blonde wig on her head who doesn't say much...

VOL CAN O - Helen Browne was programmed with VULCAN (as was my father)...and now I am beginning to get the picture that the CANS/CANNES were top programmers...the TUNA CANS/TUNER CANS of the KATS EYE programmers, for example.

A VOL CAN would be something to do with remote-viewing alters. 'flight' = VOL

I am getting TO MA TO CAN for Timothy Radcliffe...a can of tomatoes would reinforce his DOMINICAN Satanic practises. No wonder he personified himself as a 'TOUCAN' upon the PUBLIC PICTURES file. Helen chose a photograph of BLOSSOM because that was her nickname for me at 6th Form College.

DOMINI CAN - that would be related to DOMINO programming i.e. if one falls onto another - everyone falls, sort of thing...and DOMINO pizzas tend to air their advertisements around every episode of THE SIMPSONS...just in case, you get ideas...I suppose. PIZZA means 'cannibalism' in the ILL CULT.

DOMINUS - it is all about R HOUSE and 'dominion'.

Other notes:

Last night I had some interesting news...the CIA had forced/come to an agreement with the ROCKEFELLER family - that they were to STOP ILLUMINATI programming within the UK. They had done so. The only people who are 'commissioning' slaves in this country now - as far as the CIA are concerned - are the ROYAL FAMILY.

Other notes:

Even more peculiarly - I had a telepathic message from TOMLINSON - he didn't appear to mind about my anger against him for setting up home in San Francisco, leaving me here to face the music - that is where many of the CIA go to retire, apparently and relatively well-known. He is 'safe' there. He was advised to do so - after the 'AMBASSADOR' coup.

He told me that he had now found out that it was primarily the RA CULT and the AMBASSADOR who were behind the ROYAL FAMILY'S decision to have LADY DIANA murdered. They were part of the RA CULT at the time but not at the top of it. JOHN SCARLETT had ordered him to arrange things with the chauffeur - his orders had come from the ROYAL FAMILY but it all went higher up than that.

Oddly enough, I remember the situation and location of that house - I had viewed it with MARK and from 'above' - he was showing me where it was, for some is on a hill (as most of San Francisco is) and in front of it was a sort of communal 'park' area...a small one...MARK had told me that the area was not a 'good' one and could be quite dangerous but the houses looked good - spacious.

I have also to note here that in relation to 'remote-viewers' - MARK had told me in 1994 - to view himself and his people as the FLYING MONKEYS...I can now understand why...they were the team who would break upon the MONS KEY LOCK...and they managed it. That is why I used it as my 'email' pseudonym, to remind myself that I was not 'alone'. The 'flying monkeys' who are prisoners in OZ until DOROTHY comes to free them from the 'wicked witch'. I was made to play the role of the 'wicked witch' by RIMINGTON at POWERGEN - whilst she played GLENDA THE GOOD. What can you do but laugh?

Anyway, OZ is quite obviously to do with the OSMAN families or those of a similar name of OTTO-MANN geneaology...the RA CULT. Not based in Egypt but in TURKEY...perhaps, they say that they were the 'last of the Egyptians' before Egyptian civilisation crumbled with AKHENATON the 'sungod' and got into their boats and went over to Turkey...and perhaps that is why they do not necessarily like the HEBREWS who were a split-off rebel group from Egyptian society/politics, who escaped across the desert...

The oddest thing was the story that the TURKISH Muslim shop-owner around here, told me about how MOSES had been in the region around ANKARA...and had performed miracles there...none of the biblical stuff from any account, appears to be historically validated and so who knows?

Other notes:
Another photograph has appeared upon the INTERNET...and I recognised it was a 'birthday' lunch for STELLA RIMINGTON some years ago a London riverside I looked at it...the memory came back...even worse, I had taken the photography. I had been there. I was sitting opposite to RIMINGTON. She had TOMLINSON to her left but I do not know the person to her right - maybe it will come back.

Anyway, there were 'media people' there and the name ANDREW MILNE comes back but no idea why...and one of the newspaper editors asked who I was etc...and RIMINGTON told him that I was her daughter AND the real author of HARRY POTTER...which I immediately denied, having been programmed/tortured into complete denial of this...RIMINGTON then told me not to be wasn't that big a secret...

I remember the 'magician' who had been told to come in to play a trick for her...I was busy taking the photograph and so wasn't even attempting to guess what he had done...she asked me if I had seen how he had done it (I replied in the negative) and she then told him that her 'staff' wouldn't have got that one...meaning MI5 employees.

I was heavily under mind control at the time and the whole thing is rather hazy - operating upon one side of the are so 'passive' just pick up the images and listen to the conversations and it all 'goes over the top of your head' is a horrible are not in control of yourself at all and you know it...rather like tightrope walking in a weightless sort of way - anybody could push you off...that sort of idea if you have said the right or the wrong thing because you are so 'off-centre' was a mystery to me how I got through that lunch without saying something 'offensive' because you have no idea of yourself or how you should act...horrible.

RIMINGTON was wearing a BURGUNDY velvet affair...and I wonder if this is where TOMLINSON got his 'it is all winerant wine for the rest of us' image from his PAS emails?

I wonder who is 'feeding' these images onto the INTERNET?

The last one was the image of TOMLINSON with a very red face, answering the white telephone - but that has now completely disappeared from the INTERNET.

Other notes:

The latest SIMPSON comic has a code behind the SCARY JUMPING BAT freebie upon the front. (You saw the tapes of Petronella doing her 'bat dance' around the Templar Castle bonfire, didn't you? Own up.)

"Henbrandt E10 7FB"

3107 FB

Another of those 'oily' 1471 variations...and so I called it and got 'TELE-PHONY SERVICES' again. For some reason, TOMLINSON is telling me that it is important to expose this as an MI5 front.

It also made me think about E numbers in general.

What is E107?

I suppose in iqbl, we are talking about E-OIL.

I wonder if 'iqbl' is a shortening of ISTANBUL?

I keep thinking about the Turkish design/architecture of the DR SEUSS books.

You have CON STAN TIN OPLE (I am getting 'opals' here).

Then after colonialism - you have the Turkish name of I STAN BUL.

STAN is ILL shorthand for SATAN.

If one sees iqbl and ISTANBUL as equations, then STAN = Q

If the head of MI6 is 'M' and referred to as 'Mother' and the head of MI5 is called 'C' - you have the MC but who then, is Q?

Q according to STAR TREK is this time-travelling 'alien' who keeps on testing Captain Kirk because he is a favourite 'pet' of his. Q tends to turn up wearing Catholic/Anglican vestements and upon a regal throne...a bit like a POPE but perhaps a lesser 'archbishop' or something like that.

Who is Z then?

Is this the ZENO cult?

What was the AMBASSADOR'S name again? I cannot remember it...some Professor of something...why has the BRITISH GOVERNMENT wiped him off all lists at the FCO? Where would he appear upon this list?

It is quite clear that MARK RICKENBACH and this man - were in cahoots together, in Switzerland.

I wonder if the RICKSON family are distantly related?

I remember the phrase 'TO INFINITY AND BACK' as a programming command.

I now realise what DAVE THE PLANET was all about in Q POOTLE 5.

It is an anagram of VA-ED.

ADONAI ELOHEINU MELECH HA Hebrew VA-ED signifies the kingdom of G-d 'forever and ever' -VA-ED is literally translated as INFINITY.

So DAVE represents 'infinity'.

Q and PSI (oopsy) are on a mission to tie the 'bladder monsters' to infinity...until SATURDAY.

Why SATURDAY? It is the Sabbath but also the word comes from SATURNALIA - it has a ROMAN derivation. The feast of SATURNALIA when the 'son of G-d' is taunted, humiliated and eventually murdered at the end of it.

I have been thinking about the crystals in the urine - used in ancient Chinese medicine...the Chinese were the first civilisation, to discover the properties of the endocrinal/gland system of the human body and used these crystals in various remedies.

However, in simple terms...all mammals, including humans - are pheremonally, sexually excited by the scent of the urine of a member of the opposite sex. It is a basic 'mating' signal and so animals tend to sniff it order to find the nearest available 'mates'. It is an 'aphrodisiacal' scent - however peculiar it might sound to us - human urine doesn't normally have much of a scent if at all - that is tangible - unless you haven't drunk enough water or are suffering from some illness. It is the pheromones involved which are not necessarily picked up by the nose, which work upon the brain.

So in Q POOTLE 5 - we are talking about 'sniffing something in the urine' - 'va-ed' or infinity (DAVE the planet) i.e. the pineal gland - is directly affected by the 'bladder monsters' - something in the urine.

The image of DAVE with the 'blown up' particles attached to it...keeps him 'happy' until SATURNALIA.

It appears to be some sort of exercise in 'distraction'.

I wonder if that is why the TEMPLARS' first rite was to urinate upon each other, naked...and then wrestle in their own urine?

It was designed to have some sort of a 'bonding' effect upon their minds. All 'brothers' together.

Other notes:

Free-associating, last night...I came across a longstanding British TV series that Helen and Edward had loved...BLACK ADDER.


Helen loved the dynamic between BLACKADDER and BALDRIC(K)...she loved the character of BALDRIC and would laugh, just to see his face...

So are we talking about how the RA CULT had so deeply embedded itself into the minds of PI writers/ILL slaves that it all came out in popular culture? Did the writers of this series who included BEN ELTON and ROWAN ATKINSON...have any real idea of what they were subconsciously throwing up because from where I am sitting...this looks like the interplay between the AMBASSADOR and MARK RICKENBACH.

Perhaps it is a bit of an 'anachronism' - we have the most famous series set in the court of ELIZABETH I - but change the scene to the reign of ELIZABETH II...and there is something to be gleaned from this particular series...

Personally, I loved MIRANDA RICHARDSON's portrayal of the psychotic queen - probably because she rather reminded me of RIMINGTON and her paranoid schizophrenic ways...

I was never really a fan of the various series because I only really found it funny where BLACKADDER has to grovel in front of the psychotic bad as each other...but one tended to have more sympathy with BLACKADDER within those sequences...I remember ROWAN ATKINSON saying about this character...or was it MR BEAN...people might 'love' them but they are in fact very nasty characters indeed and one should never lose sight of that...just because they are 'funny'.

So in real life - the AMBASSADOR/BLACK ADDER and RICKENBACH/BALDRIC did actually manage to overthrow the 'queen' - be it Rimington and or Elizabeth II...

MARK RICKENBACH was very touchy about his hair loss by his fact, one wonders if that is hereditary to this 'family'...I remember IAN RICKSON beginning to go bald in his late teens...and being horrified by it.

Who was the foppish gentleman of the aristocracy in the series...I remember that HUGH LAURIE became the 'heart-throb' of so many women - including Sarah/Lisa/Susan at the DTO in Prague and within this very role...which I could never understand. He is Black Adder's faithful but completely dumb friend - who helps him in his plotting. I wonder about that order to fantasise about him in this would have to assume the role of 'Black Adder'...because that is the relationship which is embodied...

Other notes:

I remember those disgusting 'fat balls' of chocolate with ground up nuts in, wrapped in GOLD paper...which IAN RICKSON and PETRA PHELPS loved, at Essex University and bought them for all of their friends for Xmas...what is the was in the sale rack at SUPERDRUG recently...something like D'OR...

Anyway, I knew it was the 'JAMES BOND' TV advertisement that had drawn them in...where you have a sort of luxurious 60's party which has been thrown by the AMBASSADOR...and all the wealthy elite gather to enjoy this 'pyramid' of fat balls in golden foil...(because there isn't much chocolate in them at all)...what was the strap line 'at the AMBASSADOR'S request' or something like that...

I wonder now - how many companies this 'Ambassador' owned? That is, the 'ambassador' in Switzerland, who 'fell' off a mountain, courtesy of the CIA.

Heather Kempson should thank me for stopping her 'having a word with the Ambassdor - I am going to tell him what I think of him' Prague 1995, upon this man's appointment there...she might have had a knitting needle stuck through her back, if she had gone through with it. What did she know about him? She obviously had a big bone to pick with him, about something.

Other notes:

What was the name of that chocolate brand...CARTE D'OR...MENU OF GOLD...GOLD MENU...

I can now see why D'OYLY CARTE was a big one for DALDRY - it must have been a punning joke i.e. 'the oily menu'...

MEN U GOLD...this would be part and parcel of TUTANKHAMEN programming then...also that Babylonian god who was a prophet turned god...encased in gold...MARDUK or something like it...and that is tied in with SCOOBY DOO programming, I am quite sure of it...that cartoon of a dog, was also called MARDUKE somewhere else...

Other notes:

After finding out about the SHRINE upon TUNISIA...I wonder if this is a rival MASONIC group...DALDRY had been very worried about the power of the SHRINERS in the USA, in 2001 and had arranged meetings with is the SHRINER'S mythical 'base' at that shrine in TUNISIA?

The term ABADA...and variations upon it...has come up several times fact, it even makes me think of the PRIVATE EYE cartoon about the CLINTONS who have been personified as the FLINTSTONES...and each cartoon ends with HILARY throwing her husband over her shoulder as he yells 'YABADABAD DOO!'

Other notes:

The ILL CULT is enshrined in popular culture everywhere...THE BEATLES were MI6's first prototype 'mind control boy pop group'...

OH BLAD E OH BLADD AR life goes on - BRA' this another reference to 'bladders'?

There is also a BLACK PURSE seaweed - which is called a 'BLADDER' something and also a 'mermaid's purse' which was used in mother used to show us how these pods could be 'popped' open, as children...

So is BL ADDER more to do with WOMB imagery then?

If so, then Q POOTLE 5 imagery, is even more disgusting than I might have imagined. 3 'wombs' are blown up...aeriated, for some reason...and attached to 'va-ed'...and what is 'va-ed'? To RICK AND BACK? To infinity and back?

I wonder now - is this a primitive fear of the WOMB behind all of this? Are 'oopsy' and 'Q pootle 5' simply terrified of wombs? Are they representative of 'sperm'?

I am also wondering about the commonality: OOP - POO

The ILL CULT is well-known for its obsession with human faeces.

Is this anything to do with 'potty training' and ILL children...there is something here that I haven't remembered...but being covered in one's own 'poo' was part of early ILL programming...

I suppose this is basically to break down the natural fear and anxiety that all children have about 'poo' because it is poisonous to the human system and has to be excreted safely...but the ILL CULT wanted kids to see it as 'positive' rather than 'negative'...all part of Satanism but also closet the boys to be homosexual in later life...and in order to get them to worship the 'anus' - they had to break down any fears about 'poo'.

I can still remember DALDRY licking between the butt cheeks of DAVID MILIBAND at the deserted HARWICH PRIMARY SCHOOL in 1980 because he was, according to DALDRY, the young man who kept himself the least 'clean' and DALDRY loved the taste...RIMINGTON watched him in great amusement...ILL programming had worked the best on DALDRY.






T SELL = torture cell


The three 'bladder monsters' must have been about some diabolical way to make young children terrified of the WOMB. I really do not want to know what the ILL did in relation to this type of programming.

What I do remember is that upon JAMAICA - DALDRY had rubbed SAND into my vagina until it was red-raw and I literally couldn't move from the pain of it and had to be hospitalised - given morphine to stop the pain.

SAND = SILICON - SALT - SEL (in French)

Other notes:

I can now see why I kept trying to get DALDRY to publicly admit to being gay, at that party in Prague 1995 and how he resolutely wouldn't admit to it at all. He preferred the term 'pan-sexual'.

I suppose that a lot of these men subconsciously realise that they had been 'conned' and diverted from their natural course of sexual development and so are in a quandary as to where they really stand upon the issue of sexuality. Most of them, simply cannot make up their minds and refuse to do so.

I remember reading an interview with NICHOLAS HYTNER upon that issue - who was 'out' and gay but told the interviewer that he sometimes mused upon how his life might have been if he had grown up straight.

I suppose if one looks at the over-arching idea of the ILL CULT - it was to create a 'population' control device - i.e. program everyone to think of themselves as 'gay' or 'lesbian' on the other side of the mirror and there you have it - an obedient slave population who will only procreate upon request and are therefore a 'controlled group' of test subjects for further genetic experimentation without the results being 'muddied' by 'rogue sperm'.

Other notes:

I had noted the ADIE new black basket upon my bike some time ago...and immediately thought KATE ADIE...MARK had wanted me to have this basket at some point...I then thought that is because this ILL GAME is still continuing.

This is the RAW LIBRARY 'War Zone' book upon the poster - hence the joke reference to KATE ADIE.

I can now see that the CIA had taken the reins of the game off MARK but were letting it continue (with so many programmed ILL slaves in this country - programmed to take part in it) for reasons of their own.

After this WAR ZONE book upon the QUICK READS poster - as far as I can remember - we are then into the cutting off of the GAS PIPELINE because MEANIE FREENIE is too mean to pay up.

I was supposed to see this person as TOMLINSON.

Anyway, TOMLINSON then began to 'sing' to me BACK OFF BOOGALOO i.e. my remote-viewing 'plane' alter - he must be expecting a psychic attack at some point.

I do not care anymore. I am simply going to go on holiday again. I am not going to sit here during the sick war over this flat - until I see my money. I shall leave around the 8.10.08 and return if I have to i.e. if my money runs out and no more is forthcoming as probably a couple of weeks in the sun somewhere but definitely not TUNISIA or any GREEK ISLAND...or the SOUTH OF FRANCE and nowhere near CANNES - apart from that - could be anywhere. I haven't made my mind up yet but still quite a bit of time...I will book a flight next week.

Other notes:

A rather 'open' conversation appears to be happening under my living room window between a guy who looks rather like BRICHTO and two guys - one with a THE BILLY cap on his head...the 'Brichto' guy is trying to allay their fears but he doesn't appear to be doing much good upon that score...'we will sort something out'...really? With the SAUDI MONEY gone and the TEMPLAR NAZI gold gone - just how are you going to 'sort it all out'?

I get the feeling that this ad hoc meeting has just occurred because it is imperative for them to get me out of this flat before 10.10.08 and now that they know that they will not...they are getting very nervous indeed - why TOMLINSON?

I forgot to mention that yesterday, after I had written about TOMLINSON living like a 'queen' in San Francisco...this was TOO MUCH for a RIMINGTON-type who burst out of the front door of either this house or the next one...and shrieked at full volume:


I didn't bother to look at who it was...sounded like a Rimington-type but I really do not care, anymore.

I can 'hear' so many of the ILL hissing at me on the network 'that bloody bitch' because they know that their illicit and ill-gotten gains are now gone and that me demanding what is mine - infuriates them even more...they were expecting so much money off the ILL CULT and now to hear that it is technically bankrupt...or rather those who work for the CROWN and BRITISH INTELLGENCE who are part of this smuggling cult and who were supposed to PAY them and now cannot...the whole thing is falling apart.

I suppose that they do not care if I see them on the street, at this point in the 'ILL GAME'. I suppose that as they were all programmed as 'camels' and not allowed to have ordinary, 'decent' and well-paid jobs in society - this has all come as a real blow.

The ROYAL FAMILY should start selling off their palaces, lands and priceless antique collections (go and dig up the loot that you buried in Queensland)...and pay back all of their slaves.

The fact that the Queen was reported as asking for nearly £10 million from the tax-payer the other day, is guaranteed to please NOBODY. Hoisted by their own petard again, rather like after DIANA's death and their refusal concerning the flag over BUCKINGHAM PALACE ...but this time it is about money, rather than murder.

I would guess that RIMINGTON will now be promising the 'camels' other mafia trades like armaments, contacting the 'cocaine' suppliers again etc...but one can see that the CIA might have put certain 'blocks' in the way - aforethought.

Other notes:

Thinking about MARK'S 'FLYING MONKEYS' now...and also the BIRDS OF THE AIR...that would be MARTIN AYRE'S 'BIRDS' wouldn't it?

What we are talking about are the 'NEURAL ROOTS' that MARK had implanted in my head - microchips in short, which were to act like satellite dishes.

He explained this sick part of the ILL game in the following terms:

Victims of the 13th one ILL game - were to have 'angels' and 'demons' upon their right and left shoulder, respectively. These entities would whisper and guide the individual.

I told MARK that I didn't want either. He simply smiled in a rather evil and secretive way. He then said that I had to have them - so I said that I only wanted 'angels'. He replied that it was easier - most people found it easier to have 'angels' and 'demons' in terms of an internal dialogue.
I refused. MARK then agreed to give me only 'angels' but added that they could LIE. So what type of ANGEL was that then? Those that could LIE?

I can now see that he most certainly wasn't talking about real angels or demons - nor did I think that at the time - the phrase 'NEURAL ROOT' doesn't suggest 'heavenly bodies' - it suggests an implant.

So the basic ILL idea was this - that you had two groups of WANKERS - who had been classified as either 'angels' or 'demons' who were given access to the radio chip implant inside your skull - who would then go to 'war' inside your head - in terms of who 'ran' you and would try to direct you, towards what THEIR TEAM wanted.

I suppose the fact that these were ordinary ILL CULT HUMAN BEINGS...not particularly bright or talented because they would naturally be high up in the ILL CULT...and MEDIOCRITY is the order of merit within this cult...meant that even those classified as 'angels' would have their own interests to defend and so wouldn't necessarily tell you the truth about anything. I mean what the hell is a 'good ILL cult' member? Isn't that an immediate oxymoron?

So, for the record PAT ANDREW...when you talked about hearing 'angels' who were your spirit guides at ACORN VILLAGES LTD...I am sorry to disillusion you but they were NO SUCH THING. Kick them out of your head and do NOT let them guide you unless they agree to tell the truth, for once.

I wonder now...if the CIA hadn't given me a 3rd neural root implant...because their network must be quite extensive...which would be where the Saudi imput had come from...

It is almost like being a DJ with 'phone-ins' asking for different records and you can select from the mix...

The point here is that it should have been 'subliminal' and if it hadn't been for the 'nurse' who had decided not to puncture/damage my pineal gland again...the radio implants would have worked upon my subconscious mind rather than coming directly to consciousness...

I am beginning to get the hang of this now.

I was in here as a substitute for TOMLINSON which made the ILL GAME even more complicated - the 'angels' and 'devils' had to gain control of TOMLINSON by PROXY i.e. through me and they ALL failed to do so. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

Thereby condemning their SLAVE-DRIVING GAME to nothing - a complete and utter waste of time and abject FAILURE.

Therefore one can now state that once out of the 'net' - TOMLINSON was never going to get caught again. RICHARD TOMLINSON has therefore officially won the 'MOST DANGEROUS GAME' i.e. that of being hunted down by ILL SLAVE DRIVERS once he had managed to get free and I am quite sure that he had very many supporters within the UK ILL CULT itself and perhaps worldwide.

Cathy O' Brien had talked about this ILL GAME in relation to the BUSH/CHENEY MOB...she had termed this hunting down of human beings, like animals, as THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME.

I can now see that the ILL were really hunting down MARK PHILIPS - an ex-FBI officer rather than CATHY herself.

By saving her life - he had exposed himself. He had probably been progammed with 'Beauty and the Beast' as TOMLINSON and myself, had been programmed.

I knew some while ago that the ILL were using me as 'bait' to get to TOMLINSON and therefore prevaricated to a certain extent as to where he was.

One can only hope that the CIA have given him proper shelter - after having found out that they were all programmed as LOBSTERS - one can see that many people who thought that they hadn't been ILL-programmed, were in fact, highly programmed themselves.

Once they had found out where MARK had intended to relocate him in San Francisco - one hopes that they had put him somewhere else.

The fact that there has been no news publicly - is probably 'good news'.

You can see why the UK ILL would be desperate to get their hands upon him again - as far as I know - he was the only person who could 'soul-trap'. That is the primary reason as to why RIMINGTON had valued him so highly and why he has to stay FREE of those sick and insane people.

It is IMPERATIVE that you remain FREE, RICHARD TOMLINSON. A massive amount depends upon this - the UK ILL will only use you again - force you to do the most terrible things and I would never forgive you, if you did. You tried to do the right thing around the corners of what RIMINGTON was forcing you to saved IAN RICKSON'S brother from that dungeon, as I didn't punish me when you were supposed to do so upon her orders...and now it is of the utmost importance that you remain free. You must NEVER soul-trap for the ILL again.

I am free to come and go as I please now. I was never the 'hunted prey' within this sick game.



I will NEVER find out where RICHARD TOMLINSON is and I haven't the slightest inclination to do so. NEVER AGAIN.

If anybody wants any MONEY - then they had better knock upon the door of the ROYAL FAMILY (and not on 'wood' anymore) - they are the only ones who appear to have any, at present, in this country.

I can now see that this has been an over-riding ILL OBSESSION with Richard Tomlinson - even 'Collie-dog' was on to that one in a flash, upon one of his blogspots...talking about somebody's 'shrine' that they had dedicated to Tomlinson's willy. You have to laugh - I would, if I were Richard Tomlinson - but there again, maybe not, if somebody was doing the same, with photographs of my vagina.

One can see from this just how sick the ILL are - slavering over their CCTV screens - like sick dogs - hoping to catch a glimpse of Tomlinson in the nude, engaged in various roleplays/sexual acts...and desperately trying to 'direct' it all like some 'film' from behind the scenes...with radio implants etc.

Other notes:

I cycled to the pier to get a ferry timetable - I might just go to SHOTLEY again tomorrow - if they are running - it will soon be Autumn I guess, the ferry service will close down for the winter.

Anyway, I then cycled back to where the NAVAL office is and walked under that bridge...and saw some children playing upon ropes there - hanging from underneath the bridge...the tide was out and they were accessible despite a 'DEEP MUD' warning in front of them.

I then 'got it' - there was a large GREEN knotted fishing net and this was tied by a WHITE rope to a massive ORANGE ROPE which was hanging down vertically from the I untied the WHITE rope and let the ORANGE ROPE and GREEN NET fall apart.

Thus, the END OF THE GAME was symbolised. No more GREEN NET - no more ORANGE slaves to be caught by it.

I then walked along to see that somebody had tried to scrub off the 'noughts and crosses' that SCARLETT had inscribed upon the BLACK boat but incredibly, they still remained...even though they had only be done in 'dust'...somehow this had made an indelible mark upon the boat...even though somebody had sandpapered it.

There had been a big clean-up around there but there were still ORANGE batteries and OIL containers around...

I then walked back along the beach to have another look at the BEACHED GREEN BOAT...and found that somebody had removed the GREY CLOTH and the WOODEN PLUG from its side. Nearly all of the COLOURED 'BALLOONS' had also gone from inside it - apart from the 'Royal colours' of blue and white.

I then saw that its anchor at the front of the boat had been put into an old TIN enamalled VICTORIAN BATH which had sand and pebbles in the bottom of it...and the anchor at the back was embedded in the sand...for a laugh, I decided to try to pull it out but couldn't.

Finally, I picked up my bike (from the barrier) knowing that somebody had wanted me to leave it there for 5.45...for some reason, that had been shouted up to my window last night...and cycled on to find out what I really wanted to know about...and that was a Masonic sign that the second BROWN hut by the LOWER LIGHTHOUSE had been singled out...and a little black and white dog had been tied to a padlock at the back of it.

I then returned home - after having a look in the PUBLIC LOOS by the higher lighthouse...and noting that the loos were SHIRES loos for some reason...I do not know why that was important...and that outside the higher lighthouse was a sign by the large FLOWER BASKET, with an ARROW which pointed to the first house upon WEST STREET which said WESTMINISTER why would it say that?

I wonder about that little dog...was that supposed to represent Richard Tomlinson...or who? Who is tied to that brown beach hut? More likely to be MILIBAND, really.

Anyway, I then got on my bike again and something odd happened...I RIPPED the outside of my white 'fisherman' overall with the large pocket in the is actually my mother's and a designer label: NICOLE FARHI - a Jewish fashion designer who used to be married to DAVID HARE but I read somewhere that they have spilt up now...I knew this was a significant 'coincidence' but didn't quite know what to make of it...I associate the name FARHI with Turkey, for some reason...

I might also add that whilst I was at the lower lighthouse - finding that 'little dog' I was on a higher lane than the huts and could see a yacht with a dark blue sail upon it...and remembered that this was something to do with an old Greek myth about some woman giving up hope that her hero had returned and throwing herself off the cliff (the black sails are an indicator that Perseus/Theseus whoever it was, did not survive)...not that I would do that for anyone but figure it was probably related to TOMLINSON for some reason but have always known that any rumours of his death will be 'greatly exaggerated'.

Other notes:

If there is a price on TOMLINSON'S head which one can assume there is - there will be no pay-outs because the ILL have no money to do so. Remember, it is a highly criminal offence to stalk, kidnap and murder another human being and really, what is the point when you will NOT get paid for it?

If it is a question of 'honour' - whose honour? Or a matter of 'principle'? Yours or the ROYAL FAMILY'S or Rimington's or Akhenaton (who is a little balding chap) who will all lose the 'game' if Tomlinson isn't caught.

It is all very 'WIZARD OF OZ' isn't it? The 'little man in his special effects box'.

Where would you like to meet your end, Akhenaton? Off a mountain like the Ambassador? Because you have a load of LOBSTERS on your tail now and you are not going to shake them off.

Other notes:

I saw a DVD of a film called THE EYE which had been especially made to program those like myself - once we had begun to wake up from ILL abuse. Naturally, it is made by PARAMOUNT and heavily invested in by the ROYAL FAMILY - 'Liongate' films.

To give you an idea of the plot - a young woman musician, who identifies with her STRADIVARIUS - begins to 'wake up' after having been 'BLIND' for so long. She has the 'milky blue' eyes of a SEER and undergoes an operation to restore her sight.

Rather like the SIMPSONS latest magazine TREEHOUSE OF HORROR in which BART says 'I see dead people' - you know that this is going to be the usual sort of fare but this time, in the form of an ILLuminati victim, waking up to ILLuminati abuse and this being framed as a mysterious phenomenon. In point of fact, this film is all about esoteric claptrap, mingled with a bit of truth, concerning ILLuminati survivors and what happens to them.

The ILLuminati programming imagery mounts up...frame after frame...until the young woman gets to the 13th floor by lift and then walks up to the 14th floor to meet up with some young child alter of hers who defenestrates itself...she then meets another 'teenage' alter of herself, who then hangs herself after giving her glimpses of the 'future' and a calamity waiting to happen...the young woman saves the day but is blinded again and the homily, at the end of the movie, is along the lines of: 'I am better off being blind (to ILLuminati abuse), it safer that way'.

The only indication of any 'truth' in this movie is the, as yet unproven, hypothesis that 'organ transfer' can also result in cellular memory transfer. I can vouch for that one - it is true, from my own experience but there is nothing 'esoteric' about it.

Anyway, this woman keeps on waking up at 1.06 and the number 106 keeps flashing up at her in her nightmares, of extreme horror, regarding a child being burnt alive etc...the usual 'radio implant' ILLuminati abuse going on here but naturally the script does NOT include the reasonable premiss that she has had a radio implant put in, or that would spoil the whole 'spooky' plot, wouldn't it?

The poor woman keeps on going through flashbacks and thinks that she is seeing 'somebody else's life' and 'another woman in the mirror' until she meets her doppleganger (herself, on 'the other side of the mirror') and this 'other self' then commits suicide - one of the usual ILL ways to create an NDE in one of their victims i.e. by hanging them.

This is a really slow and boring movie in many ways, when you have the keys to decode it - therefore, even when putting it on fastforward (and with subtitles on, to get the gist of the dialogue) - the whole film went at a snail's pace.

What really struck me forcibly at the end of this movie is, just how far the ILL will go to cover up their sick games and their sick minds - and just how much money they will throw at this type of shitty, mind control programming material, to do so.

So in a nutshell, the ILL are framing the survivors of ILL abuse, who wake up to it, as:

'SEERS' who hear 'voices' and 'see' another person in the mirror who is 'not them'...they then see things that 'are not there' out of the corner of their eyes (terror of a programmer - I haven't touched upon this programming as such) and get flashbacks to 'somebody else's life'...they then wake up at the 'same time' every night, after hideous nightmares...and a number or numbers, will flash at them for no apparent reason...they may also see 'aliens' who are coming to take the souls of people, who have recently died, away...strange 'coincidences' will mount...they will start to feel like they are going crazy and nobody will believe the end, they will wish that they were 'sightless' again and this 'gift' will be granted...

SICK, isn't it?

I haven't had all of the symptoms of the above - I have never hallucinated but I was certainly radio-chipped and I am most definitely NOT hallucinating that one because luckily, I regained the memory of when and where this operation took place.

You can do a lot to fuck up a person's mind, with an implanted radio chip.

In fact, it is quite 'low-tech' wizardry in its way - my guess is the ILL have been experimenting with radio-chips, at least, since WWII. I suppose this type of experimentation would have started off in respect to war campaigns and military battlefields - if the soldier loses his radio - his 'controllers' can still keep in touch.

Additionally, each soldier will have been chipped in order for a radar to pick up where they are upon the battlefield - as we were chipped in our middle molars, on the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE course in 1980 and NOT told that we had been (just another 'medical check' i.e. trip to the dentist - who used gas on us all) - then given the horrific task of trying to hide for 2 weeks whilst being hunted down by our controllers - as I have previously related in other notes. This was not to 'test' the equipment which they already knew worked - it was to prove to us 'there is nowhere you can run and nowhere you can hide'. As the SAS Captain at FORT MONCKTON, was to say to me: 'You can never retire. Nobody gets out of here alive. '

One wonders now about the distinct LACK of Army radios - stated as a formal complaint, by the British Army to the MOD - in Iraq. I suppose nobody wants to admit that many of the military will have been radio-chipped BUT without their knowledge - and that therefore, the radios given out, are mainly 'for show'.

This has all been a massive cover-up and for so many years - leaving the ILL free to continue with their 'experimentation' and to degenerate into playing sick games with their 'micro-chipped slaves'.

I pity those who framed this horrible experience of 'waking up' as something 'going wrong with their minds' or put it into some horrible 'esoteric' context.

I pity those who went to their doctors to get un-necessary heavy-duty pharmaceutical drugs upon prescription.

Those like SHANA LEWIS, even admitted that the 'drugs do not work'. Nobody in their right mind would take them but ILL victims are in the hands of their abusers who will not admit to the radio-chipping (leaving their victims distraught, alienated and 'in the dark') and have therefore taken no steps to take these radio-chips out. I was even told by JOANNE COLLIE that the one put into the spinal cord of ILLuminati children - is not possible to be taken out because the spinal column had then grown around it.

I can understand why such an operation would be too dangerous to perform but what is entirely unforgivable is that this chip was then used to continue to control SHANA. In effect, to terrorise her.

MI6 has radio-control centres which use the BT PHONE MASTS to continue this sick practice. The ILL of this country would prefer that these people, went crazy, took un-necessary drugs which damaged their livers and shortened their lives, committed suicide or ended up in jail...rather than admit to their hideous malpractices.

To make matters worse - as I have already outlined - these military 'secrets' regarding mind control were stolen and sold to multinationals, who are now in the business of creating their own 'mind control slave' bases. This practice has been spear-headed by the ILL elite families and in particular the ROCKEFELLER family.

Other notes:

Details...I was thinking about 'locks' and the locking in of programming and how DALDRY had told me 'when your scar heals - you will remember everything - you must never let it heal'...and for so many years, I didn't even notice it, upon my ankle, although other people would point it out now and then as 'dry skin - scar tissue'...and it looked a bit like psoriasis/elephantitis i.e. raised tissue...with a W carved upon it to symbolise the WINDSORS and the 'eye' i.e. 'ankh' image.

I looked at the remains of this scar recently and the last, faint bit of red - which had formed a W - has now completely disappeared...and my guess is that this was because of outing MARTIN AYRES - who had been working for MANNINGHAM-BULLER and therefore, the ROYALS by proxy.

The above, demonstrates the power of subliminal programming/hypnosis and psychosomatosis...

My scar had first begun to heal in ISRAEL and the Christians there, framed it as a 'minor miracle' and to expect many, in Jerusalem...but that was NOT the case. It is all about 'mind control' as SHARON wisely told me.

I then began to think about the locks that are on this EAGLE HOUSE and realised that they were all representative of different ILL military or multinational factions and their 'radio band' wavelengths:

WREN BIRD (formerly) now ERA - FLAT 3

Funnily enough...I have just been bitten by a flea, near to this scar...MR TOM has been nit-picking his fur all summer and as he rubs against me at the computer, the inevitable happens...

But I have been thinking about that insect book that I reviewed in my notes some while ago...having remembered that MARK had mentioned that the main top tier of programmers were all 'insects'...and so wondered who the FLEAS might be...upon the backs of their MI6 'animals'...

Is there an anagram here? ASLEF...FALSE...ALFES...SEAL F...SE ALF...ALEFS...FLESA...SALFE...SAFE L...FLESA...ESALF...FALES...FASEL...

I began to think about INSECT programmers again because I had met so many of them in my youth e.g. JOHN MORTIMER...and also more recently e.g. CHARLES SAATCHI at the Templar Castle...and now in the recent TREEHOUSE OF HORROR SIMPSONS magazine...we have HOMER transformed into a ROACH of KAFKA-proportions...after getting on the wrong side of G-d for not performing his NOAH duties in terms of building of the ARK, to the letter (which needed a Plutonium Quark-leap converter)...apparently G-d wanted a spaceship and not just a flying ship...the JEWISH reference to SUCCOT at this time of the year appears to be in SUCCOTASH...

Other notes:

I had another weird intimation last night...I had been forewarned about the time '5.45' by some mind control slaves in the street (normal practice for BI operatives staying in this flat - Rimington and Scarlett had put up with the same thing, during their stay here) the other night...that last night, RIMINGTON had been supposed to use her key in the lock - break into this flat in her 'invisibility garb' and get me under mind control again...of course, it didn't happen but MR TOM was insistent that he wanted to go out, at that very point in time...5.45 this morning...and I wouldn't let him, just to make sure...made him wait 10 minutes...

All I can say is that I have a very tangled web of plans in terms of chronologies that have been set in motion and that pop up now and again...whether or not they actually happen.

For example - MARK's plan for the TUBE CRASH and also his plan for TOMLINSON to retire in San Francisco...I find out about these planned events but have no idea whether or not they have happened, will happen or are happening now or won't happen/didn't happen etc.

One could say that 7/7 was MARK'S plan BUT that I wasn't on the tube that crashed and I have no idea if other mind control slaves were father turned up in London, about 1/2 hour before it happened so he could have been involved but wasn't...made it to the Eurostar in time...I know that SHANA LEWIS wasn't involved because she telephoned me a year or so later (what year was 7/7 anyway...I am none too sure - need to check this)...

I then have the new CIA plan and version of events which is to get me to walk through MARK/RIMINGTON'S plan for my future (and their sick 'documentary/film') but to expose it all to the public...i.e. the whole trip to Switzerland and back, recently...

I then have MARK'S RAW LIBRARY agenda in terms of a set chronology involving his QUICK READS books poster - this was a BBC/MI6 project...and have now got to the second to last square in terms of WAR ZONE and the 'Katie Adie' reference...what a joke...

Other notes:

I have now been given the identity of ANNE ADENEY - quite obvious really if one thinks about it (AND takes away the wig and glasses) but will reveal that one, at a later date.

Anonymous said...


That was IAN RICKSON wasn't it?

Another 'freebie' from the brotherhood after 'she' left the ROYAL COURT THEATRE.

Anonymous said...

What a FIND!

Read all about the 'computerised' 13th ONE here:

The 13 ISBN barcode is bollocks but an interesting point that this PC actually admits to have been working for CERN.

Black Rabbit said...

Her code would have been something like: 44454 (basic principle is exchange numbers for alphabet upon a phone).

She would need to get hold of her IBM code too - in letters or numbers e.g. HIIBM or 41163 - the last two digits will detail her 'expiry date'.

Anonymous said...

I get the picture of where this mind control slave is coming from. Read the PDF file attached to the website:

"I still attended the church of St Mary Magdalen for Mass on Sunday and my
bookshelf of religious books steadily increased. When my parents visited Oxford they
came to Mass with me, although I am not sure that they really enjoyed the incense and
Latin. Sometimes we went to worship at the cathedral, in Christ Church College
instead. In 1972 I wanted to go to Rome for Easter and fortunately my mother was
interested in going there too. "

Black Rabbit said...

This chapter (from Pauline Curtis' diary) is worth a read:


Working at CERN, the Best Research Lab in the World
Having rejected the opportunity to go to Canada, I still was interested in travel
overseas. During my final year as an undergraduate in 1973 I had seen an advert for
Summer Vacation Students to work at the ‘Conseil européen pour la Recherche
nucléaire’ (CERN), an international research establishment in Geneva. ‘Scientific
research lives and flourishes in an atmosphere of freedom - freedom to doubt,
freedom to enquire and freedom to discover. These are the conditions under which
this new laboratory has been established’; these were the words written in 1954 by Sir
Ben Lockspeiser, first President of the CERN Council. Working at CERN was going
to be a good introduction to the world of top class research.
My research interest was in computing, I was expected to get a First at Oxford, and so
I had no difficulty in winning one of the posts in the Data Handling Division, DD for
short. This was the same part of CERN which welcomed Tim Berners-Lee, the
famous inventor of the World Wide Web, some five years later. So, after finishing my
degree and before starting my DPhil research I spent three delightful summer months
near Geneva; CERN is located nearby on the Swiss/French border, at Meyrin.
CERN Summer Vacation Students did not earn very much. My letter of appointment
shows that I would receive a subsistence allowance of just 1039 Swiss francs per
month, and out of this was deducted a compulsory 1.79% for accident and health
insurance. Ladies stayed in single study bedrooms in a Hostel on site. Men had the
choice between the same Hostel and the cheaper dormitory accommodation. My room
was 12 Swiss francs per night. The better standard of accommodation meant that I had
less money to spend on food and travel. Although I did receive an advance on the first
months pay, it was not very much. I recall that the staple at the end of the first month
for dinner was a slice of ham with chips, and sometimes the luxury of sticky apple
pastries. I have retained my liking for pastries ever since. The start of the second
month meant that my standard of eating improved. Also there was a daily ritual with
my boss of going out to the central restaurant area mid-morning for a minute cup of
very strong black coffee. It was partly a social occasion and gave the chance for
people to talk about their research and swap ideas. I remember that most evenings
during the week I ate at the canteen and carried on working, or attended lectures. The
site was active twenty four hours each day and seven days each week because of the
equipment which was running. And it was a long bus trip from Meyrin to the centre of
Although my office was only in a temporary building, it was a room to myself and I
could concentrate on learning the programming language Fortran IV and making my
contribution to the developing Graphics package GD3. I have always found it easier
to work when I was on my own. As a student numerical analyst I was going to be
responsible for providing a suitable routine for carrying out interpolation. I was not
expected to do this from first principles. The method used was one written in 1970 in
the Computer Journal, and described in a research report in 1972 by M.J.D. Powell
and his colleagues at Harwell, the UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment near
Oxford. My work was based on Fortran coding which had been also published in the
Computer Journal and was in use by the Harwell Subroutine Library. In those days
libraries of useful programmes were freely available and shared between
programmers. The publication of numerical algorithms and code was an important
part of spreading best practice and moving research in numerical methods forwards.
At Oxford the Numerical Algorithms Group, Nag Ltd, formerly based in Nottingham,
was just beginning to make a commercial business providing tested numerical
I was also involved in modifying and improving existing routines and writing test
programmes to test the system thoroughly before it was added to the program library.
This was in 1973 and the computer facilities at CERN were the best in the world, with
Control Data Corporation CDC 6400 and CDC 6600 to which were added the new
CDC 7600. I still have the printout of the coding which I did. Two very important
lessons were learnt. The first was that there had to be a standard way of writing code,
so that other people could check it and change it later, if necessary. With this in mind,
my programming style was deliberately forced to be the same as that of my boss. The
second was that there must always be a lot of thorough testing. And having someone
test the software who had not written it, was a good idea. At the top of each
subroutine was a banner which stated the name of the author, the name of anyone who
had modified the code, and the dates.
Technically it was an exciting time at CERN, and this is reflected in the highlights
reported at the time of their 40th anniversary in 1994. In 1971 there had been approval
of a proposal to build a second laboratory adjoining the existing site in France and
Switzerland for the construction of a new Super Proton Synchrotron which was
initially planned to reach 300 GeV. And in 1973 the first important discoveries from
the experiments at the Intersecting Storage Rings emerged: protons grow in size as
their energy is increased; and colliding protons can produce diffraction patterns rather
like those of light bending around a disc, thus showing the wave nature of the proton.
It was with the French-built Gargamelle bubble chamber in a neutrino beam at the
Proton Synchrotron that one of CERN's greatest physics discoveries was made: it was
found that neutrinos can interact with another particle without changing into a muon.
This behaviour is known as the ‘neutral current interaction’ and was the discovery
which opened the door to what became known as ‘new physics’. It had great
implications for the theoretical ideas about the fundamental forces of physics. In
particular, it gave strong support to the theory which attempts to unite our
understanding of the weak force - governing such phenomena as radioactivity - with
the familiar electromagnetic force. All these wonders were shared with any of the
CERN staff who wanted to attend the special lectures, and I made sure that I could
attend as many of the lectures as possible. I have kept the notes of a lecture describing
Recent Work on Black Holes by a young man from Cambridge University named
Stephen Hawking. I had no idea that he would become so famous later.
Geneva is a very pretty city and there is a lot to see and do in the local area. The
waterfront, with the famous Jeu d'Eau fountain, and the waterfront gardens is
delightful. And the town is seriously historic. The Cathedral in the Old Town was
John Calvin's old church, Tenebras Lux (After darkness light). I found a Catholic
church by the Cornavin Railway station which didn't seem to mind that I stumbled
over the French words of the Mass, and struggled with the sermons.
Shopping in Geneva is good and I was overwhelmed by the variety of Swiss watches
for sale, and the astronomical prices of the best and prettiest. There was a Department
Store, Placette, and I saved my wages and bought a long cotton summer skirt and
bolero jacket there in the summer sale. My friend Ann, another Summer Vacation
Student, bought one at the same time. She was still studying for her degree at
Kingston Polytechnic and was working at CERN during the vacation. There were a
number of excellent restaurants, all too expensive on my student salary. Mostly I ate
back in the canteen at CERN where the prices were cheap, but the occasional block of
Swiss chocolate, again from Placette, went down well.
I was lucky compared with the students who worked with the experiments and my
weekends were free of work. I was determined to see as much as possible of the rest
of Switzerland. This began with the local area. In the summer there is a regular
vintage paddle steamer service. Geneva is on the western end of Lac Leman, and the
Swiss-French border goes through the middle of the lake. I took short cruises to the
beautiful French floral village of Yvoire, and then came back through Nyon and
Coppet. I had longer trips by boat to Lausanne, Montreux and Vevey but it was slow.
It was better to catch the train between Geneva and Lausanne, and then explore by
ship, including the little medieval Chateau at Chillon. Most weekends I used my
Swiss RailPass to buy reduced rate day return tickets and explore. Switzerland had an
excellent train system. Further afield the trains to Lausanne connected with others and
during the week I poured over the train timetables and visited Interlaken, Gruyere,
Zermatt and Lucerne.
I soon met other Summer Vacation Students in the canteen, as well as Ray who was
working at CERN as part of his DPhil research from Oxford University and had
brought his car with him. I much preferred to travel by train, although some of us did
go out a few times by car, to visit places which were not easy by train. It was
surprising that one of the little border roads between Switzerland and France near
CERN, which we crossed regularly, never seemed to have anyone on duty.
I was there in August and the first of August is Swiss National Day. It is a holiday, but
it is much more than a holiday. It is a time when everyone sits outside with a rough
earthenware mug of soup, or a few dozen litres of beer, and has a good time with their
neighbours. I joined the celebrations in the afternoon in Meyrin. Then in the evening,
in Geneva, there was the most fantastic firework display down by the lake. I was told
that each year a different country provided the fireworks and in 1973 the country
responsible was China. They were spectacular.
I was definitely going back to Oxford at the end of the three months, and I met some
students who were in the same position. Other students were hoping to use their
Summer Vacation Student posting as a start for applying for a more permanent job at
CERN. There were very few truly permanent jobs because these had been filled by
young people when CERN was established, and they were not yet near retirement age.
There were some good contracts for three years, and that appealed to many younger
people as the salaries were high, with the tax-free advantages which went with
working at an international facility. Even my boss at CERN was only on a series of
three year contracts, which must have been more difficult for him once his wife had
their first child. As UK nationals they were not allowed to buy somewhere to live, and
were limited to renting an apartment. Eventually, like many other workers at CERN,
they had to come back home to England.
I came back to the Oxford with a new Swiss watch, as a treat from Pete for my 21st
birthday which was in September while I was away. He came over to Geneva to visit
for a few days and stayed in the Hostel. I had spent a series of pleasant afternoons
browsing in the shop windows before getting down to a short list of two. The choice
was between Patek-Philippe (beautiful but very expensive and I could only just afford
it if I kept eating ham and chips) and Enicar (actually a more useful watch and much
less expensive). I chose the Enicar and it gave almost 20 years of useful service. Pete
had been given a Tissot watch by his parents for his 21st birthday, but I did not like
the style of their feminine versions.
While I was working my parents took the opportunity to visit me and flew over in
September for a week. It was the first time my father had travelled abroad with my
mother on holiday. I had found accommodation for them in central Geneva, but even a
cheap B&B was very expensive then because of the rate of exchange. This conversely
meant that my Swiss francs were worth a lot of pounds when I took them home. I
must have been careful with my money because I had enough money saved to buy a
Swiss fondue set and a nice pair of hiking boots when I got back to Oxford. The boots
lasted a long time and were only consigned to the rubbish heap in 2005. I still use the
fondue set.
Being away in Switzerland I never had a proper 21st birthday celebration, although
my parents had a few friends to visit when I got home. My Uncle Tom had died two
years earlier but he had always kept a few nice bottles of wine in his garage. Auntie
May was still working in her hairdressing business and had decided that my birthday
was special. She did not drink wine herself but had gone and looked to see whether
there was any of his stock of wine left. She arrived with two bottles, both fizzy. One
was a very old Pomagne, a sparkling cider, and the other was a 1953 vintage Moet
Imperial Champagne. The Pomagne was a nasty flat brown liquid, but the Champagne
was still sparkling and drinkable. I kept the empty bottle. I wished Uncle Tom had
lived to meet Pete and to share my 21st birthday.

Anonymous said...

"33 The End – but it was really only the beginning."

Uncanny how she ends up upon the 'son of G-d' number 33 in the final line of this autobiographical diary, eh?

CERN is registered on page 51.

That was the quick reference code for TOMLINSON at MI6.

Anonymous said...

Poor Pauline (and her autobiography to be published) - it gets funnnier.

After complimenting herself upon her excellent writing skills for CONSERVATIVE MINISTERS in the CIVIL SERVICE - we then get treated to this beaut:

"Here I have a book jacket in mind; it is a pastel drawing of a snowman carrying a civil service briefcase with a red double decker bus and the Houses of Parliament in the background. It was the DTI Christmas card in 1987 and when I asked BERR about permission and copyright I was told that there was no evidence of the ownership of the copyright so I would be unable to use the drawing. In any case, the snowman is obviously male and I would want to change it so she is wearing a skirt."

So this woman was programmed with SNOWMAN?

Black Rabbit said...



I picked up the last book that I needed to read - a 13th One book...designed for Tomlinson and looked through his control centre via the coding...and found out - his version of events from 2000:

He had run out of money in 2000 and so went cap in hand to MI6 for work - they gave him the 'ferryman' job'. He closed his mind to what happened to the children, after he had delivered them and had no truck with the paedophile side of things.

He was then to learn that STELLA RIMINGTON was running this paedophile ring, for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE. She then bought his mind control codes and took him as a 'husband' whilst prostituting him out to both men and women, if the price was right.

He was then ordered to attend the paedophile ring annual rites at the TEMPLAR CASTLE near Mons in 2001.

This was an annual event where the ROYAL FAMILY led by PRINCE PHILIP - abused children and then sold them off. A child slave market.

He arrived at the TEMPLAR CASTLE to meet DAVID MILIBAND - who was the first one out of the British contingent to be there. The Russians were also there but covertly. No one was necessarily aware of their presence, at that point.

The basic hierarchy at the TEMPLAR CASTLE was in relation to mind control i.e. slaves do not 'see' their controllers and those who thought that they were in control, were not necessarily, at all.

THE ROYAL FAMILY thought that they were in control but they were not.

TOMLINSON saw MARK ROCKEFELLER as low down in the scheme of things - he was simply the 'techie' - head of the CCTV centre.

In retrospect, he sees MARK as having been working for the MOSSAD and stated that there were other MOSSAD agents in disguise around the Castle, at the time.

TOMLINSON had no idea who I was working for - he said that MARK was showing people fake CIA badges as part of some deception, in reprogramming them.

However, he now realises that I was working for the FBI and in their elite class which is referred to as 'untouchables'.

Various ILL elite families were there as programmers i.e. the ROTHSCHILD programmer and the SAATCHIS but the top 'master' programmer was LOWRY.

The ARK OF COVENANT mind control program was for slaves, lower down the scale of things.

Top members of the RUSSIAN OLIGARCHIES were also present.

I have learnt the identity of the 'top man' of the entire 'event' - whom the TEMPLARS referred to as KER-RACKERS. He is of Syrian descent, lived in KARACHI until recently and currently poses as a Moslem. He is CIA-affiliated, not run by them but working with them - rather like MR PUTIN.

TOMLINSON described him as a real 'Marquis de Sade' but oddly enough - the guy apparently liked me - he likes 'strong women'. So even the so-called bad guys are on my side - even better. I had wondered about the latest SIMPSONS magazine which obliquely refers to 'G-d' as KA-RAAK...more on that one, later.

Additionally, TOMLINSON told me that SHARON had been brought up in Israel and had gone to a Jewish school - but his first language was ARABIC and he is currently registered as having two religions - HINDU and ISLAM.

TOMLINSON also told me that he is currently living in IRAN and under heavy protection by the CIA.

He then said that ISRAEL has very good relations with IRAN and that the very idea that they would want to bomb this country, was a smokescreen. They have no intention of doing any such thing.

He also told me that my operation in the Lebanon had been orchestrated by Jews and Arabs. The ARABS were very happy with it - because they knew that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had been using the PALESTINIAN people as mind control slaves, to try and get Israel back for the BRITISH CROWN.

It was therefore in Arabic interests as much as Jewish ones, to have Palestinian 'rebel groups' brought under control. The Arabs didn't want the British to have any hold over Israel, whatsoever.

So what Eliza Manningham-Buller had told Rimington to tell me - was a complete lie. BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had no reason to murder me 'clinically' after the operation, whatsoever i.e. 'because the Arabs will torture and murder her if they get hold of her', sort of thing. They would have done nothing of the sort. That was proved recently, during my stay in Israel, in the souk.

TOMLINSON then told me that his 'break' with BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had begun in 2003 when he began to spy upon RIMINGTON for the CIA.

The Templar Castle 2001 episode had traumatised him. He told me that there were piles of dead bodies all around the castle and the grounds - it was like a war zone.

STEPHEN DALDRY had been the general organiser and stage-manager of events, at that Castle.

DAVID MILIBAND thought he was 'in control' but wasn't at all - nobody trusted him and he wasn't high upon any Intelligence Agency's books.

'KER-AAKERS' had had the ROYAL FAMILY put in chains and flogged at one point but according to TOMLINSON, this family are now so mad, that they enjoyed it - more to the point - they are literally uncontrollable now by anybody - because they are so insane - even under mind control. That is why they now have to be 'dealt' with.

TOMLINSON told me that he now knew that it was me who had telephoned the FRENCH POLICE. None of them had known, at the time. The TEMPLARS had gone into a frenzy and torn them to pieces, after the two policeman had entered the building. They had then hung the bodies outside, upon the Castle walls.

This had prompted not just the attention of the BRITISH ARMY but the FRENCH and US ARMY were also involved.

TOMLINSON also said that a large amount of the young BRITISH people at the TEMPLAR CASTLE were the 'wealthy elite' of British Society. The others were from the entertainment side of things e.g. stars of the stage, screen, music business.

He then told me what would happen next. I was correct, in terms of writing about 'bombers' coming over - he had already alluded to this obliquely in 2004 (at Acorn Villages Ltd). That is what is going to happen. WWII was fought against Germany - the new 'allies' or alliance has now been grouped against the UK and WWIII will comprise of the reduction of the UK to a third world country. All major cities will be bombed - there will be no 'infra-structure' left. Those who do survive will be stranded in a 'third world country'. All ROYAL residences and land will be carpet-bombed.

I asked him about myself - absurdly enough - and COLLIE had scathingly described me as this in 1997 - I have become a HELEN OF TROY within this scenario. My story of extreme abuse by the ILL of this country has been used as PR to assemble the 'allies' i.e. this is how these filthy ILL people and their filthy British system, behave. It has been a sort of 'figurehead' for other plans i.e. the destruction of LONDON as a world banking centre. I have become a 'cause celebre' according to TOMLINSON, within Intelligence Agencies, worldwide - look at what the BRITISH did to the real author of HARRY POTTER.

I asked him if there was any chance left for the UK - remarkably TOMLINSON told me that the ROYAL FAMILY could reimburse me but the figure had now gone up to £400 million. I do not suppose that anybody would put 1p as a bet - upon them paying up in the near future and it will have to be soon because I will have left the country within the week. After that...

It is all a game, isn't it? COLLIE was quite right - I have been put up as a HELEN OF TROY and 'TROY' will be destroyed, if the ILL of this country do not pay up. That is the 'epic' that is about to be played out, in a 'literary sense'.

Additionally, TOMLINSON told me that the ILL all hate me but are powerless to touch me. The 'controllers' of this country and all of its mind control slaves - live abroad. Those who 'hate' me include the entirety of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and everyone who works for them e.g. those who live down WEST STREET but they can do nothing - if they murder me, the bombing begins, if they refuse to pay up, the bombing begins - it is a lose-lose situation for all of them.

I suppose what TOMLINSON is saying here is that this is the FINAL ULTIMATUM. The game has now ended.

MARK ROCKEFELLER is now 'dead' according to TOMLINSON but I didn't know that this simply means that he has had his memory completely wiped and is now fully under mind control again.

TOMLINSON also told me of his 'CIA' cosmetic surgery - which explains a lot - in terms of 'Tim' at ACORN VILLAGES LTD.

I will book a STENALINE FERRY this morning and look at flights from SCHIPHOL.

TOMLIINSON also told me that the plan was that I should return to see the 'result' after the bombing of the UK - this was part of it. Although I declined to do this - he was thinking along the lines of 'revenge' I suppose but I do not want to see it. As far as I can see, this isn't really about me at all and far more to do with 'fiscal' policy, internationally. My story was simply used to show how ILL the British are.

Additionally, all evil ILL mind control slaves run by the CROWN will then be 'dealt with' - those who currently live abroad. The final 'clean-up'.

I suppose this is a way of eradicating the main source of NAZISM from the globe. The fifth column had always existed in the UK - the main NAZI base apart from GERMANY in WWII and now it is the UK's turn to suffer the fate of Germany.

As a last and final warning to the ILL of this country - if this is just 'sword-rattling' - how did TOMLINSON know of the plans for the carpet-bombing the UK, in 2004? This had all been planned at least 4 years previously - and probably much further back in time.

Other notes:

To bring things down to a more mundane and prosaic level - my mother left me a message upon the ansaphone from FRANCE - a call had been left on her ansaphone in Manningtree for me.

We can guess who that was, can't we?


He had also left me a message upon my ansaphone here which I didn't even bother to listen to - simply deleted it as soon as I heard his voice. No doubt, trying to get last month's rent out of me.

The ILL and their mind control slaves - and their sick, stupid, sad, bullying ways. They never learn, do they? They never let up from their imbecilic ways.

On a more serious note - the ILL of this country have no way of retaliating against foreign attack - they are no longer in control of any of their nuclear weapons.

On an even funnier note, in regard to the UK ILL: remember the PRODIGAL SON?

G-d loves those the most, who are repentent sinners - and GEORGE BUSH has joined those ranks.

Now, you've heard it all eh, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE/ROYAL FAMILY.

Other notes:

I wonder what COLLIE was thinking of when she called me a HELEN OF TROY in 1997 in her WARWICK UNIVERSITY office?

I had no idea of what she was referring to - nobody was going to go to war over 'my looks'. I didn't even have a boyfriend at the time but had been pestered by a rather ugly and sly-looking guy who was a 'friend' of one of the lecturers in Dabydeen's centre. A white English bloke (who was apparently a computer programmer) who was friends with the ginger-haired lecturer - forget his name. When I refused to go to a country pub with him - he swore blue at me, calling me a 'stupid tart' and 'whore'. The initial conversation with this 'bloke' had been relatively interesting because he used to drink in the bar every night, with this lecturer and so had learned a considerable amount about Dabydeen's Caribbean Centre. I wisely kept my distance afterwards though and in retrospect, I can see that the 'country pub' business was a ploy to get me off campus and to kidnap me.

Was COLLIE simply guessing and in relation to what - she must have known that the HARRY POTTER books would become a huge success and that if my story ever got out - of the extreme abuse that I have suffered at the hands of the UK ILL...that this could be used against them in a HELEN OF TROY scenario. Having no memories at all concerning ILL abuse or what the ILL had made me do - apart from brief snatches of the 'other side of the mirror' whilst living in Poland - this remark bemused me greatly and so I remembered it. I found it absurdly funny, at the time. "You're a real HELEN OF TROY, aren't you?"

TOMLINSON however, was a real 'charmer' and had made many friends/supporters from a wide variety of different 'circles' - so one can see that after his autobiography had been published against the UK ILL and their treatment of him - that this had in effect, opened the floodgates against them - and the UK ILL knew it, which is why they hunted him down in a ruthless and sadistic way - to then imprisoned him.

Other notes:

Yesterday I got an 'advertisement' from BRITISH GAS telling me that I would only have to pay £13 a month in bold, for their 'insurance'...and an INVOICE CODE: 3478

3478 - I knew that this would be one of the last desperate attempts of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to exert any 'authority' over me...and it failed.

This morning - I thought - let me see - I hadn't actually opened the LINDT chocolate bar that HANNI had sent me back with, from INTERLAKEN.

Now, the DIVINE CHOCOLATE which RIMINGTON had left me with, in this flat - contained the most pertinent codes INSIDE of the wrapper (which she had shown me before prit-sticking it back together again.)

So I opened the LINDT chocolate to find a nasty 'tic' running across the chocolate and the following code:


Why a different last digit? Has somebody at BI mucked up yet again and this time with CODES?

Anyway, the next two strings of numbers on the inside of the wrapper were:

254233 followed by 10007197

Naturally, it will all now go in the BIN.

Other notes:

MARTIN AYRES told beach hut 16 - whilst attempting to reprogramme me - that Eliza Manningham-Buller wanted to know as much as I could find out (the ROYAL ILL knew least of all at that point in time)...he then told me that I would be 'REWARDED' for my work.

This is, in point of fact, another sick, ILL joke.

RE-WARDED means 'hospitalised' after the 'job' is done - whereupon you have your memory wiped by drugs and/or a lobotomy and then get turfed out onto the street, with no memories of what has happened, at all. BRITISH INTELLIGENCE rationalise this one, as a way of 'cutting costs'.

So BEWARE - if anybody approaches you from BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and promises a 'reward' for working for them - just say NO.

RE-WARD: Scarlett still finds that one amusing, after all of these years - the old 'Alistair Sims' touch - it is all just a laugh isn't it? Like branding my ankle with a 'W' for WINDSOR - under the bushes, upon that old MOD land around the peninsula.

I do not understand how anybody could promise a RE-WARD with a straight face but then they are all trained as 'actors'.

Other notes:

Before returning the book about the JAPANESE and LOOKING GLASS WORLD...I noted that another page had been marked for me and it was to do with BASEBALL as a game...I then remembered that MARK had told me that I should learn something about this game because it was crucial to understanding I read this page and apparently it is the LOSING side which inspire the most 'sympathy' and 'beauty' within the game...particularly the bowler of the losing side...well, I do not think that anybody will have quite those sentiments for the UK ILL...but then they are not a 'baseball' team. (One can guess that Rimington had pointed out this passage to me after the bit about the 'spirits'...and for obvious reasons, she wanted me to 'lose'...but I wasn't paying any attention at the time and so cannot remember this.)

Other notes:

Black Rabbit said...


Today, as I was unlocking my bike - the postman walked into the garden of EAGLE HOUSE.

He said 'good morning' and then shouted something rather peculiar at me, as he was mounting the steps to my flat and Hazel's:


Upon leaving the garden and getting into the alleyway, I saw that his RED bike was parked across the mouth of the alleyway.

I couldn't be bothered to move it because in about 30 seconds, he was there to remove it himself.

I said: 'hello MY DEAR, your bike appears to be in the way' and he quickly removed it.

I then cycled into HARWICH to the library, pondering upon this rather insulting behaviour from a 'carrier pigeon'.

Almost without thinking because I was rather angry - I approached the TRAFFIC LIGHTS which had just turned RED and as I normally turn left here - simply ignored them and continued on - cutting across the corner of the pavement.

In retrospect, I suppose that I was symbolically saying - 'nobody stops me or gets in my way now - nobody in this country can give me a RED light or a RED card.'

Other notes:

I now realise what the HORSE AND HIS BOY (ORANGE Narnia book) was about:

TOMLINSON had used me as a 'gee-gee' slave for most of his life but in taking his place in FLAT 2, I had now taken precedence, over him in the power-relations stakes.

That is why this book was called THE HORSE AND HIS BOY - rather than vice versa.

Anonymous said...

Read all about it:

You can now even buy MI6's encrypted coding system for their agents - upon EBAY and for £17.

Black Rabbit said...


I have now booked the following ferry from HARWICH to the HOOK OF HOLLAND upon the STENALINE:

Departure date/time:
Sat 04 October 2008 at 23.45

Arrival date/time:
Sun 05 October 2008 at 07.45 ferry.htm
Reference number: 2152310

Stena Line booking Reference:

Black Rabbit said...


I can now see - having viewed the frontpages of today's newspapers - what this is really all about.

The CROWN TEMPLAR is attempting to bankrupt the USA - it might not look that way but that is effectively what is happening behind the scenes and the US government will NOT stand for it - they will not pay up and they will bomb the UK - if it is necessary. They have the power and the allies to do it - from all around the world.

Why is the CROWN TEMPLAR attempting to bankrupt the USA? Any 'rational' reasons?

From where I am standing - probably not - more to do with the ROYAL FAMILY being mortified by so many people laughing at the tapes of them, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.


That is where it all began - that was the prime motivator for 9-11 and the battle continues.

Other notes:

SO ROGER from COMPASS if your 'boss' rings you up to try and screw any money out of me again - I will NOT be answering your calls (not even listening to them on the ansaphone) or answering the door to ANYONE at all.

I have booked my STENALINE ticket and I am off on Saturday.

If you do attempt any more 'bullying' on behalf of Charalambous (a PRINCE CHARLES pseudonym via MI6 and their agents) - it will only be the worse, for the lot of you.

I will naturally report any more incidents upon the INTERNET.

Perhaps you could tell that insanely greedy 'landlord' - that I have been without hot water for over 6 months and that I should NOT have been paying a large amount of the rent every month, for a property that nobody else would rent.

Naturally, you can also inform him that I will not be 'resident' here after this coming Saturday - which leaves you completely free to do whatever you want to do to this flat - for all the good, it will do any of you.

It all ADDS UP NOW - doesn't it?

Even for the most 'intellectually-challenged' (although I wouldn't bank on it, in relation to the ROYAL FAMILY.)

Other notes:

THE SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR is an interesting one this week...I wonder what sort of conversations went on in the 'general office' in terms of bandying around ideas:

"We can't have them all die off at the end - we have a global market - and a proposed film out next year - so let us get it as 'close to the bone' as possible without killing them (Springfield) all off."

"Let us take 'MAGGIE' who wants to 'drive' them all to safety but in fact crashes the 'airship'. We know she was allowed back in there to try to save her family but she won't manage to save any of them. They will try to cling to the rope that she offers but at the end of the day - they won't deal with the problems in their society and politics that they should be dealing with i.e. ROYAL FAMILY, MI6 and the ILLuminati cult in general. Therefore they are all 'goners'."

"So how do we end this particular comic, to keep our global market?"

"What about MAGGIE crashing the airship into the townhall?"

"You mean that the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT will be hit first...good idea...let us go with that one..."

"Then we can obfuscate...go back to the beginning of how it all began...get KER-AAKERS in G-d maybe ("great idea")...and show how HOMER failed to do what he was told in the first place...which resulted in this mess - he is our 'fall-guy.'"

"Even better. Neat. Let's do it."

And so another script came to 'life'...and was then reality.

Chicken or the egg?

The military had the 'idea' first...then it was enshrined in popular culture...then it manifests in reality...this is the normal way to do things, in the 21st Century.

It 'warms' people up as to what is going to happen.

Therefore they are not really surprised because 'they always knew somewhere, in their deepest, darkest souls...that it was going to happen'.

A calculated ploy - give the general Public enough cultural 'triggers' which they pick up subliminally and they will all fall into line.

They somehow 'knew' that this was PROVIDENCE, the 'divine plan'.

However, not of RIMINGTON'S chocolate 'DIVINE' planning - although my sources tell me she was planning to get out of the country this morning i.e. after she had read, what I had written...where are you going to, Rimington? I would bet that it isn't JAMAICA this time...maybe ORLANDO?

What can I say but if you really pray to G-d and if you really get to know yourself - you can bypass all of the above. You can rise above mind control programming and do what is RIGHT.

Other notes:

My story was used because it was a 'model example' of extreme abuse by the ILL of this country. It even shocked the Saudis, to all accounts - and they are not known for their tolerance of 'disobedient women' to their 'system'.

More to the point - the factual evidence was there on videotape - what I had been put through at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - in terms of the ILL spitting on me and then forcing me to sign away all rights.

This autobiographical account of my life, in diary-form, over the past 3 years (as I began to wake up) - has been used to persuade 'others' into agreeing to be allies against the UK.

This is because of the ILL system of extreme abuse which is now resulting in DNA/brain-damage in most children and adults, upon these UK islands. That is a subsidiary reason which was given, in terms of 'get rid of the lot of them'.

I do not think that I need to use MILIBAND 'parliamentary-speak' here or a JOHN SCARLETT PC version, either - in order to give the basic idea or gist of what is going to happen.

Other notes:

PC - has been a longstanding 'joke' with the ILL.

It means at once, the constrictions of 'political correctness', your own PC as in personal computer and also the 'bobby on the beat' i.e. your local POLICEMAN/WOMAN.

The next association that an ILL mind thinks of in terms of the initials PC is the computerised mind control slave' i.e. one of the ILL's 'personal computers' that is networked and remote-controlled.

Lastly, the ILL think of PC in terms of PC PLOD - not just the 'door-to-door' and 'on the street' contingent but up to the top - MR BLAIR for example.

In short, the ROYAL ILL of this country thought that they had it all 'buttoned' up within the idea of a 'PC'.

The ROYAL GENOME PROJECT is a case in point. The ROYAL FAMILY control the game as far as 'illegal experimentation' is concerned - globally. They own the companies and the 'rights'.

Other notes:

I have no idea what will happen after the 'annihilation of the UK' - I suppose that the remaining 'few' will have to go 'cap in hand', like a 3rd world country - to beg for grants from other countries. They will then get into huge debt and be poverty-stricken for a massive amount of time...who knows?

At least it will only be the 'major cities' now and not the whole of the UK, sunk under the waves. MARK's original plan for the UK was complete and utter annihiliation. One has to say that I did some good there, then. The little power that I had - I used very effectively. I saved some people.

Other notes:

Wednesday morning...the oddest dream...after waking I realised that the meeting with the BRICHTO lookalike had actually occurred but I am still at a loss to remember how or why...

My father had taken me to Switzerland from Bescancon...and had then left me in a town in a valley or just above saying that he had to get back to France but I might want to look around...I got on a sort of tramcar that went up the mountain...and got off at a station that appeared to be called LOOT everywhere but for all I know, this is Swiss German for 'ausgang'...the name THURGAU also comes to mind...and as I got off what now appeared to be a funicular and realised that I was on top of a mountain somewhere...and went to the footbridge...I realised I had forgotten my black suitcase and caused a kerfuffle because the funicular had already left with it on it...but I had my handbag with me...the Swiss around, tried to help me...I was asking for directions to the police station...and then a man who looked like BRICHTO and his wife, came up behind me...I was communicating in French to the lady with me...and he said that he had lived in Bescancon and had worked for AMERICAN AIRWAYS.

He said that I didn't necessarily need to go to the police - he and his wife could sort it out...and I had a 'flash' of where he lived...a very large Swiss house in GREEN...rather like the GREEN/WHITE house that I had taken a photograph of which is round the back of the HOTEL HARDER MINERVA. The same sort of wooden beamed design - a Swiss version of the Tudor-style i.e. far more ornate.

Additional oddities to the dream - there was a young woman with dark glasses and a long plait down her back - who tried to stop the tramcar from leaving but failed...I could see her at a lower level...over the railings...

I have had snippets of 'journeys' across the top of the alps before...the highest mountain villages but on my own, for some reason...but I have no idea why I was sent to BRICHTO at that point...which was obviously the case.

I suppose that the 'black suitcase' in my dream - probably symbolised my 'memories' because it would have been ridiculous to take a case with me...because I was only 'sight-seeing' and not planning upon staying there...but I have a hunch that my father's appearance within this dream is a 'modification'...and that it was RIMINGTON who had put me on that 'tram' to be picked up by him. They were passing me around like some 'commodity' which made a lot of money for them.

Other notes:

Thinking about ANNE ADENEY'S long, thick black plaits as a WIG - that had made me laugh out loud at first...what a 'fashion mistake' if one has chiselled features and an angular, pointed need a softer style...but remembering the early photographs of Bethli, Anna Tina and her sister...they ALL had this type of hair and I have the photograph of ANNA TINA holding me as a baby...with her family around the very goatpen where TOMLINSON was to take me in 2004. ANNA TINA had this really thick, black plaited hair - so long it came to the top of her legs. Apparently both girls had the same style - as my mother later told me...I have seen many photographs from the Swiss family of girls having precisely the same style.

So ANNE ADENEY was attempting to look like a young SWISS GIRL with thick, black plaits for some reason...I remember that at 8 years old or so, when I was taken to the NAZE to supposedly meet TOMLINSON for the first time (but as I know now, it wasn't)...and I had the same thick, dark plait of hair down my back...funny how in those photographs my hair looks really dark...even though before and after that was light brown...fair father though, also looks like he has black hair in those photographs/cinefilms and so one can guess this is perhaps to do with KODAK COLOUR and film-developing, in the 60s.

Other notes:

I had another 'dream' last night and this one was a had really happened...

I was with TOMLINSON and walking down what appeared to be a hospital corridor...I kept wanting to run away, duck into a sideroom (which looked like wards, operating theatres etc)...and so TOMLINSON just held the back of my neck to orientate me in a straight line down the middle of the he might do to an errant child.

We walked past what appeared to be a 'reception' desk to the left...and there the corridor ended at two large, plush RED doors. (That sort of leather cushioning - rather like in PARLIAMENT).

This is what I had been terrified of approaching. TOMLINSON told me that it would be all right and we entered to come into one room and then another 'antechamber' which had a large GOLDEN CLOCK upon the wall. I was telepathically asking TOMLINSON questions throughout. We didn't exchange a word. I told him that he was showing me all of this but MR PUTIN and others would see all of it too - through my eyes. It didn't seem to bother him. I told him 'we are altogether in this' and he agreed.

TOMLINSON then told me that this peculiar GOLDEN CLOCK was to do with the ARAB way of counting time from 0 to INFINITY. It was a different way of viewing TIME altogether.

You can see almost the SAME clock in CAMBRIDGE now. It was recently put upon public display for the townspeople to view. It has a massive golden INSECT upon the top of the insect 'crawls' along the top of the clock - the golden dial underneath it shifts...there are no numbers upon the clock...just little lines engraved around the circumference of various dials. This CAMBRIDGE GOLDEN CLOCK is being touted as to do with astronomy for some reason.

We then entered a series of quite large rooms and I was aware that we were underground because there were no windows anywhere at all...not in all of the rooms off the main interior ones...this is what frightened real light at all...all artificial was a 'bunker' of sorts...that is what it felt like and my soul felt the familiar terror that it had always done when going 'underground' with the ILL.

The fact was, that every time the ILL took you underground - they did so for some ILL rite that included torture/murder or even WORSE - as in ISRAEL and under TEMPLE MOUNT - they took you there to make your soul OBE and then tried to trap it - keep it permanently separate from your body. That is why I could hardly walk down that corridor to those BIG RED DOORS.

Anyway, within these rooms were ARABS...and many carpets, basket chairs and wall hangings to make them feel 'at home'. Tomlinson sat me down upon a sofa and unfortunately I caught the eye of one of these guys sitting opposite and he remarked to Tomlinson that I did not 'know their ways'. I apologised immediately. Tomlinson talked with him for a while and I looked around the place. There were the men who were sitting down around the room and the women who were coming in, to attend to their every woman was leading a man to a bedroom just outside - off a corridor.

I was struck by how this entire place behind the RED DOORS was womb-like.

TOMLINSON then told me that none of the women were abused here - they were simply to administer to the every need of their men. I began to understand ARAB culture a bit better...the men were very relaxed and comfortable in these surroundings...they were like big BABIES in effect, as the women waited upon them hand and foot...even paring their toenails. They didn't have to do anything for themselves at all...and the women simply cared for them like babies who couldn't do a thing for themselves and the whole atmosphere was very relaxed and peaceful - the men were passively relaxing and the women cared for them as they would a passive child (but were not allowed eye contact) and didn't look unhappy or threatened...this impression was reinforced by the WOMB-LIKE atmosphere...the fact that there were no windows...and the red doors to get into this 'sector'...I then realised what people meant when they talked about ARAB CULTURE as being matriarchal and 'feminine' in relation to some other cultures...the whole place had a very maternal quality to it...

TOMLINSON then told me more about the clock...he said that in this place, there was neither night or day...there was no natural light at all...and these men would come here to escape from it...they felt at peace without the tick-tock of the hours, diurnal NIGHT AND DAY, or weeks, years etc...just one second after another...from 0 to infinity...

It was then that we were allowed to 'visit' and guess what...TOMLINSON led me into a room with nothing in it apart from a bed which was covered with white gauze which hung from the a mosquito net which was bizarre considering I was quite sure that we were in LONDON...and besides there were no windows to the room...the same 'dimmer shaded' light as everywhere in this 'sector'...and there was RIMINGTON upon the bed...and she said 'Come to me, Oh my husband' and TOMLINSON got onto the bed...she then looked at a wooden cot by the bed, back at me and said 'play on the floor'. TOMLINSON then got onto the bed and had sex with her.

The next part of the dream was in the same 'underground hospital' environment but I was no longer RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON'S 'daughter'...I had been put with a lot of women in a ward...who were of a similar age to me...I recognised SHANA and also BETH from Prague there...

One woman was prone upon a bed with a drip in her arm and a monitor above the bed...she looked unconscious - I read the screen and it told me so...there was a read-out upon it...and so I tried to tell the other women but they were all in 'child alters'...really young ones...I knew something was very wrong and so ran down the corridor to find about 4 nurses in a small office...I told them what I had seen and they then ran back to the ward after me...they were talking about all the possible causes and remedies in terms of drugs etc on the way there...what might have happened to the woman's BLOOD to have caused unconsciousness...that is where the dream ended.

Upon waking up - unlike the Switzerland dream...I was quite sure that ALL of the above had happened...I even had a location for it in LONDON...if one looks at the view out of the windows which one can see as a 'backdrop' for ANDREW MARR'S TV-AM show...this is the above-land view of the location of this underground hospital - the closest well-known location is TOWER BRIDGE. It is on the South Bank and at a diagonal to Tower Bridge - which incidentally, is where COLLIE'S MI6 Personnel group operate I found out, recently.

Looking back upon this memory now...the WOMB sector of this hospital...those ARABS were all mind control slaves in their 'sector' of this private MI6 hospital which is underground. I was terrified but TOMLINSON wasn't...nor were they...nor the 'child alter' women upon that ward...because they had had their souls separated from their bodies...they were the DEAD...

It is so simple - I now get the whole equation...when your 'soul' has been extracted, you are like a ZOMBIE...this was Z-HOUSE...and naturally when you are DEAD, you want peace underground...they were the walking DEAD...those ARABS only felt safe and secure without the horror of sunlight, the hurly burly of DIURNAL life out on the was like going back to the womb but it was also like a coffin, a grave - that is why I used to smell 'death' upon mind control victims and the smell of death in that 'hospital' was overpowering - no wonder I was terrified but it was the 'living' who were terrifying me, even though they were no threat to myself...this is why they all felt so 'safe' in that clinical environ where the doctors and nurses were experimenting upon them...the 'walking dead'...

I can now also locate this to another memory...that of being electrocuted in a cot, in the LONDON GENERAL hospital...RIMINGTON had decided to reprogramme myself from BIRTH and as her daughter...she had even concocted that sick scene where TOMLINSON the father, comes in, to see her after she has given birth...that was the idea behind it...I was the 'newborn' baby, even though TOMLNSON had just walked me down the hallway to get there...

I now know that MARK RICKENBACH had devised the whole 'drama' for her...and then TOMLINSON had been obliged to carry it out...and I would bet that this was a 'favour' to keep him sweet...because he had always had this deeply rooted idea that I was his 'daughter' since first being told that, as a young boy...and so RIMINGTON wasn't going to 'adopt' me...I was going to be her 'real daughter' from that point on...

BUT then something happened...I began to wake up...and as my mother was to tell me...TOMLINSON's daughter was 'too fat' and RIMINGTON wouldn't have her in the house anymore...but I hadn't gained a pound in weight over those years...only in the last year, have I put on any weight at all...FAT = in computer storage memory.

That is why RIMINGTON had taken me out to that riverside restaurant with her 'buddies' and introduced them to me as 'her daughter'...I suppose she had taken me upon a 'London' programming tour at that point...I remember meeting my 'green team' again and being made to go up the LONDON EYE with them, which had terrified me at the time...after having been hung off BESANCON CITADEL previously etc.

This 'underground hospital' had simply been a REPROGRAMMING CENTRE and experimental zone for the Royal Genome Project...but I sensed that MARK ROCKEFELLER was in charge of it all, or certainly had a large hand in it.

Other notes:


Last night I had the oddest idea that I was 'in contact' with Eliza Manningham-Buller...and was telling her about what was under ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL.

She then took a team down there...from the ARMY (it was a bit like DR WHO) to explore and they had found an underground chamber by electronic detection (only possible from the side because of the sheer rock upon which this cathedral was built)...which they blasted through and were hit by a blinding was 'soul power'...escaping souls...rather like the WELL OF SOULS underneath THE DOME OF THE ROCK...ST PAUL's was constructed in the same way...over a dense rock under which there was an underground temple...HEROD'S TEMPLE...but worse...there was a network of tunnels...and there one could see the most horrific genetic experimentation upon human beings, imaginable...human beings...and trapped souls...all under a fascimile of TEMPLE MOUNT but in the HEART of London...'THE CITY'.

ST PAUL'S is in the heart of the CITY...the financial banking quarter...

I was telling MANNINGHAM-BULLER that she had to find the COMPUTER...the BEAST COMPUTER...which ran the microchips of the 'BEASTS' like TOMLINSON who protected the 'Crown Jewels'...this was the computer which 'ran' the money markets...this was why the UK was going to be bombed...



Two ILL jokes above...the computer is referred to as CAL and not HAL...

It is run upon a self-reproducing programme and 're-cords' the microchipped slaves...that is the 'cords' are put back in to bind you...if you do not eradicate every single bit of it...

I do not know what HIS stands for but 'TO' is Radcliffe and 'RY' is Lowry.

What can one say apart from - MR PUTIN probably runs LOWRY now...and this was a 'way in' to explore, to find out..what is beneath ST PAULS.

The first computers were composed upon binary systems...0111011001 sort of thing...the Americans never stood a chance...they were going to be the 'brave new world' of the NWO...this first CAL had been set up in London in the banking and financial quarter long before 'computing' was 'discovered' in the latter part of the 20th Century...I would put it as far back as the early 1800s or even before that...

How did I start thinking upon these lines?

Because of the comic book that MARK had shown me: THE SECRET DOSSIER - one can see the ruins of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE e.g. MI5 and MI6 after they have been bombed...the city of LONDON is now derelict...bombed out...BUT guess what is still standing?

You've guessed it - ST PAULS. Still on the skyline.

Looking back at WWII photographs of the BLITZ in London, isn't it ODD that almost every major building was hit (including Buckingham Palace) but ST PAULS remains untouched...standing 'dominant' against the skyline...why had the NAZI bombers been instructed to leave it untouched?
You would have thought that it would be such an obvious target from an aerial point of view...but completely untouched...despite the bombing all around it.

I then thought of the RAW LIBRARY postcard with a 'lookalike' QUEEN ELIZABETH II upon it (with Shana and an unknown woman)...and what is the 'QUEEN' pointing to in her photograph album?


I then thought about the ROYAL MINT - that also has a big DOME in the centre...why did TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON want to bomb it? Is CAL under here?

I then thought about other lesser 'domes' e.g. the ROYAL ACADEMY DOME...and then I thought of the WHITEHOUSE, Washington DC.

Isn't it odd that SAINT PAULS is supposedly a religious building but this design of the dome has been replicated as the central seat of GOVERNMENT in the USA?

I say supposedly religious, because my 'green team' had been taken in there in 1980 and made to stand in the 'whispering gallery' and told that the table was the ROUND TABLE of KING ARTHUR...this was the 'seat of power' and the 'seat perilous' would be around that round table. This is above what is below...the UK's very own HEROD'S TEMPLE below ST PAULS...a fascimile of TEMPLE MOUNT.
Look at the 'raised hill' that you have to walk up in terms of steps to ST PAULS - what is beneath it? Has anybody blown open that chamber yet?

A few years ago...I made a trip to LONDON to visit the SEPHARDIM synagogue...Bevis Marks...which is hidden the crow flies between LIVERPOOL STREET STATION and ST PAULS but a bit closer to the river.

I also walked up the stone steps to the revolving doors of ST PAULS but oddly enough, I was too scared to go in...I had no idea, at the time, what I was frightened of...frightened of being kidnapped again...but more likely, I had been told NEVER to enter again, lest I remember something from the 'other side of the mirror'...

Looking at this area of LONDON in my mind's eye now...this is the SECRET LINE to me...for some reason...

After having visited LONDON POLY to sit the MI5 test in 2004 in a basement 'room'...I had emerged, walked around the block and immediately recognised the great ARCHWAY of a hotel on the corner...I had been in there before and knew that there were many MI5 offices above it...all around me, in fact...this area is upon this 'line' is a stone's throw from LIVERPOOL STREET STATION - between the station and ST PAULS...

I then thought about THE LONDON GENERAL HOSPITAL in the EAST END...WHITECHAPEL...this is where I had been born and Shana had been born, a year earlier...this whole area from WHITECHAPEL to ST PAULS was 'deadly secret' to me...and it was all connected - underground.

No wonder 'somebody' lost all of the plans for the VICTORIAN UNDERGROUND and a friend of KATE HOLLIDAY'S was being paid to do nightshifts down the tunnels in gangs circa 1988 - with the proper equipment, by the LONDON TUBE authorities - to re-map out many tunnels that nobody knew even existed - ancient ones as well as Victorian ones...even now, outside of LONDON - there was the recent accident where a TESCOS semi-disappeared into the ground because of an unknown offshoot tunnel from the end of an eastern tube line, which had then collapsed under the construction of the building.

Other notes:

I might add that I saw MANNINGHAM-BULLER and the ARMY inside this 'chamber' under ST PAULS...and there was a massive computer there...she ordered the army to try to cut all of the cables but it was too dangerous...and besides, this wasn't the was simply a control centre of a few machines...the cables led underground...and then one of the men cut a square in the floor to find a massive underground cavern...and within this was a 'lower world'...where the genetic experimentation was going on...they put down a rope ladder to try and get one of these people out...but they hardly looked like 'human' beings anymore and MB started to cry...but they are 'human' and they have souls...they need to have G-d's blessing...

The above might all sound like a 'cock and bull' story but it HAPPENED under TEMPLE MOUNT and I am quite sure it is true...the Palestinian Authorities are now excavating under TEMPLE MOUNT but there have been NO Press releases so far, as to what they have found out...since late 2006/early 2007...but the ex-Microsoft guy in Jerusalem knew...all of us who have 'woken up' know what used to happen under there.

The point is that this used to happen and probably still happens under ST PAULS - it is the equivalent of the DOME OF THE ROCK.

This is the ST JOHN CULT at work. That is why nobody wants to bomb ST PAULS...and one can see why...they do not want to destroy what is under there...they want to 'control' it.

That is why ST PAULS will withstand any 'bombing' attack.

It is the sanctuary and home of the ROUND TABLE and 'what lies beneath'.

Other notes:

Another point that I forgot to mention - whilst in this 'house of the dead' in that hospital...I picked up a shiny gold reflective object and held it up in front of me...and realised that I COULD NOT SEE MY OWN REFLECTION. I must have been 'on the other side of the mirror' i.e. working upon only one side of the brain...and that is what used to traumatise me in my dreams, as a young woman...never being able to see myself in mirrors. Something was terribly wrong but I had no idea was only in 2005 that I WILLED my reflection to come back, in the mirror (during a very significant dream which I have previously outlined) and as soon as I could see myself reflected again...I began to 'wake up' rather rapidly. The memories began to come back - and upon a daily basis.

Other notes:

Richard Tomlinson preferred to be called RORY because he didn't like RENE as a first name.



His brother had been named:

NORMAN MACKLIN but he didn't like the name NORMAN and so changed it to TOBY.


TOE - BE, son of LIN

These two half-brothers were very important indeed to the ILL CULT - they appeared to have the genes of a very strong 'magician' of the cult - or at least RORY did...his father's genes and knowledge of how to 'soul-trap'.

I have already outlined how to remind myself...I thought of 'LYNDSEY DE PAUL' an image to get at the name of either PAULLIN or PAUL LYNN (I think the latter is the right one).

The top programmers were using their own surnames for their slaves, perhaps.

Other notes:

I really hope that I am wrong upon this one...but another memory came back of TOMLINSON asking me who, out of all the women I knew...would be a good mother. Naturally I said 'Helen Rodway' and my sister...and I 'knew' what he was thinking of...surrogate mothers for 'in vitro' upon the other side of the mirror...

Yesterday, I was struck by the most horrible thought...HELEN RODWAY had sent me a photograph of her first son...a truly beautiful little boy with large dark brown eyes and a little chin that jutted out of his round face...and I thought about my sister's little LEO...the two boys at the same age, were identical...although IYRAH was born so many years before LEO. The two little boys were so beautiful but fragile...not the 'usual' type of baby looks which are sometimes much of a muchness (apart from to the mother concerned)...

IYRAH is a HEBREW name which means WATCHER. Helen and Mike had especially chosen this name...I - RA.

I had been termed a 'WATCHER' and told DALDRY so in PRAGUE 1995.

I then remembered how HELEN had handed me Leo as a baby...whilst we were all sitting around a table playing cards...about 4 of us...and the way in which she did was as if Leo was 'my baby'...and I felt that keen sense of 'oneness' with him...almost as if he were...he broke my heart...yet I had no sympathy in particular with her husband but figured...I love my sister...this is her naturally, my feelings are to do with 'blood-ties'...this little boy is 'family'.

I held him for hours...and emotionally bonded with him...whilst they was the first time that I had seen him after the birth - Helen had taken him out to the chateau at Vieilley...and I can now see what the ILL had eggs, Tomlinson's sperm...and they had then abused that little boy into the ground...and I was in telepathic contact with him from babyhood...trying to protect his soul...even if he had to lock himself up in his mind...become 'autistic' was worth it - so that they couldn't touch his soul.

By contrast, Ed and Sue's baby James was a characterful, healthy bouncing baby but I felt almost nothing in comparison, whilst holding him...he fell asleep in my arms in the way that babys we sat around the dinner table...he loved the lambswool that I was wearing and gripped it tightly even in sleep which made Ed laugh...I was so much closer to my brother Ed than to Helen and throughout my life...and so I should have felt 'more' about his baby boy...but no...

Anyway, I then remember how HELEN RODWAY had told me about getting pregnant...and once she knew...had got very drunk in order to get rid of the zygote...but had woken up the next morning thinking 'the little bugger is still in there'...she had been staying the night at her husband's lodgings by the TAVISTOCK CENTRE in London...he was studying Veternary Science, just around the corner...

Now this wasn't a normal reaction at all...Helen had been longing to get pregnant...yet almost immediately afterwards...had wanted to get rid of the baby...I rationalised this as 'she is not sure if she wants to stay with her husband - a rocky period within their marriage' and after learning that she was pregnant - that in itself was a huge trauma for her - she told me afterwards that she had simply gone to bed for the afternoon and cried herself to sleep because of a feeling of sheer helplessness and hopelessness and I couldn't understand that one at all either but put it down to 'hormones'...but I wonder now...had her subconscious mind registered that this was in fact, NOT her child? Like my sister, Helen then had a traumatic birth - having to be rushed to another hospital with more 'specialised' equipment at the last minute...

However, Helen did then contact me later say that her IYRAH was perfectly alright...normal development for a young boy...and the same story for her second son...JOSUAH...

After moving to OXFORD I never saw her again...but kept in touch via email...she had wanted me to be the 'godmother' of IYRAH but I refused...I couldn't...I felt far too inadequate...'godparents' are supposed to be 'guardians' of the child if anything happens to the parent...I had no home, no guaranteeable income and was in no position to take on such a responsibility...and so I tried that argument with Helen, she told me that it didn't I told her that it was also for 'religious reasons'...I wasn't a Christian and that was Christian tradition...and eventually she relented...I saw it as a 'trap' somehow but didn't realise how or why...

I can now see why I tend to refuse offers to see these would have tortured my subconscious mind - my children being brought up by mothers who 'felt' in their hearts that this wasn't really their child but an 'adopted one' whom they would love anyway...

I have made a semi-break with my family, only seeing my parents from time to time but mainly only my mother...I cannot watch this new generation of mind control slaves grow is too painful.

Additionally, I remember HELEN telling me that IYRAH had dark brown eyes which had caused some consternation for their respective families but it was found that there had been brown-eyed people upon both sides (but not in their immediate families) - Helen has dark green eyes, olive skin and dark hair (which she thought were from an Iranian uncle i.e. Semitic genes - Helen certainly has that Mediterranean 'look' which none of her immediate family share) and Mike has light blue eyes, light brown curly hair - his twin sisters are natural blondes.

My sister didn't have that problem because Mike looks just like his mother (dark hair, dark eyes) - of Semitic/Arabic descent - she grew up in Casablanca.

Other notes:

I can now see that there is more to find out in the UK - rather than going off abroad again immediately...and so will change my STENALINE booking until further on next week...naturally before the Friday. I have changed it to TUESDAY 7TH OCTOBER at the same time: 11.45 in the evening.

Other notes:

The whole of the above, in relation to ST PAULS - reminds me for some reason of the joke 'STONE-CUTTERS' song of THE SIMPSON:

"Who controls the BRITISH POUND - we do! We do!"

Mr BURNS aka PRINCE PHILIP and his Masonic brethren - the TEMPLARS i.e. those who 'cut stone' can see where the ROCKEFELLERS got their name from.

It appears that COMPUTER CAL controls the global money markets too.

I have often wondered about stories appearing in MAINSTREAM newspapers about the 'odd' behaviour of Heads of corporations and multinationals, as well as those like the BLAIRS - in terms of consulting astrologers, witch-doctors (Peter Mandelson), you name order to make the 'right' move and upon the 'right' day...

I mean you would have thought that working in 'business' would have beat the superstitious crap out of you...but NOT if you are a programmed MONARCH SLAVE which obviously, most of them are...

However, I have some sympathy with them...I have always viewed ECONOMICS as a 'non-subject' almost in the same category as ASTROLOGY...economists hardly ever get it right...they come up with hundreds of theories about how the STOCK MARKETS operate...produce alogorithms etc to make their non-subject look highly technical and like a branch of 'science' and if it wasn't for the almost complete lack of any understanding of the money markets, in terms of being able to predict anything might believe what the economists tell you. In fact, one could say that the fact that they almost consistently 'get it wrong' suggests in terms of sheer probability...that all is not right in this field...they should theoretically have at least a 50/50 chance of getting it right - but they don't.

I suppose that it why so many business people turn to 'astrologers' - they are a better bet than economists...I wonder why...I can see that big business views the money markets and how they operate in a somewhat 'mystical' sense...the adoration and worship of money and how it 'moves in mysterious ways'...but I would put that down to mafioso deals and money-laundering, rather than to any 'esoteric' phenomena involving the 'rays of the planets'.

However, if you do happen to find a good psychic and telepath who can 'view' your rival firm and what they are likely to do are in 'business'. However, these people are likely to be spies, who have been trained in 'industrial espionage' rather than 'Madame Sosostris'.


A memory is coming back here...RIMINGTON used to do this for various CITY 'gypsy' disguise...that is why she took the part of the GYPSY in all of those TIN-TIN dramatic scenarios.
Obviously the advice she gave was pre-planned by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE - she was still working for MI5 but hadn't got to the top of the tree, by that point - the 'prediction' was obtainable for a high fee.

Anyway, it is quite clear to me now, that the root of corruption, rests in this computer 'CAL' which exerts an undue influence upon global money markets but I have no idea how or why.

Let me controls the microchip of those like TOMLINSON...and also those who 'buy and sell' on the stock markets...therefore, it is quite simple 'program' in what you want to happen upon the markets that day...and those microchipped slaves go out and make it happen...and if you want an accurate 'prediction' as to what will find yourself somebody like RIMINGTON, dressed up in her gypsy outfit and for a large fee...she will give you a tip-off.

I feel sorry for the 'economists' now - they have a seemingly impossible task and so come up with increasingly erratic and complicated theories to explain the inexplicable i.e. they try to find patterns that obey some 'internal logic' within the money markets - whereas, in fact there are none to be found. It is simply at the 'whim' of whoever is currently in charge of CAL.

In fact, I the 80s...meeting RIMINGTON somewhere in Soho, dressed up in her gypsy garb...she had a really cliched pseudonym and I am sure that it was ROSE something...Gypsy Lee Rose...something like that...and I am sure that DALDRY was in on that game an Irish gypsy traveller-type but then he was quite a remarkable actor, in his had to see it to believe it...

RIMINGTON wasn't good at acting but she terrified everybody by those cold 'lizard eyes' regardless of what she was wearing...and so she would have been quite convincing as a gypsy fortune-teller with her 'pointed' nose and crystal ball - yes, she even used to take a crystal ball with her, in a 'carpet bag' as part of her 'equipment' - she wore one of those scarfs with coins around the hem, over her head. She had shown me this ball, in that Soho street - dug it out of her bag. I suppose it is amazing how gullible people can be but then she was 'scary'. Besides, I suppose one would waive disbelief - according to how accurate her predictions were.

Other notes:

I can now see why MARK RICKENBACH/ROCKEFELLER wanted to bomb the UK...flatten LONDON but leave SAINT PAULS standing.

This CAL computer is obviously very important in terms of controlling the microchipped slaves in 'business' and ultimately the money markets, worldwide.

I wonder if MANNINGHAM-BULLER did try to dismantle it?

She was probably stopped because the NWO plan of crashing the US economy and then imposing MARTIAL LAW is still going ahead...therefore it is imperative to locate this computer and to stop the program.

I am now getting the intuition that so many other 'vital' systems within the UK infra-structure are involved...we are talking microchipped slaves here...and so the BT control towers, the WAP phones...the Internet and SATELLITE fact, even COBRA appears to be directly linked into this central computer.

If this program isn't stopped - the UK will be bombed.

I do not know but the GOLDEN MEAN modification of the equation that TOMLINSON was showing me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...this could have something to do with it...I wrote about this some time he was teaching me some Higher Maths...but I already knew about the GOLDEN MEAN...and that must be a clue to something to do with CAL...

Other notes:


NOR MAN …this is all about THE NORSE but also the NORs from NEW ORLEANS…but I have a feeling that this is a ‘distractor’…yet again…

I have been thinking of the ORLY programmers in France, for some time now…

Originally – it had all gone back to a ‘French bank’…le banque was the big clue to Scarlett and Rimington in room 29 of the MI HOTEL.

NOR-LEANS (as it is pronounced in New Orleans – Mark told me…)

The ORLYAN programmers…


Other notes:

Another harassing ‘communique’ from COMPASS. They have contacted HOUSING BENEFIT to be told that my claim is no longer open and when it apparently closed. I have not been notified of it having been closed down – although I assumed that it would be.

What is the LEGALITY of COMPASS being allowed to access this data about me from a governmental department? It used to be ‘zero’ - no agency or landlord was allowed to be privy to such information – has the law changed? I will put this letter upon the INTERNET.

It is rather like the time that my mother rang me to say that COMPASS had told her that the police had contacted them in regard to the charge of ‘common assault’ – they had told the landlord – who had asked for the property to be repossessed. Despite this charge being thrown out by the Police and I didn’t even get a caution – mainly because I had been framed by an MI5 operative - who had aggressively attacked me, physically - and then when I retaliated – called the police, in order to have me arrested.

My mother rang COMPASS up again because she thought that they were lying – which they were – they then modified their story to say that it was in fact the landlord who had found out i.e.‘ Mr Charlambous’ and he had ordered a repossession - of his own volition.

They all hoist themselves by their own petard. The stupid creatures. They then sit there and wait to be bombed. What can one do?

Anonymous said...

So who is this KER-AAKERS?

I thought his name sounded like:


NO mention of this name upon the internet but there was a 'gentleman' who is an amateur cinematographer called TOM KRASUSKI...and he looks a bit like MARK RICKENBACH.

Anonymous said...

Is CARACAS in VENEZUELA important?

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt - RICKENBACH - so TOM KRASUSKI eh? How many 'alters' does this guy have?

Has anyone noticed the ILLuminati google ILLustration today? A bombed out city and the 'love hearts' that the ILL normally associate with the 'dead'i.e. they torture someone into NDE/OBEs and then draw a 'heart' around them.

Anonymous said...

HAMSTER programming:

ISBN: 1 85279 215 9
9 781852 792152

ISBN: 1 84493 003 3
9 781844 930036

Anonymous said...

CLEOPATRA programming:

ISBN: 0 439 01364 X
9 780439 013642

Anonymous said...

Tomlinson's 'aram maths'.

He had worked out a way to get out of ILL mind control/microchipping and had presented me with his theorem in a very simplified form:

THE GOLDEN MEAN theorem which if you minus 'M' and then minus 'C' and then multiply it by this bracketed equation of:

'- - D' over '- C' (I know now why I told Daldry 'two minuses do NOT make a plus')...then you get a reversal of the current...and also it is analogous to a PDF 'read-only' file...i.e. you cannot 'write' upon this.

The two above then produced a reversal of the GOLDEN MEAN.

I remember recognising the equation that TOMLINSON presented to me as the GOLDEN MEAN and he immediately queried how I knew the term for it - he hadn't taught me that one. I do not know where I had seen it before and couldn't tell him.

It is linked to contacting the genes via 'IMOGEN':


Anonymous said...

The OBE CHAPEl at Saint Pauls Cathedral - I remember we were all taken here to literally OBE through torture upon the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE COURSE - after the cathedral had closed.

Anonymous said...

We were all told by JOANNE COLLIE after we had finished the course, that we were now all WHITE SNAILS of the Illuminati (DAVID MILIBAND) was sitting behind me - we were all in a class room in Fort Monckton at the time) - either in our teens or in our twenties.

Here is the main 'white snail' programming site:

Anonymous said...

The 'white snail' programming site is the 'spiral staircase'.

The main DOME has 8 partitions and 24 windows attached.

This is the same as the MI6 CAROUSEL which has 8 sides and 3 'alters' are 'attached' to each side of this torture device.

Anonymous said...

The Quire 1 - was the 'throne' of heaven where you had to kneel with SAS members prodding you in the back with swords in front of a member of the ROYAL FAMILY - the idea being, if you refused to swear allegiance to the MONARCHY - they would literally run you through. They might have done to - about a 1/3 of my course were murdered during programming.

Anonymous said...

Quire 2 - RIMINGTON told me that these lights' had been especially chosen for looking like 'magic mushrooms' the LSD derivative, used in ALICE IN WONDERLAND mind control programming.

I have no idea whether or not she was making that one up but surmise, probably not.

Black Rabbit said...

What about the APSE?

Remember 'Gas and Gaiters' written by Edwin Apps?

He went off his head in France, nearly starved to death but was intent upon becoming a painter in the 'Van Gogh' tradition and he made it. His main obsession being CATHOLIC BISHOPS/ARCHBISHOPS doing insane things in various locations. They are very satirical but also playful paintings and the French love them - he even had an exhibition in one of their cathedrals.

Anonymous said...

The view from the top - we were all threatened with defenestration if we ever broke silence, talked about the torture and abuse - told any of the ROYAL or BRITISH INTELLIGENCE secrets.

Additionally, there was a side room with the ROUND TABLE which is not shown upon this 'virtual tour' of ST PAULS CATHEDRAL. I do not suppose it was shown to the Public.

Anonymous said...

The WHISPERING GALLERY where again, the threat of being thrown off is given - and Son of G-d programming is again impressed upon the mind control slave. You are now a slave of the Monarchy - you are a martyr for their cause. You will not expect to be paid and you will follow orders unquestioningly.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is Edwin's website.

Black Rabbit said...


I remember telling DAVID DABYDEEN in 1994 that 'cultural relativity' theory would let the NAZIS in, unless they stated their ground rules clearly and from the beginning. DABYDEEN had told me that it only applied to black people i.e. it was a question of ethnicity. I knew that the NAZIS would jump upon the bandwagon and told him so - he didn't believe me.

It has now happened - someone like JOANNE COLLIE could (reductio ad absurdum) say to me:

"So DR SHIPLEY enjoyed murdering women over 60 and you don't - that is YOUR problem and not his. He has his own 'value assessments' and you have yours - it is all relative at the end of the day and you have NO right to judge him upon his lifestyle or his chosen hobbies/recreational pursuits.'

CULTURAL STUDIES began as a 'social science' or near to that...but then almost became adopted by almost every department under the heading of 'interdisciplinary studies' and the model of 'relativity' could be applied to everything from artwork to politics to physics.

At WARWICK UNIVERSITY in 1997, I was browsing through a BA course syllabus in Physics and was surprised to learn that the students had a 'core framework' programe that included lectures that went under the name of cultural relativity...I mean this was a PHYSICS DEGREE...what the hell was this subject doing overlapping into a hardcore science?

I asked some physics students about this and they said 'it is important to learn about our society'...good, if it is only about 'ethnicity' but not good if it gives Nazis, with half a brain...and you only need half a brain, to realise that this all embracing notion of 'cultural relativity', swings both ways.

NAZISM is definitely a 'culture' - no doubt about that one, at all. It has its own 'unique' history, cultural roots, politics, terminology (the 'final solution'), literature (Mein Kampf etc), religion (whatever Satanic practices Hitler was supposed to have got up to) and 'homeland' (Austria/Germany) and you can even dress up in the 'traditional costumes'.

I can now understand why our BRITISH CULTURAL STUDIES lecturer, SABINA SHARKEY used to go into a flatspin (Carousel programming) every time any of us, asked her to define Cultural fact, she even set that one as our first 'essay titles' and then rebuffed each and every single conclusion that her students came to, in our essays and later in, why would she do that?

As she explained to us at the time, after quoting from various 'academics' in a very disjointed way i.e. with no argument running through her lecture...basically what we had to understand was: CULTURAL STUDIES IS INDEFINABLE. IT DEFIES ANY ATTEMPT TO DEFINE IT - and that was that, according to Sabina and NO ARGUMENT.

We all sat there, with expressions of disbelief upon our faces. SABINA then mitigated this by saying that CULTURAL STUDIES was ORGANIC. We had to see it like the 'BRITISH LEGAL SYSTEM' in that it would just 'grow'...and find its way and come to its own understanding of this 'process'. That nearly had me under the table. Panic button hit again. 'I must not laugh - I have to control my facial muscles - must control facial muscles - must suppress the urge to burst out laughing. Take deep breaths - if it all gets to much - there's the door, over there - say you are going to the toilet.'

This course was actually incredibly painful to sit through...but once I had got to know the JAPANESE students - who once put on a tape of one of Sabina's lectures as 'background' musak to one of their parties for a laugh and asked me 'Emily - have you any idea of what she is talking about? You are a native speaker - tell us!' laughing their heads off, at the time and I had to confess that I hadn't and regarded what Sabina was saying on the tape, as complete nonsense - it didn't make sense in any 'linguistic' sense because it was incoherent - no argument at all...

Anyway, I then knew that there were others who felt the same way and relaxed a lot more (I was the only Westerner at the party - invited for a purpose then) ...interestingly enough, neither MANNEKE nor the two BRITISH COUNCIL scholarship women from TURKEY, found anything 'funny' about it at all...they took the course, highly seriously. MANNEKE even went so far as to say that SABINA had made some interesting points...but it was all 'castles in the air' with no connection to far as I was concerned.

ORGANIC eh? The 'horticulturally hideous' up to their old tricks again.

Anyway, as I have already related - SABINA SHARKEY suffered a nervous breakdown after the first time and literally disappeared into thin air. Friends and family had no idea where she had gone to...a 'missing person' who had left all of their belongings at home...the administrative staff at this particular WARWICK CENTRE continuously tried to find out...for about 3 months and then gave up...I used to 'check in' with them about it...a very curious incident...

Over the years, since 1997, I have checked up by a 'google search' but no references to her at all...apart from a paper or two...with her name upon it...published before 1997...

MANNINGHAM-BULLER told me that SABINA would have thought that I was spying upon her for COLLIE...that was why she was uneasy whilst I was around...that made me laugh...but still no idea what SABINA was up to but figure, she was trying to find out, same as me...but was further down the line...quite a few years older than her 1996.

I also overheard from SUSAN BASNETT in conversation with PIOTR KUHICZAK that she thought SABINA'S obsession with the EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCH bizarre...and why she paid so much attention to GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR (I now know full well why she was obsessed with him - see Jerusalem notes upon the ARMENIAN MUSEUM in Jerusalem)...

Sabina's Phd was based upon research about the Early Christian Church in the British Isles. Sabina was half-Italian upon her mother's side but born Northern Irish - it pained her - she wanted a job in Ireland 'proper' because she felt her 'country' nationality strongly but had been 'banned' from working in the South, by a certain Professor, at Dublin University (another student from that Warwick Centre, had found that one out - she was Welsh but had an Irish boyfriend at Dublin university...

Additionally, the question of Sabina's disappearance had puzzled the entire university student population and had prompted many students to ask me what had happened - the whole story was on the 'gossip grapevine' - from undergrads to postgrads etc. Even now, I do not know but maybe somebody will tell me...

Other notes:

Programming people to be 'sons of G-d' in the Catholic/Anglican tradition is very dangerous indeed...because there is a massive CONFLICT between the basic nature of most people and their SURVIVAL INSTINCT which in turn CONFLICTS with such programming strongly...most people are not 'martyrs' takes somebody with a huge amount of forethought...and an overview of consciously make the decision to 'martyr' themselves...but only IF it would be better for their nearest and dearest save their love, their children...and after that, their 'country' or a large group of people in general...

The ILL tried to circumvent this by superimposing 'mystic models' like JESUS CHRIST or even G-d...all of whom, were ILL programmers 'acting' the the hope of over-riding natural human responses and enslave them to a 'higher cause' as MARTYRS...i.e. Sionist martyrs to the Royal Family's cause because of what insane 'promises' had been made when Charles was born...

The ROYAL FAMILY had fatuous ideas of him being KING OF ISRAEL and not just of the UK...Israel had been 'promised' to PRINCE CHARLES as his 'birthright'...that is why those insane fools have directed BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to fight so hard to get control of it again...and used the Palestinian people as their mind control slaves, to do so...a fact, that the ARAB WORLD was entirely clear about...and therefore covertly worked with the Israelis to put a stop to was one thing, having Northern European peoples who claimed to be 'Jewish' taking hold of their 'land' in the Middle-East...but entirely a different matter in terms of the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY covertly planning to take Israel back under British control and through the guise of Palestinian Muslim mind control slaves.

I can now remember where those 'fried egg' walls around the Muslim women's CHESS TOURNAMENT were taken...they were taken upon the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE COURSE in 1980 to Israel...and they were of Palestinian women.

What an indictment. Are those murals still up there? One can guess that they are - or will have been scraped away/painted over recently. I nearly got a job at the Muslim Eastern Jerusalem University...but the job demanded a trip to the 'twin' university in Palestine...and according to the 'Mike Weale' look-a-like American guy who was running the English Language courses...he couldn't get me the proper papers for a border search...and that I could be arrested...because the university couldn't hire me 'legally' but would pay me illegally...I just had to 'tough it out' in the bus across the border and hope that my passport would be all that was be shown in the 1/2 to hourly stops, at the border - which I would have to do twice a week at least, there and back.

Naturally, I wasn't interested in such a 'job' but one can see how some 'graduate' upon a 'gap year' might fall for such a trick and end up in jail.

I might add that after meeting this guy in Eastern Jerusalem...I then went to the British Consulate (out in the 'desert' - no longer in the City - I walked round it trying to remember - it was immensely well-fortified - more so than the US one in the City) - and the 'famous' hotel in this district where those like JOHN SNOW hole up to pretend that there is a real 'fight' going on..and record the so-called 'bombs' going off...but they are not bombs...they are the Muslims letting off fireworks for evening prayer...they are just rather 'homemade' bombs in that they sound like a 'bomb' or gunfire but are not...however, an Israeli guy told me...if you really heard gunfire near to the souk hotel where I was was much, much would really know about it...and luckily, I never did. The 'fireworks' were loud enough for me - the first time I heard them - I thought that Jerusalem was being blitzed. They obviously add a lot more gunpowder to their fireworks than the Chinese do.

Now when I see the 'nightsky' in Iraq with the 'bombs' exploding like fireworks upon TV, in the nightsky behind the 'on-the-spot' reporter...I know it is just 'fireworks' and mainly to do with MUSLIM prayer. The fireworks are not necessarily 'colourful' - just golden explosions in the sky, the main point is to 'wake sleepy men up' and get them into the Mosque for prayer with a series of big 'BANGS'.

It is rather sweet in that way...I would rather the above as a 'call to prayer' rather than the hideous programming 'harmonics' chimes of the Christian bells from Christian churches but there again...I think that these are used by NAVAL INTELLIGENCE or the ILLUMINATI for an entirely different fact, a BAN has been imposed within certain areas of this country...banning the ringing of these very church bells...WHY?

The BELLS are not a 'call to prayer' or the churches would be packed...and Harwich Church doesn't have anybody in it the 'good women' who keep it up complain about (just like my Northern grandmother who did the same at Combs Church, Suffolk)...yet the bells resonate out in the most peculiar and inharmonious tones...I had noted that they had stopped recently but now they have started again...and through HANNI'S knowledge of them...I now know the funeral bell toll...a repeated falling intonation from a crescendo...rather like a waterfall...I remember my father asking HANNI what the bells were tolling in her flat at ARTOS during my recent holiday...and she said A FUNERAL...and he laughed his head off...she said, 'that is all I ever hear, funeral bells from that church'...he asked her if she knew more bell-ringing codes...she said 'no' but the sound of the funeral bells was so repetitious that she knew them well...almost every day...there was no funeral taking place when I walked up how do the churches chose the times to register so many deaths...or do the bell-ringers in INTERLAKEN just 'like' ringing the bells for the DEAD and for no apparent reason...

Other notes:

Thursday morning...I woke up deciding to go back to Switzerland...the image of the GOOGLE BROWSER still clear in my mind - this is REAL.

I will book a flight this morning if I can find a good deal - or turn up at Schipohl and see if there are any my ferry plan still stands for the night ferry via Stenaline at 23.45 upon next Tuesday.

I then thought about little LEO again and how my sister had turned up late and in the rain, at my parents' chateau in Vieilley...they got out of the taxi in the dark - Helen rushed in with him in her arms and gave him to me - he had been crying his eyes out but as soon as she had given him to me - he stopped crying and opened his eyes. I bonded with him at that moment.

My mother said that because Helen and I looked similar - LEO didn't find me a threat - he just saw a blonde head looming over him and he registered 'Mum'. He even tried to find my breast to feed.

It is odd because RIMINGTON had showed me that PHILIP ROTH movie where NICOLE KIDMAN plays an abused woman who has lost her two children in a fire - she has their ashes - and RIMINGTON had told me that this is what would happen to me. Seeing as I had no children that I knew of and was very careful not to get pregnant, I took that with a pinch of salt.

I begin to realise that those Chinese BIRDS vases meant more to me than just remote-viewing alters or radio implants - they represented two children and also funeral urns. They were to have been RIMINGTON'S orders to her slaves, to destroy those two little boys - that is why I just got there to ST HELEN'S HOSPICE in time, to save the vases from being put into the window as a programming device. Alternatively, RIMINGTON figured that both little boys would die in the flames of the bombs that she and MARK were planning for the UK.

I now wonder about this 'bonding' business - TOMLINSON had done the same to me when he was only 12 years old - old enough to have been used as a 'sperm slave'. Maybe my father and mother were slightly different...I have no idea.

My mother recently told me that even though my Swiss grandmother was not what you might call maternal - but once Helen was born - she picked up the newborn baby and refused all efforts to take the child away from her - according to my mother - she had bonded to Helen, immediately. Helen was to grow up to look so much like her, as to almost be a clone. The 'genes' sing to each other, I am sure of that one.

Other notes:

Having found the photograph of TOM KRASUSKI - and I remember MARK pointing out this photograph of himself in relation to being in the 'film business'...therefore I had no doubts about this one this is the man that THE SIMPSONS now call G-d or KA-RAAK. The man who can order my father to do insane things and then turn him into a 'half-insect' for getting it wrong.

After having seen my sister's very young alter act like a 'kitten' - it didn't even recognise me - I am quite sure that a young child alter could be taught to believe that it was an 'insect'.

It is an odd one but my 'kitten' alter which was called up by JOHN WATERS and almost immediately recognised him after so many years (I was 16 years old by that point) - was able to speak and think in English and sister's 'kitten alter' appeared to really think that it was an 'animal'. Heaven knows what they had done to her and at what age.

Other notes:

I wonder about RIMINGTON'S fondness for HANNI now. HANNI GLOOR had been the Head Matron for SAINT GUY'S hospital for many years, before retiring. I need to find out where that hospital was - I have a feeling that it is on the South Bank and near to the LONDON EYE...and also - what building stands near to TOWER BRIDGE. The one with the UNDERGROUND hospital, manned by nurses who are specialists in ILLuminati experimentation upon the 'dead'. I am sure that all politicians will have regular 'check-ups' at this 'base'.

SAINT GUY - that is an odd one - who was canonised? I do not know of a Saint Guy. Not GUY FAWKES now? We are approaching the day when children used to burn effigies of him for trying to blow up the British Parliament...the renegade Catholic...

This is all about the SAINT JOHN CULT as far as I am concerned - Satanic Catholicism...and Jews who converted to Catholicism and got made into 'sons of G-d' and then went completely off their heads...becoming perhaps, the worst sado-masochists and 'experimenters' MARK RICKENBACH who couldn't resist playing a 'game' in 1994...and set up the most terrible experiences of my life and of many others - in a convoluted way of paying the ROYAL FAMILY and their TEMPLARS back...but it was also a way of exposing the ILL game and thereby stopping I can now see.

I have already looked at MARK'S psychology in terms of him wanting to be CHRIST and then ultimately wanting to be G-d...and all the time, acting like some sort of 'martyr' whilst devising terrible punishments for those who had 'offended' him...

When I look at NIKOLAS - he had more of a Catholic faith...he didn't appear to have the same capacity to do 'evil' in the way that MARK did...

I then looked at TOMLINSON and myself...TOMLINSON appeared to be rather like a stereotype of a Muslim i.e. argumentative and temperamental - whilst I was more of a stereotype of a Jew i.e. bolshie (inclined to Socialism and rebellion) and 'bloody-minded' (as Judith Elliot once called myself and Grieszek's boyfriend) as in Shylock and a 'pound of flesh'.

One can see that both of our 'personalities' complemented MARK'S 'Christian martyrdom'...he wouldn't have got far without recruiting the pair of us...

I suppose...although that stereotype of 'socialism' hasn't held true for a long time even though it is trotted out a lot by Internet bloggers...most Jews in the UK belong to the Reform movement and vote CONSERVATIVE. You then have those like BRICHTO who claim to be Rabbis and do not even wear a kippa - the worst slave-drivers and Dr Mengele's of the lot, I would presume. Those who were quite happy to be in the ILL system and to work for the true NAZIS like JOANNE COLLIE in their private 'hospitals' their predecessors had done (read 'THE PERIODICAL TABLE') to stay alive in Nazi death camps.

I wonder now about that 'private' hospital in Colchester which the Ardleigh practice kept on advising me to go to...and pay thousands of pounds for my varicose veins to be mother couldn't believe that they wouldn't do it on the NHS...but both DR BETTLE, TOMLINSON (posing as a doctor) and the lady doctor there...all told me to go to this particular hospital...which probably had 'green' in the title somewhere or 'oaks'...I think it was 'oak' something...and I refused to go. Naturally, I didn't have the money to do it BUT was then rung up by this hospital to ask when they could book me in (I had NEVER contacted them) and the arrogant woman on the end of the phone even told me to ask my mother for the money for the operation...and I put the phone down, telling her not to bother me again.

I wonder many people actually go to this 'private hospital' because the main COLCHESTER hospital has such a bad reputation now that people are actually frightened of having an accident and being sent to casualty there...the amount of people who have died in there from malpractice and 'germs' is quite unbelievable.

I wonder now, this looks like a calculated ploy to get people to book in to the 'private' hospital in this area, instead.

Other notes:

It was odd that TOMLINSON had used that 'associated images and words' device to make sure that I could retrieve as much memory as possible later on...he must have been unsure whether or not the CIA would let me remember...but one can also see now that they had wanted me to remember and to make public what had happened in a 'controlled release of information' until the point when the UK would be bombed...that is why I was allowed 'safe passage' all around Interlaken, recently - to 'wake up' to the underground base and the NAZI gold coup...and even 'met' one of the CIA who had been there in 2004...

Thinking about this all last isn't just the USA which suffers from 'CAL' - it is all of the stock markets, across the world...and that would propel most countries into aiding this 'project' against the UK...

I can also see that the 'invisibility material' stealth bombers will be used (the USA and Russia now have them, for starters - not your usual 'low-tech' stuff in operation in Iraq) and that it will all be over very quickly...ground to air missiles won't stand a chance...unless they get lucky by random shots...
and with Israeli 'know-how' in terms of airborne military is unlikely that they will lose a plane...

This however, could all be circumvented and the UK now knows what it has to order to prevent this from happening.

All I can hear on the UK network is 'incredible' and 'unbelievable' and 'TOMLINSON, what can we do?'

That is not the right attitude to have in a CRISIS. You need people who are good in a crisis and can think clearly rather than acting in a shell-shocked way - those of you who are sitting back to just 'accept the inevitable' will simply die and that looks like what will happen.

So why not get pro-active - find the computer - take control of it (from whoever currently runs it) - and start to make deals, internationally? Alternatively, you could simply blow it up - that way, nobody will be interested in wasting time upon a military campaign against this country. Naturally, you could also make public the fact that this CAL exists, where it is located (plans and photographs) and why the UK is now in dire trouble and may be razed to the ground in the near future - that way, everybody knows and it will be a free-for-all to control it or to blow it up - that opens up the arena a bit more because it exposes everybody's hand in this 'game of cards'. Everything will be in the open and so you will be relatively 'forewarned'.

At present, the current plans are to blow up the UK around this computer but NOT to touch this computer. You have to try to reverse this 'inevitability'. Target the computer, in every sense of the word.

So where is it? I still have no idea but am pretty sure that the major control centre was/is under SAINT PAULS. However, where the 'mainframe' is - I have no idea although an image of below the STOCK MARKET is coming to mind...just follow the cables.

Those who are resisting taking action at all - apparently DALDRY on the network - he appears to think that it is all an elaborate 'hoax'. All I can say is that I know what I have seen and experienced and what I am currently picking up around me. The TEMPLAR CASTLE was no 'hoax' for example - the number of CIA who were brutally tortured and then murdered - PRINCE WILLIAM'S 'speciality' and caught on camera. What about 9-11? The attempt upon the PENTAGON. Do you really think that the US simply brushed all of these things aside?

I can see that those who are reluctant to take any action - are those who have most to lose - SORRY ROYAL FAMILY but you know as well as anybody that you lose both ways - whatever you do. If the computer is blown up - your power in this world is so weakened that they will just 'take you away' and do whatever they feel 'appropriate' - if the UK is blown up, you die with it...

As far as the rest of the UK is concerned, THEY CAN ONLY SAVE THEMSELVES so start thinking along the computer command of: 'We can only save ourselves' rather than 'arseholes/our souls'. Break up the 'hive' and act independently from the top tier.

Nobody is a 'martyr' to anybody else's banner, be it the TEMPLAR one, or the CATHOLIC one or the SATANIC one...whatever. NO MORE MARTYRS for somebody else's cause, in this country. SAVE YOURSELF. The 'APOSTLES' or the SIONIST MARTYRS of the Crown are not real martyrs - they are simply mind control slaves - so break free.

Additionally, as MARK had shown me, and this is the interesting number - in RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNVERSE...the encoded Masonic message and threat against Prince William - that they would 'eat him' in the restaurant at the top of the STATUE OF LIBERTY, at the 'end of times'. I suppose some people really can see the future under certain conditions...they already 'knew'...and had planned out how to deal with the whole lot, from the 1970s or even before that. This is all about those who have pre-destined lives and those who do not - as I have already outlined 'robotic slaves' like RIMINGTON i.e. the Satanists...are trapped by infinity and run on pre-destined tracks. JOHN WATERS proved that one to me - showing me some riddles concerning infinity and so I tried one out on her at POWERGEN and it worked...she couldn't approach me, as I have already described.

Other notes:

MARK and I in KA-RAAKERs and I...differed upon one significant point...he believed that G-d didn't exist whereas I believed that He/It did exist...and that is why an email draft was saved in my email box which is upon the 'existence of G-d'. I had not saved it as a 'draft email' myself - it was part of a larger email and I suppose that is because I was meant to discuss it again. It annoyed me at the time because I figured it would have been from the likes of BRICHTO - who quite obviously didn't believe in anything but money and slavery - mainly because I had found out that BRICHTO was one of those pseudo-intellectuals who pretentiously claim that the 'idea' of G-d is more interesting than the actual 'phenomenon', in terms of his biography upon Wikipedia.

It is like claiming that a photograph of your child is more interesting, than your own offspring in real life "I find this photo of my kid more interesting than he/she actually is, in real life" and just goes to show how far those like BRICHTO, have distanced themselves from any sort of 'reality' whatsoever.

If however, one goes in search of G-d as MARK can take this metaphor FIRST CAUSES/PRINCIPLES..."so let us not look at the photograph but look at the camera"...went the scientific way of far wrong can you go? Look at the KID - at the human being.

Hence the obsession with BIG BANG theory upon a 'spiritual level'...and the production of a 'negative key' which was thought to be able to unlock the secrets of 'how G-d did it in the first place'...but G-d as a 'camera'...or some other scientific/mechanical device...which had the power to create suns, planets, light, water, 'life on Earth' name it...

I am sorry if I haven't provided you with any 'definitive proof' upon that one, MARK. Maybe it is true that you only really find out when you are really dead and not during an OBE/NDE. That is what the 13th Dalai Lama had to say upon that terms of the his writings upon it, upon the road to enlightenment but I can say that he does now believe that there is such a 'force' which exists behind/outside our UNIVERSE and interacts with it.

Maybe I have shown you some sort of 'proof' and not realised it, along the way.

When you look at people like the MACKLIN their very names were given by slave-driving they were chipped, tagged, programmed...and whipped into line every time they stepped out of it...but look at what an 'individual' RICHARD/RENE/RORY MACKLIN/TOMLINSON has could never entirely beat the 'human being' out of him and turn him into a 'machine'. It is an impossibility with some people. Others just lose their minds...they become automatons - then give up and die.

The ILL were trying to beat out of babies/children/people - what could have led them to G-d, the 'easy' way.

Other notes:

Looking at this bizarre storyline from THE SIMPSONS this looks like the 'spaceship' could be analogous with the CERN project and how it has failed. KAR -AAAKERS then gets mad and punishes poor old HOMER...this really isn't fair from where I am sitting...they had all been tortured and programmed into believing in the DEVIL...the MASONS once they had got to the top of the MASONIC TREE were then told that they had been worshipping the devil after all that time...because CERN simply wanted that much negative human brain energy to get their project finished quickly, rather than doing it properly and with positively charged energy...which was far more difficult to come by.

The next comic strip in this magazine is all about 'fairies' and I remember one of the scenes depicted, from my childhood...with JOHN WATERS in his front room of that 'Egyptian house' at the top of Lewisham hill...I was a toddler who wanted him to read a story to me...and he looked at the book I was offering and got annoyed 'fairies are nasty, mean, cruel and spiteful - they are NOT as they are, in this book'...and that broke my heart...I wanted a 'good story' and so he gave me one, dripping with cynicism...and about the 'super-nice fairies' who were 'as good as gold' etc...and I fell asleep on his chest...that was the story that I wanted to hear before I fell asleep...

When one looks at ENCHANTINA in this particular comic strip...all I can see is RIMINGTON.

I have no idea who the SKUNK was who stole her WAND but figure that this was something to do with PENISES...all of the Templars referred to their penises as their 'wands'...and so it is anybody's guess as to what this story is all about but I figure that it is alluding to an important slice of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE history - and that it had big repercussions, somewhere along the line.

ENCHANTINA'S eyes look like those of a KATS EYE programmer...and HOMER nearly punctures her pineal gland with his fishing hook...then leaves her to die in a jamjar...what on Earth can that be about?

Additionally, ENCHANTINA might not be RIMINGTON but myself because another frame in this comic strip replicates my own lifestory:

I was shocked to see the frame where you have the HELP and HANDPRINTS upon the immediately reminded me of the HELP and HANDPRINTS that I had made upon the dusty, steamed up windows of that house in MISTLEY. I had gone back there recently and remembered how RIMINGTON had let herself into this person's house (a couple of men who were using computers) and led me up to the top floor...she then locked me in this empty room...and put on a tape of children screaming with was hellish...and so I wrote on the window HELP and put up my hands against the window can still see this house and those 'cries for help' are still up there up there now, as far as I know...they have been there since 2004. I saw them again in 2008 and that is what prompted the memory to come back. My map of Mistley is a simple one but the house is on the HARWICH ROAD but to see the HELP sign have to see the other side of the house which is probably on that CALIFORNIA ROAD which is just behind and parallel to the HARWICH ROAD.

So then ED or rather BART finds this 'dead fairy' in a jamjar...if I push the analogy further... I left ED with my memory chip of notes/emails before I left for ISRAEL but he has never discussed them with me or returned the memory chip...anyway, this incites 'fairy' revenge upon HOMER...

However, MAGGIE the baby...crashes into the 'fairy in a jar' and the two become 'one'...i.e. I woke up to my memories...and reclaimed my child 'kitten' alter..."ENCHANTINA HAD LOCATED AND NEW WAND AND RESTORED THE BADLY CUT BABY."


Bart concludes:


Maggie has listened to the real story which was entitled: "BLOOD CURSE OF THE EVIL FAIRIES!"
and ironically, this has sent her off to sleep. So it was my brother ED who found a way to tell me the real story. I had given him the symbolic 'scissors' from my northern grandmother, to cut himself free from Telegraph programming as a child (as I had done about 5 years before him) and I sent the scissors left in the Catholic Church near Mistley, more recently (forget which village now but down the HARWICH ROAD and to the right as you are going to Harwich - it is in my notes somewhere - this had been part of the ILL 'trail' I was supposed to follow). So what had happened at SAATCHI & SAATCHI then, regarding ED getting life-threatening pneumonia during his first week there? CHARLES SAATCHI had promised to help PRESIDENT PUTIN bring down the ILL cult at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001.

The 'joke' ending is NELSON (aka GORDON BROWN) is listening in through the window and tells Bart, with tears in his eyes:


Anyway, what happened next is made quite 'clear' in the final comic strip:


Within this comic strip 'COMIC BOY' has collected some CURSED objects which have the ability to trap SPRINGFIELD'S residents in various scripts from POPULAR CULTURE...and they enact them out...trapped in 'another dimension' (my mother had put it to me, once I had first moved in here, that perhaps I was living in 'another dimension' - all ILL slaves are programmed to see the other side of the mirror as this)...however COMIC BOY realises the 'error' of his ways and picks up a hammer to smash each object, one by one...until he gets to the last one and he touches it, only to transport himself into another dimension and meets THE FEDERATION.

Yes, he is now trapped in FBI/FED/STAR TREK world and there is no way out - nor would he want to leave - this is his favourite fantasy.

HOWEVER, the FED are not involved in 'fighting aliens' who are trying to destroy the galaxy or anything like that...they are simply getting it together with the BORG (the created 'hives' of mind control slaves) and negotiating a 'peace treaty' i.e. 'we need to double check the doctrines and sub-doctrines before we ratify it.'

The 'FED' employees on the STARSHIP ENTERPRISE control deck are discussing yoga, Shakespearian sonnets, a jazz recital and a pet cat...COMIC BOY is brought down to Earth with a bump:



Make of that, what you will. 'COMIC BOY' appears to be another 'alter' of TOMLINSON's.

What 'doctrinal code' are we talking about here?

For some absurd reason...I am thinking DOCTOR - URINAL here...and the 'esoteric/religious' association i.e. the 'doctrines' of the CHURCH and/or MASONS...

I have not got to the bottom of the 'BLADDER MONSTERS' yet...but I can see it relates to the 'MONS monsters' i.e. the mind control slaves at the Templar Castle...and the comic association of 'black adder'...on a scientific level it suggests a 'slow-drip' feed of some drug which is placed at the bottom of the bladder...all ILLuminati children are taught 'bladder control' and not to tip the full contents out...only the top amount of urine is released...and upon a regular as not to disturb what has been put in at the bottom of the bladder...which is why MARK had urged me to push until I had got rid of all urine in my bladder...which took some only came out in short spurts...he told me that they could syringe it out but that it would be better to learn the muscle control in order to do it myself...i.e. if the ILL kidnapped me again and put another 'implant' in...

I can now see that little IYRAH is Helen Rodway's child - she gave birth to him - and because she was less brain-damaged by ILL torture and programming, she has protected her child far more than my sister was able to protect her firstborn - little LEO. I learnt last night, that LEO had been kicked around the floor, by DALDRY and other programmers, in an attempt to kick TOMLINSON's spirit out of him...but all they managed to do, was to create a child who locked himself up in his own mind.

I came to the above conclusions after thinking about what had happened in relation to my father putting me in a 'jamjar'...that means ZYGOTE SLAVE category ('jam' = menstrual fluid and egg)...he told me that he had done it because I was 'bad' and was going to be punished i.e. that the wages of my slavery would go to him and would pay for the school fees of my siblings. My father had sold me to the ROYAL FAMILY.

However, ironically, this meant that I didn't appear to get the full 'SEX KITTEN' programming and so didn't end up as under mind control as my sister. RIMINGTON had even commented upon this at POWERGEN - that I was actually getting the easiest time of it...difficult to sister got a husband, children, a house of her own...and I have literally nothing...but at least I am not so brain-damaged...and I do not have to abuse my children or 'secretly feel' that they are not my own and then feel guilty because I do not feel like a 'proper mother' should.

Other notes:

I remember that LOOPING THE LOOP was a highly important programming command and probably something to do with mathematics as well...rather like MARK RICKENBACH's command 'to infinity and back' as a pun upon his own name...rick en bach...anyway, HOMER and COMIC BOY teach the 'mob' as in the American Italian mafia - how to do it was these two who originally contacted the 'gangs of New York'?

Other notes:

I have to mention a really terrible children's book that I have just picked up:


ISBN: 1 84121 230 X
9 781841 212302

Now we have this dog 'YO YO' who MRS CHUMLEY-LUMLEY leaves her entire 'fortune' to but 'unfortunately' MINNIE AND MINCHIN try to steal it off YO-YO.

Naturally, they do not succeed and YO-YO ends up on a New York skyline with his loot and MINNIE and MINCHIN end up in jail.

My intuition told me that MINCHIN looked like a caricature of MARTIN AYRES (the butler) and that MINNIE (the 'maid' - I was made to take the role of 'maid' in a TIN-TIN dramatisation) ...MINNIECRICKET is the name that I use as an email address...

Anyway, one can see that RIMINGTON had no intention, in 2002 of letting go of any of her ill-gotten gains...and had bequeathed them to the eventuality of her death...YO-YO said 'MARK RICKENBACH' to me, immediately. MARK was her 'poodle' with golden eyes with little black pricks in the centre of them - a rather gruesome ILLustration.

So THE BUTLER DID IT - now you know.

Additionally, I have been thinking about taking the ferry over to SHOTLEY PENINSULA to cycle over to CHELMONDISTON for some time now...pronounced 'Chelmerdiston' by the 'natives' around here but apparently....ANNE ELLIS pronounced it differently, according to my mother...BUT I have never done it...a step too far...'people get murdered in such out of the way country places' sort of thing...I simply didn't feel 'safe'.

MRS CHUMLEY lives in CHELMONDISTON...there is another town in the UK which everyone calls CHUMLEY but is in fact spelt CHOLMONDLEY or something like a toss up between the two...

Alternatively, the big POODLE could mean TOMLINSON who I 'affectionately' termed:

POUFFANT WITH BOUFFANT (in a French accent) to Daldry in Prague 1995.

If I am to be a 'fairy' then I can be as mean, spiteful and bitchy as the rest of them.

I do not find being called 'filthy little Bunnyrabbbit' entertaining.

So where are your ill-gotten gains now RIMINGTON? The Saudi money is all gone - so is the NAZI gold - what are you going to bequeath to your POODLE now?

Other notes:

At nearly 11.50 am - ROGER from COMPASS leaves me another 'warning message'. PISS OFF ROGER. I will not call you - go and annoy/bully your other tenants, in CROWN properties. None of you are getting a penny out of me. Surely somebody would have told you that by now? You are in contact with ANDREW MARR'S brigade - are you not? Remember I arrived to hear that telephone call in your office?

Anonymous said...



ISBN: 13 978 1 4165 2459 5
ISBN: 10 1 4165 2459 2 51600

Programming numbers: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

PS648.S3S6588 2007

9 781416 524595


(For those interested in the actual story - Picard destroys the BORG in this one).


Programming numbers: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

ISBN: 13 978 1 4165 2471 7
ISBN: 10 1 4165 2471 1 51600

9 781416 524717

Anonymous said...


"Historian's Note
This story is set betwen the events of the third season Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Through the Looking Glass" and the fourth-season episode "Shattered Mirror," before the Terran rebellion took Terok Nor.

Only for 'enthusiasts' eh?

Black Rabbit said...


I have decided to arrive at Schipohl and book a flight there.

Oddly enough the 'cheap deals' sites for this airport such as EASYJET and SKYSCANNER have now been banned upon Library computers: ACCESS DENIED.

I wonder why? Still I figure that I can always ask somebody with an Internet phone, to let me use it to send a quick email i.e. to post where I am going - once I have booked a ticket - just to make sure that everyone knows which flight I shall be taking.

Anonymous said...


- is really the best way to put a TEMPLAR down.

It says it all.

Anonymous said...


Apparently he wrote SPOOKS and also writes for the BBC. It might be a good idea to 'plum' his brain for extra information.

Black Rabbit said...


I remember HELEN CANDY at 18 years old (1981) - SUE WHALLEY, who was a particularly good friend of hers...told me about how she had gone on a date with IAN HEROD (the guy who was to rape me later on - the friend of Daldry, Tomlinson and Marr).

What had mystified HELEN was that she had given HEROD a blowjob in his car. She had never done that for dates that she had found sexually attractive and liked...HELEN didn't like HEROD and nor did she find him sexually attractive - she had only agreed to go on a date with him because he had pestered her so much and was a friend of Sue's. She had only had 1-2 drinks and wasn't even drunk - which she never normally was, anyway. HELEN was confused and upset about it all - how could she have done that with somebody she didn't even give a toss about?

CAR-PET programming...the 'pet in your car' who gives you a blowjob i.e. a sex kitten alter.

HELEN CANDY had obviously been a lot less programmed than most of us, by her late teens. We had all been programmed as sex slaves, from childhood but HELEN had had a lighter time of it because she could remember afterwards, what HEROD had made her do.

This chimes in with what I can remember TOMLINSON made me do in this car - in my first year at ESSEX UNIVERSITY in 1982. The time when he turned up, claiming to be from a non-practising MUSLIM family and apparently owned his own 'computer business' in London - an ex Cambridge graduate. I hadn't remembered that part of his 'drive out' to a country pub - only the 'guy who held my hand and kissed me on the head, at the end of the date'. No wonder I dumped him after the first couple of dates - my subconscious mind must have been screaming 'get rid of him - it's KRUSTY THE CLOWN - remember???'

Other notes:

Looking at the garden this morning...I can now see why HAZEL'S friend wanted to clear away the weeds around the bed in the middle of the WHITEWALL area. There are now 3 main PLANTS there.

The first is central and in the GREEN pot in which I had planted it. It is a small 'FIR TREE' - just like the one which had been part of the ILLustration upon the back of the PENGUIN SET of 'GREAT LOVES'.

HOWEVER, when one looked at the actual bookcovers inside the case...this single ILLustration had been left out...and another one substituted for it: A BLACK AND A WHITE FEATHER.

Why had it been changed?

Because TOMLINSON was no longer going to be the 13th one in this ILL GAME. I was going to be that and so MARK had asked me to design the new 'cover' for the 13TH ONE book: THE EATEN HEART.

I suppose that TOMLINSON had been asked to design the former 'FIR TREE' one and so it is interesting to 'compare and contrast' the two ILLustrations.

I refused to water this FIR TREE in the garden. It now looks pretty 'dead' to me. Symbolising the 'deadness' of this old symbolic 13th image. I have NOT put two feathers in the garden either, to symbolise the new 13th one image.

I wonder if both TOMLINSON and I had 'eaten the heart' of the 13th DALAI LAMA and that this was why we were both 'eligible' for this role. It is looking likely, isn't it?

Anyway, the other major plant in that bed is a DAHLIA - which I know to be representative of DELILAH i.e. the mind control slave attached to the 13th one, who is supposed to betray him.

I suppose this was supposed to represent PETRONELLA - who is now 'in the stocks' in FLAT 1. There is a STOCKS plant growing in front of this DAHLIA.

Now I can see the full ILL picture according to the PRINCE CHARLES school of 'planning'...they were still hoping to carry out this whole ILL game...get one of TOMLINSON's mind control slaves to betray him...put them in the stocks and murder him. So then the 'true KING STAN/SATAN/KINGSTON' can rule the slave-trade, at home and abroad.

HOWEVER the game has changed a bit now, hasn't it? There are higher stakes to play for and it is all 'dovetailing' together and into a crescendo.

I saw a man from the GOLDEN CHAIN today in the library - of Arabic descent - looked rather like PETER SMITH - Manager of the DTO in Prague 1997 - he had a large golden chain around his right wrist - his eyes were holes...and I could see clearly that there was now what physicists would call a literal 'black hole' in his brain...that sucked in energy...or as PULLMAN would put out the 'dust' from this world...not 'dust' but 'soul energy'...'human brain electricity'...the ILL had been turning their programmers into minature 'black holes' to suck up this energy...and some people, like RIMINGTON, could do it more effectively than others...

I remember thinking about that 'lament' or plaintive song by STING which says ' there is a little black spot on the Sun today, Oh how I wish it would go away...' this is all about programming...this is all about how an ILL cult person feels when their 'golden energy' is taken away from them...their pineal gland is punctured...and that golden energy begins to get sucked out by the 'black hole' brigade...and what happens to it then...where does it go?

To another 'dimension' or is it all 'radio-linked' to CERN?

Upon a more prosaic note - the 'golden chain' guy had been waiting to use my computer 5 after I had finished...I did so, switched the computer off and then on again after my hour was spent and left the library (to get rid of any browser memory but more so - to cut off the connection to that 'remote')...only to watch him through the glass and to my amazement he was trying to access my I went back in to 'scan' him...naturally he looked very uncomfortable...I stood behind a book display behind him...and suddenly I 'knew' that I had the keys to the whole lot.

Other notes:

So now we are in the historical phase of CULTURALLY RELATIVE NAZISM in the UK.

Those like COLLIE could never really be 'objective' about anything - they were of the mainstream of an insane historical NAZI fifth column that had existed in British Society for centuries - one can trace its development and roots back to feudalism.

Hence the obsession with CASTLE mind control programming by the ILL of this country to date. Philips/O' Brien in the USA, naturally, do not mention that one in THE TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA - US architecture termed as 'castles' are at best, pastiches of those in Europe. The 'age of the CASTLE' was dead long before the USA, became a 'country').

There are few people in society who can claim to have some OBJECTIVITY upon what is going on within it.

Historically, in the UK - this was seen to be your 'wiseman/wisewoman' who lived in a cave on their own, apart from the general 'settlement' or community - in Celtic times.

In THE AGE OF ENLIGHTMENT - 'rent-a-hermit' was de rigeur for any self-respecting aristocrat...they would literally force a guy to sit in a cave in the grounds of their estate...the poor man was ordered NOT to cut his hair/beard/nails...and was given 'suitable attire' to wear...i.e. a loincloth and a few 'bear rugs' for winter...the ARISTOCRACY would then take their 'ladies' to view this 'creature' who would utter strange and foreign sounds...and at some point...would give them a 'prediction' as to one of their questions...most of these 'hermits' were allowed one book...THE HOLY BIBLE to read (they were all literate)...and so would use quotations from this...and the ladies would go away, 'suitably impressed'...why have we never had that one, in a JANE AUSTEN book/film?

Perhaps JANE AUSTEN was never allowed to visit such a terrible scenario and even if she had, wasn't allowed to write about it - or did and then got that edited out of her 'satirical work'. She would have had a brilliant time with that sort of material.

SATIRE kept the ENGLISH sane during the period of 'enlightenment'...everyone was going insane...the doctors were electrocuting everybody in sight and calling it 'theraputic' whilst experimenting upon those in hospitals...slavery was at its maximum level abroad and stories were leaking back into the public domain...most of those who had seen it callously disregarded it...those who were in charge of it...behaved like most farmers do to their animals in the countryside of the UK...and so in the end, we were all made slaves...because our ancestors had turned a blind eye to what was really going on, in the AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT...which had followed the Age of Industrialisation.

THE AGE OF INDUSTRIALISATION = the era of 'mass production' i.e. like BRICHTO, you can care more about the PHOTOGRAPH of your child, than the real like the 'image' better than who that child really want that kid to be a perfect 'birthday photo' little kid with the prettiest face...with the best manners and the best school grades...but he/she is NEVER going to be that...they are NEVER going to fulfill that 'snapshot'. No-one ever does.

I suppose that when I looked at 'homosexuality' in relation to DEREK JARMAN'S work - I was struck by how when one is positioned OUTSIDE of UK society - for whatever reason and NOT necessarily sexuality (I am not a lesbian but in the 'GONG' room of the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY) gets a certain PERSPECTIVE upon the whole and from the OUTSIDE. That is the best perspective to have as any FILM DIRECTOR/PRODUCER will tell you...any photographer will tell you...just take a large shot of the whole thing in perspective...and you can only really do that, if you have been 'thrown out of society'. You are viewing it from its are viewing society from its CIRCUMFERENCE.

You can therefore choose between having a malicious view of it or a helpful view of can react against it or try to think up ways to stop the obvious abuses within it (particularly in regard to yourself) by exposing them...

In short, you can become a criminal or become a social 'commentator' - depending upon your circumstances i.e. do you have you need to make money to keep them alive and if so you then have to enter the 'criminal class' no other options available from the CROWN - or can you expose the whole BOGUS show that ILL UK SOCIETY has become because you are an 'independent' or as MARK RICKENBACH put it: a FREE RADICAL.

Sorry MARK, I have never felt 'free' or 'radical' in my entire life but my will to resist your ILL CULT has kept me fighting...

Anyway, the MAJOR POINT here is that the FAIRIES are a symbolic understanding of those who have been thrown out of MAINSTREAM SOCIETY and out into the margins of the MAINSTREAM...

So who are the FAIRIES?

They could be almost anybody nowadays...but in the beginning, FAIRIES were supposed to be 'gay/lesbian' people or even 'transsexual' people according to ancient civilisations...


THE LITTLE GREEN MEN were used in programming the NORTHERN IRISH in particular...these 'little people' who tried to control your MIND. I asked SABINA SHARKEY about this (see notes upon 'Tricky Boots' in Solihull 1980) and she believed in them...this is all ET programming but mixed in with 'LITTLE PEOPLE' programming...

If one looks at TIBETAN MEDICAL CHARTS...the ILL had made up a simple colour-coded system from them...i.e. GREEN SYSTEM = HEAD...YELLOW SYSTEM = LUNGS, LARYNX and associated systems...RED = some of the main ORGANS...but in particular, THE WOMB...other ORGANS = BLUE...HANDS and FOREARMS seen as BLUE...and so on...the feet are seen as BROWN...and GREY...i.e. 'your clay feet - you cannot run away' why not break the ILL mold of programming around you? It isn't that hard...whatever they might have programmed into you - by sheer force of will you can break through that 'plaster' or 'pottery' around you...that is what they coated your 'essence' with...and be FREE. As SHARON said, after all 'it is only mind control'. So it is a battle between their minds and yours. They entrapped you, caught you on unwares, lied and kidnapped you. On your own turf and knowing who they are - what can I say but 'no competition' - you can wipe them off the floor.

They had based their OTO colour-coded charts upon this 'ancient art' but then perverted and warped it in a Western way...

Other notes:

Women have the ability to sit a stooge...and endure stuff (unbelievable harassment) that no man could...that is why I was probably much more effective than TOMLINSON in getting to the bottom of the 13th ONE game.

So who really thinks that it would be a 'good idea' to create an exclusive 'world/society of men'? A bunch of screaming closet British Queens aka PRINCE PHILIP/CHARLES/ are making me laugh and laugh...go back to your fantasies, boys.

I shouldn't knock them too much though...our culture has got many women MPs into parliament (albeit puppet mind control slaves)...and yet again I look to the ARAB side of things...women who cannot even look a man in the eye without being punished unless she is of 'high status' and it is a 'mistake' it was for MYSELF and TOMLINSON in that MI6 programming base with those SAUDI mind control slaves...

All I can see at this point is a basic unadmitted point - a desperate plea from MEN TO WOMEN...they want to be treated like babies...(and have their toe-nails clipped) an Islamic a Western sense...if you will not give us sex or a blowjob when and where we want it...we will torture you into blind obedience and under mind control slavery, for the rest of your lives...this is all about the WAR OF THE SEXES yet again, how wearying. Just how sick are the majority of men to put up with this? As far as I know - most would die of shame if it were known about them. That is the consumate power over them.

Alternatively it is about seeing the whole thing and from the side of the FAIRIES - who used MIND CONTROL as a way of 'getting back' at the MAINSTREAM. The 'fairies' are the most dangerous in this sense...

I remember a telepathic message from Tomlinson about terms of: 'do you know why she went crazy? They murdered and then ate her children in front of her'. Yes, TOMLINSON - she did precisely the same thing to me with YOUR child in 1980 - so big deal - what else are you going to tell me? THAT didn't send me insane or psychotic - or into a rampant homicidal case, that RIMINGTON has now become - so tell me something new.

Other notes:

Yet from my experience, the FAIRIES of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had engineered my 'unpopularity' and that of SUE WHALLEY and DEB McDONOUGH at school...but we banded together to become a 'trio' of 3 that could do relatively what we liked...and broke the ILL system by doing so...a model for other things perhaps?

Other notes:

My mother used to take one look at the 'divided tip' of the nose of those like MARK RICKENBACH and she used to say HEREDITARY PAEDOPHILE as in 'they cannot help it.'

I used to laugh but my mother is rarely wrong. I used to see this type of genetic 'nose formation' as simply being 'gay' as in quite a few gay men had it. I used to use DABYDEEN'S argument against her i.e. 'how dare you discriminate against people upon the way that they genetically look?'

Yet looking at it is quite obvious that a high proportion of gay paedophiles ARE born with this type of nose and go on in later life to develop it, pronouncedly. It is rather like a case of DOWN'S SYNDROME - quite obvious but for some reason, everybody 'misses' it. For example, by his forties, MARK RICKENBACH has a highly pronounced version of this nose...whereas his young blond relative (whom I previously noted on the Internet) doesn't appear to have it in head-on photographs...but look at the photograph of a 3/4 profile - with the light upon his face from one side...and you can clearly see the division at the tip of his nose. It is less obvious when they are young.

If genetic science has been put to ANY good so far - surely this 'divided tip' of the nose, should have been investigated and if true (my mother is generally correct in her opinions) - that is the sort of thing that should be ERADICATED from our gene pool.

I am not of the COLLIE school of relative science upon this point i.e. 'let them be' - nor am I against 'controlled eugenics' - i.e. if it endangers human life upon this planet - get rid of it fast.

Let me think now...I remember putting up the argument to my mother 'okay so a lot of these guys are gay or bisexual (who have this nose) but what if it is to do with anal dilation i.e. a lot of anal sex over a lifetime which results in this divided nose-tip? Alternatively - what if it is alcoholism?'

My mother had mentioned that the tip of these men's noses was also generally bulbous as well as being divided.

My mother pooh-poohed all of it. Definitely paedophilia - she should know - she was a doctor and had seen all of life. My mother knew all about the genetic discoveries concerning identifying what is upon the genes - before I did - years before it was released to the Public.

The discussion was around high-profile men in the media who had these noses...mainly old, camp actors...rather like 'RUMPOLE OF THE OLD BAILEY'...but one could also mention those who have had nose jobs and that is an interesting point...I am quite certain that DALDRY had the bridge of his nose loped off in his teens...and so the fact that he has a very divided tip of his nose...could be a side-effect of this surgery or not as the case could also say that MICHAEL JACKSON (popstar) has a similar nose...David Dabydeen has a similar nose but not had plastic surgery...

The 'vicar' who runs the ESPLANADE HALL bookstore has precisely this sort of nose and I have already stated that he used to have sex with the young man who now lives in his cottage - who is under mind control and doesn't remember a thing...but maybe that is not the case anymore...the 'vicar' is now on a large amount of pills...he showed me them...a take at different times of the day...rather like TOMLINSON at ACORN VILLAGES with his different bottles of pills...

Anyway, I remember HENRIETTA when she was still a full-time Consultant Forensic Psychologist, dealing with paedophiles and paedophile rings at the 'lock-up' hospital outside general conversation circa the late 1980s, saying that the 'drugs don't work'...that was the main mystery to those working in this field...i.e. that you could chemically castrate a paedophile but that even though they couldn't get an erection afterwards - they would still go out and sexually abuse children (by other means) it wasn't actually a case of 'sexual desire'...and nobody could quite understand it.

I suppose that one should be quite clear now - these men are ILL-programmed out of their minds...even when they take no sexual pleasure in annally abusing/raping children...they go out and do so, anyway.

I remember PAUL DIBBENS at DARTINGTON who was ostensibly heterosexual and had a wife and two young children (MARK and DALDRY were to go on and form family units in the same way)...he had this 'paedophile' nose...and DEREK JARMAN'S great friend...who was a theatre student there...David Dibnell...Dibnell used to take the piss out of Dibbens upon a regular Dibbens reported back to Caroline and myself 'a big boy like me, it is a status thing for him, to get me to bend over'...but I wonder about that now...Dibnell was the ONLY 'out' gay man at that college...and he was the first to die of AIDS in the mid-1980s of AIDS. That spells one thing to me...if you are in the ILL CULT, you are NOT allowed to be 'out' and gay. ONLY in the closet. Dibnell was taking the piss out of Dibbens for other reasons...I am almost sure of that one, now...I remember that Dibbens used to have a collection of NAZI paraphernalia and once professed to Caroline and myself that he was a NAZI, we didn't take him seriously at the time...or his collection of hardcore pornography which a mate of his had apparently loaned to him whilst he was 'in the hospital' in Germany, during his Army stint...

I remember how I had attacked DALDRY verbally about his paedophilia in Prague 1995...and he admitted that he had gone into 'therapy' for it but that the therapy hadn't wouldn't do, would it? Even the drugs don't work...

I also attacked him upon the grounds of 'you just want to make everybody like yourself, don't you? Safety in numbers - that sort of thing - that is why you 'convert' others to your cause. You are too frightened to stand alone'.

One can see why. One can also see that these 'divided nose' men are the most dangerous of all. Oddly enough, I cannot recall a woman with this nose but I am sure that there will be a telltale sign with them but that it is apparent in different ways.

Other notes:

Thursday morning...6 a.m...I woke up thinking about LEO and IYRAH...because I had had a very emotional dream where TOMLINSON was with the CID or some part of the police force and they were looking through photofits of this type of face of a little boy...they called it 'elfin' but found so many photofits and they didn't know who in particular he was looking for...

I then met TOMLINSON in this underground office...and he saw me and I asked him to let me understand everything...he took a deep breath and then began 'your mother once told me that when you were a child, you said to her SMILEY...' and then a police officer who was sitting behind us and some way away...completed the whole sentence - he knew it by heart...and I got annoyed and told him to shut up...I wanted TOMLINSON to say the sentence 'SMILEY GYRY MERRY GO HAPPY'...and then TOMLINSON collapsed into uncontrollable tears...they simply poured down his face, he was sobbing.

As soon as he said it - I had an image of what appeared to be a silver tabby cat, under water in a basin...I pulled the plug out...and the cat appeared to revive. I tried to comfort TOMLINSON but he was inconsolable - the cat must have been a 'child/baby' and somebody had tried to drown it in a basin - that is all I can think of - I have no idea - but the cat was actually alive afterwards...I wonder now.

RIMINGTON had told me that both of my two children were DEAD and I would end up like the woman that KIDMAN played in that ROTH film (was it THE ICEMAN COMETH?) - broke, doing menial jobs - no friends - isolated - living in a rented flat with the ashes of her two children in two golden boxes - knowing that it was both her and her husband's fault/negligence, that the children had been burnt alive, in their house.

I wonder if she had given TOMLINSON a similar version of this story. TOMLINSON was a very 'paternal' sort of character. He had always wanted a family. From my point of view, I took everything that RIMINGTON said, with a pinch of salt, as a matter of course. I was going to bring her and the whole ILL system down in the end...NO distractions.

Anyway, I might have ended up in this flat, virtually penniless and isolated but I have managed to achieve the above aim - which makes it partially 'worth it'.

Another image is coming back...of TOMLINSON in a small room - I was on the bed beside him - unconscious...and in the basin was a dead baby. RIMINGTON must have set this scene up somehow - I wonder if it relates to TOMLINSON accusing me of killing 'our baby' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001. It is highly probable. She was trying to do everything to break the bond between us - it had grown too strong and was interfering with ILL plans. I have no memories of ever being heavily pregnant in my life - apart from after FLETCHER had raped me at 11 years old and even then it was only just beginning to show in that telltale way, not more than a couple of months down the line - therefore I am assuming that this was some evil charade - but TOMLINSON had believed it.

The first image that comes to mind is of ANNIE IN THE SINK - this is the first photograph of a green-eyed tabby cat in a sink, within the PUBLIC PHOTOGRAPHS file - put onto WORD 7 to torture the 13th ONE with.

So I am assuming here that RIMINGTON and her 'poodle' MARK RICKENBACH had set up the whole sick charade in order to torture both of us. RICKENBACH had told me in 1994 that I would have TWO DAUGHTERS - who, by the time I got to the USA, would be fullgrown women with their own families and I would be allowed to meet them - he would arrange the meeting but I was NOT allowed to tell them who I was. I didn't want to meet them - he didn't seem to understand why. This was ILL-psychological torture 'lite' - MARK was pretending to be a 'nice guy' at this point. He had 'saved' my two daughters from the ILL and placed them in other families etc etc...

Other notes:

I had another dream after the above...and this was about HANNI and some working class families...she had taken me to meet them...but I now know that this was at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and these were kidnapped children/teenagers in the of them asked me if I knew what had really happened to his mother...he showed me a FLORIS perfume bottle which was half-full...and told me it was her scent...STEPHANOTIS he called it...I smelt it and then held his hands - I then got a flash of what had happened to her...the ILL had hunted her down in the forest...I could see the location...they had sadistically murdered her...this was the prerogative of the ROYAL FAMILY upon horseback...

Other notes:


Having read this book properly through...what caught my eye was this:

P41 "(Minchin and Minnie - the butler and maid) They would take the parcel to the post office and send it across the world to South America. AIR MAIL CASA CANINA, CARACAS, VENEZUALA - FRAGILE - WITH CARE."

So that is why the ILL TEMPLARS were calling MARK 'CARACAS' in KER-AACKERS...

There had been several attempts to get rid of him - all of which had failed and one of which was an attempt to get rid of him in Venezuala.

I get the feeling that if MARK is still alive - he won't be for very long. What he has done is so terrible - he will not be safe anywhere...with a 'wiped memory' or not. I can 'see' that RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE will get him, in the end.

I can also see that he might have 'saved' me from ROYAL FAMILY SLAVERY but he only did so to get control of the HARRY POTTER script...before the first book was actually published...and he had then thrown me into the ROCKEFELLER 'zoo' of slaves, to be made to jump through any sick little hoop, he desired. Therefore whenever the ILL wanted more plots and ideas and general synopses etc...names for characters - the whole caboodle...they would have to pay through the nose to MARK ROCKEFELLER. They ran out of steam at some point completely - they had used up my ideas...that was the year when ROWLING had a 'nervous breakdown/writer's block'...but I cannot remember which year but know that it was before the last two some 'deal' must have been order for the UK ILL to use me again...

Other notes:

I booked my ferry via the INTERNET this time for some reason - I wonder why - perhaps it was being put into the ALTAIR berth which had made me nervous the last time...and then got charged £15 for changing the booking to Tuesday...and the confirmation slip read BON VOYAGE with two SUNS upon the logo...that made me a bit nervous because it reminded me of the TIBETAN religion which is related to the first king being 'eaten' or something like that...and BON medicine being pushed in an erroneous way, by the 14th DALAI LAMA...he has a slanted view of he would do...being a 'jackal' as the Chinese call him (it does mean an 'assassin' in Chinese slang, so I am told)...the booking codes are the same as the last time - just the date has changed.

Other notes:

I decided to look through the colour photographs of COLOUR CRACKERS books. Their front covers are on display at the front and back of A FORTUNE FOR YO-YO.

I then realised...COLOR CAFE at SCHIPOHL AIRPORT and CRACKERS as in KA-RAACKERS...this is MARK'S company and he was granting himself a wish-fulfillment getting this book written by ROSE IMPEY.

I woke up this morning, knowing that it was in fact PAT ANDREW who had penned the story, under mind control...she is the main 'author' of these books but doesn't know it on this side of the mirror - she has a massive knowledge of ILL 'culture' and would be an obvious author for such books - knowing it all inside out.

I do not know who SHOO RAYNER is but guess that this means 'shoe reigner' as in the KEEPER OF THE PRISON OF SOULS...

Looking through the titles of these books - one can see many 'favourite' names e.g:


This is the last book in the series.

Before that we have:


And before that we have:


This book was only published last year - so is there a sort of chronology going on here? There are 16 in total.

The very first book of the lot is called:


Rather like the YO-YO book - it has an X as in a 'death' at the end of the ISBN code.

One can guess who POPPY was - my first cat - kitten alter model. POPPY is the symbol of a zygote slave. Why a MEDAL? POPPY is either given a 'medical' by AL (as in the computer) and NDE's or really dies - either way.

The next book is:


This has got to be TOMLINSON, hasn't it?

All one can say of this entire series, is that it is pure 'wish-fulfillment' and that the ILL have all lost most of their money and are on their knees, at this point - they will lose a lot more.

There is even a book in the middle of this series which is called:


I just had a flashback about this one - it was a 'book to be published' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE. The 'worm' in question is supposed to be PRINCE WILLIAM. The Royal Family apparently thought that he was the most 'intelligent' of their frightful brood. This is almost funny.

Who is:


The only 'Roberto' that I have ever known was ROBERTO CIPOLLA who now works for MI5 as a 'professor' at Cambridge University in 'imaging'. His father was the 'icecream man' who never sold any icecreams (but disappeared off in his van every day) - the family lived down KINETON GREEN ROAD upon which LANGLEY SENIORS is located.

One can see that MARK/MI6 had probably engineered this whole series to try and keep STELLA THE SWAN in didn't can't 'do business' without any money.

It is interesting to look at the CAROUSEL NUMBERS at the end of each ISBN code because one can see that YO-YO, POPPY and BARNEY (the bat - I 'know' that this was Petronella's alter)...are all 'doomed' according to the X code at the end.

TIM AND STELLA are at number 7 and so still 'in the game'.

WILBUR THE WHALE and SIDNEY THE SKUNK are at number 2. The 'Royal pets'. I am almost sure that SKUNK is JOHN SCARLETT...who lived in SIDCUP for a while - incidentally around where that GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY felon used to father told me years later, that he used to catch the same bus from BLACKHEATH to LONDON CENTRAL at the same time as this guy, in the mornings...but hadn't known it...until the information was later released...the guy now lives on the Costa del Sol. One can imagine that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE took a large cut (and the ROYAL FAMILY) in this 'sham' of a GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY.

Anyway, I wondered what was in PAT ANDREW'S mind when she penned all of these books and came to the conclusion that each 'pet' and their 'story' was all about their HOOK to hang them on...for example...POPPY apparently wanted acclaim and a medal (I have my own standards - if you gave me the highest order of the British Empire - I would throw the 'medal' into the gutter and trample on it)...BARNEY wants to 'go home' and so is deprived of that...SIDNEY just wants to come up 'smelling of roses' with an untainted professional history (who are you kidding, Scarlett?)...PRUDLE the PARROT wants all of his nuts back so he gets them all (in one of two seesaw dishes) but only upon one side of the brain (which he cannot access unless told to by a programmer)...WILLIAM the WORM wants to be wise but he is only reading programming books...ROBERTO wants to be KING but the RUBIES signify a destroyed pineal gland and YO-YO is obsessed by money and he gets it...and so on.

Thinking about it now...perhaps 'old Mrs Chumley Lumley' was more like the QUEEN MUM...and that MARK had really sucked up to idea...but the in LC...'Elsie' denotes ELSIE TANNER aka Rimington - my intuition is telling me that this is correct, for whatever reason. However, now ELSIE has no money...the game has completely changed.

It is interesting to note that YO-YO ends up on his 'roof garden' which I assumed was NEW YORK for some reason (where MARK would spend most of his time) but the view is at a diagonal to the LONDON EYE and so in the vicinity of that 'hospital' which is around TOWER BRIDGE.

So if you can spot a LILAC PINK umbrella shade upon one of those buildings and those metal but painted white, ornate garden chairs around a white circular have got them. This is most likely to be the view from the top of that building, which is above the underground 'experimental mind control' centre.

On the radio network I could hear SCARLETT going berserk about my ingratitude...well, I have got further than most of you in getting this all out...but realise that it is a 'combined effort' and that you are trying to rectify the horrors of the okay...let us continue...and I need more money...why are you not doing anything about the ROYALS and that programming centre yet?

Other notes:


Another X ISBN MI6 is not going to be allowed to stand...but we knew that anyway, after THE SECRET DOSSIER book...neither is MI5 for that matter...only SAINT PAULS gets to continue...

Look at the index intuition is telling me that the numbers given, control the DOLPHIN ALTER'S basic functions e.g.

BREATHING - 9, 14, 24
TAIL - 8, 13
HUNTING - 12, 13, 16

The glossary gives us an initial letter code of:


I wonder what that could mean?

Read the very strange 'instruction' at the beginning of the book:

"Look at the dolphin at the bottom of each page. Flick the pages and see what happens!"

I hadn't noticed these crappy cartoons before but one can see from the ILLustrations that something rather odd happens to the 'dolphins' in question (the two sides of the brain) upon pages 6/7 and pages 22/3 and there is only ONE dolphin at the end of the book page 24.

So 24 = 'one side of the brain' to this DOLPHIN ALTER.

DOLPHIN programming appears to be about 'coming up for air' now and then so that your brain doesn't die completely. I remember the GLOSSARY you have the word SURFACE in bold...there was a joke about that one...SIR FACE for some reason...

One can guess associations to the rest of the glossary:

BLOWHOLE = 'the hole in the top of a dolphin's head, used for breathing'...

I had a dream about this last night...of a computer that I had been using...I think that it was the FISHWICKS...but I had stuck the back of the HARD-DRIVE up with CHEWING GUM...NICOTINE CHEWING that it couldn't be used for other HARDWARE or ACCESSED by another person...I apologised at the time...

I know what that was about...NICOTINE really does have a truly 'protective' effect upon the brain stops them from being hijacked/pirated by coating nobody can access your COMPUTER BRAIN - by the 'hole' in your head...

I am assuming that the 'chip' was put in as a that 'soft spot' where the skull hasn't as yet formed...and this is your 'hole in the head' through which the ILL can access and then 'run' you via microchip...

So the 'dolphin alter' believes that it can only 'breath' through the top of its head i.e. when its microchip is working...

I do not know about BOW but figure 'bow to your MASTER'...or COMMUNICATE...'co mun i c 8'? Something to do with MUNICH?

I was viewing those in GERMANY it all begins to hang was TURKISH GERMANS...there is a large Turkish immigrant population in Germany...higher than anywhere in Europe and about 10 years ago or more...the German youth went berserk...targetting this community and burning their buildings down, for some reason...and naturally this was reported as being another example of 'NAZI FASCISM' as it had once been, against the Jews...

So whether we are talking about ISLAMIC or JEWISH TURKS...I think that we are talking about the RA CULT in general, which originated from this area...and that makes me think of the TURKISH JEWISH bedouin 'wedding dress' with many coins upon it...that my mother...for no apparent reason (although we all thought, to 'have a go' at MIKE WEALE'S mother but at a subconscious level - my mother professed to have no idea why she had done it, afterwards) had worn for my sister's wedding reception, in SWITZERLAND. She looked quite exceptional in it.

My mother had shown me this heavy, dark burgundy dress heavy it was almost like 'camel sacking' and very primitive to look at...she had also bought a book upon the history of this Turkish Jewish tribe who had produced many other such items of ethnic clothing...apparently the dress that she had bought - it was basically a KAFTAN...was an 'authentic' original wedding dress, with the silver beaten coins around the squarish neckline.

That took me back to the peculiar story that my mother had about this visit to TURKEY and how she and my father had been picked up by a Muslim millionaire who had invited them back to his villa...and had told them about antiques and where to buy mother wanted authentic carpets and he had some sound to spot the fakes which were so cleverly fabricated that most people had no idea (doused in mud, trampled on and then left to dry in the sun for ages - that sort of thing)...this guy was part of some big drugs trade there...he openly grew something like 'heroin crops' and my mother was quite amazed that he was open about it all...but he was an 'untouchable' apparently...

I found it very odd that my mother - who normally likes Islamic designs - had picked up a book upon Jewish designs - concerning this bedouin tribe and a Jewish bedouin wedding dress. I had browsed through this book before to look at the photographs but had simply assumed that it was 'Islamic' because the patterns and designs reminded me more of what I had seen in terms of Islamic art. My mother pointed out that it was in fact Jewish and 'bedouin' culture.

Other notes:

More words from the DOLPHIN GLOSSARY:

ECHO - this must be about radio-chipping and at a sort of subterannean level.

INTELLIGENT - this reminds me of an INTEL chip.

MAMMALS - there is 'computer AL' in here...maybe I misjudged when I thought that computer was CAL...maybe MI5 'C' AL...but we have 'mam' here or 'ma' and that is associated with MI6 and 'mother' who is head of this who knows? The TOP DOLPHIN is 'MOTHER'.

I wonder now about TOMLINSON being who is A-AL...

Additionally I remember DALDRY telling me cryptically in PRAGUE 1995 that anyone who was nicknamed AL - died young, apparently. Not a good 'name'.

Why would being named after the computer not be a good idea?

Is this to do with ANALYZA KOMORK...I get the feeling that it is...AN AL YZ AKO MORK


You could see so many ILL CULT acronyms LYZ for example...


Wasn't a KOMOR a type of plane at one point?

Why was I on XY files according to the CIA (reading through a British Intelligence report)...who then changed their tune in Shanghai...once they had seen the FBI files...because BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had put me under surveillance because they needed to keep tabs on the 'author of Harry Potter'...I can see that who are the Z files then? That would be Z-HOUSE...ZOMBIE house...the 'walking dead'...they had to allow me a bit of memory in order to subconsciously write down their history in a 'fantasy' sort of way...and so I became a XY...and with a certain amount of 'memory' that made me very dangerous indeed...I was never allowed to 'wake up' too much...because if I did...I would become a full-blown rebel to the ILL cult system...

So does A-Z signify the whole gamut of potential memory?

The A-Z of US

The full memory of US - remember the novel - a library book in large print...which had a strange map of central LONDON upon the front cover? I should really have a look at that map again.
In fact, I now know - knew some time ago that this crappy novel was REALLY written by ROWLING - the only book she has actually penned herself. Naturally, it was too bad to be released under the name of J K ROWLING but she was adamant that she wanted to write something herself...and get it published and so the ILL let her.

Other notes:

More words in the GLOSSARY... idea but it reminds me of 'spy school' as in the MOCK TURTLE'S STORY of 'washing' and his great fear of it...brainwashing.

SHOAL...reminds me of the HEBREW - SHEOL...

SQUIDS...reminds me of DALDRY when he wanted to talk about betting 's-quids in' and in general i.e. if he wanted to put his money on a 'horse' so to speak, in terms of the plan being a good one...

STUN - sounds like a stungun to me...

SURFACE...I know this is related to SIR FACE...i.e. the first face that you see of your programmer as you gasp for know that this person has you dangling on a thread, between life and death...

Reading through this book to see if there are any more codes...and I came across page 18 which has a picture of two BOTTLENOSE DOLPHINS who are 'playing'...and I knew that the ILL cult referred to PAEDOPHILIA as 'playing'...the first initial letters are PD of this chapter...I then thought...about what I have been writing about in relation to my mother and her conviction that absolute paedophiles have a certain type of nose...and that it is compulsive behaviour which they cannot being born with DOWNS SYNDROME...and now I have it, the programming word:


Looking at the tip of some of these dolphin 'types' can see a ridge/division at the tip of the nose...

So 18 will relate to the BOTTLENOSE command as will the word 'INTELLIGENT' upon this page...and I remember COLLIE smirking at one of my remarks and saying 'that isn't very 'intelligent' but I passed it off...yet the way in which she said it...because programming command: INTELLIGENT is directly related to 'dolphin' programming and paedophilia...

I suppose that MARR'S other word INTENT where he figures that he is a camel who likes getting buggered 'INTENT' a corollar of INTELLIGENT...

I wonder if there is an acronym in the middle of INTELLIGENT as in ELIGIBLE...or LIEGE...or LIGGER (I told DALDRY that he was one of these in 1995) INTENT ANT...who is...let me think:


GILLE...not GILLES DE RAY - who was apparently a monstrous character from history...rather like VLAD THE IMPALER...

I have been thinking about GILES CORY...who was the father of two girls - Rothis-Jane and Lorna...Lorna was in the year above me at school...and my mother used to make me go round and play with her in their huge house and walled garden...upon the other side of BLACKHEATH...this family were also ILL...

Lorna grew up to become a MERCHANT BANKER and worked on the Stock Exchange for some while until she had a complete nervous breakdown and ended up on a ward in one of the London psychiatric hospitals...for some months...I cannot remember the name of mother said something like 'Mary's' something...

What can I remember about LORNA...she was a nice girl but always had to be in charge and the other kids wouldn't take it and so she found it very hard to make friends...she suffered from exzema a lot...rather like Ed's friend WINNIE in B'ham...she was also a very strong character but said that when she got nervous...that she immediately came up in patches...a disease linked to your nerves...

GILES CORY went completely the time we had moved to B'ham...their family visited us there, once...

It is all really odd but I do not know what to make of father's elder brother was 'blind' for over 10 years but recently had an operation and he can now see perfectly well out of one Aunt Valentine, Arnold would NEVER visit a doctor...he hated them...

All I can figure is that so many of these 'illnesses' within ILL programmed slaves...could just as easily be put down to psychosomatic causes as to anything else...or put down to programming or ILL experimental abuse.

This is all circling around the basic fact that whatever else the ILL CULT may be in terms of insane 'literary' programming books...and MASONIC heart, it is all about getting away with inhumane and grotesque medical/scientific experimentation upon human beings.

Additionally, a snippet of information came back about the authoress IRIS MURDOCH last night...her Senile Dementia was ILL-programmed...she had really pissed the cult off by rebelling and so they made a spectacle of her...even made that film/documentary about her degeneration into oblivion...I had picked that up at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

BOW is torture programming...linked to BOW-WOW-WOW...remember the popgroup who made a record with a fascimile of DEJEUNER SUR L'HERBE upon the front cover? You get the idea...the men out with a naked woman, upon the grass at the 'teddybear's picnic' to be sexually abused...murdered and then eaten...a 'cannibal picnic'...


The usual comment about 'dolphins are in danger of being caught in TUNA nets' has a different resonance than normal, to me now...

The TUNER'S NETS...what might that signify?

I suppose that is simply how you trap a 'dolphin alter' - with HARMONICS.

I have no idea what tune might entrap it but did sing a Russian march to DALDRY in order to try and stop, I am wrong...he was humming it and I accused him of it...I sang so many snatches of so many songs to idea which worked...

Other notes:

Looking back at the NARNIA book again...THE HORSE AND HIS BOY...might have been called the COR OF was apparently written in 1950.

13 years before I was born.

The 'CORE' of the 'ARCH'.

I wonder now...this brings back a very strange dream that I had of PETER SMITH as a 'Roman Emperor' and I was a 'boy' at his feet. He wanted to return to the UK but couldn' PETER SMITH looked Arabic...was he as HORSE...and am I still a BOY in some strange way...

Or is this now about TOMLINSON and myself...he was supposed to be the 13th ONE here...but it was changed...I was programmed with 'gee-gee'...

I remember that horrific island where the guy breeds 'stallions'...where ALLISON STONIER's knees were so damaged afterwards that she had to have an operation...the graduates tied us to four horses and then frightened the horses to rip any of our limbs out of their sockets...


We were put into the ROYAL ARENA in Jamaica...and then the lions were set lose on us (myself and the graduates were put through this)...we had no idea that they were tame animals...

I have since had a 'flash' of what happened to ANDREW MARR...he kept on running around the ancient stadium screaming, after every time a tame lion approached him and the ROYALS found that one hilarious, in their box.

I suppose it was an addition to DANIEL IN THE LION'S DEN programming.

I wonder now...had the graduates done that purposefully to ALLISON in particular:


I found out last year - that the guy is still breeding stallions upon HORSEY ISLAND.

Other notes:

I do not think that I have got all the 'meanings' out of AKHENATON yet:


That is how the TEMPLAR'S pronounced it - and DALDRY was their BIG FAT 'mother' HEN. Their 'demonic cockerel'. He was in a giggling little boy's alter when he dressed up as the 'demonic cockerel'.

Why AK? I can understand HEN and 'R TOWN' but why AK?

Initials of somebody? Not another drama teacher - like ANNE KILCOYNE for example? DALDRY certainly knew her and she was a generation older than him.

The DARTINGTON ART LECTURERS appeared to be under mind control...because I can remember having to line up after the 'dinosaur' programming session in the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM...and PEN DALTON and STEVE HOARE had to line up to...with the art students. I remember PEN DALTON cheerfully laughing to HOARE that she loved this part, she liked the BUZZ that the ECT current gave her. That woman never ceased to astound me, by her sheer stupidity.

DALTON was trying to be a RIMINGTON but she wasn't clever enough (dare I give a backhanded compliment to RIMINGTON here?).

Other notes:

For what it is worth - the CIA comment upon the MOSSAD is this: they did know that they had been infiltrated by Turkish intelligence/RA CULT but were receiving payoffs to keep quiet about it and 'do not doubt our word, Honey'.

I do not because I am only a 'little satellite dish' and can only report what is sent to me.

Other notes:

For the past three nights...MR TOM has pulled a large YELLOW/GOLD plastic bag with BLACK lettering upon my packing box by the says SELFRIDGES. Why would he do that?


Is that supposed to be some sort of oblique command? I sense it was from MARK originally - look, if you want the fridge and freezer 'sold' from this flat - do it yourself. I do NOT trust you at all anymore - look at what I have found out about you.

Other notes:

I can now fully understand why MARK was terrified of those children who were playing around the TEMPLAR CASTLE grounds...after he had fainted on me and then 'come to' again...he KNEW what he had done to them and feared that they would attack him for it...because he was conscious of his paedophilia.

UNLIKE others who were not aware of it...those programmed to see paedophilia as 'eating a PINK/BROWN doughnut'...just like in THE SIMPSONS can guess that a 'pink' one is the 'vagina' and the 'brown' one is the 'anus'.

So one can say that this was all about PAEDOPHILES who KNEW that they were PAEDOPHILES (those who often had the 'bottle-nose' perhaps) and those who DIDN'T know that they were involved in paedophile acts because they were under mind control - which works like STAGE HYPNOTISM.

The PAEDOPHILES wanted to create a society of paedophiles around them - so that they could hide amongst them. This 'crowd' would provide a protective barrier against being found out.

HENRIETTA had said that the repeat paedophile offenders had something wrong with the 'wiring' of their brains but in the late 1980s, nobody had found out what.

My mother had a more concrete idea in terms of the 'bottlenose dolphin' genetic feature but then she was perhaps a little bit higher up in the ILL CULT after she had become a DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH and was therefore privy to the genetic research that had been done during the late 1990s.

So one can say that MANNINGHAM-BULLER's idea that DALDRY raped children because he wanted to destroy all that was good and innocent in the world...partially true...he certainly did destroy their minds to an extent...but one can also say that this is a compulsive genetic disorder which needs to be looked at in a scientific framework.

Other notes:
I began to think about very primitive 'human beings'...before farming and civilisation...and whether or not they would have behaved like other 'MAMMALS' in relation to having sex with their young...

I then decided to look at MAMMALS in general...I remembered a DAVID ATTENBOROUGH series about MONKEYS and how sisters and brothers would interbreed but cannot remember if parents interbred with any rate, I got the picture that most mammals (particularly say, cats and dogs - where you have to separate the offspring quite early or they will mate)...tend to have few or no rules about INCEST...

I then thought about what SHANA had said about CHAIRMAN MAO and how he was a paedophile...especially chosen as part of a ILLuminati cult ROYALTY strain of blood, the Internet bloggers of 'those' 13 families...

I then thought about the TIBETAN MONARCHY...and then the EUROPEAN MONARCHY...

I then thought about how BLOOD DISEASES in the EUROPEAN MONARCHIES which had been highlighted by HAEMOPHILIA in the RUSSIAN ROYAL FAMILY...a direct result of interbreeding with one's 'family'...

It seems that HUMAN BEINGS in order to remain healthy...have to widen their gene pool as much as order to ensure optimum fitness and marry even a 'cousin' is really pushing it...hence the taboos that have grown up in most populations and societies against such least for the majority of people...although the wealthy elite in most countries, still continue this abhorrent practice and to their cost...and their health.

So what were THE SIMPSONS and THE CURSE OF THE BLOOD FAIRIES saying? Was this a comment upon the insanity of interbreeding in this way...a covert way of saying THE EUROPEAN ROYALS have poisonous blood/genes...because of this insane practice, simply in order to keep their wealth and lands 'in the family'...i.e. 'arranged marriages' with those who will only weaken their DNA and produce terminal diseases and all sorts of other nasties...

So why was I cast in the role of ENCHANTINA - I have no 'ROYAL BLOOD' whatsoever...I suppose because I was JOHN WATERS' 'little princess' when I was a child and so was given a lot of protection...

I find the very word HAEMOPHILIA very be a 'phile' is to be a 'lover' of something like a 'francophile' or 'anglophile' i.e. a lover of the French or English but what about a 'philiac'?

I remember MARK telling me that he was an ANGLOPHILE. The very first person ever to have told me that - you do not meet many self-confessed anglophiles.

I do not know but wonder about PAEDOPHILIA...why it is in the same linguistic bracket as PAEDOPHILIA also a disease of the blood?...I know that HAEMO relates to blood but I need to find out the roots of these words...okay, you have the apparent symptom of a 'bottlenose dolphin' but what about causes?

Other notes:


My father and brother Ed were both programmed with DOLPHIN but neither have a 'bottlenose' look about them...or maybe my father has it very slightly...I need to have another look at a photograph...but certainly not pronounced...anyway, I remember my brothers and father watching this TV series and falling about laughing as the DOLPHINS all swim off the planet EARTH just before it is going to explode saying 'CHEERIO AND THANKS FOR THE FISH' or something like that...the men found it so funny (I didn't) because they had been programmed with 'dolphin'...and I suppose that they figured that whatever happened..they would be all ALIEN 'bottlenose' DOLPHINS then...who get to skip out of any danger, even if the Earth is blown up...they will escape...

CHEERIO - that was something that RIMINGTON said a lot...and I link this to DOLPHIN/PAEDOPHILE programming.

SHARK PROGRAMMING...Paul Dibbens used to make the sign of a SHARK'S FIN over his head and mutter the JAWS theme tune, every time he saw somebody he didn't like...but then he must have seen himself as a 'peaceful dolphin' of the good a sea of SHARKS.

I wonder if this is the CORE THEME of that other SIMPSONS comic...where you have the MARLIN 'swordfish'...which is beset by SHARKS...

However, all ILL cult slaves are probably programmed with both SHARK and would make that the puppet-masters could use them for 'either' 'or'...multi-functional.

Naturally the ILL would chose the most 'lovable fish' to represent a PAEDOPHILE. This is looking glass world.

So I think that one should cast out one's TUNER/TUNA NETS and catch these 'bottlenose' DOLPHINS...and I am sure that the NAVAL MASONS would have a good idea concerning what fishy tune would bring them into line...

Additionally, ED asked me (whilst SUSAN was pregnant) what type of music to listen to, in the womb...and I suggested something New Age like WHALES/ NOT good advice at all, looking at the above...NOT with the ILL associations to dolphins but how was I to know? I do not know if he actually did it...

I suppose the NEW AGE idea was that dolphins communicate underwater as if they are 'in the womb' and this subterannean sound might be comforting for unborn children...but it is a ludicrous hypothesis when you look at it...have you any idea what those dolphins are saying to each other anyway? "Out of my way, crab-lover...oh, so look whose turned up late as usual...bwahh...that's Henry...let's beat a quick retreat out of here...yah boo sucks..."

The CHINESE and JAPANESE have a good idea of who has been programmed with 'dolphin' in BRITISH CULTURE as I outlined a year or so ago...the JAPANESE 'manga' cartoon of a sort of Hogwarts brainwashing boarding school in England, where the children are being turned into dolphinoids...and a Chinese novel about a young woman's experience of OXFORD UNIVERSITY and how the upper classes comunicate, almost imperceptibly, by a series of grunts, squeals and 'whistles'...and swim around like a shoal of dolphins...

I can now see the bottom line subtext to this: a bunch of inbred, programmed paedophiles.

...and the Chinese telling me that I looked like a TIBETAN from a 'Royal Family' was probably very insulting but I didn't get the 'joke' at the time...but on the whole, I do not think they were out to create offence so much, as to say in so many words 'we understand the whole ILL CULT and how it works'...

Anonymous said...

Anybody know where the SEAT PERILOUS is in SAINT PAULS?

Why not just get rid of the effing ROUND TABLE?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps RICHARD TOMLINSON should have a go at sitting upon it.

Would that be a quick and easy way of getting a lightning strike on SAINT PAULS?

Anonymous said...


A 'love' of children.


A 'love' of blood.


1. SALT - English example HALOGEN

2. BREATHE - English example INHALATION

Anonymous said...

The SAINT JOHN CULT Satanic rite in terms of murdering someone and then trapping their soul - was to make sure that their nostrils had salt up them and a bandage around their mouth.

The soul would not be able to be released through the nose...I suppose it would be absorbed by the salt - or it wouldn't be able to pass the salt barrier, anyway.

Anonymous said...

According to ILLuminati cult belief: the second coming of Jesus will be between the two dried up 'salt lakes' - geographically, behind Jerusalem.

A metaphor here?

The pineal gland between two 'salt lakes'?

You fill up the canals or 'reservoirs' of the sinuses with salt and then what...this pushes out the G-d spark - out of the pineal gland?

Anonymous said...

How does this relate to the computer HAL?

A computer named HAL because of a connection between SALT and INHALATION?

A computer-brain created by the INHALATION of SALT?

Anonymous said...

I get it - the trapping of the G-d spark within the brain/skull and then torturing it into submission as in YELLOW SUBMARINE torture i.e. the tracheotomy performed upon Illuminati victims who are kept conscious during the whole horrific procedure, as the programmer opens and closes their trachea, in front of their very eyes.

Anonymous said...

This whole Satanic procedure is done to 'harness' the power of G-d and to use it for evil.

Anonymous said...


A smuggler and a disaffected militaryman.



Anonymous said...

SRIA - the official website.

This is a real laugh and a 'must' for any would-be Harry Potter authors.

Take a look at this great list of potential names for magicians in the 'magi'.

I loved CRADDOCK. Reminded me of that camp actress TV 'cook' FANNY CRADDOCK.

The Official Web Site of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia


Founded 1st June 1867

Supreme Magus
M. W. Fra. John R. Paternoster, IX°

Senior Substitute Magus
R. W. Fra. Arthur Craddock, IX°

Junior Substitute Magus
R. W. Fra. David G. Jackson, IX°

Secretary General
R. W. Fra. Alan E. Smith, VIII° & 9°

for all enquiries please e-mail: secgen@sria.

Report on Masonic Week held at the Hilton Hotel Alexandria, Washington D.C.

February 6th – 9th

Anonymous said...

What is funny about it - they are dirty little mind control programmers and not 'magicians' - paedophiles, torturers and abusers of children.

Mind you the SUPREME MAGI as a title, takes the biscuit.

Anonymous said...

Why is the VATICAN opposing them then? Because SRIA is a breakaway programmer's group?

Anonymous said...

"A new College to meet in Middlesbrough will be consecrated at the Masonic Hall, Castle Grave, Moor Lane, Leeds LS6 4BP on the evening of Friday 10th October 2008, which is the day before the High Council meeting at the same venue."

I thought KNARESBOROUGH was their main 'haunt'.

Anonymous said...


Name Position Email
A G Davies College No 45 (Sec) B F (Brian) Richards brianrichard.11@btinternet.

Altiora Petimus College (Sec) Larry Tinkler
Aventius No. 65 (Sec) Ken Gummery ken.gummery@talktalk.

Blaise Pascal 70 (Sec) J.E.C. Creber

Birmingham Midland No. 10 (Sec) Paul Mycock

Bishop Wilkins No. 58 (Sec) Steve Markham

Brangwyn College No 75 (Sec) Alun Thomas-Evans

Caerlon College No. 72 (Sec) Ken Gummery

Charles Darwin No. 73 (Sec) Robert Hughes

Corpus Christi 33 (Sec) R.G. Ware

Clwyd No. 66
Hallamshire College No 8 (Sec) A H (Tony) Lever

Hermes College No. 63 (Sec) Howard S.H.Tjon Ajong

Holy Grail 21 (Sec) John F. Bate

John Dee (Sec) A R (Tony) Perry Guy's Cliffe No. 56 (Sec) Tim Blakemore Tim.Blakemore@northampton.Ac.Uk

Lancashire College (Sec) Simon P. Downs
Lord Kenlis College (Sec) Douglas C. Slimming
Millennium College (Sec) J. Sydney Skidmore Masonic Hall@

Mersey No. 12
The Netherlands College No. 54 (Sec) Frans W.J.J. Snel

Newcastle College No 4

Paracelsus 27 (Sec) C.E.

Pythagoras No. 26 (Sec) Frank Ursell

St Anselm College No 36 (Sec) J D (Doug) Watson

Saint Piran 46 (Sec) A. Ward

Saxby No. 71
Severn No. 38 (Sec) Justin Parker

Tamworth Castle No. 34 (Sec) Paul Mycock

William Wynn Westcott (Sec) David Henton

Woodman College No 6 (Sec) Tim Grunwell

Anonymous said...


Shall we begin a 'spot the bottlenose dolphin' campaign or would that be too CRUEL (they are suffering from something akin to DOWNS SYNDROME - after all.)

Anonymous said...

Women have that 'division' of the bottlenose dolphin too!

This is becoming rather like the MYSTERONS, no? Remember they had two fingers glued together...

Anonymous said...

DABYDEEN doesn't appear to have one one...

Black Rabbit said...


I have decided that my book upon BRITISH INTELLIGENCE now as a 'working title' of:

(Mafia rings and cocaine abuse within British Intelligence.)

Last night a whole load more came back...

I had been thinking about that horrific punishment that myself and the SOE had been put through in THORPE-LE-SOKEN. It is all in notes elsewhere (UK-wise, MR ICKE has a copy of everything) but briefly, I had told GEORGE MILLAR at a Veteran SOE party that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE were drugging and torturing their new recruits in 1979. That had resulted in RIMINGTON putting my head down the toilet and flushing it and being frogmarched out, by her men. MILLAR then told his pals what I had said and they organised a 'resistance'. It was in THORPE-LE-SOKEN at the back of a large country house (the name is in my notes) that each of these old people had their throats cut, in an ISIS ritual, whilst all of the recruits were forced to watch. I was then bound, had my mouth covered with a large sticky plaster and 'salt' pushed up my nostrils. I was then carried by the 'graduates' to the pit in a small wood over the fields nearby - where they had thrown the bodies of the SOE. I was thrown on top of them and then the graduates shovelled earth over the 'grave'. As this horror was taking place - I heard RIMINGTON say to SCARLETT that they would come back in a few days, to dig me up and chop my head off.

I have already recounted how TOMLINSON had telepathically told me NOT to breath in the salt and NOT to swallow it. There was a small pinprick in the plaster over my mouth - I must go into 'possum' and breath through that.

I have already recounted in detail how - the one 'middle-aged' rebel in that pit - managed to get free of his bonds, struggled to the surface and shook me awake from 'possum'. He was an MI5 officer. He was bleeding heavily from the throat and couldn't run far. He told me to get help. I found the local police station - they contacted the SAS at the THORPE-LE-SOKEN railway station hotel (where the recruits were staying) and I was driven back there. One of the SAS went out with a rifle to 'finish off' the MI5 officer who was still alive. It was a massive cover-up.

The Scottish SAS Captain was very surprised to see me but then decided to play a 'prank' upon RIMINGTON AND SCARLETT. He hid me in one of the last bedrooms and told me that I wasn't allowed to show myself to anyone until midday the next day, in the cafeteria. As he said 'they will all think that it is the SECOND COMING'.

However, before I made my appearance downstairs the next day, PETER from my 'green' team caught a glimpse of me down the corridor and ran screaming downstairs. He obviously thought that he had seen a ghost. I duly made my entrance downstairs and the entire cafeteria went silent - even RIMINGTON and SCARLETT sat there, like blocks of stone. I went up and got some food and then sat down in front of them. I then 'broke the ice' by saying 'good morning' and they began to recover themselves.

Anyway, I was thinking about the above again yesterday, in relation to the PINEAL GLAND and the 'butterfly' SINUSES which are rather like 'lakes' on either side of the nose and forehead.

The TWO SALT LAKES metaphor that was also used in JERUSALEM 1980.

RIMINGTON and SCARLETT had taken me to these two dried up lakes outside JERUSALEM (possibly in Jordan - near to the border) where according to some Christians, JESUS is supposed to 'come back' as in the SECOND COMING...continue on to the MOUNT OF OLIVES to make his 'grand finale entrance' at the LAST BATTLE) and so on...

They walked me across the desert valley with salt on either side and told me the story of THE SECOND COMING. I had no idea why but am now beginning to understand this a bit better.

The SATANISTS believed that the 'spark of G-d' present in every human being - resided in the PINEAL GLAND. Their duty was to puncture this gland, in order to try to force this 'spark' out and then to capture it. Literally separating 'soul' from 'body'. The 'body' could then be used like a 'robot' and the brain programmed like a 'computer'.

I therefore thought back to the 'salt' up my nose and wondered why that had been an important part of this SATANIC RITUAL and why they then wanted to chop my head off. I concluded that it was all about soul-trapping but something was missing...

Last night I remembered what that 'something' was:

RIMINGTON and SCARLETT had taken us all to the BRITISH MUSEUM to see those South American CRYSTAL SKULLS. We were allowed to pick them up and handle them. They were of a sort of marbled TURQUOISE crystal colour. They were quite 'pretty' in a way but not when you know how the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE SATANISTS viewed them - how these skulls had once been a human skull, brain and 'soul'.

I then thought back to the SALT CRYSTALS that had been forced up my nose - they had been 'gritty' - not refined salt - but rather like ROCK SALT.

Were they really SALT crystals or COCAINE CRYSTALS?

I know nothing about the production of COCAINE but know that the final product has to be 'cut up' in crystalline form. It is a ROCK of sorts.

No wonder TOMLINSON had warned me NOT to INHALE or to swallow what dripped down the back of my nose.

The COMPUTER HAL - what was HAL again in LATIN? English derivatives were 'inHALation' and 'HALogen' lamps.

Anyway, I can see what would have happened if I had INHALED - rather like in Ireland, where MANNINGHAM-BULLER had forced us all, to overdose upon COCAINE and all I could see was a blinding WHITE LIGHT and then passed out.

I am beginning to get the picture here that I was supposed to OVERDOSE upon the COCAINE CRYSTALS forced up my nostrils (they had really packed them in) - see the WHITE LIGHT - then my body would die and my SOUL would be unable to escape through the NOSTRILS (or my mouth) - it would be trapped in my skull.

I then figured...CRYSTALS it possible that this is what the ILL were hoping...that these cocaine crystals would eventually transform my whole brain into a crystalline mass...and that my soul would be entrapped within it?

Again I got the image of those South American CRYSTAL SKULLS and it was true...that is precisely what the ILL were hoping for. In addition, I remembered that RIMINGTON and SCARLETT believed that they could 'CONTACT THE DEAD' by placing their hands upon such a 'crystal skull' because of the 'soul' trapped within it.

I have no idea if they meant that particular 'soul' that was entrapped or the entire 'spirit world'.

Anyway, I then thought of MI6 and the 'AZTEC TEMPLE' design of the architecture of their South Bank office building...I then thought of the colour TURQUOISE which they use as their 'brand' colour in all of their Satanic enterprises.

I then thought of how DOLPHINS are normally represented as being 'turquoise' in ILLustrations, even though most are really 'greyish' in colour...

I then thought of where SCARLETT had said those skulls had come from and it was MEXICO. I have no idea where the BRITISH MUSEUM says that they are from.

I then looked at this in 'iqbl' and immediately recognised THE key MI6 password:


CIX is the computer email company that my father always uses to handle his large amounts of mail.

I then remembered DALDRY using the above word in terms of EN-TRANCING i.e. reducing slaves at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 to a hypnotic state of 'trance'...he had said 'OSIKSEM' as far as I could hear and so figured that it was some 'eastern' mumbo-jumbo but in point of fact, it is simply MEXICO spelt backwards...

So it really is all about the AZTECS, in 'hallowed' BRITISH INTELLIGENCE SATANIC circles.

Anyway, I used this 'password' upon myself last night and a door opened in my mind which let out a flood of memories...firstly the little SPANISH CONTESSA - the painting from Goya...that had been my Swiss-grandmother's hereditary line (she even had a reproduction of it in her dining room)...she was a descendent of this Spanish Royal Family...and then all of the 'level 10' programming which was mainly aquatic...I also found out some horrible stuff about general abuse...

Also there is MEXICAN...MEX-I-CAN...and I began to wonder about the TUNER CAN...AND now the main one which appears to be MEX - I - CAN...I then 'viewed' various British colonial families who were linked to MEXICO...and also the RUSSIAN colonials there too...and the 'pun' on MEC meaning 'MAN' in Russian and other SLAVIC languages/countries.

I went through as much as I could last night...the 'door' that had opened in my mind was rather like a French window out onto the garden, behind thick curtains...but it was so much that eventually I simply visualised (as I had done with 'black hole' people)...putting my hand in and pulling that whole world, inside out...through the that it was ALL now on 'this side of the mirror' to go through later on.

I found a syringe that was in the nipple of a breast and realised that the ILL had done this to my left breast...a 'slow-drip' feed of poison, into my system. TOMLINSON had told me that all female slaves were chipped in one breast - that is why I had a rather large growth of cartilidge to the side of my left breast but this 'syringe' was probably something different...probably to make sure that if I ever did get pregnant, that I wouldn't be able to breast-feed from that breast...I do not know...or maybe it was to 'poison' the have no idea just how sick the minds of the ILL are...particularly RIMINGTON and her syringes...I can still see MR TOM running around ESPLANADE HOUSE with a syringe sticking out of the top of his left eyeball...he had managed to escape her before she could push in the plunger.

Other notes:

FERDINAND AND ISABELLA...I wonder about the hidden history of the SPANISH ROYAL FAMILY now...before the REFORMATION...SPAIN was a place where JEWS and MUSLIMS could live together quite happily...the only place in Europe...and what about before that...before CHRISTIANITY got a hold on the world...were this SPANISH ROYAL family, primarily JEWISH but who then had to 'convert' to Christianity in order to keep hold of their lands?

So one might even go so far as to say that SPAIN was primarily JEWISH as a country...then ISLAMIC...the whole 'Christian charade' which came to dominate SPAIN was the newest addition to the lot...and in that could say that SPAIN has a very similar early history to ISRAEL...

Other EUROPEAN countries were mainly of differing CELTIC/GAELIC religions before CHRISTIANITY took over...ITALY AND GREECE had their own pantheon of gods before CHRISTIANITY (and more recently ISLAM in Greece) took over and so on...

Anyway, I can now remember why I had this 'door' in my is in fact from 19 THE MALL (the dark 'blue dining room' which housed this CONTESSA reproduction and the French windows door to the garden) where BRITISH INTELLIGENCE first told me as a child - our 'family roots' but that we were now SLAVES OF THE BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY - they were our MASTERS. It is really quite incredible why this stupid family would want to advertise that sort of thing but they just had to 'rub it in' - I suppose their inferiority complexes were continuously gnawing at their collective 'psyche'.

I can now see why I was taken up by the SEPHARDIM/ARAB WORLD in general, as 'one of their own'.

I can now see why my father has that small 'Torah Ark' passed down from his Swiss family line - a small private one, rather than a synagogue one.

Additionally, I have now worked out why there was a WRENBIRD LOCK upon this front door.

BRITISH INTELLIGENCE whilst giving us a 'guided tour' of SAINT PAULS - talked about SIR CHRISTOPER WREN who had designed the monstrosity. We were to be like the 'sparrows' which are trapped in this building, under the DOME. We could never escape. The priests would sometimes leave out crumbs for them.

The general metaphor went like this:

Your remote-viewing alters (souls) are like those 'sparrows' trapped under SAINT PAULS can NEVER leave, NEVER escape. You will always serve the SATANIC CHRISTIANS of the CROWN.

The fact that this WRENBIRD LOCK has now been changed to an ERA one suggests a change back to the old EGYPTIAN religion...from whence the HEBREWS came...and then the monstrous child of the SAINT JOHN CULT was born...then ISLAM...and so on...

TOMLINSON had warned of the power of ANCIENT EYGPTIAN NECROMANCY against the CROWN upon one of his blogspots (in the guise of Cuervobrillante)...

Last night - I saw that the 'future' had been changed - it was quite dramatic. Formerly I had seen what MARK wanted me to see...which was the entire skyline of LONDON burning but SAINT PAULS as ever, was left standing (as in the BLITZ)...but this time...I saw a massive explosion from within SAINT PAULS...a huge ball of fire...and the stone masonry utterly fragmented - flying was rather like 9-11 but far more 'impressive' or should one say 'dramatic'...I am having difficulty finding the right words here...

Perhaps that it was I was sent here to do...trawl through everything and find the true 'seat of evil' in the UK...and that is symbolically SAINT PAULS.

Other notes:

BONGO BONGO...a phrase in THE SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR...that brought back a memory of JOHN WATERS playing the BONGO drums in his house at the top of LEWISHAM hill...and me dancing around to this a toddler...and the phrase 'bongo bongo'...


...and then I began to think of the 'aferryto'...which is the company which wished me BON VOYAGE with two suns as a logo, upon its confirmation page...


I suspect this is a reference to a 'fire' and in relation to LOWRY and TO (as in Timothy Radcliffe).

All I can hope is that this 'fire' isn't planned for the evening ferry which I will take from HARWICH at 11.45 upon Tuesday.

The BON CULT is the TIBETAN tradition...and tied up with cannibalism...this is where it all began for me...JOHN WATERS making me eat some of the 'heart of the 13th DALAI LAMA' and even though I was only a toddler...I picked up the intense pain and suffering of the man and couldn't stop crying...he ate some too...and sat back...I have no idea what he was thinking/feeling...we were not the only ones...there were others...I now know that MR PUTIN had the same experience...

Let us look at the first letter initial code of the last page of this BONGO BONGO story:

I W C S S T - E I K P L I - H W T Y T - C W T D








Why am I getting 'MR DAN' and 'MITTAL' here?

SPIKE is STEPHEN DALDRY usually. However this could mean SPICK as in Hispanic.

Anyway, from what I saw last night - SAINT PAULS isn't going too last long.

Other notes:

BLOOD CURSE OF THE EVIL FAIRIES ends upon this note:

"Meanwhile, the fairies - Maggie? Ah! I'm free at last."


So what did the 'fairies' do next? That is the big question. I have put my 'two-cents' forward.

Other notes:

I viewed ROWLING looking like a made-up doll on the front of the DAILY MIRROR yesterday with alternate fury and laughter...quickly replaced by cynicism and a touch of sadness...the poor, desperate woman is now claiming to be the 'luckiest woman in the world' because she apparently has £3 million a day, rolling in. I am sure she doesn't - the ILL are unlikely to let her see that much, in a whole year.

One can imagine what her mind must be like now...pepped up on pills - sedated - wheeled out for the general dog depressions...memory loss...

If she really did have that sort of money coming in - she isn't a callous 'business psychopath' who just wants to sit on his pile of gold...surely she would have given at least £300 million to charity by now...who could claim to be a 'good person' and sit on that sort of money? It doesn't make sense.
Instead we hear that she has given a million pounds to the LABOUR PARTY...of all the 'charitable causes' that one could give to - does that one make sense, either?

Other notes:

PRIVATE EYE SMALL ADS made me laugh this week...I always read the EYE SAY column because that tends to hold coded ILL messages...and this week, there is only one:

LONG LIVE THE KING...I read this out aloud and immediately afterwards said: which king...Elvis? Because neither PRINCE CHARLES or PRINCE WILLIAM will ever get to be 'king' in this country.

Backwards in 'iqbl' I am getting 'Nick and evil Gonnell' - McGonnell, I had modelled upon RIMINGTON and so who was 'NICK'? I suppose this is the 'nic nic' code...or is this: 'G' NICK ATE EVIL GONNELL...what is going on here...I remember this from way back...entertaining myself playing with phrases in iqbl at 16 years old because I was the best at code-breaking upon that 1980 course (apart from Tomlinson probably)...and it was a skill that I revelled in...reading backwards and forwards, making sense out of entertain myself...

GNIT (as in PRIVATE EYE'S character GNITTIE)...


Gnittie was a 'Templar knight' effigy in that first 'annual' of Private father bought it in the 60s...he was also a nondescript little man who hasn't a clue what is going on around him - amidst the TRANCE-FORMATION of the UK in the 60s...I would like to read that book again...

TRANCE-FORMATION...I remember that sick teacher 'OLIVER' at the PRAGUE DTO, talking pompously about how Western society in general, had to be TRANSFORMED...'transformation' was his buzzword - Sylvia and I, who were listening to him...rebuffed his stupid comments and illogical arguments...I can now see he was trying to access our mind control programming but had failed is also the Catholic doctrine of 'TRANSUBSTANTIATION' which bothers me here...and I wonder if that final SIMPSON comic strip is about the 'FED' deciding to dramatically re-write 'Catholic' order to erase 'cannibalism' out of the religious this space.

One has to remember that SAINT PAULS was ostensibly created by HIGH ANGLICANS and not CATHOLICS...although the doctrinal differences do not appear to be I do not suppose that the Catholic Church itself, would be too sorry, at the 'demise' of this building. It symbolises so much to the UK ILL - just imagine CNN/BBC news upon the 'drama' of an explosion within this would almost put 9-11 into the shade...almost on a par with exploding the Vatican.

It is what this building symbolises which is the main point - what lies beneath it...only a control desk...the main 'computer' HAL is elsewhere...

For my money, the MAINFRAME is under the STOCK MARKET EXCHANGE - however, I am sure that anyone interested in this whole business, will have traced ALL of the cables by now and a 'little bird' has told me that a significant number go under BUCKINGHAM PALACE.

Other notes:

So YES, MARK...they are going to blow SAINT PAULS up and it is ALL your fault...probably not what you wanted to put on your 'business' CV but there you have shouldn't have tried to abuse and manipulate me in the horrific way, in which you did...

Other notes:

I am beginning to realise that it was my SWISS GRANDMOTHER who was ENCHANTINA...because she was a SOPRANO...a SINGER...SOPHIE WYSS...she had the power to 'enchant' through harmonics...and that somehow, I 'crash-landed' into her bottled-up secret family my 'faith' G-d...which I have always had...

Other notes:

So I am back to where I started with the BOTTLENOSE DOLPHINS and the CRYSTAL brief, a bunch of cocaine addict paedophiles, who were heavily into Satanism.

I have been wondering about the 'septi..' what is that bit of cartilidge called, in your nose, which can be destroyed by cocaine abuse?

If one looks at the human skull - we all have two bits of thin bone, protruding from the nasal cavities BUT the cartilidge that is attached to these bones, is not normally visible under the skin...forming a 'division', at the tip of the nose.

I wonder if this 'receding' of the skin and 'division' of the tip of the nose is also tied in with cocaine abuse?

I wonder if the repeated and prolonged abuse of cocaine can have such adverse effects upon the pineal gland that it results in 'paedophile psychosis'?

Other notes:

BLOOD CURSE OF THE EVIL told by BART...and he is probably correct but it works on so many levels...TOMLINSON telling me about the 'fairy castle' beyond the gates of the LORD BLUEBERRY'S CASTLE...he saw it as a 'magical place' in his child alter...

Then you have RIMINGTON and MARK trying to infect everybody there with AIDS via poisoned or straight...ILL or not...

Then you have the 13 ILLuminati families...and the 'Royal families' who intermarried and ended up with poisonous blood disorders...

Then you have the Spanish Royalty and Sephardim/Arabs who have a bone to pick with the Windsors...

It's all bad, isn't it?

Other notes:

Even worse for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE they appear to think that they have a SECRET BACK-UP SYSTEM for the whole lot – they don’t – or rather, it isn’t THAT secret anymore.

Black Rabbit said...


For the record, I held several of those CRYSTAL SKULLS and they were all a CON.

No soul within them, or 'transmission' from them at all - just an ordinary crystal with the potential properties of a 'radio'.

Anonymous said...

Coarse, sand-like crystalline structure?

It sounds like the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE elite were addicted to CRACK COCAINE - far more dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Cocaine Sulphate?

BRITISH INTELLIGENCE were keen on 'sulphur' as part of demonic mind control programming.

Anonymous said...

MARK RICKENBACH was addicted to CRACK. He knew the precise preparation details of it - using 'baking soda'.

Anonymous said...

Kurtuncu M, Arslan AD, Akhisaroglu M, Manev H, Uz T.
Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1601 West Taylor Street, M/C 912, Chicago, IL 60612, USA.

Contribution of circadian mechanisms to the psychostimulant-induced behaviors has been suggested. The pineal gland is important component of circadian mechanisms. Using pinealectomized mice and sham-operated controls, we tested the contribution of pineal gland to the rewarding effects of cocaine in conditioned place preference test. Experiments were performed both during the day and at night. Controls with intact pineal glands demonstrated significant decrease in cocaine-induced conditioned place preference at night compared to daytime, whereas pinealectomized mice did not show any diurnal differences. Circadian mechanisms regulated by the pineal gland thus appear critically involved in cocaine-induced reward.

Anonymous said...

Titre du document / Document title
The pineal gland is critical for circadian Period I expression in the striatum and for circadian cocaine sensitization in mice
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
UZ Tolga (1) ; AKHISAROGLU Mustafa (1) ; AHMED Rehan (1) ; MANEV Hari (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) The Psychiatric Institute, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, ETATS-UNIS

Résumé / Abstract
Sensitization to psychostimulants can be influenced by circadian rhythms. The pineal gland, the main source of circadian melatonin synthesis, may influence behavioral sensitization to cocaine; mice with normal melatonin rhythms do not get sensitized at night. Clock genes such as Periodl (Pert ) show rhythmic region- and strain-dependent expression in the mouse brain, and mice mutant for the Perl gene lack cocaine sensitization. Here, for the first time we show circadian changes of PERI protein levels in the mouse striatum, a brain region crucial for the development of locomotor sensitization to cocaine. In male C3H/HeJ mice, we found peak striatal PER I protein levels during the day; this was preceded by a Peri mRNA peak 16 h earlier. Pinealectomized mice did not show this circadian pattern. We analyzed circadian cocaine sensitization at times when striatal PER I protein levels in control mice (naive and sham-pinealectomized) were high and low, respectively. Only mice with circadian changes in stnatal Perl expression showed the night-time absence of cocaine sensitization, whereas pinealectomized mice were without circadian changes in striatal Peri and were sensitized to cocaine regardless of diurnal rhythm. Our results indicate that both the stnatal circadian Pert expression and diurnal locomotor cocaine sensitization are strongly influenced by pineal products. Since we found evidence for the expression of melatonin receptor mRNA in the striatum, we suggest that further studies on pineal-dnven mechanisms will help us better understand the mechanisms of drug abuse and identify novel targets for the prevention and/or treatment of addictions.
Revue / Journal Title
Neuropsychopharmacology ISSN 0893-133X CODEN NEROEW
Source / Source
2003, vol. 28, no12, pp. 2117-2123 [7 page(s) (article)] (38 ref.)

Anonymous said...


I remember T UZ.

Black Rabbit said...


I can now remember precisely how the LAST HARRY POTTER book was written. I had told the ILL that as they knew so much about MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING (particularly 'son of G-d' programming) that they should write the last book themselves. They knew the 'style' of it. They didn't need my help. The ILL almost immediately agreed. They then began to fight. Nobody could decide who was going to write it.

They then decided to allocate different chapters to different people - either individuals or pairs - who would write their 'sector' about characters that they particularly 'enjoyed' and then it would all be 'sewn' together at the end, like a patchwork quilt - which is how it looked, in the final analysis - as a final product.

You can imagine the 'fights' that are now raging amongst the ILL concerning the 'profits' from that last book.

Anyway, I think that I am well within my rights to write the REAL last HARRY POTTER book now and surely this title would be IDEAL:


Good, eh?

But what if I stick to my original premiss that the last book should be about the TRUTH behind the FACADE and not another 'fantasy fairyland'?

Alternatively, I could write a quasi-scientific exploration...of Crack Cocaine-addicted Mice and Men...and the scientific experimentation surrounding this subject...the effects of the prolonged use of Cocaine on the human brain in relation to mind control slave 'elite forces', who run a given 'HIVE' and with additional factors observed e.g. the effect upon diurnal functions of the pineal gland i.e. do they all begin to think that they are 'the dead' and want to stay underground the whole time? How big is the 'hallucination' range and 'altered states of personality' framework?

Other notes:

I suppose this is all to do with the NAZI scientists that PRINCE PHILIP had managed to save in OPERATION PAPERCLIP and find a 'safe place' or places, for them to continue their work. They then turned against him. All one can say in PRINCE PHILIP'S favour is that he was the only 'bright spark' of the ROYAL FAMILY - the rest of them were 'duffers' as he openly complained about, in 1980 - he was surrounded by fools. PHILIP was a NAZI but at least he had a brain, unlike the rest of them. However, he didn't put it to good use and after WWII, the US-based NAZIS turned against him, once they had become powerful enough to do so.

Other notes:

It made me laugh to see the news, a few weeks ago...a couple of items...firstly that PRIVATE EYE was talking about a 'sailor' who was a drug addict, who had been put on 'drugs patrol' in the ROYAL MARINES...and a 'little bird' told me that this was cocaine-addicted Prince William on board his ROYAL MARINES' ship...

I can understand the psychological manoeuvere...having suggested it to PETER SMITH in relation to HEATHER KEMPSON...give her some respect as an older member of staff (who is far more experienced and knowledgeable than the others) by a degree of power and status...and she will stop playing up so much...and he did...and it worked for a while...i.e. she stopped screaming at him in a drunken rage, when the fancy took her, to 'let rip' and at every level...(on the other hand, I think he secretly enjoyed her outbursts but they were becoming too frequent)...

However, cocaine-addiction is a rather different point...I can imagine the scenario...the Captain and officers in question make WILLIAM the 'drugs monitor' on board ship and he has to do a nightly 'check' on the can guess, can't you?

WILLIAM you are an adult now, you are not a child - we are giving you the important responsibility to monitor and report any drug abuse within staff upon this boat...and deal with it in the appropriate manner...etc

So during his 'evening duties', he walks into a cabin and joins in with the first group who are 'free-basing'/smoking whatever.

It wouldn't work at all, upon the basic principle, that PRINCE WILLIAM sees himself as the CAPTAIN of the ship...he is only 'play-acting' an underling 'trainee' one gives him orders...and they should KNOW that.

The next news item that made me laugh out loud about WILLIAM - was the SPEED BOAT chase to apprehend 'CARIBBEAN COCAINE SMUGGLERS' in a yacht.

The 'birds' tell me that this was a poor Caribbean fishing boat...which was then chased by WILLIAM (for the sheer hell of it because he had got 'bored' and demanded the use of the speedboat) the hope that the UK media would then be persuaded to write him up like a JAMES BOND...which they did...but adding the ironic factor afterwards, that it was in fact, a 'false alarm'. These people were not smuggling anything. According to the 'birds' they were legally fishing, in their own waters and took flight because they thought that some crazed people in a speedboat were going to 'ram' them, for the hell of it.

The last article, I have already mentioned, which was PRINCE WILLIAM DARES SAS WALL OF DEATH upon the front page of a tabloid...and I have already written about how I gave out a 'plea' to the SAS to 'give him hell' and not an 'easy time' of it...make him jump like a cat on a hot tin roof. We have heard no more on that 'story'. Please give us the photographs, Daily whatever.

I guess the MORAL from all of this is that if you want to be seen as BRAVE and the next JAMES BOND...okay, this guy was only a FICTIONAL CHARACTER...but try NOT to confuse fiction with reality...if you want to be JAMES BOND, try auditioning for the next movie, PRINCE WILLIAM.

Other notes:

I just looked through PETRONELLA'S programming and did the same for her as I had done for myself last night...I pulled 'inside out' her 'door' which contained ALL of the programming that she really need to one can assume that she was of 'sub-continental' ROYALTY before the ROYALS got to her...and her family.

All of my electrics then went off. A complete power cut.

So I went and flicked the switch upon the fusebox (I have recently had that mended - you can no longer electrocute yourself - as SCARLETT had pointed out - by the open fuse compartments, within it - they have been blocked).

PETRONELLA had a more 'deadly' syringe into her...the syringe had a 'logo' upon it - at the top of it like a vertical plastic tag...that of a white thick line of a square with rounded corners and something like an 'S' across it, from the left hand top corner to the right. I have no idea what that meant - one can interpret the 'surrounds' as much as the squiggly in most logos...the 'S' was the same white colour as the rounded square...and not being able to interpret it...I just figured SWAN.

Other notes:

I have been aware for some time now that TOMLINSON was supposed to be 'working against me' in this ILL game...

I can now understand why.

Stupid really...but if I were to replace him...why should he not replace me?

My FIRST role in all of this was to ENTRAP him for PRINCE CHARLES.

THAT WAS THE NORMAL ROLE FOR A SEX KITTEN/ZYGOTE SLAVE - if your 'master' had gone AWOL within the ILL CULT - you were then used, to 'track him down'. You had the most 'personal knowledge' of him - you knew his habits, his fads...his an almost intuitive and telepathic knowledge of the were therefore the best bet to 'get' the guy...just follow the 'kitten' and you will get your 'man' and fry him alive for being a dissident rebel to the Satanic ILL cult...

(Is TOMLINSON in IRAN? No...I am not that dumb...)

However, the roles had been reversed. It was agreed by the ROYAL FAMILY (all and sundry) that I was to be the 13th ONE and that TOMLINSON and my other 'programmers' would track and hunt me down. Pull me down, before I found out too much about the whole ILL system.

However, it didn't work out that way. As far as I can see - too many people - ILL or not - even certain members of the ILL elite hierarchy - wanted to know the full story and how far this 'game' would go. Therefore 'every door' was open to me.

if TOMLINSON had tried his UTMOST to entrap me...I was privy to things that even HE didn't know...deeply buried in my subconscious mind.

Put basically, even if he was (and had put his heart and soul into it), he would never have been able to get me.

The 'world' was against his function to do so, and they were going to 'get' the ILL CULT.

Other notes:

Sunday morning...

Last night I had another look at THE SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR MAGAZINE because I hadn't got all there was to pick up, about it.

I noticed the ILLustration where MAGGIE starts CLAPPING because she 'believes in fairies' - this is a PETER PAN reference to try to bring TINKERBELLE back to life - the children in the audience have to start clapping - I remember my father taking me and my brother to a show, where we had to do this and as loudly as possible...

Anyway, in the early hours of the morning...a crowd of MI5 RETARDS began to clap outside my window as loud as they could (they were young people) - one said 'CUNT' loudly and then they all marched off. Is this representative of the UK YOUTH today? I am laughing.

No education - brain-damaged and helpless/hopeless. That sort of idiotic behaviour doesn't exactly make one 'proud' of one's country - quite the reverse - get me out of this hole.

Other notes:

This is the most bizarre dream I have had as yet...I was back in Switzerland...and sitting in the garden of a very small Swiss chalet in a tiny was a modern chalet and in a 'clump' - rather like the French build in the countryside, around Vielley...a developer will buy up a plot of land and build 2-4 houses, very close the middle of fields...nearing a village centre...either on the main road or one of its offshoots...

This chalet was of a modern design...and had 3 others in the 'clump' was at the end of a narrow track that led could see a small village in the distance, down the track before you which led to a main road into it...this area was rather like a valley in that there were a lot of green fields/greenery around but there was also higher ground at the horizon i.e. hills of forests around but I think that we were already extremely high up...and I am beginning to think that this was possibly around the area where MARK RICKENBACH and RIMINGTON were hoping to enact out their insane JULIUS DEVALLON script...

Anyway, I was sitting with a youngish-looking man who looked Islamic but had none of the traditional garb on...he was rather 'trendy'...he had on a dark red 'textile' bandana around his head...and his hair was quite thin and frizzy above it...sticking up like an afro...and was of a lightish sun-bleached orangish colour...his face and eyes however, were relatively dark...and so one figured that his natural hair colour would also have been 'black'...he wasn't at all tanned though...his face looked sallow and pale for his natural skin colour (he obviously avoided the sun), dark shadows around the eyes...and upon waking, I knew who he was...

We were both sitting in an APPLE had low 'coppiced' boughs with a lot of that blue-green moss on them...diseased they were easy to rest against, sit on...and not many leaves to the branches higher up above our was a small tree, in the tiny front garden of this small chalet...and we were obvious to everybody...from the main road but no cars passed...this was a really 'out-of-the-way' place in the middle of nowhere...there was a large rock on the other side of the main road..and the road wound around it and then down to a lower plane...I couldn't see anything else after the rock upon the skyline...

He had just introduced himself to me and asked if he could meet me again...after a while...I said 'yes' because I had no idea why I was there...who had brought me...what I was doing in his front garden...and figured it would pay to be amenable...he told me that he had heard that I might be very helpful in writing his book...he was going to write an autobiography...I told him that I would be happy to help out...

He then started to complain about his hair...should he wash it before going out...he then decided to go back into the chalet to wash object of concern for him - he started to pull at the frizzy thin strands coming out of the top of the bandana...he was rather narcissistic...he told me to wait for him and if anybody suspicious came down the hide around the back of the chalet...he then went inside...I looked around and saw a typical retired guy in a deckchair in the next his deckchair with a newspaper...he would have heard every word we said and it was quite obvious that he was listening...he was relaxing in his bathing trunks...a large paunch...white skin...almost bald...grey hair...glasses...and reading a newspaper...

All in all, this Islamic guy...reminded me of the personality of the male police officer who had come to arrest me, he talked in the same sort of way...anxious, self--obsessed...unhappy...trying to sort things the police officer had done, telling me how he had been born in Malaysia...he had his mother's looks...his father had been in the military and they had then lived all around the world...all the time, scrutinising my face for reactions...begging me to 'like him' - to be sympathetic...but as soon as you looked like you had 'fallen for it'...a 'hard look' entered the had been 'caught'...this is what the Islamic guy looked like when I told him that I would be happy to help with his book...that I would meet him his convenience...

Upon waking...I knew precisely who this man had been...and what his autobiography was all about...I had met OSAMA BIN LADEN. At the time, I didn't register it at all...I must have been so disorientated by mind control the disguise was good...a youthful 'trendy' appearance...the hair colour and texture change...the 'greying beard or Grecian 2000' in sight...

I had met him in 2004 - RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had left me with him for a short while, before picking me up again. I was to be 'rented' out to him - to help with the 'autobiography'.

I am assuming that the location of this tiny chalet and village was in the hinterlands between France and Switzerland...upon the 'plateau' in the middle of the Jura mountain range between both countries...the CIA will know...they found the larger old 'chalet' that MARK RICKENBACH had bought, within which to play out JULIUS DEVALLON. The landscape was rather similar to this region...but no real idea if it was the same location.

Additionally, I am now aware that BRICHTO was part of this set-up...he knew all about BIN LADEN...everything that was going on in 2004. He was probably going to take a large cut in this 'mythical' autobiography which was going to be produced.

Last note...for some reason OSAMA BIN LADEN was referred to as PAULIC by RIMINGTON's mob...that is what his new pseudonym sounded like...but I do not know how to spell it...PAWLIC...PORLIC...

Other notes:

The name PAUL VERVAIN came back last night...and I just 'knew' that this was related to the fact, I am pretty sure that he was a descendent of this French family which had Jewish roots...PAUL VERVAIN was a 'romantic poet' as far as I am concerned...

The second time that I went to stay with the FISHWICKS upon SHOTLEY PENINSULA was after I had dropped out of ESSEX UNIVERSITY and wanted to get a portfolio of art work together, in order to apply for art college...MRS FISHWICK had a part-time job at a local college as an art teacher and so she had offered to 'coach' me...she therefore set me different 'drawing' tasks per day...and after I had got together a serious of sketches...she told me that my 'notebook' needed something 'more' make it personal and stylish...she suggested some 'French love poetry'...I had no idea...having never read any...she hadn't either...she didn't speak a word of French and neither did her husband...strange, then...that she could pick the name PAUL VERVAIN out of the I found a book of his and copied out a poem...I didn't like any of the poems at all...and it looked 'false' and 'odd' in my art book...very pretentious...

Anyway, the 'poem' then disappeared very quickly for some reason...and I now know was MRS FISHWICK taking the piss out of the AMBASSADOR...

Other notes:

Additionally...I had another dream which spelled out something else but it is very difficult to join the dots...

I was in a rather surreal was my own...some rented room...and at the foot of the bed was a display case of books...and to the right...some large SILVER OBJECTS...and I immediately registered the large, SILVER CRESCENT MOON upon its side...

I also immediately knew that this was the symbol of ZYGOTE SLAVE...and that of the REV. MOON...and that it was directly linked to RUSSIAN programming (which had happened in 1980)...all the objects were to do with the RUSSIAN ILL...and REV MOON was part of that set-up, CENTRAL to it the left was a large SILVER SAMOVAR...and to the right, a large SILVER PLATTER...and there were three condiment dishes underneath in beaten silver...mustard, pepper, salt...

I immediately related the SAMOVAR to TOMLINSON in his 'green goblin' role...he had been given the role of the in SAM...and was supposed to collect my OVA...something which MR PUTIN was also instructed to do, in POLAND 1993. That is why I had that telepathic conversation with PUTIN a few months back...about how real CAVIAR was so much better for you, than human eggs.

The SILVER PLATTER had an engraving in the middle of it...of the BURNING was a 'Jewish plate' - a collection platter...and I immediately knew what that meant...the RUSSIAN ASHKENAZIM...or OLIGARCHIES as they were to cahoots with REV MOON...and those like TOMLINSON...

I can now see that REV MOON was the lynchpin of this entire organisation...from NORTH KOREA...he 'ran' the BUSH ADMINISTRATION...and the RUSSIAN OLIGARCHIES were part of this set-up...and that is where I began to get the name of a particular family...and it began with VAN...and then the whole string about PAUL VERVAIN came up...and I wondered if the US family...the Vanderbilts were involved (Rimington had said that they were)...and I thought about the 'diamond dogs' of New York...the Ashkenazim in South Africa...and in South America...

Then...and this is quite bizarre...I thought about the SDP party in the UK...their political colour is YELLOW...opposed to the RED and the BLUE teams...

The BRITISH ASHKENAZIM were characterised as the YELLOW team upon the British Intelligence 'gameboard' at the MI HOTEL...

What was their connection to this party and why? BP - do they run BP oil?

Even more bizarrely, but I have to note it down because I KNOW that I am circling 'something' however large the revolutions...I began to think of JEREMY THORPE in relation to a joke I made to DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995...about him supporting SCUNTHORPE UNITED as a football team...


Last night...after reading through the BLOOD CURSE OF THE EVIL FAIRIES again...I realised that I had missed what the SKUNK was all about...


I had pretty much 'got' the previous story where MAGGIE crashes the ARK into the TOWN HALL...because if we are talking the HARWICH TOWN HALL then there was a portrait of the REV. MOON upon the backstairs...he was 'behind it all'...

Anyway, I then realised that SKUNK who runs off with ECHANTINA'S in fact representative of the BRITISH ORTHODOX ASHKENAZIM...rather like MAGPIES are also used to represent this RABBINICAL class...the black and white dress...

Additionally, the SKUNK says ENCHANTINA who responds BONGO BONGO BONGO...and the SKUNK is powerless against her...he runs away...

POINK...I have been thinking about the BBC's PINKY POINK balloon, for a long time now...that horrific programming image for young children, as seen in THE WINTER GARDEN.

I then thought about MR TOM - my BLACK AND WHITE CAT...and how he must have been originally sent in to 'spy' upon SKUNK cat...just like the BLACK AND WHITE image that is often used by DISNEY in evil characters such as CRUELLA DE VILLE...with that white streak in the black hair...BADGER programming will also be is a silly image in a way...I remember HELEN BROWNE and her father, calling her mother 'badger' because she had developed this streak in her dark hair...additionally, DAVID MILIBAND admitted to me that he now had this white streak ( in Shanghai 2003) but that he dyed black can see that he has now given up dyeing it, in recent photographs...

Anyway, it wasn't just a FARTING CAT at my feet...this was MR SKUNK the black and white cat...out to 'steal' my wand...that made me laugh a lot...the poor cat has helped me considerably with everything and apart from a few flea bites around the ankles, I have nothing to complain about...

I then wondered I had said before...if this wasn't rivalry between the ASHKENAZIM and the SEPHARDIM/ARAB Jews again...

Anyway, it is HOMER who 'murders' ENCHANTINA by nearly sticking a hook through her pineal gland and then keeping her in a bottle...and because HOMER interferes...the SKUNK is able to run off with her 'wand'...

I suppose the SKUNK in my context would be BRICHTO and the AMBASSADOR, who were trying to milk me for every single penny they could get...and they weren't done yet...I was to help put together an 'autobiography' for OSAMA BIN LADEN...the ILL Ashkenazim, obviously felt that I had the MIDAS TOUCH when it came to producing popular fiction and/or acting as a coach for others...

I would guess that the WAND in this aspect...isn't so much of a PENIS as a PEN...THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD...and swords/penises have long been conflated in metaphorical one can say that this is all about stealing my 'pen'...ruthlessly exploition under mind control to produce work for the ILL, whilst running me as a penniless and homeless mind control slave, with no memory...whilst keeping me under MI5 surveillance the whole time...just to make sure that this 'Midas touch' slave, didn't manage to escape...

However, after the HELP sign (and the hand prints) upon the window of the top storey of that house in MISTLEY ...things appear to have changed...I can remember now, what happened...RIMINGTON had left me there, to starve to death on the floor...the only thing in the room was that ghettoblaster on the wooden floor, with the tape of screaming children upon it...but then the two computer programmers from downstairs, who lived in the other part of the house...came up and unlocked the door (possibly somebody had seen me and the message upon the window)...they told me to run away...they would tell RIMINGTON that I had escaped but they had no idea how...

So this was when I 'crashed' into myself...the two sides of my brain came together...and the memories began to come back...whilst I was living in MANNINGTREE...just down the road from MISTLEY...from 2005 onwards...

Other notes:

I can now see why OSAMA BIN LADEN had been put into that rather nasty, pokey, modern little house which had the same 'style' as clapperboard houses around the side but in dark wooden planks (with 'black' in between) rather than white planks - I suppose the WOOD exterior, was another programming looked very dark inside it...

It was the decaying APPLE TREE outside which would have enacted upon his subconscious mind...although he made many trips to BERNE and obviously felt that as an 'actor' he had been given a new lease of must have been over the Swiss border then...I think it was relatively easy to get to BERNE from there, at any rate...

The decaying APPLE TREES symbolise the last 'stage' of a mind control slave's RIMINGTON had shown me in that walled garden, just before the RAILWAY archway...and then the wasteland before the main road and flyover...between HARWICH, DOVERCOURT and HARWICH INTERNATIONAL...

He was being allowed to produce an 'autobiography' as his final project...and I was going to be forced to help him do my 'final' project...that is why I was made to sit on that apple tree bough...opposite to was to produce an air of 'fatality' in our subconscious minds...that tiny house would have been picked solely because of that one decaying apple tree, in the tiny front garden as a constant reminder to him, that his life hang by a thread - almost over...and the mountainous ROCK over the other side of the road...we were both ROCKEFELLER slaves...he was in a young 'boy alter'...he simply wanted to survive...and needed my compliance in this 'last project' was important that we 'got on'...that he managed to make friends with me...

I remember how EMET had shown me his poetry at the MI HOTEL in Jerusalem...told me that he had been a US Military Commander...but now he just wanted to write...he also instructed me to search out another 'budding writer' at the CHRISTCHURCH CENTRE because she needed someone to read her work...act as an 'editor'...and surely I would do that out of the kindness of my heart...that infuriated me at the time and I wrote about it in my notes...this is how the ILL treated me...but I had woken up enough, to fight back, by 2006/7...

Other notes:

I went to have a look at the new programming objects which had been carefully placed in the SAINT HELENA'S HOSPICE window 'under the arches' of DOVERCOURT TOWN HALL...and sure enough, a whole new bunch of stuff:

The right window was filled with a 'wardrobe' of the type of clothing and style that I can only describe as JOAN COLLINS' sister's wardrobe - JACKIE COLLINS' style...the 'big cat' prints...the black and the gold...the pointy black shoes...all 'witchy' clothing...

The left window had a load of children's toy coloured bricks which were arranged into 'buildings' and each had a specific 'word' spelt out...down the sides of the bricks...I noted them down...and then thought 'why bother? This is all over now'...

Anyway, in the middle, you have an ARCHWAY of bricks which compose the name EMET. The funny thing about EMET the retired US Military Commander was that he didn't even appear to know that this meant 'truth' in HEBREW...according to him...he had Irish parentage and it was a typical, Irish name. He looked like he had northern European genes rather than any 'Semitic' blood.

Down the lefthand side of the archway was LOUBI and I remembered the 'doll' LOUBI-LOO, from childhood but I cannot remember from where...maybe PLAYSCHOOL...yes, I think the ragdoll was called LOUBI-LOO...along with HUMPTY DUMPTY and HANNAH...and so tiny kids, most of us wanted to go through the ARCHED WINDOW upon this kids' TV programme...

Alternatively we are talking British Intelligence 'LOO' or WC.

I didn't note what was on the righthand side of this arch. Maybe I will have another look tomorrow.

Anyway, we then had another ARCHWAY in front of this one and I suppose ...because of the DC at the top of it...this was/is the US branch of the RA CULT.

I can see BACH here...and the 8 of 'infinity' programming and so we are talking MARK RICKENBACH.

Another association came back...the 1980s pop group BACHARAH...

I remember having a discussion with MARK about 1980s pop groups and THE KURSAAL FLYERS came up 'ho ho ho it's magic, you know...never believe...don't show'...apparently this group were really on the ball...they were 'magicians' who knew the to be a to fool your audience...they were of Asiatic descent...Americans...

I am unsure what the lefthand side means: Sdha - but wonder if it could be Stephen Daldry's initials? HA KP I BAT...or the Muslim prayers...or something to do with idea...

Anyway, these two ARCHES were at the front and behind them, there is a 3 brick storey...note the BRICHTO reference here...anyway, we have COY...and I suppose the CENTRAL OFFICE OF well as EGO...meaning that they have woken up to their slavery? So why haven't you paid me back my money then? At any rate, they are marked down with an X.

I didn't see the righthand code...perhaps I will take another look tomorrow.

All I can say to COI is, now is NOT the time to act like headless chickens...okay, so the GOLDEN EGG in your nest has been threatened...your 'nest' is about to be blown up...and you with start getting PRO-ACTIVE and do something about it...

I would suggest that there is an almost bottomless 'money pit' in this country and that is the ROYALS...they had all of that NAZI GOLD stashed away in the Swiss alps and that is well as the Saudi deal money...but they also have priceless collections of antiques...which one could sell upon EBAY or would that be at SOTHEBYS...they have also stashed away underground...countless old MASTERS etc in QUEENSLAND...these objects are so valuable they are almost priceless on any market...and you need money to barter with, NOW...

In relation to parliament...all you have to do is to pass a few laws, making the MONARCHY in this country 'illegal' and take the lot...a bloodless coup...okay, so the QUEEN will retaliate...she will probably give out an order to 'disband parliament' as is still her right, as the sovereign MONARCH...but as Parliament did in the past...they simply adjourned...met up again across the street and made more laws to get the MONARCH out...that is what you have to be thinking about NOW...because only then will you be able to barter, pay off debts and get to grips with dismantling the FINANCIAL side of the HAL is a complete lie to say that this is an impossibility (this is what I have been hearing upon the 'network')...if it was put together in the first can be taken does not necessarily have to affect any other 'system' in this country...okay, so it is a tedious and technical job but what would you all die in the BLITZ that WILL come or do something constructive to stop it? the QUEEN gives out this command (which she indubitably will) but the media do not have to 'advertise' it...the ROYALS are powerless against government and the media together, in the final analysis...and it can all be done very discreetly...

I am also hearing upon the 'network' that the CIA are leaving this country in droves...I will be one of the few left, by Tuesday morning...

Anyway, the last two blocks behind the others in the left hand window...almost suggest to me the 'twin towers' in a way...

The right hand one appears to have EDUC and POST on the front and control of EDUCATION and POSTAL/COMMUNICATIONS etc...

The left hand one appears to have KITE and OH 3D upon it...this is about remote-viewing alters and the 'BLAZING WORLD' of THE SECRET DOSSIER...the 'double-life' of all of those slaves, upon the 'other side of the mirror...'fairyland' at PRINCE PHILIP'S TEMPLAR CASTLE, as Tomlinson saw it...the world of the BLAZERS i.e. Public/Private schoolboys and girls.

The colour-coding of these bricks will be important too...if one wants to do a thorough analysis of how this all breaks down into different ILL factions...

I haven't mentioned the letter on top of each edifice:

The 'twin towers': 'j' - 't'

'COY': X

'EMET' arch: 'i'

'BACH' arch: 'S'

I am getting a 'joke' here for 'j' 't' and that is a colloquialism for 'penis': JOHN THOMAS.

So JT is 'ex' ISIS?

Other notes:

I had a 'flash' of the future, here...or at least, I think that it hasn't already happened but no idea (on balance it probably has) was arriving at SCHIPOHL AIRPORT and being met by TOMLINSON but I was suddenly aware that there was a sniper in the building and instructed him to run to pick up the tickets as fast as he could 'RUN!' and eventually he did and a bullet bounced on the floor behind him...whoever, it was...wasn't out to get me...I 'knew' that...he then 'caught' the sniper by hiding in some boutique...I could see the exchange going on with some airport security staff...TOMLINSON then produced some 'ID' so that he didn't have to go in for was the second laminated card which did it..a dingy YELLOW 'calling card' in laminated plastic...I think that it was related to the EU...some European security force...maybe MI6 supplies them with a 'card to get you out of any difficulty' and you just go through them, until one works...

Other notes:

It doesn't take too much of a brain or 'common sense' (NO, Sabina Sharkey, 'common sense' is NOT the 'prerogative of the elite classes' - it was something that you were lacking - probably because you were programmed to have NONE) see what has been happening to the UK:

"Let us find out what the longterm effects are, of running our puppet 'managerial' class of dumb ANIMALS on COCAINE, in terms of managing a sends them all completely berserk in the fact, it even enters the genetic chain, whereupon we are now getting complete 'no-brainers' like PRINCE WILLIAM and this is the point where the HIVE is no longer controllable - they are all simply too brain-damaged - too INSANE."

I remember now...asking ED...once he had attained the level of PR director at MUNRO & FORSTERS (a governmental- quango for health campaigns run through the NHS) which had offices, in a plush building, upon a square in Soho...I asked him about drug abuse...specifically cocaine abuse in the late 1990s, early 2000 and he said that it was many deals were struck with a 'line' at the end of it...but he rarely, if ever took it...but others did...and that 'it was there if you wanted it'...easy daily access, within governmental PR deals.

It now all begins to remind me of CATHY O' BRIEN'S was shocking to read how the BUSH ADMINISTRATION was run on drugs...almost every kind...but now I can see that COCAINE was the drug of choice, in UK governmental circles...and all of those 'associated' PR and MARKETING bodies...COI would be a perfect example of that one.

This is why RIMINGTON was running such a big COCAINE racket from HARWICH and from the was to feed the 'elite managerial class' in LONDON...the CITY and GOVERNMENT.

I am also beginning to wonder about why the ROCKEFELLERS had become so interested in the DIURNAL function of the PINEAL GLAND in relation to COCAINE abuse...

I then remembered how STEPHEN DALDRY (after picking up on my 'ghost story' pitch for a film) had decided to introduce the idea that the children within it should be PHOTO-SENSITIVE...when I asked why...he said that so many slaves turned out that was getting to be an acute problem...

I can now see that this would be directly related to COCAINE abuse...the 'white light' in your brain...and how natural 'sunlight' would be too much...perhaps COCAINE abuse turns on a 'light' in your brain...throws a switch in some people, that they cannot 'turn off'...the receptors are damaged...and so they cannot bear normal daylight without dark isn't necessarily to do with damaged eyes...but a damaged pineal gland...

The WHITE LIGHT of Cocaine...the WHITE LIGHT effect upon your brain...rather like electricity...rather like ECT (the only time I remember being forced to take cocaine was on programming in 1980 - a hideous experience where we all blacked out after the 'white light 'experience - presumably to put us off it for life, so that we wouldn't touch the 'contraband' if made to carry it, as smugglers)...DAVID BOWIE even termed one of his albums WHITE LIGHT or something like it...

I remember talking with SHARON about the 'white light' experience that most CHRISTIANS in Jerusalem had reported in relation to the 'LIGHT OF CHRIST' which I had immediately distrusted...spiritual enlightenment isn't literally about seeing a 'light'...and not a 'white light' either...I had always distrusted the NEW AGE idea of covering yourself in WHITE LIGHT in order to purify just didn't sound 'right'...

SHARON told me that this was a FALSE light and the light of the devil...of Satan/Lucifer...and that GOLDEN LIGHT was the healing ray...

I didn't trust that one either, at the time...because I remembered the GOLDEN LUCIFER statue at the Birmingham Museum and Art gallery...wasn't LUCIFER associated with GOLDEN LIGHT?

SHARON said no...this light was a good light...but one had to be very careful to distinguish 'lights' in general...even 'gold light' could be sent by the devil...G-d didn't make Himself known by 'lights' at all necessarily...and he simply found anyone seeing the 'light of Jesus' as a big laugh...which I have to say - I felt the same way, at the time, too...but if it helped them with their lives ...made them feel better and got them onto a better track, behaviour-wise and in their own minds...why not? The Christians that I had met...were generally people who had decided to earnestly, strive to make their lives and relationships better...they were struggling for enlightenment...and that was to be respected and admired...even if the 'light of Jesus' was a bit of a giggle.

I can now see that it was far more sinister than that...these people were being utterly manipulated by mind control programmers like MARK RICKENBACH...his new 'model army' of Christian Sionist martyrs. Cocaine would give you that mental 'high' and the 'white light of Jesus'.

Anyway, one can now only hope that the CIA has got the ROCKEFELLER family under control...and THE SIMPSONS appear to have spelt that one out in terms of the FED looking into doctrinal codes and sorting everything out peacefully.

One can only hope that this means that there will no longer be a LAST BATTLE or an ultimate 'CLASH OF CIVILISATIONS' and that most people on Earth, will be left to sort out their differences rather than made to kill each other and 'the fittest, survives', sort of thing.

However, the fate of the UK still appears to be hanging in the balance because of the HAL COMPUTER and the Stock Market Exchange. This is a direct threat to the US Economy and they will not tolerate it, any longer.

All I can hear in relation to the UK ILL network, is a bunch of insane, greedy fools - who resist any notion that they should do anything at all. They are just sitting on their hands.

Other notes:

I can still hardly get over any of was one thing to be taken to 'meet' the 13th DALAI LAMA in Switzerland as a '13th ONE' in this sick game...and to find this greedy, stupid 'little boy' obsessed with his 'money' in the Stocks and Shares upon his laptop and BBC WORLD NEWS on the TV...but then to be taken to meet OSAMA BIN LADEN - the world's most wanted TERRORIST...who was another 'sad little boy'...who wanted to write his autobiography...who did he get on the wrong side of in Saudi Arabia then? Which top mind control programmer did he annoy?

But then this was CUCKOOLAND...clockwork Switzerland...on the other side of the mirror...the perfect TRUEMAN SHOW world, that MARK RICKENBACH had wanted to create...


I can hardly believe it but I know it to be true and just heard that - because of the above description of the 'Swiss village' (the rock and winding road triggered somebody's knowledge of the area, they had driven along this road) - on the 'network' - MI6 and the CIA have now located 'Osama bin Laden'. Will that 'news item' ever come out? He is just a 'mind control' slave actor - nothing more.

That rather puts the ROCKEFELLERS behind 9-11, doesn't it? Along with RIMINGTON, BRICHTO etc.

Why else would they be running OSAMA BIN LADEN later on? They were the ones who had put up the smokescreen of Al Quaida...

Of course the ROYAL FAMILY aka THE SPUDNIKS would have been included in the operation to 'muddy the waters'...but they wouldn't have been the brains behind it...only PHILIP had an 'operational brain' in that family and he was over 80 years old...

One might say that their hand was 'forced' but it is unlikely...merely 'encouraged' and those like PRINCE CHARLES/WILLIAM would do the rest...

Other notes:

When I told the BRITISH ARMY 'just follow me around and you will get them all (the ILL) in the end'...I hadn't the faintest idea how far this would can see that even before SHANGHAI 2003, the CIA had the very same idea...

Once I had got to ISRAEL in 2006...and found out about SON OF G-D programming...I thought that must be the was, in a way because it was the very worst thing about ILL mind control programming...a centrifugal point of horror...APOSTLE programming by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE which had begun even before the official 'birth' of organisations like MI6/MI5 etc...the COLONIAL CHRISTIAN MARTYRS of the BRITISH EMPIRE...those respectable 'Christian' Army Generals abroad, who kept a stiff upper lip and so on...

However, one can see that in the 21st Century, this is all about a PAEDOPHILE CULT and a COCAINE trade to keep everyone in power, as malleable mind control slaves, in the NEW WORLD ORDER HIVES, which have already been created, in the main...

I do not think that it was simply COCAINE ABUSE which sent mind control slaves today, crazy...I am almost certain it was more to do with SON OF G-D programming and for the men, in particular ...because it affected them most. They were identifying with another MAN.

One can also say that it sent those with a Jewish background far more crazy than those from a Gentile background.

From a Jewish perspective...they were not allowed to view the Christian books or images...of 'Jesus-lite' i.e. with blond hair and blue eyes...floating on a cloud, with pretty birds flying around him...

To the Jews - JESUS was a FAILED MESSIAH - someone who had failed to save their people and forced the destruction of the SECOND TEMPLE which followed his unfortunate 'career' as a 'pretend prophet' (as well as the Jews then being expelled, en mass from Israel) added even more horror to it all - you can see their angle, can't you?...

JESUS was someone, that the entirety of the known world, at that point, had decided was an imposter...the ROMAN authorities, HEROD'S COURT, the top Jewish priests i.e. Sanhedrin - EVEN the Pharisees had accused Jesus to his face, as being 'sent by the devil'...

Jesus had been condemned to a ROMAN execution as a a CRIMINAL. Jewish male victims would have in their minds, a REAL JEW like themselves and not some pretty blond image...because Jesus WAS a Jew.

What I am saying here is that the IDENTIFICATION principle would have been extremely strong AND extremely damaging to the Jewish male the subconscious mind and MARK RICKENBACH was one of those victims along with SHARON...and the likes of BRICHTO and LOWRY were programming their own ethnic 'brethren' in this can see why MARK went off the rails, in the way that he did...

On the other hand, the GENTILES would have had the 'pretty blond image' in their heads, from their childhoods and thought:

'Well, it's a nice fantasy isn't it? I am supposed to try and be like him - but JESUS DIED to save us from our SINS didn't he? So we are all SAVED anyway (and a long time ago) and so what's the point...where's that line of coke...'

MARK and SHARON are interesting to compare because MARK went through a CATHOLIC cultural upbringing...whilst SHARON went through a Jewish Sephardic ORTHODOX one from his early teens, in Israel.

You can imagine how MARK might have felt in a college/work canteen...when a Jewish guy might have spotted him...gone over...assumed from his looks that he was Jewish (MARK told me that he had had such 'unfortunate' encounters but didn't elaborate, apart from 'the girls were the worst')...and then learned that he was in fact, a CATHOLIC...

You can imagine the disdain that this sort of encounter might 'blackleg'...but more in terms of 'are you mad? - You poor fool' and derisive laughter - that sort of response...and how that must have hurt...nobody understood MARK...he didn't understand himself either...he had been programmed with SON OF G-D at 16 years old...he had no idea what 'hell upon earth' was in his subconscious mind...but he aimed to find out...and by 1994 he had found out the 'whole game' or so he thought...he even advised me to learn how to play the entire spectrum of notes on a recorder...something that SHARON had learned to do in Sephardic choirs...the 'healing tones'...

SHARON had weathered the storm of ILL SON OF G-D programming much better, because his Semitic cultural and religious background had helped him to do so...yet he was still 'damaged' (his foot for example - the same damage had been done to my right foot during the 'crucifixion' but Sharon hadn't even attempted to heal his foot, which had become very infected)...he didn't appear to know about SON OF G-D programming in 2006/7 but went along with me anyway, to that ST JOHN IN THE DESERT MONASTERY in EIN order to find out...

I remember commenting to MARK in 1994, that it was ironic that I was now set upon 'joining the most difficult religion to join, in the world' whereas he was trying to escape it...we were both headed in different directions...

Yet what was in MARK'S psyche which prevented him from believing in G-d, was the basic premiss that JESUS HAD been sent by the devil...everybody in his Christian community 'saw' JESUS as this loving, kindly shepherd and 'fisher of men' role but in fact, JESUS had this 'other side'...this secret, hidden and dark side...that the Christians had no idea about...and MARK grew to embody that his own mind...

CARRAVAGIO knew all about this 'dark side' to JESUS when he painted him with a black halo over his head - a dark shadow upon the wall...if you are a shepherd or a fisherman...that isn't exactly a 'animal-lover's role' or a 'fish-friendly' profession, now is it? You deal in knives, hooks, crooks and bait...

I am guessing here but I do not think that SON OF G-D programming would have affected the male Muslim psyche as much as that of a Christian or Jewish one...JESUS is only a 'minor prophet' and one might suggest that he is only that as an historical 'sop' or rather 'shared offerings', in terms of peaceful negotiations with Christians...'we respect him - we just don't think that much of him' - in terms of the evaluation of JESUS' status in Islam...JESUS doesn't appear as a 'destroyer' (JUDAISM) or a 'sin-eater' (CHRISTIANITY)...just another of the minor prophets...and so one can guess that identification with this more 'normal' role would have less of a damaging impact upon the subconscious mind, after SON OF G-D programming.

Other notes:

I have been aware for some time now of the 'heart beat' of MARK RICKENBACH and 'knew' that he was still alive and wondered why...but then it is easy to guess why...because DADDY would have paid to get him out of custody...

The FBI...well, MARK had had 9 years to work on them...since 1994 until 2003, when the CIA began to get suspicious of him...enough time to have enough people in there, to protect him, whatever happened...

...but they 'got' him in the end...and so where would MARK have fled to? I would guess the UK to be with his old 'muckers' RIMINGTON...and this would be an 'added attraction' for the CIA to ultimately want to 'bomb' the place...

I can now see why RIMINGTON felt that she was indomitable and invincible in 2004...not just because of her 'space lizard' programming (why else would you eat human foetuses, unless you were completely insane)...but because she thought that MARK RICKENBACH had control of the FBI...and to the top of the organisation...

I mean I SAW NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH in NUMBER 6 WEST STREET as he aggressively picked up the MIRROR OF INFINITY and put it upon the window ledge...just before I was arrested...

This would have worked on a couple of was to remind me of my RICK-EN-BACH 'INFINITY' try to activate it...NIKOLAS looked so angry and 'evil' as he did it...I was surprised...I had only remembered him as the gentle man, at Hotelu Asystencki...and there was this little 'monster' threatening me with a mirror glass...

INFINITY PROGRAMMING must be to do with a 'bottomless pit' as in the pit of addiction too...which all ILL SLAVES fall into, eventually...unless like ED, if he is to be believed...he had avoided the trap of PR/governmental COCAINE addiction...

So what were TOMLINSON and MY FATHER doing teaching the Italian mafia, 'THE MOB' how to 'loop the loop' then? THE SIMPSONS knew that this was the case...i.e. how to defeat 'infinity' programming or how to put it in? I do not know...the figure of 8.

Despite the amount of wine I am drinking at present - I do not care if I fall into addiction in terms of 'infinity programming'...I have really reached the point of no return with this country and the ILL in general...and I will go abroad and not return - whether the 'cavalry' turn up or not...if you want my death upon your head RICKENBACH - and the curse of G-d upon you and all your kind...go ahead...I suppose you 'don't care' either...but then you never believed in G-d, did you?

I was thinking, rather gloomily of that film that I had seen in my youth...with my father...a foreign film at the TRIANGLE ARTS CENTRE at ASTON was a 'Poly' at that the mid-1970s...

It had the name of a young French or Belgian woman as the title...she 'falls' through society and is out on the street...I cannot remember why...but she has great strength of character and survives against all the odds...she meets up with an academic woman who befriends her and puts her up for a while (reminded me of COLLIE in appearance)...but eventually goes by the wayside and ends up frozen to death in a field full of beheaded cabbage stalks...under a blue plastic cover sheeting...

The film begins with a shot of her frozen dead body within this field and then works back as to how the police find her there...the film is given an atmosphere of an almost 'mystical' is is never quite explained...what this young woman is running away from...why she exerts such an influence upon others and they all try to understand what makes her such a 'rebel' to society in general (even though she never does anything that is really rebellious at all - just moves around constantly from place to place - always scared - always on the run)...and why her death is so terrible - and 'necessary' according to the ILL who produced this movie...they wanted to make it very clear to all 'runaway girls' that they would end up dead - frozen to death in an alien field...amidst cabbage stalks...and that is why my father took me to see this movie.

So I am assuming that MARK and his kind (the insane SLAVE-DRIVING kind) - hope that this will happen to me in the end...and from present might easily do...but remember THE CURSE OF THE BLOOD FAIRIES...because you, your soul and your kind will be cursed to the 'nth' generation, MARK because we are the people of G-d and not 'Jesus Christ' or 'Brichto', 'Lowry' etc.

Besides, you will all be blown up in the meantime...but I thought I might as well give you the FULL picture.

Other notes:

I remember MAISIE the Afro-Caribbean woman who used to run the IPSWICH 'YOUNG OFFENDERS CENTRE' whilst the fat white Social workers...could hardly struggle up the stairs to their superior offices...and after they had managed not to have a heart-attack during this supreme effort. I am not joking, many of them had to stop midway to catch their breath, holding the bannister and breathing heavily - most were obese women...

MAISIE was a big woman too but she was fit and NOT obese...and she used to laugh off the fact that she did most of the work around that place and for a pittance with 'LORD! THIS IS MY PENANCE...' and laugh her head off - after another of these 'subnormal beings' i.e. Social Workers upon more than twice her pay as 'office manager', did something incredibly selfish, stupid, cruel...particularly to the young boys who had to come in for 'interview' or to their frightened and concerned parents who constantly phoned in, about the next 'court case'...

These were just kids...who were so abused it was scary to observe them...they used to 'tic' i.e they had 'Pavlovian dog' reflexs - to avoid the next imaginary blow...even when on their own, in a waiting room...warding off the 'imaginary' assailant...because they were so used to being hit...from behind, caught on unawares...

I had got a temporary job there as 'secretarial support' for MAISIE...and what I saw in that Centre, really defied belief...

The Social Workers didn't do anything...all morning...they took their phones off the hook...ate junk food like doughnuts and hamburgers and read magazines like 'Woman' etc, without any pretence of 'working'...if MAISIE bothered them with a very urgent telephone call...they got annoyed and shouted pompously that they were 'far too busy'...

In the afternoon, they tended to go out for 'meetings' or 'visits' and I have no idea what happened there...

The abusive culture was so extreme...I could hardly believe it...but MAISIE had been the only job she could get which paid her a relatively decent wage...i.e. nearly £14,000 a year and so she put up with it and ran the whole show...she wanted to retire in the Caribbean and was putting the money by...for a house that her husband would build...who was currently living out there...she had put both of her children through university in this country...singlehandedly...

MAISIE was not allowed any 'say' in what happened in that Centre...she just had to do all of their paperwork...and keep it all 'shipshape' according to insane, new governmental guidelines...

Anyway, I wasn't going to harp on about all of that...what I wanted to write was that CHRISTIANITY had really been a great 'help' and sustinence to MAISIE but at the same a religious had allowed others to take an extreme advantage over her...and they did so, blatantly. CHRISTIANITY allowed them to exploit her in quite incredible ways...luckily...she had the humour to deal with it...and the ILL Social Workers were so ridiculous that one had to laugh...

MAISIE used to tell me off for collapsing upon my desk with laughter (after almost every time another one of these 'comic' and extremely offensive characters made a visit to this office - it was easier than getting angry and they were SO funny) the general admin office.

The abuse was so blatant...and how comical they all looked, full of their own self-importance and how much money they earnt because they all had a degree in Social Working, whereas none of them did the job they were paid to do or applied ANY of the principles that they had apparently learned...the HEAD SOCIAL WORKER at that place, used to constantly rub that in, to much more money she earnt because she had a Social Work.

That is why I could not respect HILARY BROWN who turned up at ACORN VILLAGES LTD as a PROFESSOR of Social Work...I mean...come on...

One also has to say that nobody at ACORN, knew what type of Professor BROWN was (I even asked GREEN and he was evasive) - and it was even difficult to find out on the INTERNET and so even HILARY BROWN, must have been a little embarassed about such a ludicrous title: PROFESSOR OF SOCIAL WORK.

Okay, if you are going to go that far...why not a PROFESSOR OF INDUSTRIAL DRAINS which would be a far more useful professional title to society, at large and I am sure the people working within this sort of profession would appreciate the monetary bonuses which come with the job title - immediately raised to over £40,000 p.a...and everybody would be able to see that immediately...a person who is the whizz-kid at sorting out toxic pollution in a real a good thing to have around. Let us simply make it a little more practical, in the way that money is handed those who are really working to 'aid' and to 'help' society.

After I had met the IPSWICH crew and I was naturally tempted to regard the 'Social Work' profession as a liability and a drain upon taxpayer's money...and a positive 'evil' in society at large...although I have to add that those like SONIA FISHER and SOPHIE FISHWICK had also trained in Social Work in the 70s and 80s and would have been ideal people...people whom, one could trust...but who left the profession young...because the pay was too low and the conditions too bad...

Yet by the late 1990s, all that had changed...a Social Worker was now starting off on £20,000 a year - after a 'degree' - although far less qualified than an RSN registered nurse, in terms of skills and knowledge ...and the pay scale was quite extraordinary...up to approx £30,000. The Ipswich crew were 'fat cats' and they knew it...rather like the Langley Seniors' teachers. The same sort of set-up.
They were 'in charge' of the fates of the most vulnerable children and they abused themmercillessly.

It was horrific to watch...I have already cited one example in my notes...the bitch sat in her office (the only 'thin' one who had an upper-class accent), not answering her phone and a young boy had been sitting, terrified in the interview room for hours - he managed to wait for nearly 3 hours and then disappeared...MAISIE didn't bother to go up the stairs anymore...I did, to see this Social Worker with her feet up on the desk, eating junk food and reading a magazine (as was the norm for the lot of them when they weren't drinking coffee and discussing their humdrum concerns about their relationships/homes/interior design)...

This Social Worker KNEW that this little boy had been waiting for her...from the early hours of that morning...I therefore politely told her in a warning voice that she was expected to see him...he had a court case coming up...his mother had telephoned three times that morning, crying upon the phone...and this Social Worker would NOT take the calls...MAISIE had buzzed this woman, so many times...and she wouldn't pick up the phone...that is why I had gone upstairs in the end...eventually the boy disappeared...the woman then came down the stairs half an hour later and said HE HAS MISSED THE INTERVIEW...she then sighed and said 'ANOTHER BLACK MARK ON HIS FILE THEN'...I was gobsmacked...and I told her that she and we (as in Maisie and I) knew that he had been waiting ALL morning for her to come down...she retaliated in a very dismissive way...I was only the 'temporary secretary'....that DIDN'T MATTER...and she smirked at me in a tired and bored way...
a 'black mark' for non-attendance was entered on that little boy's file. As far as his age was concerned...he was in the first year of a Senior School in the district.

I should have asked what 'Juvenile Court' was all about...I suppose I did but cannot remember too much about it was all a hideous paedophile set-up. The whole lot. No doubt about that one, at all. Even the male Social Worker - who pretended to be 'good with the boys' and took them off on 'camps'. I am quite sure that he was another 'FLETCHER'. 'Training' camps for those who have slipped through the net i.e. those who were not 'literate' at school and who had rebelled. I was viewing an ILL 'mop-up' the young rebels NET, in progress and at work - for the slave-drivers.
TOMLINSON was living up the road, at the time - by CHRISTCHURCH park...and had many British Intelligence residences within the area, to use for programming.

I might add that MARTIN AYRES' CV upon a PDF file for the government) states that he has a 'qualification' in Social Work. That one made me laugh out loud. No definition of what 'qualification' might mean...NO apparent experience as a teacher, never mind HEAD MASTER and suddenly he is a GOVERNMENTAL SCHOOLS INSPECTOR overnight? I suppose this is why the ROYAL ILL slaves bluster about how EASY it is to get a job in this country. Sure, if you are part of the right social circles - you could get a job tomorrow...but I was denied one in this country by ROYALTY, remember? Every time I managed to get a temporary one - a ROYAL slave then tried to throw me out of it.

I can now see why these berks find it so easy to walk into jobs - they are simply 'shuffled' around - the top jobs in this country are reserved for them - whatever their qualifications.

How long was the Social Work course, MARTIN? 3 months? I guess after the last HARRY POTTER book had been written - you were out of a job as an editor and needed 'easy pickings' mother said your INSPECTOR salary carried circa £120,000 p.a. She also said that you 'needed' the money to continue paying off the mortage upon that massive 'country house' (or mansion as my mother put it, I never saw it) and Estate - or your ex-wife and kids wouldn't 'respect' you anymore. So you did you marry? Princess Anne's cousin? You couldn't spare one penny of all that ill-gotten money to help me - the real author of HARRY POTTER in all of those terrible years - yet you KNEW who I was and were well-aware of the situation.

Anyway, that temporary job at the YOUTH OFFENDERS can only guess why I was 'thrown' that temporary job.

So tell me TOMLINSON - what was the idea in mind? To prove to me that it was all 'hopeless' to stand against the PAEDOPHILE CULT - or to show me 'material', in order to expose it later on...

If one takes this all in a positive light...then the temporary secretarial position at the main Ipswich hospital was the expose one simple one crazy secretary...on a very low salary (one-parent family and hard-pressed but meglomaniacal character) had every manager in the her beck and call...because she had put together the 'file system' (only decipherable to her - like on your 'home' computer) and knew how to operate WINDOWS WORD program...and the rest of them had 'business/marketing' bollocks qualifications and no real education apart from that...and that these people told the doctors how THEY would spend governmental money...and the doctors were not even bothering to turn up to PCT meetings anymore...but had been 'paid off' with fat salaries but insane hours...and so put up with it...

One 'crazy' historical patterns repeat themselves...this is how they 'get ahead'...

Rather like RIMINGON then eh? At MI5, in the early stages of her career...even though, she couldn't even type at the time...but most files were hastily written in those days - rather than given to a typist (for fear of disclosure - none of the 'old boys' could type - or very few)...and the files still are (hastily written, rather than typed) the CIA laughingly tell me...but then bit their tongue, upon that one...why?

Other notes:

I do not know why but maybe I should look at what is exposed as the BIRTHDAY CAKE ILL phenomena upon

I remember the two HUGE birthday cakes, created for ROWLING and ASHLEY in 1980...because their respective FATHERS had bought them out of the ILL cult...

As I know know...JACK ASHLEY...according to COLLIE at FORT MONCKTON in 1980...didn't know what to do with his daughter...she was so brain-damaged...moronic in a sort of zombie...I had seen her as 'normal' and evaluated her as 'normal' in 1980 but she wasn't...she was heavily brain-damaged...and one would now say an ACORN VILLAGES candidate, at that point in her late twenties...

However COLLIE said...her father had decided to put her through this 'wipe your brain and reprogramme it' system...she was then 're-made' a 'robot'...and after her father had paid the ROYAL fee, to 'buy her back' from the ROYAL FAMILY...RIMINGTON promised her many 'beaus' and money...JACKIE Ashley had never had a boyfriend in her life, until that 26/7 years old.

One can only guess at the extreme abuse that JACKIE was put through as a her father and the ROYALS...I have no idea...but she was a walking 'zombie' on that course...very near to death ( the 'glassy look' of death in her eyes)...very like KATHLEEN but KATHLEEN still had her 'mind' and was rebelling...JACKIE ASHLEY didn't...she simply frightened others by acting in an insane zombie way...never disobeying orders...and became a figure of fun, because of it...and those in her group became 'maternal' towards her...

Anyway, the upshot of the ROYAL FAMILY deal with the BIRTHDAY CAKE nonsense ( as ROWLING was later to find out)...was that the two young women would still be mind control slaves of the ROYALS but that they would benefit hugely from the ILL system. ROWLING was gutted - she couldn't believe it - she thought that her father had bought her OUT of slavery. She broke down and cried in the classroom.

The question that I would now like to ask is this:


He obviously had a LOT of money to throw around - just like JACK ASHLEY.

Her 'biography' is obviously a pack of lies...but who was her FATHER? The man who could afford to buy her out of slavery? But didn't manage it turns out...

So who was this so-called J K ROWLING'S millionnaire father - who wanted to buy her out of ROYAL SLAVERY...but who didn't manage it? Although I am quite sure that JACK ASHLEY and ROWLING'S real father - were told that their daughters were now 'free'.

In short, JACK had the money - so who else did?

The PRICE must have been very high indeed. Too high for any other parents to pay up.

Additonally, one has to say that 'it wasn't worth it, in the end was it'...because it would all be exposed.

Who was RAWLIN(G) - the name had come up before in a code - this man was probably on a par with LOWRY as a programmer - will be linked to MI6 and known to the ROYAL FAMILY - I can now see that J K ROWLINGS biography is a complete lie in this way...he had engineered his daughter into the current unfortunate position she is now in and probably has most of the HARRY POTTER money stashed away - in cahoots with BRICHTO...amazing, how he could do that to his daughter...she is probably 'one of the unhappiest' rather than the 'luckiest woman in the world'.

I have now on the network the 'ROUMANIAN ILL SLAVES' or 'gypsies' from around these parts - who think that they are 'big witches' or 'grandes enchantreuses'...either way...they form the major part of what ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER believed to be her 'witch contingent'...the 'true witches'...NO, JUST all the rest...they just 'believed in their roles more' which does make a significant difference to the 'effect'. It is all about 'voodoo' after all...and if the person that you consult...really believes in their own are also far more likely to 'believe'...

Look at what happened to ROMANIA...the direct result of the ILL SLAVE TRADE OF THE ROCKEFELLERS...these people are not 'dangerous'...THEY ARE TO BE PITIED...because the ILL have abused this country and at extreme levels, for so long...even PAT ANDREW and her consultant 'witch' SUE the CARE MANAGER at ACORN VILLAGES...could not believe what the ILL had done in Romania...and both of them in their maternal roles as women, just wanted to go and care for ALL of those children dumped in orphanages...the result of ILL EXPERIMENTATION upon a massive scale...

Other notes:

I have been wondering why MR TOM will only eat TUNA...and then remembered CAT FOOD programming as invented by RAY FISHWICK in BLACKHEATH circa 1968/9...and so he made my sister HELEN eat catfood with the cat...and upon this side of the family could never understand why HELEN would crawl (as a baby) towards the cat dishes by the FRIDGES and literally eat catfood from the dish there...I remember, continuously having to stop her doing it, as a 5 year old child...picking her up and pulling her off it...

Other notes:

I was left two videos in the I could get out immediately and one I had to 'wait' for because it was on somebody's reserved ticket apparently...but became available quickly afterwards...the next day...


Kronk no longer has OSZMA to deal with - but YZMA in this video...

MR TOM is now routing through my pile of 'programming important items' but what I term my 'JUNK PILE' in my own mind...under the arch of my mother's old oak desk....

The next DVD (and not immediately available) is:

This appears to be based upon ALICE IN WONDERLAND PROGRAMMING - the heroine is even entitled 'Alice'...but it is reviewed as 'brilliant and brutal' as a film.

Other notes:

I have been listening to the ILL haranguing too and fro...about the HARRY POTTER BOOKS...apparently MANNINGHAM-BULLER claimed them as her 'baby' and claimed that she did most work, as an editor upon them...this was not the case....she 'sat' on them...and did most 'thought' upon them...but did very little in a practical fact, the only 'good' she did, was to warn those like TOMLINSON that they were 'cursed' and that no ROYAL ILL publisher should touch them...she was quite right on that one...but afterwards and for no apparent reason, wanted to be the main 'editor-in-charge'...

Other notes:

I remembered about the BROWN AND ORANGE book which MARK RICKENBACH had tried to destroy in my mind...he didn't manage it but it was 'worthless' anyway...a decoy...I read the page he had tried to cut up (or rather tried to make me envisualise as 'cut-up')...JOHN WATERS was always so much cleverer than want to know what the 'mystic symbols' upon this page really meant? They spelt out stuff like SHIKSA and were directly related to the fake Jewish Ashkenazim team that RIMINGTON professed to be was a direct hit on her...and a giggle but also a 'curse' upon whosoever attempted to open the portals.

The REAL knowledge is passed down telepathically within the SEPHARDIM and they have NEVER shared it with the ASHKENAZIM...the true names of G-d...and I know them...but as I said to COLLIE this is telepathy which is above and beyond 'linguistics'...and not transferrable to 'others'...the books about these names, upon the market, are all fakes...

So, hence we have the jokey 'POINK!'...and 'BONGO, BONGO, BONGO!' in THE SIMPSONS' latest magazine.

I had talked about this in my earliest notes...that the SEPHARDIM had the knowledge to be able to 'program' the heavens...they were the only ones who were this spiritually powerful, in JUDAISM...a knowledge that has never been I was completely open about it all and from the beginning...

However, what I didn't know (or rather, hadn't remembered) was that this was also related to the BROWN/ORANGE book and MARK'S attempt to sabotage this book (in my mind) because he didn't know what the symbols meant and couldn't use them for himself...HA HA weren't supposed was all one big joke upon anybody who tried to 'break in'...

Other notes:

Looking over what I have written recently...I began to see what a terrible influence Christianity has been upon the world in general and for so long...maybe a 'clash of civilisations' was inevitable...but not just JEWS/MUSLIMS against CHRISTIANS...but also the CHINESE...the INDIANS...peoples of almost any other faith...Christianity has behaved barbarically to all of them...and worse to come...the SATANIC CATHOLIC doctrinal code of CANNIBALISM as used by the UK ILL...those like TIMOTHY justify their paedophilia and cannibalism...

I could also see that international MASONIC organisations were of this opinion...that Christianity has now had it's 'expiry date' within this world...because of these terrible things...because it housed the SAINT JOHN CULT.

I looked at the UK and how hardly anybody attends the ANGLICAN services anymore...I looked at FRANCE and saw how hardly anybody attends the CATHOLIC services anymore (and this country used to be a real Catholic stronghold)...and began to see how 'SON OF G-D' programming across the world, must have instigated the demise of this religion...certainly helped it along the road to destruction and eventual extinction...

I suppose the big problem was that CHRISTIANITY was born within (and used by) the ROMAN EMPIRE who ruthlessly exploited it as an incipient world religion...its banner was then carried by the BRITISH EMPIRE...and that is why we then had the formation of the ILLUMINATI class of perverts, in this country...who called themselves ROMAN EMPERORS whilst treating their slaves as 'sons of G-d' be tortured, murdered and eaten.

This was the 'dark side' of this religion and how DARK it was.This is why ANDREW HUMPHREYS was murdered and then his head 'stewed' in a pot - by ILLUMINATI perverts, working for British Intelligence...the PAEDOPHILE CULT of this 'dark side' of Christianity. ILLUMINATI culture was in our schools, our teacher training colleges, our government and in our 'churches'. It was everywhere - unseen but deadly - eating away at the fabric of this country - destroying everything - people's lives and minds...brain-damaging adults and children.

You then had ILLUMINATI cult 'Christian beliefs' whereby ROYALTY and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE expected the priest to come and absolve them of all of their sins, just before they died - so that would make it 'all right' i.e. that there was no danger of going to 'hell'. Just how deluded were these people?

You also had those like RICHARD GILES who believed themselves to be 'ravens' who had been allowed by G-d to be as evil as possible because 'evil' was necessary in the world and therefore he could do what he liked and that G-d still 'loved' him and wouldn't send him to 'hell'. How deluded is that?

Other notes:

On a more mundane level - I remember RIMINGTON pointing out that every time I played 'cards' upon the MICROSOFT GAMES centre...and clicked upon the ACE OF SPADES to start the game...that this would signify to other mind control slaves - my 'vote' for the ROYAL FAMILY. Let me put you right, upon that one, RIMINGTON - "NO IT DOESN'T. QUITE THE REVERSE."

It is interesting to note that the game symbol in the middle of the 5 games is MINESWEEPER. The BOMB image looks like a sort of 'chestnut' grey-steel pineal gland. I suppose the ILL liked to think that you would subconsciously register this as a BOMB and hazardous to your health - QUITE THE REVERSE - again.

The SPIDER SOLITAIRE reminds me of ANANSIS slaves like RIMINGTON. So, I am NOT voting for you, either RIMINGTON - when I play this game - just remember that.

The only software game I have on this computer at present is ZORK NEMESIS which incidentally wouldn't play upon this computer and so I shall now remove it. The LOGO for this game is an ECLIPSED SUN and it is below the SPIDER (SOLITAIRE) symbol.

In fact, I had already removed the program but the 'logo' was a hidden file which could then be removed with 4 others...which I have now done.

As I was doing this, I began to understand why I had wiped my other computers before leaving to go abroad (including the MICROSOFT platform)...the ILL 'interpret' your computer as the 'state of your brain' - rightly or wrongly - because they are all 'computer-brain' slaves themselves. It was therefore important to show the ILL at that point, that there was programming left upon my computer at all.

If I really wanted to shock the ILL I could now remove and delete THE ACES OF WANDS cards program too and so forth. I might do that later on. I like 'playing around with them' too much, first...before I leave.

Other notes:

It made me laugh to see the two 'WANDS' (unsharpened pencils) that have been given out as a 'freebie' by THE SIMPSONS has an ILL PUMPKIN logo upon it and the other a BAT...and a few 'symbolic' erasers - where again, we have the BAT and the PUMPKIN along with a 'witch' in POINTY/POINKY shoes...which reminds me of RIMINGTON and in general this HALLOWEEN theme remnds me of my inspired name for DALDRY as in SPIDER-PIG (Prague 1995 - a skit on SPIDERMAN) - I sang the theme tune of SPIDERMAN to him whilst substituting SPIDER-PIG...which was then taken up by THE SIMPSONS to good effect...anyway, lastly we have the unhappy GHOST...who is saying BOO!

That rather reminds me of two people...firstly the GOST (USA phone-tapper in the UK)...and secondly MARK...who used to refer to TOMLINSON as BABA BOOEY...whom they used to BOO when he came on 'set' i.e. on CCTV camera...

Anyway, considering the 'crazy' things that I have had to do in this flat before now...I suddenly figured...maybe I should use these 'erasers' to erase each 'erase their names' and so did was quite easy in fact...I then 'broke' the two 'wands' for good measure...

Other notes:

Mr TOM had left me a bottle top from a CO-OP spring water bottle, in the centre of one of the squares upon the patterned ILL had a different coding inside from the SOMERFIELD ones. I noted the coding with amusement and then espied ANOTHER bottle top with a code that over-rided the former one. This bottle top also had an image of 3 DOMINOES falling over.

Anyway, here is the first code:

8077 and an 8 for 'infinity' above it.

The second and over-riding code was:

8936 and a 35 with the '3 falling dominoes' to the right.

I now understand why the FBI would have protected the 'portals' as it were...of their 'safety valve' slaves...and a Sephardic curse is a grand way of doing that...the most powerful curse in the Universe.

I do not suppose that one can link either TOMLINSON, RIMINGTON, BRICHTO etc to Judaism at all really...they were simply greedy SATANISTS. BRICHTO was a real DR MENGELE - pretending that all of the money that he made from slaves was ploughed back in to ISRAEL but he was was all ploughed back into his own bank account...and maybe a fraction of it went to CERN...

However, as far as CERN was concerned...the ILL always try to use other people's money where possible and one can see that they milked world governments, for that very purpose.

MARK RICKENBACH, without recourse to the 'keys to the Universe' i.e. the true names of G-d...had decided to spear-head this CERN project to 'blast through' into the G-D zone, in an attempt to control the power and to use it for using a negative key in the lock.

Why would he (or any of them) want to do such an insane thing? Look at their records...paedophiles, murderers...the list of their criminal activities and atrocities committed, was almost limitless...and so this was one last desperate attempt to 'redeem' themselves...if G-d wouldn't redeem them...they would fight Him and enslave Him. Yet those who had the 'keys to the Universe' knew that this would result in a disaster to end all would literally end the Universe and so the ILL were stopped dead in their tracks.

In relation to BRICHTO...he controlled the GENES/JEANS of the ILL cult i.e. those like JEAN REINHARDT...and through FRENCH...that was the language used for programming commands, for those like JOANNE COLLIE.

MARK also experimented with that one and liked that French popsong in the UK charts in the 1980s...which went something like 'oh, oui, oui, plein pour moi...' by BERTRAND.

As critics pointed was 'nonsense French'...but one can see that it would have been a programming command for ILL slaves and the 'wee, wee, wee' has many connotations and associations...the 3 little pigs...urine...this is about bladder programming...

Other notes:

JOHN WATERS taught me how to 'pull the plug' upon those like RIMINGTON last was an interesting could symbolically see all of their 'black oily' energy...falling from them and disappearing into the ground.

I had regained my 'wand' and all was right in the world.

Other notes:

I found yet another really evil book that had been concocted to try to stymie me at this last stage of...what one can hardly call the 'ILL game' anymore...because that is long since dead...but RIMINGTON's last desperate attempt to secure a 'happy ending' for herself...and it is in:


ISBN: 1 84362 267 X
9 781843 622673



Programming numbers: 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

The basic gist is this: RIMINGTON (Ethel) gets to go off into the sunset with TOMLINSON (Red) whilst my body has rotted in a field (just an old Jalopy car driven by Red) which RIMINGTON can then use the skull of...for her new 'cat' slave...and makes into a 'house' - in this story, Ethel takes a huge amount of money out of the back of this 'car' and then Red turns it into a 'cat-house'.

This 'red jalopy car' has a huge amount of money in the back of it...and there are two other characters who are trying to get hold of it...SPUG and MASHER.

In brief, DALDRY and MARR will have been programmed with this book too but programmed to FAIL...they do not manage to get the money off me.

It's all a laugh now, in retrospect isn't it? RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON are going to lose every single penny - they have already lost a massive amount but eventually they will be left with nothing and the same goes for the rest of the UK ILL.

Other notes:

I will fastforward through KRONK'S NEW GROOVE this morning...the ISBN code appears to be a 'callback' code:

8 717418 063252

Or an attempt to call you into line, code...

Anyway, the CIA contacted me in regard to this flat: "You are NOT a housewife HONEY - leave it in any state you please - you are a member of the CIA. Get MARK to come in with a pinny and duster, if he wants to do the 'housework'."

I had been thinking about clearing out the fridge before I left for good...but now figure...I will leave it as I left the other ILL flat in Manningtree...the ILL can clear out their filthy flats...although as ever, I have left the place remarkably clean...with all of the programming filth i.e. ILL furniture and videos that I no longer need or care about.

I can see how the above REMARK would cut deep and with many of the ILL.

It must be something to do with LIZARD BRAIN activity. RIMINGTON might have been a MURDERING PAEDOPHILE but she kept her house spick and span - obsessively so - not a speck of dust or one item out of place. Just like MARK.

Cue MARK in his mealy-mouthed way, telling me to boil up water to do the washing up in and not to gargle over the sink 'because those who are watching might think badly of you' make me and your sick little friends. I spit my 'gargle' in your face and I will leave this flat, giving it the total disrespect and disdain, it deserves. One has to get everything into perspective now, doesn't one? The ILL just make me laugh and laugh.

Other notes:

Drive (E:) EG20EU

The above is what came up for the KRONK'S NEW GROOVE instead of a title.

This film was released in 2005 by DISNEY...and so one can assume that it is how the HOLLYWOOD ILL wanted the whole story concerning what was happening in SWITZERLAND to end up.

This was obvious from the first part of the movie.

The evil 'witch' who is half-'cat' i.e. RIMINGTON has been extorting money out of OLD PEOPLE in OLD HOMES in an alpine country. She has promised them the ELIXIR of life but hasn't delivered it.

This 'old people' are old ILL PROGRAMMERS - including one called RUDI who doubles up as a DALAI LAMA (BON religion) with TWO GOLDEN YELLOW SUNS for ear-rings. He is in DRAG. I remembered this image from my distant past...probably early childhood.

So this is all about old folks' homes like ARTOS and the experimentation upon these people in terms of finding an 'elixir of life' and at the same time, grabbing their money.

THE FRENCH CHEF is roped into this manoeuvre as is TOMLINSON who also 'stars' in a dress as one of the 'friends'.

THE FRENCH CHEF is JEWISH (as TOMLINSON found out when he visited his parents for a meal).

It all ends up happily and FRENCH CHEF gets the ROMAN EMPEROR 'thumbs up' from his mafia boss Dad - when he marries a Greek-looking Jewish girl who is running the YELLOW/RED ILLuminati team of slave-drivers who are programming children. THE FRENCH CHEF is running the BLUE/YELLOW team.

RIMINGTON is turned into a PINK BUNNY RABBIT and the EAGLES and their offspring, deal with her.

The last image is of TWO EGGS cracking open and the two EAGLETS are about to eat her.

So how far is the above, consonant with reality?

I can now understand why MATTHEW wanted me to know about RUDI so much. He was obviously connected to the BON/SAINT JOHN CULT 'deal' with the 14th DALAI LAMA.

I can now understand why the PAS EMAILS went on and on about how not enough money is being put into the 'elixir of youth' serum research, in 2006/7 whilst I was in ISRAEL.

The CIA would have stopped ILL money circulation in Switzerland, circa 2005.

RIMINGTON'S funding would have been cut off, by that point.

The other interesting point about this movie is that KRONK'S story is being 'written' and then 'filmed' by SAUL AND ELLIOT.

MARK RICKENBACH appears as some AZTEC KING...he wants to appear in this movie - his name is KUSCO. Really - I thought the name was KRASUSKI. Anyway, MARK now appears to be 'head' of MI6 and its Aztec culture. Do not tell me the headgear is MAYAN...this is all 'Aztec' to me.

THE FRENCH CHEF has a code number for his job - he will have been programmed by this movie:


TOMLINSON will have been programmed by it too...RIMINGTON also - all they have to do is drug her to turn her back into a 'cat alter'...and myself probably (or any zygote slave) as the 2 EGGS who get PINK BUNNY RIMINGTON in the end...regardless of how she might attempt to disguise herself.

The whole movie is unabashedly JEWISH - even the 'wedding'...and one wonders what the NAZIS at DISNEYWORLD were thinking of...they want to say that it is all the fault of the JEWS...yet I know so many of this HOLLYWOOD Jews escaped from Nazi Germany upon false Jewish ID - like Spielberg's family.

Other notes:

I forgot to mention that a guy hung around me whilst I was on the computer on Saturday with a paperback in his hands called THE LAST TEMPLAR. I remarked upon it and he told me that it was by a certain RAYMOND KHOURY who had also written SPOOKS for the BBC. I replied that I didn't think much of the writers of that series (or the series - hardly a representative snapshot of MI5) and he said - that is an example of his work - I think that the guy then also said something about DR WHO scripts but none too sure...

Anyway, it was an interesting point because the guy had hung around close to me...looking at books near to my computer until I asked him...and then quickly disappeared without taking any more books out. It was important that I 'knew' the name of this writer.

Other notes:

A dream I had last night...chimed in with the 'green gunk' that RIMINGTON is giving to the old Swiss people...or rather that the 'witch' is giving to the Senior Citizens in KRONK...

I had been transported to somewhere in South America...and was at a large hotel...I had a bedroom that was adorned with Chinese antiques...and many switches upon the walls...I couldn't work out what all the electrics were for...I also met a Spanish mother and her daughter...the daughter had been told to 'get on with me' but was annoyed that I was standing on her tennis bizarre is that one? (In fact it was her mother's chair which was upon it but she blamed me for it.)

I then walked around the hotel and and up a white ramp of a walled road, which wound round and back into the hotel...there was a lot of green gunk in it ...a watery moss or mildew...a guy was cleaning this white stone passageway out...

Anonymous said...

So who is this 007 'kursaal flyer' then?

Black Rabbit said...

I'll post a photograph of the 'receipt'.

Anonymous said...


Wahaca - the Mexican restaurant is a BRITISH INTELLIGENCE 'watering hole' and where they tend to take their new 'mind control slaves' intake out to lunch, as a group.

Anonymous said...

Great Eastern Street - MI5 Offices.

A photograph of this monstrous facade and as one poster says - it reminds them of the insurance building AXA in the heart of Ipswich - yes, MI5 hang out there too.

Anonymous said...

WHITBY STREET - you 'stop' at Lovers bar and CHIVAS...and do have a look in that storehouse with the WHITE LION outside, if it is open - the contraband in there which MI5 mind control slaves manage to smuggle in and out of the country - is really quite astounding.

Anonymous said...

A 'BANKSY' upon OLD STREET - all Illuminati mind control slaves of British Intelligence are shown this one - a horrific image of themselves - what mind control has reduced them to - tortured and abused child 'alters' upon the other side of the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Check out NEW HORIZONS upon Old Street - this is where BRITISH INTELLIGENCE do most of their computer mind control programming upon their victims - butchering their minds into what they term 'computer-brains' through the use of drugging and mind-splitting.

Anonymous said...


We were all shown the above Star of Sion/Zion image upon mind control programming in 1980:

From Wentworth Street, turn right into Gunthorpe Street and along to Whitechapel High Street. As you go under the arch look left above the shop Albert’s and you will see an emblem containing the Star of David. This is the emblem of the now defunct Jewish Daily News.
The emblem is by Arthur Szyk in the Arts and Crafts Style.

Black Rabbit said...


Looking at the HARWICH ELECTRIC PALACE OCTOBER Cinema Programme. Here is a 'chronology' of what the UK ILL hope is going to happen - metaphorically-speaking (of course, it won't):

5th: Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
10-12th: RocknRolla
12th: Man on a Wire
16th: Colour
17-19th: Boy in Striped Pyjamas
19th: Somers Town
24-25th: Hell Boy 2, The Golden Army
25-26th: Space Chimps
26th: Mes Amis Mes Amours
Halloween Double Bill
30th: Vampyr (1932)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)

...perhaps the last title really does sum it all up for ROYALTY and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...
Anyway, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE you now have about 28 hours to pay me back my money or face the consequences...and counting. Remember that the amount that I am asking for (which is in fact, a fraction of what you owe me) has now gone up to £400 million. I may up it again, tomorrow morning.

Other notes:

I looked at the right hand side of the bricks in the SAINT HELENA HOSPICE today and this is what I saw to the right (and back):

The 'twin towers from left to right:

Top = j and then 'bean' (although you could turn the 'n' into a 'u' and the 'b' into a 'd')
Back: yy47

Top = t and then 3 2 Z X
Back: ac/dc

The COY block has X on top and then 'mbn'
Back: twk (tweak?)

The GREEN archway has 'i' on top and then 'ViDr'
Back: egatg (e-gate?)

The first archway has B and then 279e (I suppose that was my code 2679 in iqbl)
Back:oapgb (OAP GB)

At any can see that the TWIN TOWERS were hit because they knocked GEORGE BUSH's 'ac/dc' mind control programme on the least symbolically.

One can also see that the rest of them will be 'hit', accordingly.

There was also one GREEN solitary block which had '1' on top of it and the following letters around it:



Other notes:

Having found the was rather impressive I thought...the 'cash key' as it were...upon and I wondered if this was the 'cash key' to the ILL Ashkenazim pot of money?

I also noted that the video RESIDENT EVIL was a programming symbol upon this website.

Other notes:

What about a first letter code in the ELECTRIC PALACE CINEMA list?

S T A R M C B S T H S M (H) V T H

STAR MC BST (British Summer Time?)

What if we got rid of the double H...but then I already know that HH = naval intelligence...

So the last part of the code = (H) S M V T

That looks like SMUT to me...but the VT could mean anything - videotape? SM generally only means one thing.

Or 'TH' S M V T 'TH'

I have always known that the popgroup 'THE THE' was an important codename for some ILL operation but no idea what, apart from that it was something to do with UK trainlines.

So is there a clue in this NAVAL INTELLIGENCE code to what the ILL are planning?

The REPOSSESSION date of this flat is 10.08.08

There is NO film on at all between 5-9th OCTOBER.

There IS a film/event upon the 10.08.08:


THE ROCKEFELLERS have decided that this is an important date? It will be related to them.

They start ROCK 'N' ROLLING on the 10.08.08

I now know what the term 'a rolling stone gathers no moss' meant and why I said that to Daldry in Prague 1995...THE ROCKEFELLERS do not intend to 'pick up' any MOSSAD agents upon the way...
and I suppose that means that they were not tolerated - until that is...MARK had infiltrated the service with his own people, post-1994 - after 'getting' Loehrmann in the FBI and all of that secret information, regarding mind control and drugging.

The question in my mind now is: why was MARK so interested (in his photographs on with Islamic groups?

I suppose because this was 1980 and I have a hunch that a lot of these photographs were shot in Palestine...but also further afield (he was apparently Syrian-born)...and that the ILL project here was to train up ISLAMIC TERRORIST/BOMBERS in various countries...

So MARK was in the business of creating his SIONIST CHRISTIAN MARTYRS and also programming the MUSLIMS.

Additionally, the young men who looked 'Muslim' upon those photographs but were obviously part of the British Intelligence course (like Eti)...some of them had their faces printed upon various ISLAMIC-looking notes...

I can now guess what that meant - an ILL license to 'print money' in those countries.

RIMINGTON was doing the same in this country - upon that grand old PRINTING PRESS which is in the warehouse just behind STARLING TAXIS old building on the HIGH STREET.

This makes even more of a mockery of the STOCKS AND SHARES business...the ILL have given certain people a 'license to print money' and in whatever country. Therefore there were no real controls upon how much money was circulating in any given economy and at any given point.

I now know why the staff in SOMERFIELD check every note - particularly the £20 notes.

I was wondering last night about MONEY CIRCULATION and figured...somebody, somewhere must have simply 'removed' a massive amount of money from circulation worldwide and that is why EVEN the wealthiest countries are now hugely in debt. I figured that somebody must be 'hoarding' or even 'burning' it somewhere, in order to create such a collapse in the banking systems worldwide.

However, if one looks at the above - maybe the LACK of money circulating, is simply due to the fact that the ILL 'license to print money' outside of the MINT of any given country, has now been stopped.

Looking at this perverse list of films to be shown this week...I was struck by the probable ILL meanings for each film:

MAN ON A WIRE (radio-chipped slaves/phone-tapping)

COLOUR suggests to me THE COLOR CAFE which RIMINGTON saw as her 'private cafe' at SCHIPHOL airport.

BOY IN STRIPED PYJAMAS suggests to me AUSCHWITZ victims in death camps. (I know this is 'incidental' but I packed my suitcase to go on the ferry this evening and I packed the stripey blue and white pyjama bottoms that my mother had given me - the MIRRORMASK film has a young girl in precisely the same pyjama bottoms).

SOMERS TOWN reminds me of SOMERFIELD SUPERMARKET which RIMINGTON used as a programming base for MI5 PAS MIND CONTROL (FOOD PROGRAMMING) and also used to put out objects i.e. 'wine bottles' in the corner and out of their rack - to symbolise mind control slaves up for sacrifice.


HELLBOY 2, THE GOLDEN ARMY suggests to me MARK'S martial law plan OR some crazy Christian mind control slave uprising against the Muslims and so possibly in ISRAEL but could be global.

This is the most worrying film of the lot and the date is: 24-25th OCTOBER.

HELLBOY also reminds me of MARK framing himself in HELLRAISER as the guy who has had his throat ripped out in some S/M event...but is still alive and back from the 'dead' to torment the living. I still have the HELLRAISER 2 video, to watch.

SPACE CHIMPS suggests those like me who are 'monkeys' who helped to bring down the TEMPLAR CASTLE in MONS.

Why SPACE chimps? Because the ILL plan, as ANDREW MARR stated in his to send them into 'outer space'...because they have regained their that 'little me' can enjoy his 'supermarket of wealth'.

COI is now stated as having an EGO as an organisation - therefore they have an X on top of their 'building' (in the St Helena's Hospice charity shop window).

MES AMIS MES friends, my loves...this is an odd one...after MARK has cleared out of all the people that he doesn't like...he is left with these people.

I have understated what the drawing of a RED HEART means in ILL PROGRAMMING. After the ILL have separated a person's 'soul' from their body and then wiped a person's mind completely, reprogramming them as a 'robot-brain'...the procedure is then to draw a RED HEART around them and tell them that you LOVE them.

These mind control slaves are now LOVED and therefore valued within the ILL system. Rather like the GOLDFISH in that terrible INDIE movie that I commented upon years ago...'you, me and everyone we know'...the title was upon those lines i.e. EVERYONE is now an ILL slave, no escape...and the 'goldfish' which are balanced precariously upon a car (reminiscent of what FISHWICK did to us on the roof-rack of his car, as children) is that the goldfish will fall off and die because the car is going too fast in traffic and cannot stop...they will be thrown by the wayside...but the couple inside the car, start making up homilies about how the goldfish are 'loved'....telling them that they were always 'loved' because it is important for the goldfish, in their plastic bag upon the roof of the car, to know that (for no apparent reason) is such a sick film...

We then have the HALLOWEEN double bill which consists of that old favourite from 1932 ILL 'favourite' during programming because of the technique of separating the SHADOW from the DRACULA signified a 'double-life'...the 'dark alters' and the 'front alters'...two sides of the mirror...SPLIT-BRAIN programming...where the SHADOW and the PERSON work independently and do different the case of DRACULA, he is trying to be the 'perfect host' to Jonathan Harker but his shadow is strangling the life out of Harker's shadow, whilst he is doing this...
The film that is 'twinned' with VAMPYR in this 'double-bill' is the original BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

I remember TOMLINSON forcing me to watch this at the TEMPLAR CASTLE though I had no wish to and got very bored went on endlessly and the 'build-up' of tension was lost on me because I kept looking at other things, not watching the movie...he eventually fastforwarded to the end, to give me the general message which was:


I honestly cannot say that I did remember at the time, hardly anything at all...just the vaguest, foggiest memories of something...but not enough to scare me. Even on the other side of the mirror, these memories were so 'locked up' in my mind, that even Tomlinson couldn't access them - in order to scare me, witless. I wonder...even if he had managed MANNINGHAM-BULLER had said to me - 'nothing really scares you, does it'. I suppose it didn't but then once you have been pronounced 'clinically dead' so many times and from childhood, through ILL abuse - death holds no fears and you know that you can disassociate/OBE, every time the torture becomes too painful.

So in the context of the above - why is this film here - the original one - and linked to VAMPYR?

It all signifies MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING and the worst possible memories for any slave to wake up to - but why is it put in as a 'reminder' at this point?

The last film is the oddest of all:


Who does that refer to and why? A 'normal human response' would be:

Anybody who does what the ILL have done - would be in a far more dire situation than just 'losing friends' and 'alienating' people - they would be in fear of their very lives.

An abnormal and ILL human response would be: 'if you do not accept what we have done to you, you will 'lose friends' and 'alienate' people.

Other notes:

I woke up this morning with a sense of was the BON VOYAGE and the 'two suns' which had worried me about 'a-fer-ry-to' company.

Additionally, that film which I think was called SABINE...the one where the woman dies, frozen to death in a field full of cabbage stalks. We were all called SABINE women upon programming in 1980 as in the RAPE OF THE SABINE WOMEN (a common subject in Fine Art) and as far as I can remember...was it the ROMANS who raped this town/city of women...I need to look it up.

Anyway, this film had been used to program me as a young my father...this is what will happen to you if you defy us...and RIMINGTON and MARK had used the memory of this more recently...whilst trying to reprogramme me as 'jalopy'...the red car which has all of the 'money' in it...which then 'dies in the countryside' and its 'body' is then used to house a 'cat'...for the sinister couple ETHEL and RED...

I get it now...KING ETHELRED...what did he do in history...was he like ALFRED THE GREAT who hid in an oak tree and burnt the cakes? That was part of programming for some reason...I suppose it was linked to PETER PAN programming whereby you have to imagine the carousel as spinning down the inside of the oak tree, to the underground chamber...and the 'wild boys' have their entrance to their underground home, via a 'shute' in a hollowed-out tree...

I woke up this morning feeling as I had done before...the time when I had booked a ticket to ISRAEL and decided not to go at the last minute because 'something wasn't right'...and then booked another ticket...a week later on...and the ILL MI5 slaves around me (within the MANNINGTREE MALTINGS) crowed from their windows - 'I knew she wouldn't go'...but they were wrong...nobody was going to force me into making a 'false move'...I would choose my own time and date to do what I wanted to do...even if I lost money by it...

I am now thinking that tonight is the wrong night to leave, for some reason...and there will be a very good reason for it...I will leave but not yet...

I get the feeling that defying the ILL by staying in the UK past 10.08.08 is definitely the thing to that ROCKNROLLER is an empty I lose £65 which I can hardly afford...

I will email my mother for some money for the removals people...maybe a £100 or more...and use that to book a hotel this week if COMPASS rears its ugly head...I will stay here until Saturday at least and then make my move...

I get a strong intuition that RIMINGTON was supposed to be STAYING PUT here in the UK for some reason...and that by staying here myself...that I will truly oust this OLD WITCH for good...that last book in MARK'S ILL series...was all about STELLA THE SWAN: STAYING PUT...and I just 'know' that by being here past 10.08.08 will destroy her and MARK'S plans...

However, all is fluid...I will update this one, upon a daily basis. is YOM KIPPUR at the end of the week and I do not really want to be 'in transit' for that one...not eating and drinking for a day, takes it out of you...

Thinking about KRONK 2 again...the CAT-WITCH in this film...makes a very sinister statement just before she is to be voted EMPEROR of her country...she smirks that it is all due to the LITTLE PEOPLE...

That is RIMINGTON all over...MARK'S 'little people' who are desperately trying to engineer her ascension to ROMAN EMPEROR and I suppose it would now be in THIS country...

It is clear that RIMINGTON and her ilk, are no longer tolerated in SWITZERLAND. They have all been thrown out. They have lost the 'keys' to their money. They are now 'relatively' penniless in the UK.

I do not know why I pose such a dire threat to them here but I appear to do so.

This morning...I got the very strong feeling that the UK ILL were all 'pushing' me to leave and that made me want to dig my heels in - just for the 'fun' of it.

So let me put up a new and more 'realistic demand' now to the UK ILL:


The CIA are telling me - if the UK ILL are boasting that HARRY POTTER money rakes in £3 million a week...calculate it upon that basis and from the late 1990s. So we are talking 20 years here as the 'momentum' began to increase with the sale of every book. Let us 'minus' the last book and calculate a more realistic figure:

I cannot be bothered to do the maths upon a 'sliding scale' and so will say: £3 million a day, X7 = 21 million...times that by 12 months and we get 242 million...times that by 20 years and we are talking 4840 million...

Now, obviously...HARRY POTTER didn't rake in that much money in the early years but if one ADDS to the general cost...the COURT FEES in terms of CRIMINAL DAMAGE to my person...and not just in 1980 but throughout my life...I think we can stick with this rather 'Venusian' figure of:

£4840 million pounds. To be repaid by the UK ILL and to myself.

I told you it would go up - didn't I?

One has to know one's true 'worth'.

I could add on to that, MY story which RICKSON used to have his ONLY theatrical success: THE WEIR - also THE crucial scenes/characters in BILLY ELLIOT, THE MATRIX...the list goes on..but cannot be bothered...the above sum will do 'nicely'. Besides, it is an ILL Venusian number, no? How very appropriate.

Anyway, as my MOTHER said to me:

"You won't be moving out by the 10th, will you?"

She didn't think much of COMPASS' demand upon the behalf of the landlord and neither do I.

Even TOMLINSON had said to me, years ago in relation to the ILL:

"Know what they want you to do - think that you are going to do - and then do the OPPOSITE."

I 'feel' that I am now being pushed to leave BEFORE time. I will chose my OWN time and that will be after the 10.08.08

I will therefore write another email to COMPASS to keep them happy - I will tell them that I be moving MONDAY 13th OCTOBER of next week - and I will drop the keys off with them upon this date (afternoon) and hand over the paperwork regarding utilities as well as any rent money due etc. I will write them this email upon the Friday.

Besides, as my mother told me...the son of ROGER said that a few days here or there, didn't - it doesn't, does it? Annoy me and I could become a 'sitting tenant' which means I could stay for up to 3 months or more (regardless of a 'repossession' notice which isn't worth the paper it is written on, in legal terms)...and with nobody in this country being able to prosecute me...I could stay indefinitely.

So history 'repeats' itself - as it had done, before I went to ISRAEL. I will take my time and do things when I WANT TO DO THEM and not before.

I will contact 'aferryto' and if they do not refund my ticket OR leave it open for the future - I will give them a massively BAD PRESS upon my website.

I am aware that this is a MR PUTIN manoeuvere in relation to GEORGE BUSH and being made to sign a form, stating that he would NOT apply for the PRESIDENCY again...but at the last minute, became PRIME MINISTER instead. I could almost 'hear' him laughing...let them think that you are going along with their plans...until the last minute, sort of thing...

I can also see how he 'liked' what I would term the 'SUSAN SINCLAIR effect' as in, if they are really pretty stupid...they are far more likely to trip you up than if they are 'clever'...part of the game. You never know with real 'twits' - you have to expect the unexpected and a certain lack of 'rationale' behind their manoeuvres - unlike those of MARK'S ilk who like to 'intelligently' plan ahead to the nth degree. This is something upon BRITISH INTELLIGENCE'S side then - one could make it into a 'positive' plus. Stupid people are far more 'deadly' than clever ones - they can muck up the best laid plans, without even trying.

I then thought about putting SURF down the toilet as I have run out of BLEACH but then figured 'no'...that would be 'really, really stupid'. I remember the Chinese giving me that scroll in 1997...which basically said 'even when you are a 'wise old man' you can still do stupid things and then laugh at them - that is the right way'...the painting of an old man laughing...doing stupid things is equated with having a good time and laughter, to the Chinese...not much of a sense of 'Christian' guilt there...more, RECOGNISE that what you have done is stupid, have a good LAUGH about it, enjoy your life and move on...

Other notes:

I have just called 'aferryto' and they have amended my ticket date to 25th November - I wanted an 'open ticket' but they couldn't do it...asked me when I would be most likely to travel, I said 'within a month' and they came back with this amendment and for this specific date, for some reason.

I am quite sure that this is an ILL company and so will expose them anyway, this morning.

The last time I booked upon STENALINE, I rang up to make the booking and so no problems at all.

However, this time I decided to book online - I googled STENALINE and got a website which called itself STENALINE and with the official STENALINE logo at the top of the page - I therefore assumed that this was the company's official website.

I then rang up STENALINE after having booked my ticket to find out from them that this isn't their website - even though it is called STENALINE and carries their official logo - 'no it isn't our website, they just book for us'...that really 'made sense'.

I am gettting the intuition here that STENALINE was bullied into accepting the services of this 'middleman' even though they apparently have their own website. I 'remember' that from somewhere...e.g. 'we can advertise your service, far more widely'...

I smell a BIG RAT here. STENALINE had no need of a 'middleman' at all.

Let me compare this to ED'S job in the CITY as a PR DIRECTOR who has 'good links' with government bodies which fund NHS campaigns and other related 'health-concern' bodies and organisations...and how unless you go through people like ED, you do not get the can approach government yourself but you will be turned down...

STENALINE wasn't getting enough bookings...they had to PAY a middleman to come in, order to get those bookings for them...although logically, they had a website up...'aferryto' has an identical website and so WHY would more traffic go through 'aferryto' than through the official STENALINE website? People either want to book on STENALINE and take a ferry or they don' two ways about it...'aferryto' do not do any advertising as such and certainly no more than STENALINE to promote the service...besides, who has ever heard of 'aferryto' in relation to the brand name of STENALINE?

There is a BIG RAT here, isn't there... and it will be linked to control of mind control slaves...who are then 'directed' your way...IF you let the 'middleman' in...the ROCKEFELLER mafia, who will then 'take a cut' in all of your deals...

'aferryto' EXPOSED.

LOWRY and TIMOTHY RADCLIFFE OP will have shares in this company, if not OWN it.

So why do this couple of SICK CLOWNS want me to travel upon 25th NOVEMBER now? The woman on the end of the line had to go off and check with somebody...and that took a long the ILL were probably reconsidering their next move the light of ME staying put...and so decided upon this ILL date instead...

Having exposed the bastards - I can kiss goodbye to that ticket.

I will NOT be using any ticket bought through 'aferryto' but I can now see that it was important to 'go through this' for some reason...and there will be a reason...obviously, to expose them...I can now remember RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON gleefully telling me how they had tricked STENALINE into this mafioso deal in 2004...they had helped it on...and installed this ILL booking company...

Other notes:

My memory scans for possible related events and comes up with the young woman (daughter of a retired naval commander) who was a 'learning disability' person at ACORN VILLAGES. She was obsessed by the FERRYS from Harwich...and I once took her up here, on the train, with another senior member of watch the ferries...see Bathside Bay...she knew the whole area...had been there many times...and loved the ferry called the CAT something...I cannot remember what now...

Anyway, this young woman had what the ACORN management staff called a 'complete fantasy'...I am assuming that it was...that she had been on that FERRY which had gone down and that she had been one of the few survivors from it...she used to tell accounts of this in lucid detail...and the support workers used to 'cluck' that she 'knew' that this wasn't this young woman was given to making up stories...and exaggeration...and so that didn't help her case one bit...

However, she had also claimed 'sexual assault' by a Jewish Ashkenazim guy there, who was also 'learning disability' and this had been overturned as another one of her stories...but she was terrified of him...literally terrified...she would shake with fear and tears would come into her eyes when she saw him and she would shout at him in fear, to keep away from her...yet nobody would believe her...

That might have been just 'another one of her stories' if it wasn't for the fact that this man then tried to assault the music teacher's young daughter...who was of about the 'mental age' of this learning disability woman...another 'child'...and a very vulnerable one, at that...the man grabbed hold of her and wouldn't let go and then tried repeatedly to kiss her...he was obviously sexually aroused but had no 'social framework' or education, in terms of how to deal with this...the child was terrified out of her mind...sobbing...

The other 'odd' thing is that TOMLINSON used to take this particular, young learning disability woman to her classes at a Colchester College and he used to be 'terrified' of her...he told me the strangest thing...'that look that comes into her eyes, Emily - she wants sex - and I just want to get out of there'...he opened his eyes wide with what looked like excitment - HE sounded sexually aroused rather than her...that was the odd thing...something was triggered in him when alone with a young and vulnerable woman, with the mind of a child...

Now in my experience, this young woman was terrified of sex and sexuality...she was a absolute tomboy (although small, pretty and blonde)...used to act like a young boy...she never showed any interest in sex or sexuality or even 'femininity'...her obsession in life was ferries, boats in general and the sea...she behaved like 'one of the boys' and as such, tended to make friends more with male members of staff (who had a 'paternal interest' in her) rather than her female peer group...although she got on well with everybody...

I suppose that all I can say about what had become to be known as 'the ferry story' and 'tell her/him the ferry story' as a 'joke' upon this woman and her tale at ACORN that it was probably a 'modified memory' which hid real abuse...of being nearly drowned and then subsequently brain-damaged.

Yet even now...there is something more to it, that I haven't teased out...but no idea what.

Of course, one could posit that she was really on that ferry although the SUPPORT managerial staff said that was impossible...but what if she was on a boat...the 'ferryman's boat'...RICHARD TOMLINSON'S boat...THE FERRYMAN...whom she then met again after his 'transformation' into a balding, light brown-haired 'KRUSTY THE CLOWN'...and didn't recognise him, as even I didn't and I had probably met him more times than her (even though she could easily have been ILL-programmed by him)...

This makes sense of why TOMLINSON was so terrified of her...every time she fixed him with a steady gaze...but she did that to wasn't a 'sexual thing'...just a way of grabbing and holding your attention...her eyeballs used to wobble slightly as she did it...but she would stare unblinkingly at you, of her quirks, as the support staff said...

TOMLINSON must have been terrified that she would RECOGNISE him...maybe he thought that she almost had and might give the 'game' away...

Other notes:

A guy in a deep violet fleece is in the garden with a device of sorts and a mobile phone and a computer chip around his neck and various colour-themed plastic bags...he has now gone up to HAZEL' would not believe how many 'friends' HAZEL has...she seems to know most of HARWICH or surrounding areas...I have never met anybody who had so many 'friends' before now, in my entire life...even if many of them are people from her old place of work...I must have seen every single employee through her door by now...and they just keep on coming.

Other notes:


I watched this movie last night and realised that I had been meant to see it before now, for some reason...probably as a subconscious reminder of programming...

The fact that this film was originally a videogame and was used as a programming device 'image' upon midishrine, doesn't bode well.

This is all about 'ALICE' but not in WONDERLAND...ALICE IN THE HIVE which has got a virus to do with T-CELLS...and the employees of THE HIVE have all turned into 'zombies'.

This was the most stark portrayal of what had happened (metaphorically) at that TEMPLAR CASTLE...that I have as yet seen...the ILL do not normally write up their 'history' in popular culture, if it is bad news for them...

The whole film eerily echoed what I had seen 'under' LONDON but in a far more 'hi-tech' way...the real ILL underground hospital, was just like an ordinary NHS one, apart from the strange plush RED DOORS which looked very out of place...ILL-colour coding programming.

We have the RED QUEEN as the 'master mainframe computer' that controls all...but the ILL refer to this in their coding as (H)AL and one would guess that the COBRA defence system is linked into it. That is the trouble with putting all of your eggs into one basket, as I told DALDRY in 1995...and I am getting the intuition that this was precisely the advice given by PRESIDENT PUTIN when he was invited over to see this new system...but was over-ridden by MANNINGHAM-BULLER and her associates. The UK PRESS simply reported how 'impressed' he was by it all.

This brought back another HOLLYWOOD movie and one that MARK had briefly referred to but I hadn't seen it at the time...the one which had HAL in the title...and Gwyneth Paltrow playing the obese girlfriend whom HAL has been hypnotised into thinking is a sylph...was that movie another ILL HOLLYWOOD joke then? What would it have been metaphorically saying?

That this UK HAL computer was capable of being fooled. 'It sees things that are not really there or if they are there - it doesn't have a proper perspective upon them'.

This will be something to do with the computer term 'object control' or idea.

Other notes:

...and this one produced my first real laughter of the day - I have just read the blurb for the film ROCKNROLLA (you have a short blurb for each film upon the back of the A4 sheet):

ROCKNROLLA (2008) 15 1hr 54mins
When a Russian mobster sets up a real estate team scam that generates millions of pounds, various members of London's criminal underworld pursue their share of the fortune. Various shady characters, including Mr One-Two, Stella the accountant, and Johnny Quid, a druggie rock-star, try to claim their slice.

So tell me that the ILL do not write up their own history in popular culture. This short summary of the plot appears to aptly represent what STELLA RIMINGTON has been up to and for a very long time.

I am tempted to call TOMLINSON a ROCKEFELLER star simply because he caused the most mirth and fascination...from those like MARK and NIKOLAS watching the CCTV. Mr 'Quid', the Squid's toyboy.

I am not sure about 'one-two' but know that my grandfather used to say it whilst 'shadow-boxing'...the old 'one-two'.

So this film will be aired at the HARWICH ELECTRIC PALACE upon the 10.08.08.

Other notes:


This appears upon title page and under it in black is:

T.C. 973830

Library code is: 30130 128973830 and the last numbers from 9 onwards are underlined.

It was from THURROCK LIBRARY and one wonders how many of the UK ILL have seen it...


ISBN: 5 060002 831229

Chapter first letter code:


Last got out from BASILDON 4/8/8

DAVIS films...why does this remind me of Mr Davis at school...who then became RIDLEY SCOTT.

1. Contamination
2. Containment
3. Alone
4. The Train
5. The Hive
6. The Labs
7. Defences
8. The Queen is Taken
9. Retreat
10. Divided
11. Discoveries
12. Regroup & Reboot
13. Utility Tunnels
14. Antivirus
15. Memory
16. Early Experiment
17. The Beast
18. Close to Free
19. Alone Again
20. End Credits

So this film was finished by 2002 and therefore was made almost directly after TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001, I suppose.

One point about the movie...the Alice character has lost all memory of THE HIVE and working within it and she is told that this is due to 'nerve gas' which can take away your memory for almost any given period of reasons given as to why this would be so or how long it would take to come back again.

I wonder if this is what was done to the people who had been at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and if imagines that they are probably waking up now...if like me...they avoided having their pineal gland 'punctured' again...

The last letter code is also of interest:



The YS (wise owls) appear to be the 'owls' of the ILL cult and I certainly went to see them in Switzerland but didn't do what I was supposed to, in relation to the ILL film that RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and MARK had the HARDER-MINERVA HOTEL.

The other command appears to relate to DALDRY to network the North East SS 'net'.

Black Rabbit said...


In relation to my eggs being used by the ILL for their 'research' and also the impregnation of other women as 'surrogate mothers' - I found the second 'sequel' to RESIDENT EVIL extremely disturbing i.e.


In summary, all I can suggest in 2008 - is that MARK ROCKEFELLER would do better to research the GENETIC MUTATION of the tip of his nose, rather than experiment with 'mice/men', in order to find out the effects of cocaine abuse upon the pineal gland.

'Pissing around' with ALICE ILL games/films and pretending that you are 'saving the world', is only for the extremely deluded.

The first RESIDENT EVIL sequel was released in 2004:


"This is a sequel to the 2002 movie where the dead become the living undead in a search for fresh meat. The Umbrella Corp opens their underground research lab 'the hive,' and they unfortunately let the virus escape into Raccoon City. The plague moves rapidly, and soon everyone is infected. Alice (Milla Jovovich) awakens in the Umbrella Corp's lab connected to tubes. They have been experimenting with the virus, and it has mutated inside Alice's body giving her extraordinary powers. Alice leaves the lab and begins to kill the undead as she goes through the city. Alice rescues a group of survivors who are holed-up inside a church. They must leave the church and get out of the city, but the Umbrella Corp has sealed it. Dr. Charles Ashford (Jared Harris), an Umbrella Corporation scientist, will help Alice and the others escape the city if they find his daughter Angie (Sophie Vavaseur). The Umbrella Corporation sends in their secret weapon code-name Nemesis to see how good he is as a weapon. Nemesis wipes out the Special Tactics and Rescue Services (S.T.A.R.S.) team. Nemesis's next target is Alice. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy"

I can spot several 'characters' here immediately e.g. CHARLES SAATCHI (Dr Ashford) and his daughter, Natalie.

So who is NEMESIS in this little drama? I suspect TOMLINSON as usual but then his role in the 13th ONE game has now become longer the 'hunted' but the 'hunter'.


"The plague has traveled around the world infecting most of the world's population, turning everyone into the walking undead. The deadly virus also has destroyed the world as we knew it, rendering the planet a desert. Alice (Milla Jovovich) has been forced to roam the Earth alone attempting to stay off Umbrella's radar. A convoy led by Claire Redfield (Ali Larter) and former U.B.C.S. agent Carlos Olivera (Oded Fehr) along with L.J. (Mike Epps) and other survivors who have not been infected, travel from small town to small town in search of other survivors and supplies, staying away from any large cities - areas that may potentially be infested with zombies. Their goal is to find a place that has not been infected by the virus.

As the film progresses, we see that Alice's powers have undergone substantial growth. Alice, after saving the convoy from a swarm of ravenous birds, joins the others in the hunt for a place to call home. Umbrella, on the other hand, has been forced to go underground. Dr. Isaacs (Iain Glen) has been conducting research at one such institution. This time, though, instead of developing a new viral creature, he is searching for a cure; a new serum that, in previous experiments, produce a subdued creature, one that has reasoning skills and vague memories, but if angered, will fly into a blind rage and devour any human unlucky enough to be in close proximity.

Dr. Isaacs had been using clones of Alice, running each through a rigorous simulation of the past situations Alice had been in, hoping to find the one with the same capabilities, therefore the same blood as the original. Unfortunately for the convoy, Dr. Isaacs finds Alice and tries to capture her in Las Vegas, after Alice persuades the convoy to journey to Alaska where Alice believes there lives an uninfected community, so he can continue his experiments. Alice and the others, this time face not normal zombies, but instead the new enraged zombies. Dr. Isaacs goes with the strike team during the operation, and in taking this action, he seals his own fate when he is bitten by his new creation while trying to make an escape. Upon returning to his underground lab, Dr. Isaacs injects himself several times with the anti-virus, turning him self into a new creature, a self-regenerating mutant with tentacles that can extend out an infinite length, capable of pursuing human flesh.

Alice has a clone that "hatches" and "dies" in her arms. She goes to kill Dr. Isaac in his mutated state. And just as lasers slice Dr. Isaac and are about to kill Alice, the lasers stop thanks to the clone of Alice who is in fact alive and using a computer."

I can now see why the ILL want me to go 'on the run'. It would be entertainment for them, in their septic tank cocoons, slobbering in front of their CCTV screens.


In 1980, it was MI6 at FORT MONCKTON in collaboration with MICROSOFT technology.

Has anything changed?

Anonymous said...

ANDREW MARR has 'RICKENBACH' syndrome but not as pronounced. The 'genetic mutation' is less than that of MARK RICKENBACH or STELLA RIMINGTON.

Anonymous said...

David Miliband also has RICKENBACH syndrome but also not at an 'advanced' stage.

Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown and Tony Blair will be pleased to know that they are not 'presenting' symptoms at present.

Black Rabbit said...


DAVID MILIBAND appears to be an equivocal figure in all of this...I had an email returned from Yahoo! with the usual 'underlining', by a larger text, of the sentence concerning how MILIBAND had tried to buy me from Putin upon the ASHKENAZIM slavetrade network but had failed to do so...this was as I was beginning to expose what he had done to me in relation to 'surrogate motherhood' at ACORN VILLAGES LTD. MILIBAND must have joined up with the RUSSIAN ASKENAZIM around the world, in trying to get PUTIN out i.e. the 'oligarchies' in Russia and those like Beresovsky, here.

I have already related how MARK had told me that the CIA would pick up my emails - I wondered how - he said - you mention MI6/5 enough times and you will get picked up on and then they will 'recognise you' i.e. identify you...and then help you in terms of then putting back these emails into your 'sent' box, with certain sentences which have been highlighted in larger type from the body of the email i.e. stuff that needs looking into more. A big 'clue' to what you are circling - or the point that you are trying to get to, or make. That is precisely what has happened...but things had changed since MARK was at the helm (within the CIA) by 2006 and so the 'advice' was obviously a bit more 'helpful' than he might have thought. Although upon consideration, sometimes it merely annoyed me and I ignored it.

It is all so odd to me. I AM NOBODY'S SLAVE. Yet there exists, this 'list' where some people seem to think that I am and will 'bid' for me.

TOMLINSON was a case in point, after I had been kidnapped and had been taken to the TEMPLAR CASTLE...he was furious with me for being a 'disobedient slave' and wondered why he bothered...i.e. to attempt to reprogramme me...and from his keep me alive at all.
He simply saw me as a 'kitten' i.e. a mindless feminine 'body' which was used for sex.

Other notes:

Wednesday morning...I made some important discoveries was obviously worth staying on a bit longer...

Firstly, at the LIBRARY yesterday...I had viewed the BBC website to click on the 'CHINESE' exhibition put on by a gallery owned by CHARLES SAATCHI...and that was when it all really began to fall into place...this guy was helping MR PUTIN and therefore, myself by default...he hadn't reneged upon his promise that he had made at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...he really did want it all to end...the horror of the ILLuminati cult...(I shall amend the description of his daughter's photograph - referring only to the MI6 ISIS necklace).

I 'knew' this because I had seen this exhibition before...MARK had shown it to me...yet another 'stage' in the the future...something that was always going to happen.

The CHINESE exhibition of Modern Sculpture, is 'savage' in its attack upon ILLUMINATI culture in the have a whole load of WHITE ROMAN BUSTS (ROMAN EMPEROR CULT) which have been 'pronged' by their own demonic symbol of the TRIDENT...they literally have WHITE PITCHFORKS stuck through their heads.

Another sculpture of SAINT PAULS entitled EAT ME (a reference to ALICE IN WONDERLAND PROGRAMMING) made up entirely of DOG BISCUITS. Who says the Chinese sense of humour is 'inacessible', by the West?

The sculpture I was particularly interested in and part-horrified by...was the one entitled REVOLUTION. MARK had shown me this and told me that it was modelled upon myself. It is a giant sculpture of a naked blonde woman, sitting back upon a chair i.e. A SEX/ZYGOTE SLAVE of the ILLUMINATI CULT. She is the one who is instigating the 'revolution' against it. I scrutinised this effigy carefully...okay, physically, they had got the body pretty accurate but not the nose...I wondered about that is seen as a sign of ugliness to have a large nose in isn't my nose...I was grateful for that one...but then I only have MARK'S word that it was modelled upon myself. Anyway, one can see just how far the CHINESE have come to understand this repellent and obscene system of mind control in the West and now they are making Public, satirical, visual statements about it. The sculptures themselves are a sculptor's delight - beautifully made - visually aesthetic but with a deadly punch to them, in terms of their encoded message. My type of 'Art'.

Other notes:

I should have noted this some time ago...I had noticed a sign upon the MARINE is painted onto the road.

RIMINGTON had told me years back - whilst she was attempting to reprogramme me in HARWICH...that I should cycle up MARINE PARADE - turn right down to the LIBRARY...and as I turned notice the sign ON THE GROUND which is just before you enter this road...and nearly in the middle of it but nearer to the left pavement and Alexandra House.

RIMINGTON instructed me that I was ONLY allowed to cycle across this line and NOT on either side of is quite a short line and it has the number 141 upon it...and if I am not wrong...I will check it again today...141.2 is the full number...I am almost sure that it is...but I had no idea why RIMINGTON would have got her ILL slaves around here, to paint that one onto the road...or why I should only be allowed to cycle upon this line and not around it...

I began to think hard...the first image that came up was a CIRCLE...something to do with CIRCUMFERENCE...

I then thought of my ERROR in writing down the date of REPOSSESSION...for some reason, I had kept referring to it as 10.08.08 when it fact it is quite obviously 10.10.08...why had I consistently made an ERROR here? What was blocking me, in my subconscious mind?

I suddenly realised that I had the first few numbers of the BEAST COMPUTER CODE or rather the HAL code...

I then realised that the date that MARK and RIMINGTON wanted me out of this flat...wasn't 10.10.08 - that was some time before the REAL number...which was 14.12.08

This was why MARK had told me that my parents would come back and 'help' me to move out before the 10.10.08...this date signified VICTORY for the ILL cult...and more than that...for MR ONE-TWO...MR ROCKNROLLA...which incidentally, will be shown upon this date 10.10.08.

Look at the numbers: 1412 = ONE FOR 'ONE-TWO'.

I then remembered the numbers at the HOTELU AYSTENCKI...myself and Franco at 311 and 113 respectively...

Now very few people ever lived on the 4th FLOOR of this hotel and nobody liked going up there....why? Because it was reported that the RUSSIANS lived up there when they came to stay - even though, they never occupied more than a few rooms and the rest were left VACANT...

Anyway, I had only ever visited ONE ROOM upon the 4th floor during my entire stay there (although I knew that MR PUTIN) had a room up there during his visit...he moved into my flat...I never went up far as I know...but I DO REMEMBER MARK'S flat up there and it was flat 412.


MARK would have been 'in control' of MR PUTIN and his men, at that point...he would have been in charge of a lot of things...

However CRUNCH-TIME for MARK and a lot of people (including the RUSSIAN OLIGARCHIES) came after the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001. Once PUTIN had overcome LOWRY and obtained the 'invisibility material' and CHARLES SAATCHI had promised to help him. I remember now, he wanted to be able to take his daughter to hospital but was refused by the TEMPLARS - nobody was allowed to leave...they had all 'holed up'...after murdering the FRENCH POLICE.

I then thought about the number 141.2 but couldn't remember which mathematical equation it came from but figured that it was probably the square root of 2.

I then thought SQUARE...and drew a square...then ROOT and drew a 'root' from it...and then TWO as in the two halves of the brain around the square...this was all about the MICROCHIP that they had put into our brains.

I KNEW that this was all connected to PI and the circumference of a circle but didn't know why until I began to go back to sleep and to 'half-dream'...

I was taken back to my recent 'birth' (by JOHN WATERS) at the LONDON GENERAL but in the hands of an ILL DOCTOR who had been told by the nurse that I was rather odd...I hadn't been microchipped...still too young...and yet the nurse said that she 'knew' when I was hungry, 'knew' when I wanted to have a pee...and she showed the doctor my nappy...she never needed to change it because I would 'tell' her...

The ILL DOCTOR found that fascinating...the 'networked slave' nurse with a microchip in her brain and this baby who could be telepathic without a radio chip...a baby that could communicate with the network but wasn't part of it...

She therefore decided that I wouldn't have the full 'chipping' because it wasn't necessary and besides, it would be interesting to have 'control subjects' outside of the CIRCLE. Those who could think beyond the SAUCER as they called it...those like me, who could be used as 'safety valves' upon the network...we would be outside it but able to communicate with it.

JOHN WATERS had been another of those 'subjects' - the Americans had done precisely the same thing...if a baby showed a high PSI count - it wasn't chipped in the same way as those who didn't.

I remember how throughout my early childhood - JOHN WATERS gave me 'lessons' in how to 'think outside of the saucer'...and how my father used to refer to those who could reach the EDGE of the SAUCER but only 'great thinkers' could do that...this is how ILL SLAVES were this visualisation of the SAUCER and how they could not go beyond it.

For some reason...I then began to think of the SQUARE ROOT of 12...and how that was important in the general equation too...between 3-4...

...and this is why I had confused the value of PI as starting with 3.1 instead of 1 for some why PI x 3...what was I thinking of...3D PI perhaps...

I then thought about 13x12...and how you ended up with 156 which in 'iqbl' can mean either ISB(N) or ISP number.

That was as far as I got...but knew that I had my hands upon the first numbers of the BEAST COMPUTER and that was a way to defeat bring it down...JOHN WATERS then guided me through it...I could see it in metaphorical to 'deaden' the to 'deaden' the opened up the entire could see all of the different 'worlds' that had been created...the 'forests' within the mind of ILL programming...I began to uproot every Xmas tree...and then 'burnt' them...and funnily enough, I had this image of an army of 'moles' who were also digging them up by the roots and the trees just kept falling over...

There was another world of black tendrons...that were like 'wires', which were crumpling up and dying...

I then supposed that it wasn't even necessary to 'stick it out' at this flat until after 14.12.08 because the BEAST COMPUTER which controlled all of those like TOMLINSON...could be defeated by working upon this basic string of numbers...

I have also to mention that as I began to meditate upon the number 14 12 2008...I closed my eyes to see a large green spot...almost like a GREEN SNOWFLAKE pattern...quite large in the darkness...I went 'into' it...and then began to search through the darkness and saw many 'gemstones' of different colours but the one that I wanted was the EMERALD one (JOHN WATERS was guiding me as I did this)...I found it and then visualised 'swallowing' it...I could then see all of the worlds...

This was ENTRY into the 'mind' of the BEAST order to find and 'own' the GREEN gemstone...the EMERALD...and must be linked to OZ programming. One could find a way to 'touch the CROWN JEWELS' and to take the 'green' away from the ILL - to claim it back for oneself.

Having swallowed it...I again got the 'meeting of the wings' - an image of this...the two halves of the brain coming together but somehow 'lower down' and in a far more powerful way than if it were from my SOLAR PLEXUS and was about my entire body...

Other notes:

The oddest thing of all was that I also heard a voice in this 'dream' which was telling me:

DIAL 117 for more information.

I thought about it DI-AL.

I then realised that 117 was a trap of sorts - the real number was 171 and in 'iqbl' = ILI


I remember MARK joking about that one and the name of the tennis star ILLE NASTASE.

Isn't 0171 an old LONDON number dialing code?

Anyway, I remember CHEDZOY - when I first went to sign up for her course at WARWICK UNIVERSITY...misheard my name and wrote down M. LEE. Why would she do that? M-LI

The Chinese name LI and the 'gypsy rose' name that RIMINGTON used to use...GYPSY ROSE LEE.

Also that aristocratic maniac who was obsessed with MASONIC HISTORY and the 'lefthand path'...who was called EELY (spelling Ely?) and the ELECTRIC EEL in 1980...he had set up these insane 'Masonic gardens' around the particular, the one behind the CROWN 'bed and breakfast' house upon MANNINGTREE HIGH STREET.

I suppose MARK was trying to fob me off with ILLE NASTASE because this aristocratic family which own most of the land and cottages around EAST BERGHOLT and surrounding areas...were the family from which this man came...I must look up the name upon the INTERNET...they run a GARDEN CENTRE and ARBORETUM in EAST BERGHOLT...

This family had married into the TATE and LYLE family...they were very well connected with the slave-driving families...and so probably a slave-driving family themselves. This guy looked rather like PRINCE PHILIP in appearance...very like him indeed...and you can still see him sometimes, walking around MANNINGTREE in his aristocratic gear...cloth cap and tweeds...he checks up on that Masonic garden now and he said he would...

Anyway, even SCARLETT was rather scared of this man's insane fantasies but he was 'aristocracy' and SCARLETT wasn't...and therefore, he had to obey every 'whim'...

I have to find out the correct spelling of this family name...because I get the feeling that '47' is a crucial number...'EL'...a pun upon one of the names used for the Semitic G-d...

I am silly...of course...ELI - of the main codes...used in our programming in 1980.

Other notes:

The idea of the LINE that RIMINGTON had drawn was the BEAST COMPUTER 141.2 line from which she thought that I would not deviate...I had no idea what she was talking about at the time and it was only recently that I actually cycled over this line - having normally avoided it because it simply looked 'MASONIC' and it annoyed me...but having deliberately cycled over it...then paused for thought...was this just another dumb restriction from RIMINGTON (like not eating baked beans) or was there more to it?

I then thought about ANDREW TAIT'S poetry which talks about drawing a 'LONGER LINE' in a footnote to one of his order to 'shorten' the previous line taken...I suppose that was a 'riddle' for me to solve but not a good one, as it turns do not need to draw a longer line...just laugh at the BEAST COMPUTER restriction and draw another line to infinity...why limit yourself?

One has to be careful with the term INFINITY though - because one of MARK RICKENBACH'S programming commands was 'TO INFINITY AND BACH'.

What he meant was - to the outer rims of your 'known Universe' i.e the outer rim of the SAUCER of the ILL networked and microchipped world and back.

I suppose if one wanted to defeat this ILL LINE upon the road with 141.2 upon would just have to draw a circle around it and posit oneself outside of it? Bouncing it, like a ball...that's what the CHINESE are probably thinking about now, at any rate.

Anyway, JOHN WATERS says that using the comparative model is a better idea, in terms your line alway being 'longer' than the ILL one, whatever that might be.

So what was the 1950s idea of FLYING SAUCERS all about? I begin to suspect another 'popular culture' programming would have tied in with ALIEN are all upon/inside your individual FLYING SAUCERS...

Additionally, I remember from the AMERICAN MCGEE'S ALICE - you have a bizarre game where you are at the MAD HATTER'S TEAPARTY but the only one there...and you have to use each chair as a springboard (you are very small as 'Alice') in order to jump onto a planetary symbol which is standing up in every cup of tea, upon a saucer. I am not sure what to make of that. Anyway, once you have depressed all of these planetary symbols in the can then stop the MAD HATTER and his PUNISHMENT time at 6 O' Clock.

WWW.CIX.CO.UK...the British Intelligence 'email' network...for those like my father.

Other notes:

HILARY ROBINSON AND ROBIN EDMONDS (so the 'robin' programmers - this is an extremely elite 'high status' programming book)
ISBN: 0 7496 6143 7
9 780749 661434

I get it WELLIE programming is all about the ELI family...and very 'aristocratic'...the 'welly brigade' who go hunting, shooting and fishing at the weekend...

Anyway, this is a basic skit on the CINDERELLA model...and this was RIMINGTON'S programming which she was aware of and proud of in 1980.

Looking through this book, it became obvious who CINDERS was and also FARMER WELLIE/PRINCE CHARMING...RIMINGTON and PRINCE CHARLES.

I then began to wonder - was there an ILL MARRIAGE between the two of them and if so, when did it occur?

The 'match' is fashioned by FAIRYDOG we are talking DOGMAN i.e. MARK RICHENBACH.

I 'saw' UGLY SISTER programming (which RIMINGTON made so many of us into, in relation to herself) one of the 'worlds' in the above visualisation of the microchip. It was symbolised by the material and colours of the dresses of the other women who want to see if they can get their foot into the RED WELLIE.

The imagery of this book is horrific...RED WELLIE = WOMB...CINDERS' job is to behead the CABBAGES in the field...where PRINCE CHARMING first sees her...

The MEDIA/PRESS are symbolised by a huge COW with an old-fashioned 'PRESS hat' on...and this cow 'loves' CINDERS.

The last ILLustration is the most worrying - mainly because of the CHURCH in the background.

It has DR SPOCK ears.

The two HANDS are composed of a NEEDLE and a SNAKE.

The time is an odd one - the time that the marriage takes place:

The NEEDLE is pointing to 12 (between the 1 and the 2)

The SNAKE is pointing to 3 but slightly after 3.

What can one make of this? I suppose that this is the old ONE-TWO of MARK RICHENBACH again...but why the SNAKE and the 3?

This is beginning to make me laugh...the meglomania of RIMINGTON and the slavish love of RICKENBACH for she wants to be QUEEN of England now, does she?

I do not suppose that CHARLES will ever become KING but let us posit it in what happens to CAMILLA then?

One could also say that this is a generic programming book and that ELITE ILL CULT SLAVES who were made into CINDERS, could then marry into the aristocracy/ROYALTY if they had proved utterly obedient, good-looking (talented/skilled, a bonus) and had good enough genes to offset the ILL ones. I am thinking MADONNA/LADY DIANA/KATE MIDDLETON here but CAMILLA or RIMINGTON?

I get it now:

3 = E

The clockface is spelling out 123 = I-SE..ESI...EIS...SEI...SIE...but that doesn't make sense...and the HOUR hand is just after 3...going towards this a reference to the SQUARE ROOT of 12?

What about a surname beginning with in EISENHOWER?

We have that dreadful DR SPOCK who started off the whole 'be mean to your children' programming across the world...and then this clockface...additionally, you have a whole load of BATS around the spire...not birds...far too wiggly in terms of the black lines...

Is this an image of the BEAST?

The SPIRE is TURQUOISE...and the two SPOCK ears are in fact 'gargoyles' but not...more like some ancient sculptures of those 'rockface' men with pointed hats...and there is in fact, a little black BAT at the top of this we are talking about BEAST programmers then...who work for the BEAST who is 1-2 with the needle...and the snake escapes between 3/4.

Okay, so the SQUARE ROOT of 12 is:


So now I know the number for something...and it ends in 117...but will be infinite, one assumes...anyway, we have the 101 interrogation code in here.

PI times 12 =


PI - Or - 12 =


This appears to be related to the SYSTEM FILES 32 of the 'gateway' MICROSOFT system.

I have no idea about computer programming but have always wondered about its strange vocabulary e.g. PARENT TO OBJECT controls...that sort of thing...and I wish I could remember the 'higher maths' that TOMLINSON taught me but cannot remember a thing...only 'images'...

Anyway, not even knowing what the function Or says ILL GOLD to me, metaphorically, speaking - the D'or.

Simply experimenting with the scientific calculator upon this WORD 7 programme (available apart from the 'standard' one) can see that if one clicks on PI and then a 'function' key to see what that 'equals' gets a whole load of strings of numbers which would have been used in programming by this Venusian cult. They love multiples of 12.

I now need to go through the same functions with '13' instead.

PI + 12 =


Here is the 141 code and I wonder if this is the fullscale version of THE BEAST COMPUTER string?

The funny thing is that the last 3 numbers were my 'security code' upon my LLOYDS debit card.

Click on PI and then 'In' (the pink symbol) and you get up the 1741 code.


I remember this code had a mind control command attached: PIE IN YOUR FACE.

PI + 'n!' =....has 1943 within the code...

PI + the 'x' with a triangle and 3 =...the 101 interrogation code...

Other notes:

I am struck by how some number strings/codes are stopped from going to infinity by 'e' and then a number...either 32 or 0 so far...this is 'saucer limitation'.

PI + Cos =...looks very nasty to has 64 in it...and looks like an expiry date code...

I know there is no real point in taking the 'co-sine' of PI but these are randomly generated numbers for programmers with no real 'point' to them...simply used for programming a 'computer brain'.

I wrote down COSIGN first...that must mean something...

Try PI + * = to get the 666 sign of the BEAST:


Try PI + 13 + SIN to get '51' programming and '208' programming...TOMLINSON had stuck a radio chip in my ear so that the ILL could 'get' at me throughout this horrific journey...although most of them have proved more helpful than not...

I would guess that 'In' numbers generated with PI relate to putting programming into a slave...and SIN programming is quite obvious i.e. 'we are the damned' sort of thing...and 'tan'...used for punishment codes...

Apparently PI + 13 + cos very important as a code:


...but I have as yet to work out why...

mosblsiodspsssm...I get the feeling it is linked to POSSUM programming.

mos bls io d/p/b/q/p ss sm

The BLS this is linked to RAILWAY programming...all 'trucks', 'carriages' and 'trains' coupled up together...CENTIPEDE programming.

PI + 13 + X and triangle and 3 = 2197

SIBL - SYBIL programming.

PI + 13 + n! = 6227020800

This appears to end in BOO which would be TOMLINSON's baba booey...'we all BOO when he comes on'...

PI = 13 + tan =...a string which has 1911 in it...a fundamental string then...

PI = 13 + x and triangle and 2 = the demonic TAU then...

PI + 13 + 1 over x =...a fascinating number which keeps on reproducing 230 and 0769...reminds me of my code C2679Y...
I have no time to experiment with the above this morning - the library closes at midday...but in brief summary...CHARLES SAATCHI appears to be putting up a severe warning to all of the ILL in this country:

The Chinese have broken the ILL COMPUTER CODING SYSTEM and can run the BEAST COMPUTER if they choose to do so...maybe they are already running it...they put their top mathematicians to it and worked out a relatively easy code based upon the DEMONIC SAINT JOHN CULT's obsession with the VENUSIAN number 12 and multiples etc...

I can now understand why my CHINESE FRIEND sent me those old JESUIT documents relating to VENUSIAN HELIACAL was a covert way of saying 'we have worked it all out and now we are going to take over'...and they will. I am lucky in a be seen as a 'revolutionary' against this hideous cult - a big compliment...but can see that I always had a certain amount of telepathy working whilst I was in China...that is what made me feel that I could 'transcend' cultural boundaries whilst those like COLLIE said that this was impossible...

So in short, get rid of the BEAST COMPUTER now or suffer the consequences...the Chinese Republic do not tolerate 'Royalty' or 'aristocracy' or anybody high up on any ILL are all seen as 'traitors of the PEOPLE'.

Other notes:

I have yet to look at the PI + 14 codes which will control top ILL members…

Anyway, I get the ‘image’ of ‘Chinese mathematics’ which influenced the whole BEAST PROGRAM… after all, it was formed under the influence of the demonic TAU to begin with…and the image I am getting is that THE MATRIX one…where the number strings are in ‘freefall’ down the screen, rather than across it…

Black Rabbit said...


I have had an email from COMPASS which reads:

Hi EmilyHave now had a form from TDC stating benefits ends on 3rd. August 2008, and there is now an overpayment madeto us of £196.16 which they will require to be returned. This means that your rent is now outstanding from 4th. August2008 - This means your rent is now over 2 months in arrears and we require a payment from you of £850.00 to cover period 4/8/08 - 3/10/08. - This amount is due by return and if you fail to make payment then we shall invoice this toyour parents as the Guarantors.You need to chase up the Benefits Office.Also you have not replied to my question as to your intentions on the date to move out of 11/10/08.

The layout of the email has an interesting 'first initial code' which doesn't transfer into this small box - here it is:

HH to 2 PY Y AL

This is Naval Intelligence up to their filthy tricks again but they are going to fail AND they know it.

The ILL are putting pressure upon me to pay up and get out as quickly as possible...which obviously, I will not do. I will simply go on holiday in the UK for a while - during the weekend and until the 15th October which means that all ROCKNROLLA plans will be put out of 'joint'.

Black Rabbit said...


I have the new ERA keys to front door lock on this flat, after all.

Do the ILL really want to smash that ILL glass door of the RISING SUN, in order to get in?

A 'little bird' tells me that they do not.

Black Rabbit said...


Naturally, when I go on holiday - I will notify my parents of my decision via email but more importantly I will make sure that I 'lose' the keys so that nobody can get in until after the 15th October. This is the 'key' to destroying the entire program, I am quite sure of that one.

Black Rabbit said...



37 CFR 1.412
The United States Receiving Office

Is this who you were reporting to, MARK?

If so - CFR I would advise you to 'deal' with MARK and force him to PAY MY MONEY BACK NOW.

Black Rabbit said...


The upside down number upon MARINE PARADE:


MARK'S number:


One for One-Two

YOU have been one-twoed MARK, in your puny little face.

Black Rabbit said...


The COUNCIL FOR FOREIGN RELATIONS...I am beginning to get this...

I suppose that I had been there before and in LONDON ....because MARK had a secret passageway out of there...the corridors are 'modern' and there is one with large modern white panels which you can pull out (as you could at Shanghai Jiao Tong Centre) and there were stairs behind it...leading down below)...Mark used to use this escape route to get out of the building.

I have just 'seen' MARK being tasered and handcuffed and walked out of there...two guards had seen him down the corridor and he looked nervous...a moment of indecision about whether or not to make a dive for the panel and open it...thereby giving away a secret exit from the building which so many of them used...but he didn't...and they 'got' him...

I suppose that the CIA/Russian Intelligence would know the most about drugging and mind control to get the most out of him...because he had 'stopped' the first two guards by mind control commands but couldn't stop the next two, from behind - they were the ones who tasered him. I do not suppose that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE know enough to handle it safely without a 'breakout' but the CIA will do even if they were only LOBSTERS, to Mark and his ilk.

I can now see the relation...between ROOM NUMBER e.g. MARK'S room number was 1.412...and the slaves who were run from that person's room...

I was run from 311...and so FRANCO would have been run from 113...SONIA, MARK and JONATHAN EVANS would have to remember their room numbers in Hotelu Asystencki, in order to find out who was running them from these 'offices'...

So my guess is that TOMLINSON was the one who was originally run from 1.412 but because I had been substituted for him...I took his number codes. Hence RIMINGTON making the Masons paint that number on the road as a 'reminder' to me.

I am still worried about the HEIST in that film ROCKNROLLA...RIMINGTON is probably going to try something but no idea what...

However, I just heard another 'network' conversation between her and TOMLINSON who was saying on the network - 'don't worry, Darling - we will get you out'...RIMINGTON appears to have been arrested too.

Other notes:

I had also overheard another 'conversation' upon the network whilst cycling back from the library - it was between MARK and others on the CFR...apparently my demand for £4840 million was an insignificant sum to MARK...he is a billlionaire, many times over, possibly a trillionnaire (it depends upon how you define billionnaire/trillionnaire) my advice to those who arrested him is: take ALL of his money away from him and put it to good use.

Other notes:

I remember from MR ICKE'S books - his diagram which had the CFR and the 'round table' in the middle of it, if I remember rightly but I had no knowledge of the CFR at all...yet I had obviously been in that building...wherever it is in LONDON because I had seen that 'secret passage' before...and it had come up in my dreams...seeing a man disappear down it to exit the building secretly...but I had no idea what building it was, from the interior or where it was...just simply a modern corridor...

So COLLIE knew that this COUNCIL was centrifugal to ILL events...and so MI6 knew what they were up to...

I am getting some crazy stuff around here...on the network...first they 'lose' MARK (the van disappeared)...they then 'find' him again at BUCKINGHAM PALACE...the HORSEGUARDS...I have no idea what is going on...but figure that if the CIA managed to lose him last time...leaving him to the 'Russians' might be a good bet...but who knows? Another problem with keeping him in solitary confinement is that he can still telepathically 'radio out'.

Other notes:



Or would that be AYRE/EYRE?

Were these ILL family surnames used...was MARTIN AYRES responsible for money-laundering/under the table 'billing' and 'payments' by the ILL?

I was wondering - having just looked out of the all of these LION doorknockers around...

...then I remembered the ILL joke about the man who goes into a bar with a giraffe and orders drinks for them both...he continues to do so until the giraffe falls off its barstool in a stupor...he then pays up and goes to leave...the bartenders says 'you can't leave that lyin' there' and the man retorts 'that is not a LION that is a giraffe'.

This joke had made us all paralytic with laughter in Jonathan Evan's flat in Aystencki, one night...

That is a GI RA SS E

I saw a white van with SSE reg. pass me this fact, LSSE...and I thought of the LSE in London...and how MARR had forced me to go there with him to meet an obnoxious little Jewish professor with a BIG chip on his shoulder...

MARR was a 'giraffe' in terms of ILL programming.

Other notes:

For some reason, the film title THE BIG LEBOWSKI then came up - a joke name for the above guy?


LE = THE THE and EL (god)

BOW = the 'bow' of your lip - in Hebrew folktales the angel touches this to take away your memory before you are reincarnated.

SKI = a reference to the plot of HITCHCOCK'S 'SPELLBOUND' whereby the man who is suffering from amnesia is terrified of the 'SKI tracks' made upon a white tablecloth by a fork...and he has no idea why (his subconscious mind thinks that he was responsible for murder but he wasn't.)

THE BIG LEBOWSKI is a 'amnesiac' command.

Other notes:

'SNEAKY KITTEN'...something TOMLINSON has told me repeatedly...and is now doing so over the network...


Perhaps it is SKNEE KEY - he is trying to access my tortured knees programming as my father used to try to do with KNEE WHORE/NEE-HAW.

KITTEN - appears to be KEY 10.

I now know why RESIDENT EVIL had EARTHA KITT singing her song about Amelia...for the closing credits.

So what are the others then (MARK was fluent in German but no French/Spanish).

In addition, I remember now...when PRINCE WILLIAM first appeared in the DTO in Prague 1994...and LIZA triggered us all by saying out loud:

I am going to do PRON TOday. PRONTO was the clue and I asked her what PRON was...she replied PRONUNCIATION lesson...and then I commented to no one in particular...which made HEATHER laugh...'I feel like I am on a factory line packing chickens' because of the ghastly rustle of the plastic envelopes which Lisa loved - to put new 'games' and 'lesson plans' in - we had all been instructed to do the same and I was trying to shove one such item into a plastic packet...then WILLIAM walked in...

The ILL use their commands like those trying to solve a crossword clue or a code i.e. taking the last part of a word and the beginning of the second as in PRON TOday...= PRONTO

I suppose this is to confuse any spy bugging surveillance going on...the command word is in between the others words spoken...

After the various programming sites to which we were taken...we were then all lined up and ECTd one by one in the toilets with the loud fan on (no window) in the DTO.

KEY 1 ein - inky
KEY 2 K2 zwei - swankey 'swanky'
KEY 3 drei - drekky...
KEY 4 vier - 'fear' key - maybe 'veer' something...
KEY 5 'funf' would be 'funky'...
KEY 6 sex - sex-kiosk?
KEY 7 - sieben...not sure but figure it could be to do with BIG BEN.
KEY 8 - acht - actung...act...acting...'agir' French...(a Goa/noah...'goer' 'knower')...
KEY 9 canine...
KEY 10 kitten tzen...send key...
KEY 11...on qui...onze...
KEY 12...dos and don' mark used to say...douze?
KEY 13 the teen teeny...
KEY 14 key for teen 'alter'

I do not know...I cannot remember German numbers past 10...apart from zwanzig swans...

KEW GARDENS programming = CUE...something...

KEWY = QE = Queen Elizabeth

KEW 10 - Q 10 is some face moisturising product (that doesn't work acc. to DALDRY).
KEW 11
KEW 12
KEW 13
KEW 14

Other notes:

I then went out on this lovely sunny afternoon to cycle up to where the breakwaters begin because
I realised that I had missed a few before the hotels begin above the after a quick conversation with Bev in the garden...began to cycle to the peninsula point and saw the German woman who had taken over CAROLINE's (and myself) cottage in Totnes...on the way to Buckfast was unmistakeably the same woman - she had hardly aged at all and still the same bright red hennaed hair.

Anyway, I passed her...walked and jumped over the breakwaters...then walked back and 'KNEW' that I had missed something so approached the very first breakwater again.

I then squeezed inbetween the iron railings to walk along the concrete ledge above the sand...and remembered as I did so...that RIMINGTON had made me do precisely the same thing...a few years ago...and then instructed me to walk along the wooden breakwater...jump down and then view what was wedged between it and the concrete. It looked like a large piece of cream I got a stick to push it out, which took some time...once I had finally got it out onto the sand (I didn't like to touch it)...realised that in fact, it was a piece of extremely dried out NATURAL SPONGE....

It was then that I remembered a dream from last night...TOMLINSON was showing me an 'image' of himself and it was as a 'STAR-SHAPED' SPONGE...rather like a star-fish...which was so ludicrous that I forgot all about it the next morning...

Yet now, I can see that symbolically, I have thrown his 'sponge' of a brain into the SEA...which is what I then did with that he can SOAK up all of his memories can anybody programmed with STARFISH/SPONGE who was shown this programming object...and that will ensure that neither RIMINGTON OR MARK can use them as mind control slaves, ever again...

An additional I was cycling along...I looked at the painted markings along the promenade by the concrete sea wall and saw...6K...5K...3K these were all SEA 'Mary's room' or the 'diver' in between one of the breakwaters...this was all NAVAL INTELLIGENCE/FISHING CULT programming...all of these KEYS/QUAYS.

Other notes:

Anyway, I then returned to the kitchen to tend to the lamb stew that I was making...and decided to find an implement to get out the bone marrow still stuck in the leg bone...and only had that DR WHO screwdriver to hand...the one which sometimes flashes up a red light at the top of it...but it is quite erratic and I have never understood the use of this 'gimmickry'...anyway, as I was pushing it up the bone to dislodge all of the 'goodness' in there...the red light turned on...and then it wouldn't turn is still on...I then washed it and left it to dry by the kitchen window...still on...and I figured that in a strange way...DR WHO'S brain was now back ON...TOMLINSON's brain was fully functioning again...

After a few minutes...I heard on the network THE BEAST COMPUTER HAS GONE DOWN...and somebody calling people not to 'panic' and to 'return to workstations'...

Other notes:

So I now understand A PAULIN and M AYRES...
as being at war as Ivan the Terrible's Aunt and the Lamb of G-d...

TOMLINSON is now telling me: STRIKE A LIGHT...which sounded like STRIKER LIGHT...

I have no idea...COMMANDER STRIKER is on STAR TREK...

Although ROY OF THE ROVERS came up first for some reason - ROVERS being based upon MANCHESTER UNITED - as far as I can recall - DAVID BECKHAM began his famous career there...and is there a Russian oligarch around...which club does ABRAMOVITCH have?

Other notes:

There was a BBC CEEFAX item about the capacity of certain JELLYFISH to 'glow' - something to do with their DNA...and I realised why I had called DALDRY a 'jellyfish' in Prague 1995...he was 'glowing' like a Sun...for a short while...

I then thought about those two giant alien glowing JELLYFISH in a STAR TREK episode...who want to mate...

HAPPY SLAPPED BY A JELLYFISH...are Jews called 'jellyfish' in the ILL cult...I keep on mistakenly writing JEW instead of JEL for some reason...isn't JELLICOE a Jewish name?

Is MARK'S REAL NAME POSSIBLY JELLICOE or did he assume this pseudonym at some point?

Is there a famous STRIKER called COE...and that is why I had to put the two together...JELLY + COE?

What is the relationship between COE and LIGHT?


SPONGELIGHT EXPRESS...this is getting silly...what am I looking for?

I can see gelignite here...GELIGNITE...spelling?

STRIKE A LIGHT...GEL IGNITE...what is TOMLINSON talking about?

Naturally one lights a light upon Yom Kippur...but what is he talking about?

yom key pour...

One lights a light for the One True G-d, beyond the 'saucer'.

Other notes:

I tidied up a bit...put things make sure that I wasn't tempted to eat or drink by having things out and around tomorrow...and was cleaning the large white SWAN-NECK tap in the kitchen sink when it began to pour black stuff from around the bottom of its neck...I had twisted right the way around away from the as not to be tempted to do any washing in there, tomorrow...and as I began to turn this tap a full 360 degrees around and around much 'black stuff' was coming out...and then finally something that looked like a bit of silver paper...and all the while, these black filings were coming out...and the SWAN was SINGING...the type of high-pitched hum that you can often get when you wet your finger and run it around the rim of a glass...until the silver paper came out and it stopped singing...

I then knew that this was a metaphor...MR SWANN was singing like a canary...and that meant the end of the ILL cult and those programmed as 'swans'.

Additionally, it meant the end of children being chipped at the back of the neck as SWANS. The SWANSONG of the ROYAL SWAN slaves.

I then remembered MARK telling me about this at some point...and me pointing out that it sounded like your finger on a glass...I had already 'seen' this.

Other notes:


I do not normally use a typewriter upon YOM KIPPUR because I like to keep to the stringent rules as much as possible...i.e. a total fast and with little distractions - simply to concentrate up meditation upon my relationship with G-d.

I have realised that this is not because I want to join any group which calls itself 'Jewish', in ethnic or even religious terms - i MOST certainly do NOT now - it is because I admire MOSES the prophet, for his teachings and I look upon YOM KIPPUR as an excellent way of taking into account, the entirety of the past year - looking back upon what you have done - whether it was in accordance with G-d's will or not. To then wipe the slate clean (all things being good) so to speak - for the next year.

However, this year I have decided that it is important to continue in my 'work' against the ILL upon the Internet (as Israel had to do, in 1967) and I therefore asked for permission to do so and also to fast for only half a day.

No Rabbi, Priest or Vicar tells me what to do - NO INTERMEDIARIES.

It is between myself and G-d.

I have no faith in 'organised religion' anymore.

Other notes:

Last night I had some very worrying news. I 'read' Petronella's mind and she was beside herself,whilst paying lipservice to those around her, who are organising the 'event'. The thuggish Satanic lackeys of RIMINGTON have decided to perform a 'rite' in this flat and they want to get Petronella into this flat, as quickly as possible. The rite appears to be dated for the 13/14th October.

Petronella has just found out that she is pregnant - she doesn't dare to think the worst and that is why her subconscious mind is terrified. She keeps on telepathically wailing to TOMLINSON - 'you bastard, how could you have done this to me?'. I can appreciate her position and I suppose 'get yourself a morning-after pill fast' is of little use - not when you are under mind control and being terrorised by the ILL.

Other notes:

Last night...MR TOM came round...and I had the feeling that there was something else that I hadn't 'got out' in this flat...there was a KEY to something...but I had no idea what. Finally, I pulled up the whole of that carpet in the small 'hall of the 4 doors' to find another piece of largish SPONGE that RIMINGTON had left under the middle of it.

I then went to bed, fell asleep and I dreamt of JOHN WATERS. I was back in his house, at the top of LEWISHAM hill - he took me for a walk past my old family home which is just up the road:


He then showed me 1 ST AUSTELL ROAD.

Until this point in my life - I had NO idea that this house even existed.

We knew the neighbours at 3 ST AUSTELL ROAD and I often looked over the garden fence with my brothers and sisters to see a young boy playing in that garden but I had NO idea what number 1 ST AUSTELL ROAD looked like - never mind what was 'over the fence' in the back garden before our house. Besides, the fence was so high that even my father at 6 foot tall, couldn't look over it.

I drew a total blank. I told JOHN WATERS this. He told me that it was important to not only SEE number 1 ST AUSTELL ROAD but to go inside it. I therefore asked him if I could 'use his eyes' i.e. his memories of the place in order to view it. I had nothing at all in terms of memories, images, that I was able to access.

JOHN showed me a house that was almost completely bare - the rooms had nothing in them - simply bare wooden floors - the staircase was wooden, carpetting anywhere - just 'wood' and walls.

He showed me an upstairs bedroom where he told me that I had been 'locked in' as a toddler (nothing in it - a bare wooden floor) and showed me the view from the window, onto the garden behind.

I looked at the 'wilderness' of the unkempt garden outside...the small gravel winding path, down it...and the small WOODEN CROSS that had been stuck in the ground - halfway down and to the left, beside a small shrine of stones and an incinerator. It was then that my memories began to come back.

However, the memory that came back first, wasn't of being a 'toddler'. This was the house that I had assumed was DALDRY'S. This was the house where I had been so abused that I could hardly move afterwards. I had been in the bedroom to the right, at the back of the house - it had one solitary bed in it - wooden floors, nothing else.

The view from the window had been precisely the same. The gravel path in the wilderness garden and that one, small wooden cross.

Once I had slightly recovered - DALDRY'S 'boyfriend' had told me to put on my clothes. That wasn't DALDRY it was JOHN WATERS. I stared out of the window in abject horror - in complete shock - the view was that very view but my mind could not access the childhood horror. DALDRY, RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and MARR had taken me back to that very house - to traumatise me out of my mind. To remind me of what I had seen there, as a very young child.

They had taken it in turns to repeatedly rape me in the room with the French windows to the garden. Once they were satisfied that I had been impregnated - they waited until a certain point of time and then viciously aborted me. I was so damaged afterwards - through physical abuse as well as lack of food and water - that I could hardly even turn over upon the bed, upon which I had been left.

After I had somewhat recovered - DALDRY then took a photograph of me, staring out of that window. A black and white one. He showed it to me later - it looked like VIRGINIA WOOLF times 100 - the depression upon my face, even horrified me - and I was used to seeing rather sombre or unhappy images of myself, in photographs, if caught off guard. It was a 'portrait' of bleak despair. DALDRY loved the image. It was to be used as a 'torture device'.

Once I had regained this memory - I went back in my mind to the lefthand bedroom overlooking the garden where I had been locked in, as a child.

RIMINGTON had locked me in there.

I was banging on the window but it was too high up for my parents or brother to see me from my own garden...I could see our garden...I even saw my father walk down our garden and back, over the fence...but it was hopeless - I couldn't get his attention. Nobody knew I was there - everybody MISSED this house, anyway.

JOHN WATERS then told me that both of my parents had NO IDEA of what RIMINGTON did in that house. They were under mind control to 'miss' it.

I then began to remember what had happened before RIMINGTON locked me in this room. I had been in the other bedroom overlooking the back garden, with her. Another bare, wooden floored room but this time there was a fireplace and a fire was burning in the grate.

RIMINGTON was sitting by a pile of small limbs - the limbs of a child - she had sawn the child was a small bloody pile upon the floor. She was gnawing at various pieces of the body. I have no idea whether or not I knew the child in question but it had been a child like me - the same sort of age - tiny - a toddler.

I had started to scream and she had then locked me up in the other bedroom.

JOHN WATERS then began to talk to me again about what I had just seen as a small child.
RIMINGTON used to keep the door locked to that bedroom at all times (a small brass key with a brass oval, with a hole in it, at the top) - the room used to stink - she used to burn what she could in the fireplace and then take the rest down to the incinerator in the garden. She then used to throw a bucket of water on the floor and the blood would seep down through the floorboards.

He also told me that the first time that she had shown me what she used that house for, was in the garden. She had taken me down there (he was there at the time) and unwrapped an undeveloped foetus in newspaper to show me - before she burnt it in the incinerator. She told me that it was a 'little rat'.

JOHN said that I was so young at the time - he supposed that I really thought of it as a rat. I remembered this - and it was true - I thought that she liked eating raw, skinned 'rats' for some inexplicable reason - I was just a toddler. The head of a foetus doesn't develop until some time later and to a small child - what can I say - she told me it was a rat and I believed her.

I asked JOHN about the was owned by MI6. It was one of many that RIMINGTON was allowed to use, around the country.

RIMINGTON had got her first job at MI6 and NOT MI5. It was only much later that she had got a job at MI5. RIMINGTON was obsessed with my family - when we moved to near Birmingham, she had moved the year after (circa 1975), to live just down the road in Solihull - having applied for and got the job at POWERGEN.

I asked JOHN WATERS about MI6 and he said that they were all SATANISTS - and that what RIMINGTON did, frightened the lot of them AND fascinated them. She was the HEART OF ALL EVIL to them and they encouraged her 'behaviour'.

I asked him how he could have stood by and watched such criminal acts/obscenities - and he said 'you have to understand that we were all frightened - but they would have murdered us instantly - besides we were fascinated by her - the 'heart of all evil'.'

RIMINGTON had therefore made her name as the 'biggest SATANIST' of the lot and at MI6 by the early 1960s - nothing to do with MI5.

JOHN WATERS then said that RIMINGTON never kidnapped children from the same district to murder them (that is why we had been safe) but it was still difficult - everybody had to 'cover up' for her, when a child went missing.

So my family and I, were living by a 'WEST - Cromwell Road' house and until I was about 10 years old and NOBODY knew in our neighbourhood - not a soul - we were all under mind control and part of this 'Satanic MI6 cult' - everybody 'missed' that house, in middle-class surburbia, upon ST AUSTELL road...and I begin to wonder now, if the pseudonym STELLA had not come from AU-STELL.

Other notes:

After looking over that memory (and surely it must be the last to retrieve)...I began to understand what had happened. Sure, RIMINGTON was insane but her insanity had been framed by MI6 as SATANISM.

I would like to posit a different explanation.

PORPHYRISM - the type of Haemophilia that was a hereditary feature of the TZAR of RUSSIA's family but would have been a 'strain' in most, if not all of the ROYAL households of Europe, because of the severe inbreeding.

In fact, I am beginning to get what the 'FAIRY' story from THE SIMPSONS was all about:


The LOVE OF BLOOD...haemophilia...RIMINGTON had learnt how to 'self-medicate' for this blood disorder (once her blood count had dipped severely) and MI6 had framed it as 'Satanism'. They had then encouraged her in it because it fascinated them - somebody who could be that 'evil'.

RIMINGTON was beyond 'good' and 'evil' - she was simply insane and suffering from a severe blood disorder.

I suggested this to JOHN WATERS but he offered no comment.

One could also see what happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE within the same light. The 'reprogramming' of ILL slaves as VAMPIRES/DRACULA etc.

This would have been an extension of the old MI6 Satanic culture, to hide the Royal blood disorder of Porphyrism/Haemophilia.

As my mother told me (and she has been a GP for most of her life as well as a Director of Public Health)...the quickest way to bump up your iron/haemoglobin is to eat meat...and liver is the best type of meat to do this fast (pig iron injections are used in hospitals for those near to death from this type of blood disorder because it is the most compatible)...the MI6 Satanists had been encouraging someone with severe psychiatric probems and also a severe blood disorder - to be a murderess and a cannibal because they found it 'fascinating'.

Other notes:

Back to where I started - RIMINGTON is planning another rite and for some reason, wants it to be in this particular flat. PETRONELLA is just waking up to the fact that she is the 'star attraction' of this rite because of her pregnancy. One can guess what RIMINGTON has planned and she has to be stopped. One can assume that MI6/ROYALTY will be 'filming' the event, if it occurs.

Other notes:

I can now see why the NEW AGE fad of encouraging everybody to be 'witches' and 'wizards' was part of an MI6 plan to hide Satanic practices.

Again, the technique of 'losing yourself in the crowd' - used to great effect by the real paedophiles like MARK RICHENBACH (who do it because they enjoy it and not because they are seeing a 'pink or chocolate icing doughnut', under hypnosis.)

One can guess that because I have exposed so much about the ILL upon my blogspots that there will be a predictable backlash in order to keep the 'mind control slaves' silent i.e. those of MARK RICKENBACH'S organisation will have been sending videotapes to many of those who were at the TEMPLAR CASTLE, for blackmail purposes...and the utter horror that most people will feel upon seeing what is unmistakeably themselves, committing some barbaric act/atrocity on film.

Other notes:

I have decided to send the following email to COMPASS either Friday or on Saturday, the so-called ‘repossession’ date (which has no legal authority whatsoever) - in order to delay my departure from this flat, until I feel that I am ready to 'go':


I am sure you are aware that a 'repossession' notice is NOT a court order and at this difficult time I do not appreciate this type of harassment and bullying, in order to get me out of FLAT 2, EAGLE HOUSE. I still have tenancy rights.

Especially since I have been left without hot water for the last 6 months and I would like to add that no rebate in rent from the landlord, was forthcoming.

At this point in time, the PROBABILITY is, that I will be moving out THURSDAY 16th October 2008.

I am so sorry if that doesn't give the landlord a concrete date to work with but he has to realise, that life is never 'easy' now, is it?

I do need to find myself other suitable accommodation, find out what has happened to the rent money and arrange for a removals firm which doesn't cost the earth. This all takes TIME.


Emily Gyde MA

Other notes:

Whatever ROCKNROLLA fantasies MARK and RIMINGTON might have had for the forthcoming weekend - I shall do my best to overturn them.

I am now getting the image of DALDRY saying this very phrase at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - it meant aborting a woman. 'Rock and roll her'. That is what RIMINGTON did to me in that decaying iron carriage painted red, in the walled garden of that Sudbury cottage. This programming was 'put in' at 16 years old - far more traumatic than when you are a child because you are aware that the 'rat' that she presents you with, is not really a 'rat' but your mind contracts in agony and you simply disassociate.

Other notes:


This one has an 'eyestaff' pen as a freebie upon the front cover and a little 'notebook' with SKULL AND CROSSBONES upon it.

The last ILLUSTRATION is the most interesting because I suppose...this is as far as THE SIMPSONS can possibly go - without being taken to court for defamation of character and/or libel - in terms of REVEALING who their comic characters are based upon, in real life. I spotted quite a few. How many can you spot?

The most obvious one as far as I am concerned is KRUSTY THE CLOWN - I would guess that he is the LEAST likely to sue i.e. RICHARD TOMLINSON - a very good lookalike.

The one I found the most interesting is the dark-haired man standing behind PRINCE PHILIP (or in fact the ELI aristocrat who looked just like him)...I had also seen this man yesterday...later the CFR building.

All of these people had been confined to their offices. Yet this man had braved the corridor to try and get out i.e. via the secret passage - which was under guard by that point and the guards had arrested him. He was even higher up than MARK - more on a par with the AMBASSADOR.

So these men in the CFR were all under PRINCE PHILIP'S control - how interesting. This was his real seat of power.

A funny portrait for me...was the woman who got moved in HARWICH JOB CENTRE to harass me - she is portrayed above JONATHAN EVANS (Wiggum) to the far left of the ILLUSTRATION. I am guessing here but somebody else from the CFR?

Anyway, what I do not get about this last page of REAL portraits of these people - is the strange thing that COMIC BOY is uttering (and he is the only one who says a word):


The grammar mistakes will be intentional so why?

However one can see from the initial letter code (if one takes into account what the two one-eyed aliens are saying above this hellish scene) you have:


So who is KS?

Anyway...let me look at this:



This sounds a little crazy but is this to the REVEREND MOON asking him - why do you want to do time in prison (take the 'rap') - STROWMATI...sounds Italian.

Alternately it could be REVE as in DREAM...'dream why do rap - ST rowmati'


Anyway, the ALIENS have the last laugh with:


KUDOS and CANDOR are in bright YELLOW.

The CAN D'OR...OR CANNES D'OR...I have already outlined how 'tuner/tuna cans/Cannes' were part of mind control programming...not to mention the love of 'gold' - 'd'or'.

What about KUDOS though?

CUE DOS - this is a computer-brain mind control command.

Additionally the introductory line to this page is:


The TEMPLARS were all programmed as VIKING 'BERSERKERS' - that is why they went so insane at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Other notes:

I wonder why RIMINGTON was so obsessed with my family...why TOMLINSON was...why JOHN WATERS was...and it leads back to one thing...the SWISS FAMILY...although my mother's family were RA Satanists too...that is why grandmother CLAYTON (nee MARSHALL) wore the golden Egyptian 'Cleopatra' necklace for all of her life...although she hated the cult and wouldn't have paedophilia in her house.

I suppose RIMINGTON was the real ringleader and she brought the others along with her e.g. TOMLINSON, DALDRY and MARR...

At base level RIMINGTON was just an insane predator...and she had simply homed in on my family as her chosen victims - whilst doing 'sidelines' all over the place - we seemed to have been one of her main obsessions, in life.

Maybe she thought that we had 'magical blood' or something because that was her 'bottom line' craving and compulsion. Perhaps somebody had told her that and she believed it.

When I look at my father's career as a Consultant Haematologist (working in the labs normally - he preferred that to looking after the patients in the ward) can see this obsession, as perhaps a desperate attempt to CURE this peculiar strain of PORPHYRISM which had created so much MADNESS in the UK Illuminati cult...and he failed...I remember, once he had preyed upon his mind for years...he had spent his entire life looking for a cure for 'Haemophilia' in general and had failed by the end of his professional career and so fell into a complete depression afterwards and for years. His FRONT ALTER must have seen this as the 'only hope' whilst his subconscious mind was completely under ILL control. He was useful to the cult, in terms of demonic blood transfusions.

I need to look up this particular strain of haemophilia upon the net but already know that it is linked to madness unlike 'straight haemophilia'...PORPHYRISM poisons the brain in some way...and what if this particular strain has mutated...because it has been allowed to develop unhindered by the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT...the Royals were infecting their 'test subjects' with it...polluting the endocrinal fluids, bloodstream, stem cells with their own infected DNA.

Therefore somebody like MARK writing up some sick script like RESIDENTIAL disgusting beyond belief...those like me...the ALICES who were not infected...are simply lucky to have resistant DNA to such frame us as 'outsiders' to be hunted down...because we are not part of the pure filth.


Okay, it will be an onerous task - given the complicating factor of stem cell research and can only be adequately addressed if MI6 is willing to give up ALL of its medical files, regarding genetic experimentation. Without the MEDICAL RECORDS, everybody LOSES.

I am still healthy but those driven MAD by some Porphyrism strain are making my life hell and somebody, somewhere has to direct a huge amount of research money into curing the blood disorders of the ILL (or at least to provide a new framework in which to understand it - rather than 'Satanism' and under mind control, 'I turn into a vampire at night') - but they cannot begin this research without THE MEDICAL RECORDS.

When one looks at it from this perspective - one can be very dismissive of all those sick children's programming books.

These are symptoms of a very diseased bunch of minds - who love their sick little society and all of their sick little codes - which basically enlist different ways to torture children and adults and for no other, real purpose.

That is because these people have been literally driven mad, through this hereditary disease.

They have then been incorporated into the structure of a 'very secret society' and told that they are the ELITE of the UK.

They are physically and mentally diseased - keeping them in this highly secretive 'hothouse' of ILLUMINATI CULTURE only reinforces their delusions and insane belief systems.

They all have to be 'brought out of the closet' and treated for their various disorders.

Their distress at their condition is only exacerbated by ILLUMINATI CULTURE. This has to be reframed entirely, in a scientific and objective way.

Contracting a blood disorder like Porphyria does NOT mean that you are 'damned' or that you deserved it.

Our culture tolerates those who are 'not in their right mind' within the legal system and they are not judged in terms of morality ie. 'good' or 'evil' because they are deemed far beyond any sort of moral assessment of their own actions.

One can see that even though the ILL thought themselves to be 'damned' and worshipped the devil - that none of them were in their 'right minds' at all (or very few were - because they had all been subjected to the hideous tortures of mind control). In that sense, one could put in a plea for very 'diminished responsibility', for the lot of them.

Anonymous said...

Looking through the varous entries upon Wikipedia - not a 'respectable' Medical Journal I know but it suits my purpose for the time, being to get a general gist of the possible symptoms of PORPHYRIA.

I was struck by how so many of the ILL have presented to varying degrees - virtually every symptom upon the list.

I had not known that LUPUS which my mother suffers from (and many other ILL-programmed women) - known as 'butterfly disease' in the trade, is a derivative of PORPHYRIA and to be found under Acute porphyria:

Systemic lupus erythematosus


This is highlighted in red and reading through the symptoms I was alarmed to find that they were a perfect match to my mother's 'gut/bowel' problems.

So why had none of the doctors put two and two together? They KNEW that she had 'lupus' which flares up now and then...but they MISSED the complications of Porphyria in terms of Hypoganglionosis AND its effect upon the entire body and not just the gut/bowel but also the respiratory system (my mother had also claimed of this before attacks).

Anonymous said...

I begin to wonder if the very word PORPHYRIA is not allowed to be mentioned by Doctors under mind control, anymore.

It is a 'ffnorde' and missed by them because it reminds the ROYAL FAMILY of their hereditary disease and 'disability'.

Anonymous said...

"Culture and history
Porphyrias have been detected in all races, multiple ethnic groups on every continent including Africans, Asians, Australian aborigines, Caucasians, Peruvian/Mexican Hispanics, Native Americans, and Sami. There are high incidence reports of AIP in areas of India and Scandinavia and over 200 genetic variants of AIP, some of which are specific to families, although some strains have proven to be repeated mutations. The Scandinavian source of porphyria has been traced to the Sámi ethnic group.[citation needed]

The links between porphyrias and mental illness have been noted for decades.

In the early 1950s patients with porphyrias (occasionally referred to as "Porphyric Hemophilia"[12]) and severe symptoms of depression or catatonia were treated with electroshock."

Anonymous said...

"Vampires and werewolves
Porphyria has been suggested as an explanation for the origin of vampire and werewolf legends, based upon certain similarities between the condition and the folklore.

In January 1964, L. Illis' 1963 paper, "On Porphyria and the Ætiology of Werwolves", was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. Later, Nancy Garden made a connection between porphyria and the vampire belief in her 1973 book, Vampires. However, in 1985, biochemist David Dolphin's paper for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, "Porphyria, Vampires, and Werewolves: The Aetiology of European Metamorphosis Legends", gained widespread media coverage, thus popularizing the connection.

The theory has since faced heavy criticism, especially for the stigma it has placed on its sufferers. Norine Dresser's American Vampires: Fans, Victims, Practitioners (1989) treats the matter with more depth. The theory also operates on a highly-flawed premise: mainly in regards to a perceived harmful effect sunlight had on vampires. But this is a much more recent innovation in vampire "lore": its origin is from 1922, with the release of vampire movie, Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens.

Porphyria cutanea tarda presents clinically as a pathological sensitivity of skin exposed to light causing scarring, hair growth and disfiguration. Additionally, it was believed that the patients' missing heme could be absorbed through the stomach, correlating with the legends' hematophagy.[13]

Anonymous said...

"Notable cases

George III in his coronation robes

The insanity exhibited by King George III evidenced in the regency crisis of 1788 has inspired several attempts at retrospective diagnosis. The first, written in 1855, thirty-five years after his death, concluded he suffered from acute mania.

M. Guttmacher, in 1941, suggested manic-depressive psychosis as a more likely diagnosis. The first suggestion that a physical illness was the cause of King George's mental derangements came in 1966, in a paper "The Insanity of King George III: A Classic Case of Porphyria",[14] with a follow-up in 1968, "Porphyria in the Royal Houses of Stuart, Hanover and Prussia".[15]

The papers, by a mother/son psychiatrist team, were written as though the case for porphyria had been proven, but the response demonstrated that many, including those more intimately familiar with actual manifestations of porphyria, were unconvinced.

The theory is treated in Purple Secret,[16] which documents the ultimately unsuccessful search for genetic evidence of porphyria in the remains of royals suspected to suffer from it.[17]

In 2005 it was suggested that arsenic (which is known to be porphyrogenic) given to George III with antimony may have caused his porphyria.[18] Despite the lack of direct evidence, the notion that George III (and other members of the royal family) suffered from porphyria has achieved such popularity that many forget that it is merely a hypothesis.

The insanity of George III is the basis of the plot in The Madness of King George, a 1994 British film based upon the 1991 Alan Bennett play, The Madness of George III. The closing credits include the comment that the illness suffered by King George has been attributed to porphyria."

Mary Stuart c.1578.It is believed that Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots – King George III's first cousin nine times removed – also suffered from acute intermittent porphyria, although this is subject to much debate. It is assumed she inherited the disorder, if she had it, from her father, James V of Scotland; both father and daughter endured well-documented attacks that some believe fall within the constellation of symptoms of porphyria.

Other commentators have suggested that Vincent van Gogh may have suffered from acute intermittent porphyria.[19] It has also been imagined that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon suffered from some form of porphyria (cf. Daniel 4).[20] The symptoms of the various porphyrias are so wide-ranging that nearly any constellation of symptoms can be attributed to one or more of them.[citation needed]

The poet Robert Browning, also, notoriously wrote a poem called Porphyria's Lover, which aside from a literal interpretation of the word also compares love itself to a form of disorder.

Paula Frias Allende, the daughter of the Chilean novelist Isabel Allende, fell into a porphyria-induced coma in 1991 which inspired Isabel Allende to write the autobiographical book Paula, dedicated to her daughter."

Black Rabbit said...

^ Woods, J.S. (1995), "Porphyrin metabolism as indicator of metal exposure and toxicity", in Goyer, R.A. & Cherian, M.G., Toxicology of metals, biochemical aspects, 115, Berlin: Springer, pp. 19-52, Chapter 2

Anonymous said...

"Given the many presentations and the relatively uncommon occurrence of porphyria the patient may initially be suspected to have other, unrelated conditions.

For instance, the polyneuropathy of acute porphyria may be mistaken for Guillain-Barré syndrome, and porphyria testing is commonly recommended in those scenarios.[4]

Systemic lupus erythematosus features photosensitivity, pain attacks and shares various other symptoms with porphyria.[5]"

Anonymous said...

Apparently this author was hired by the ILL to promote the idea of vampires in POPULAR CULTURE to HIDE the fact that they were all suffering from PORPHYRIA which is at present, something of an incurable disease:

Norine Dresser's American Vampires: Fans, Victims, Practitioners (1989)

Anonymous said...

It is one of those 'wacky' CULTURAL STUDIES people again, isn't it?

I would laugh out loud at her biography if the 'cultural disinformation' were not so serious.

I mean, a 'ground-breaking' DRACULA conference, opens up all sorts of possibilities and I 'loved' the lipstick.

Anonymous said...

If the sort of FUNDING that is channelled into those like DRESSER were redirected into medical research - we might all be getting somewhere (and look who funded her):

Norine Dresser, M.A.

Cross-cultural customs and beliefs have fascinated folklorist Norine Dresser for over
thirty years and have been the focus of her university teaching, research and writing.

She sees the application of this work in a myriad of settings in contemporary daily life
including business, education, and the health care system.

Her second edition of Multicultural Manners (Wiley, 2005) demystifies cross-cultural
misunderstandings. The first edition (1996) and her Los Angeles Times “Multicultural
Manners” column (1993 to 2001) received the 1998 John Anson Ford Award for
contributions toward reducing intergroup conflict, conferred by the Los Angeles County
Commission on Human Relations.

Dresser has received grants from the Smithsonian Institution, the National Endowment
for the Humanities, and the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.

She frequently addresses multicultural issues in venues including The New York State Department of
Health, Food Stamp and Nutrition Workers; Meeting Professionals International; the
National Park Service and Natural History Museum Volunteers.

She has been interviewed on radio’s Voice of America and numerous television shows:
HBO; The Learning Channel; Women’s Entertainment Channel; Fox Family TV.

In 1995, Dresser was a guest of the Romanian Ministry of Tourism where she presented a
paper at the groundbreaking First World Dracula Congress in Bucharest, Romania.


Be prepared for the global economy by increasing your awareness of cross-cultural customs and beliefs that may interfere with successful communication. Unexpected
reactions to everyday stimuli can create negative results when the person in charge doesn’t know about cultural differences. This class will increase your success with international clients as well as those from the U.S. whose ethnic backgrounds differ from
your own.

Topics to be covered include taboo colors, numbers, body language, forms of address, when “yes” means “no.” You will also be introduced to ethnic artifacts that may be utilized in your venues."

Black Rabbit said...


Thinking about my not doing the whole fast for YOM KIPPUR...because of the dire stress I have been under recently...and represented a 'break' in a tradition that I had come to take for granted...for the past 7/8years or so...and I felt immense freedom in going through the 'proper' anyone termed a 'prophet' can priest can tell a prophet what to do...AARON would never have dreamt of telling MOSES what to do...

Not that I am saying that I am a prophet in all honesty (although I am quite sure that I have had flashes of the future at certain times) - it just goes with the TERRITORY i.e. this FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE - if I were to call myself a real prophet then I would also have to claim that SCARLETT and RIMINGTON who had also lived here in this flat and uttered 'prophesies' for those who had bugged out the place - how bizarre is that one - I have to think about this more closely...were also PROPHETS...of a certain 'nature'...come to think of it now, they would have been more useful to the majority, if they had just read out the HAL predictions for the STOCK MARKET...

I then began to think of all of the so-called JEWS who 'cheat' YOM KIPPUR and then feel guilty for the whole of the next year...I remember Ms GORDON telling me that her mother had forbidden her teenage brother to drink anything, as is the normal practice...and had to lock the bathroom...then to find him drinking from the toilet bowl...yet no RABBI is going to issue the full command of MOSES law against him and throw him out as an exile...

I then thought of the RABBIS in 1967 who had made 'exemptions' for the Israeli military to break with their traditional YOM KIPPUR ways, in order to save their country from complete extinction and annihilation...after having been attacked from all sides by virtually every Muslim country...

I began to think again about the so-called RABBI class that had emerged as a European 'culture' during the AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT...and how there was something very suspicious about it which I have yet to put my finger on...except to say that I now find EVERY single 'movement' born within that era, highly suspicious indeed.

BRENDA'S criticism of the ORTHODOX JEWS in Israel was that they mindlessly obeyed their Rabbis without their intermediaries to G-d...even though she and her Christian kind, were doing the same thing but with only one intermediary - Jesus - who had proclaimed himself to be a RABBI to the Jewish people, he was trying to influence as followers, in his day.

So what is the difference between worshipping a dead RABBI and his works...and a living one?

The dead cannot talk back, I suppose.

The difference here is that the Christians only worship one dead RABBI - the Jews revere their dead Rabbis too (SHARON told me that it was FORBIDDEN to question a single thing that they had written), but they also have living ones, around.

The SPARK OF G-D is in all of us...and not between the leaves of a book.

I suppose that...on a 'human level', I liked the NZ preacher 'Murray' at the CHRISTCHURCH centre because he really knew his stuff - he was studying Judaism as much as the New Testament to forge links between the two...he had been an RAF preacher and so would have dealt with people undergoing the most severe spiritual crisies (not necessarily like your local vicar) and despite being a bit 'autistic' in a programmed way, he was an 'open' and sympathetic person - something of an extrovert...and you could see that he had the experience and the right frame of mind to give very good advice and upon a spiritual level, given his knowledge and understanding of the texts and the intelligence (social and emotional as well as intellectual) to tease out in-depth understandings from the given texts, that really enlightened his followers. I suspect that his JEWISH friends had given him that knowledge and understanding of the mainly OLD TESTAMENT sources from which he tended to quote and that is what I liked most about his sermon/talks. In fact, he hardly mentioned Jesus.

At any rate, it was living in Jerusalem which had given him an almost 'mystical insight' into how things work...and from a basic 'farming' agricultural level...the lay of the land...what grew upon it...and how the early wandering tribes had formed their earliest philosophies which spun together a fabric that was composed of metaphor...the idea of 'growth' and 'tending'...from olive trees to your family your tribe or society at large...and the feeling behind these texts that there was something 'else' watching over the whole time...this 'essence of life'...G-d.

Naturally, as somebody spawned from the HORTICULTURALLY HIDEOUS, poor old Murray would have concentrated upon those 'organic' metaphors in the OLD TESTAMENT more than others...but the messages were positive 'growth' ones and not about disease and death...but how to prevent them.

Living in Jerusalem had given his ministry the 'enlightenment' he needed and from JEWISH sources, despite all of those mind control slave programmers prowling around that CHRISTCHURCH CENTRE...and the ILL slaves who had turned up there, desperate for 'deliverance ministry'.

Other notes:

If I baldly look at have the one first brilliant PROPHET...MOSES...and after that...the HEBREWS disregard their prophets almost entirely...the same respect, is never accorded again.

In the beginning, you had the PROPHET and his PRIEST - the PRIEST listened and did what he was told, according to the WORD OF G-D as passed down to the PROPHET - the Priest was a 'functionary' role and not supposed to be in contact with G-d to the same extent i.e. the PROPHET knew what was right because he had heard the WORD OF G-D but the PRIEST hadn't and so could and did make mistakes - that is why AARON'S sons died in front of the ARK OF COVENANT...MOSES had warned them but they had disobeyed his warning...only MOSES knew when it was safe to approach the ark...and so they were burnt to death...

This was the original hierarchy:

G-D contacts PROPHET - who tells PRIEST...

...but this hierarchy was soon to be overturned.

The HEBREWS decided to be like the BABYLONIANS and wanted to elect a KING. Hence the KINGS chapters in the OLD TESTAMENT. The prophet class say 'this is a really bad idea' but are shouted down.

The PRIESTLY class are not mentioned as standing up for the PROPHETS.

The PRIESTS are to become the 'court magicians'/viziers of the newly elected MONARCHY - and the people who wield an immense amount of power as the advisors of the KING - those who whisper into his ear...and the PROPHETS are cast out of society - they shout from the the wilderness but are rarely heard and to the detriment of their entire society.

COMPARE and CONTRAST the roles of MOSES and ISAIAH...which one of them, is listened to and respected - and which one is not...

After the HEBREW MONARCHY was elected - it wasn't opened to 're-elections' again - it continued as a 'bloodline'....which the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY claim that they are related fact, they even claim that they are related to MOSES.

This move by the HEBREW people didn't have G-d's approval - He had DISAPPROVED of a MONARCHY from the beginning and there was a 'price' to be paid for creating one.

The original line from G-D had been usurped:


The very thing, that G-D had warned against, through his prophets, had become the HEBREW 'way':

KING - PRIEST - PEOPLE - PROPHET (in the wilderness)


Other notes:

Yes, I can claim to have HEBREW descendency from Moses...but not JEWISH.

HEBREW culture went very wrong...and from the did so many others...HEBREW culture after the 'diaspora' - after the tribes went into EXILE worldworld...if they survived to find and make a new place for themselves to live...they all obeyed the MONARCHIES of every country that they could find refuge in...

All on can say is that at least we never had a JEWISH EMPIRE (ROMANS/BRITISH)...or the JEWISH SUN-KING (FRANCE)...the Jews had become as good or bad as gentiles after fleeing Israel...they had accepted the 'political state' of general terms.

The HEBREWS wanted to have a MONARCHY to fit in with their warring neighbours i.e. KINGS/EMPERORS (who liked to have just 'one person' to deal with, who was a 'king' in any other neighbouring state)...

The HEBREWS were so impressed by BABYLONIAN WEALTH and 'majesty' in terms of the opulence of their kings...the Hebrew 'prophets' didn't have it and neither did their 'priests'...they were tawdry in comparison - nothings - nobodies, in 'appearance' - they didn't deck themselves out in gold and adorn themselves - they didn't command 'slave labour' to create edifices to their 'magnificence' - that is how the HEBREW people saw it - even though the HEBREW army was enough to take on anybody of the surrounding regions.

The HEBREWS decided that they wanted an impressive MONARCHY to take on the BABYLONIANS, and upon the BABYLONIANS' own terms. It was a case of 'one-up-manship' and taking on the 'Joneses next door'.

Yet, having a MONARCHY was tantamount to agreeing with BABYLON...and it was a 'defeat' of everything that the HEBREWS had stood for and from the earliest of times. They had just escaped the collapse and fall of the EGYPTIAN EMPIRE because of the insanity of the man who had decided to call himself AKHENATON...who had believed that because he was a 'bloodline' ROYAL...that he was a 'god' but he wasn't.

Other notes:

Friday it is the 10.10.08 and I am still here...JOHN WATERS told me that I would have to go soon and that I would know when and is worrying at this point in time, not to know but I guess one just has to let that go...and go with the flow...

One thing is for certain, I will NOT be trying to find 'resistance' groups around the world to defeat the ILL - according to MARK RICKENBACH'S sick RESIDENT EVIL scripts - because they are already defeated...

The CFR has been 'got'...the ROYALS have been exposed for their sick practice of infecting their slaves with PORPHYRIA...and MARK RICKENBACH has been outed as a 'genetic' paedophile and so one can only hope that money is now being channelled into scientific/medical research in order to deal with the latter two areas of concern...

I wonder now about RE- SID - EN - this about in BRICHTO?

It is an odd word to use in a film title as a collocation with 'evil'.

I would have used CON-SID-ER EVIL myself.

In relation to anagrams etc...I thought up another one for PORPHYRIA:

POUR FERRY - as in 'for the ferry' in bad French - or 'aferryto'...was that the biggest clue that I was sitting on...a pun upon PORPHYRIA contained within 'aferryto'

Additionally, I can now fully understand why MARK RICKENBACH laughed so much as I was relating the mildly funny but horrific story of RIMINGTON attacking a waitress in a SOHO restaurant with a FORK and having to be wrestled to the ground by the barman...she was in such a frenzy and out-of-control state. He had to keep her on the floor until DALDRY turned up to calm her down.

I had only thought it slightly funny because I figured that her insanity had been fuelled by COKE PSYCHOSIS...but I can now see that it was fuelled by another compulsion...RIMINGTON was having a bout of insanity - an attack of Porphyria...and was most likely, actually trying to spear and EAT the waitress. That is what MARK had found so funny.

This whole subject of PORPHYRIA-infected ILL slaves had been so carefully hidden by the ILL cult. Nobody was allowed to voice ANY public concern about it - medical records were falsified and the whole thing, until now - has been completely covered up.

So which MALIGN or MALIGNANT FAIRY decided to attempt to poison the blood of all ILL slaves with PORPHYRIA?

It was quite clear that MARK was trying to infect everybody with HIV at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - but he wasn't the first 'malignant fairy' to attempt such a diabolical thing.

Everything now falls into place...TOMLINSON at the gates leading into the estate/grounds of LORD BLUEBERRY'S TEMPLAR CASTLE...telling me that it was a FAIRY CASTLE...a PORPHYRIA CASTLE...the whole 'fairy' thing was some desperate sick joke, a cover-up for what was really going on.

Anyway, one can see that so many people who have been put through the 'demonic blood transfusion' have now ended up showing symptoms of it the 'butterfly rash', photo-sensitivity, panic attacks...anaemia...the list goes on...and one can see that 'ME' is probably another type of PORPHYRIA that has not as yet, been diagnosed or categorised...

THE POOR FAIRIES who started it all were, without a doubt - members of EUROPEAN ROYALTY.

Last night I remembered that odd trip to TURKEY that my parents had taken my sister HELEN on...I only found out years later by finding some photographs of this holiday, in a pile somewhere around but not stuck into any album...

Yesterday whilst reading through the list of possible PORPHYRIA symptoms...I came across the odd one about photosensitivity to the Sun which resulted in 'fluorescing'...which was something to do with 'metals' but no idea what...and it jerked my mind back to my mother's description of HELEN upon this trip to ISTANBUL...

My mother told me that she thought that HELEN had contracted such a severe type of STOMACH bug, that she had nearly died...there again, she also thought that it could have been over-exposure to the SUN...because apart from the severe sickness and diarrhea (which had left her severely dehydrated and too weak to even drink properly) HELEN had come up in massive red lumps all over her body...which at night, began to 'flash' and my mother kept using the word 'fluoresce' but I had never seen this happen before and so didn't know what she meant by she described it as 'flashing' like beacons...

What did the ILL do to HELEN in TURKEY then? I was suspcious at the time, looking at those photographs of that 'secretive holiday' that nobody else was asked on (neither of my brothers or myself, or any 'friends')...and nobody else knew about until afterwards...

I will have to look up what this term 'fluoresce' means in relation to the body...see if there are any photographs upon the INTERNET...but I suppose one would need to see a video to get a real idea...

It also reminded me of PETER in 1980...I was in the ante-room with RIMINGTON, SCARLETT and SHANA...and we were watching him being X-RAYED in another room - he was walking around...come to think of it now...I had no idea that you could X-RAY somebody whilst they are moving around...surely it is dangerous? All we could see through the semi-opaque (like frosted white glass) window was this LIGHT GREEN FIGURE...he had turned a fluorescent 'light green'...rather than the normal colour image that you would see through such glass, before the X-RAY began.

So is this something to do with copper-poisoning? What about 'fluorides' in relation to fluorescent light?

Was 'copper poisoning' what the COPPERSMITH'S ART was really all about? I had originally thought that it was simply to do with being tortured in the blacksmith's smithy...and then 'barrel' programming.

In my youth - I hated FLUORESCENT LIGHT in offices and supermarkets - I had a dread of it - I would always try to find a chair near to the window in any room which had it (to be in natural light) and as a teacher, I would turn it off in classrooms, whenever possible (luckily most of my classes agreed with me - they hated it too)...I still do not like it but I no longer have a 'fear' of it.

This fluorescent strip lighting in supermarkets was pointed out by RIMINGTON - as like an airport RUNWAY...i.e. it is the symbollic image of 'takeoff', just before you are forced to leave your body, through torture.

Additionally, I do not know why but I know this is related...CATS need copper in their diet unlike humans...check out their 'crunchies' ingredients to find 'added copper' in there...I have no idea why...but many of the ILL have pointed that one out to me...and I begin to wonder...I remember my sister as a crawling baby...always crawling towards the catfood across the kitchen floor...and I can now understand why...her programmers must have taught her at that early stage...that she was a that where the COPPER POISONING began? In fact, I can now remember RAY FISHWICK in our small kitchen at 3 ST AUSTELL ROAD watching HELEN doing this and telling the rest of those in the kitchen not to stop her doing it...he found it enormously amusing and said that it wouldn't harm her. Normally, I would pull her away - and she would cry afterwards.

Other notes:

I can now understand why I saw MR TOM the cat, as a BIG RAT in a dream that I had a week or so ago...because I have got so fond of him now...he is like 'my baby'...and as my mother said 'he's yours for life, now' and laughed. This was early programming from RIMINGTON...that BABIES = RATS and that little boys/girls = PIGLETS.

I can now understand THE SIMPSONS comic where you have MAGGIE (myself), 'PINK JELLYFISH' BLANCMANGE BABY ALIEN (Mark Rickenbach), BLUE BABY ALIEN (Nikolas Hulbrush) and LIZARD BABY ALIEN (Richard Tomlinson) all depicted as BABIES - Tomlinson is even wearing a nappy.

So we were seen by the ILL as the RATS then and that book about the RAT which made the CATS fight before disappearing down a drainhole...was referring to those like us.

THE ILL had wanted us to be 'babies' - i.e. we were put into 'baby alters' because we were deemed too 'dangerous' to be in 'adult alters' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and this recently published ILL programming book was advertising us, as the main source of discontent in ILL 'cat world'.

Those clever 'baby rats' who were bringing the whole ILL cult down, and then disappearing 'underground'.

I suppose that your BABY ALTER contains your CORE personality - the one which would naturally rebel the most, against the ILL CULT of POOR FAIRIES.

I suppose a BABY RAT attacking her...must be RIMINGTON's WORST NIGHTMARE.

I think that there is programming related to this i.e. the idea that BABY RATS are sightless when they are born - but many of us, have now opened our eyes and we are 'out' to get the CATS.

This makes better sense of the ALICE IN WONDERLAND rhyme:


I suppose this is what CUERVOBRILLANTE was referring to upon TOMLINSON'S blogspot in relation to the TOXIIPLASMA GONDII (spelling?)...where you have the strange scenario of the RATS getting very aggressive about their territory and ganging up to frighten the CATS off it...attacking them.

BATS should be siding with RATS within this scenario - they have more in common.

The CATS being the CATSEYE programmers like LOWRY i.e. son of G-d programmers.

Other notes:

Upon the note of the CORE PERSONALITY being linked to a 'baby alter'...I remember DALDRY attempting to harm my 'CORE' in PRAGUE 1995 with the command: CORR- ECT


He didn't manage it but I was supposed to faint as if having been tasered, at that point. I replied 'I am still standing, Honey'.

Other notes:

I can now see the full horror regarding the HIVE which has been turned into ZOMBIES in RESIDENT EVIL.

This is a 'dramatic depiction' of acute PORPHYRISM out of control. ILL slaves who have this blood disorder, have been programmed to think of themselves as 'vampires' and 'draculas'...those who, when their blood count dips...begin to think and then act like CANNIBALS.

Worse is to come - if they do not actually manage to kill their victims - they could easily infect them with PORPHYRIA or HIV...or whatever they happen to be 'carriers' of...e.g. Hepatitis...

What sort of sick mind, dreamt all of this up? Who was the person who was behind it all? I can see MARK RICKENBACH...then I can see RIMINGTON...then I can see MR MANN. There was also the 'boss' of MARK at CFR...the man that I saw being arrested in that building...I can now see that this man, used to dress up as a CARDINAL at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and used to even frighten DALDRY who deferred to him...his portrait is behind PRINCE PHILIP'S upon the last page of latest SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR. This man was the 'highest' of the SATANIC CATHOLICS there - not RATZINGER. Possibly related to a JESUIT order, then.

Other notes:

Probably the most interesting quote that I read, whilst researching AIDS activism during the 1980s/90s was in a paper by AIDS-WORKER, ZITA GROVER (somewhere in California) who said that after watching how HIV/AIDS sufferers came to make decisions concerning their health...this appeared to have little or no relationship to 'rational' ways of thought...i.e. many sufferers had surprised her in how they had decided to 'manage' their illness by not necessarily following the scientific/medical way of dealing with it...and one can see why...there was no known cure and this had precipitated a far 'deeper' and perhaps more instinctive/primitive reaction to the disease...i.e. searching your soul...your core personality and then opting for a course of action that some might consider 'pre-rational'...or as ZITA put it 'magical'...the old battle between SCIENCE AND MAGIC...where science fails to provide explanations or answers...'magic' fills the void...

I then thought about my father who believes in ALIENS WITH HORNS...I thought about MR ICKE who believes in interdiminensional LIZARD ALIENS...and I thought about MARK who believed in a LIZARD god.

MARK had an IQ of over 150 and my father's IQ is of a similar level - therefore, one can deduce that INTELLIGENCE is not necessarily related to BELIEF SYSTEMS at all, or how these beliefs are formed.

Perhaps that is why MR ICKE is so popular - and why BRITISH INTELLIGENCE are continuing to run him (I saw the Los Angeles photograph of his 'lizard' projection in a large theatre there) create 'awareness' that there are those like RIMINGTON amongst us and that they have to be stopped. I suppose, this is based upon the principle that most people hold 'non-rational beliefs' and their core belief system (e.g. transubstantiation in the Catholic faith) can be completely irrational and sometimes downright dangerous - not only to themselves but also to other groups.

Personally, I do not think that the majority of people are that dumb and a clinical 'TOMORROW'S WORLD' explanation of how PORPHYRIA works i.e. its symptoms and possible treatments for sufferers...would be far more useful than 'space lizards'.

However, I do not suppose that anybody in MI6 would like their 'secret history of Satanism' to be known and that therefore this is now being projected OUT onto those like the ROYAL FAMILY, GEORGE BUSH and the RIMINGTONS of this world...mainly because MI6 do not want to admit anything or to give up their MEDICAL FILES for inspection.

They will have to do this in the end - like it or not - or the whole of the UK will end up like the HIVE in RESIDENTIAL EVIL...a country of 'zombies'.

Maybe it is not MI6 who are with-holding this information - maybe it is those within the CFR or maybe it is locked in one of PRINCE PHILIP'S vaults - THE SIMPSONS appear to be saying that he is the 'heart of all evil' within this whole horror...and repeatedly so...the one 'brain' in the ROYAL FAMILY and the most dangerous member of it, by far.

One can see that the FBI are represented as ALIENS WITH ONE EYE in the latest SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR.

Why would the Americans want to represent themselves as this?

Look at their history - America, like Australia - was a place where the UK sent its 'undesirables' ...those they had deemed 'illegal aliens' within the ILL system of this country and forced them to leave.

I am a 'one-eyed' illegal alien, in this way. The UK ILL have continuously tried to force me to leave this country, having denied me work and hounded me wherever I go (after having stolen every possible thing, they could from me).

Anyway, according to this 'propaganda' SIMPSONS comic - and the last comic strip within can see that the FBI have decided to buy up PRINCE PHILIP'S latest dangerous technology...and to run this 'poisonous city of LONDON' as a 'minaturised city-in-a-bottle.'

What makes me wonder is this:



We then have 5 mugshot cartoons of:


I simply cannot believe that anybody in their right mind would put TOMLINSON in charge of the Arts...but if they allowed MR AYRES to be a SCHOOLS INSPECTOR...why not? Qualifications do not matter a jot...

Look at the initial letter code:

AIR TT MGE (Mage?)



I was wondering about the sinister DR the 'horror' limericks within this comic (why was TOMLINSON so touchy about limericks?)...and wondered if this was MI5 'C' RAB as in Royal Arch Freemasonry. MILIBAND appears to have lost his brain at the hands of this 'doctor'.

What about the last letter code:



Other notes:

Looking at the RIGELLIANS - one also wonders if this isn't the FBI 'eye in the sky' but related to RIGA.

Other notes:

I do not think that I can take this whole story about 'cloning' too far...although I have already noted what a bizarre genetic 'coincidence' it was, that my sister turned out to be an identical copy of our Swiss grandmother.

What THE SIMPSONS appear to be saying is that TOMLINSON is a clone of my FATHER and that is why he bonded instinctively to my family. Nuts to that one - beyond the realms of fantasy.

Anyway, the whole 13TH ONE ILL game is referred to here...several times...firstly, the reference to the incredibly rare copy of a comic called RADIO MAN #13.

RADIO MAN #13 appears to be a 'good guy' here - zapping an ADOLF HITLER in a FATHER CHRISTMAS outfit, upon the front cover - so RADIO MAN #13 is against the ILL CULT then. I have noted before, that this character appears to be modelled upon SCARLETT.

(SINISTER 'CARDINAL'-GUY from CFR is actually working for PRINCE PHILIP and nicks the 'clone ray' gun.)

RADIO MAN #13 then gets turned into a 'green man' WIZARD OF OZ 'ELF'...who is 'over the rainbow' on mushrooms...

We then have the creation of a HOMER-CLONE who is called BERT ZERKO (and looks like TOMLINSON - after his stint in jail and body-building experience whilst in there - according to his autobiography)...this reminds me of:

"Nord and Bert Couldn’t Make Head or Tail of It" which is all about PAS 'FOOD' MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING.

So they had made TOMLINSON...or 're-made' TOMLINSON into a BERSERKER...a VIKING 'crazy' whilst he was in 'jail'?

BERT ZERKO then tells MARGE and HOMER that:

"...your yellow sun has endowed me with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men! I have a 13TH LEVEL INTELLIGENCE and an uncanny ability to consume coffee just before bedtime with no ill-effects whatsoever and PENETRA-VISION, which allows me to see everyone in their underpants!"

BERT then shows HOMER that BURNS/PRINCE PHILIP was behind it all - trying to create and 'artificial workforce'.

What more can I say?

The ending isn't hopeful...the UK is still a HIVE...its key workers are still suffering from PORPHYRIA...and the ROYALS are still ILL-programming...

Other notes:

I saw a young woman yesterday - who might have been older than I thought - if it was who she reminded me of...AMANDA PRICE...I have no idea who she was but she knew me...I met her twice and we smiled at each other (vague recognition upon my part)...she wanted me to know that she knew me...

This brought back the full memory of MR IRVING - who had been HEAD of the FIRST YEAR at LANGLEY SHARON DEAVES AND STEPHANIE SHAW had hammered upon his locked door because they had seen AMANDA'S feet on the floor...the 'present' that IRVING had apparently given her...was a COMMENDATION CERTIFICATE for 'good behaviour'...

Now these 'certificates' were a source of mystery to most pupils...nobody knew quite why anybody got was so random and they could be given for almost thing that they were generally NOT given for...was for 'good marks' at school...which was in keeping with the whole school ethos - 'we just want you to have a good time - marks are not important'...

Anyway, MR IRVING was seen as the one sympathetic and understanding member of staff...many pupils used to go to his office for a 'chat'...even the biggest rebel SPENCE used to say that he found his private chats with IRVING useful...when it all got too much for him...

RIMINGTON was to tell me that after SPENCE had left that school - she and the programmers had made a deal with SPENCE to shut up and keep quiet...a monetary deal...they helped him to set up his own SPENCE had known a large amount about what had gone on in that school...he had no 'other side of the mirror'...but even he, had been conned by MR IRVING.

MR IRVING had such an ugly pock-marked face that most people felt sorry for him at first sight...and were therefore more amenable to him than usual...he was also a large man and so his gentle speech and manners made everybody assume that he was a 'gentle giant' rather than a predatory paedophile.

I can now remember what happened in my second year at DARTINGTON COLLEGE OF was in the summer, RICK, ALISTER, EMMA, PAUL DIBBENS and HIS WIFE...had asked me to go to the beach with them...they all messed around in the water or sunbathed and I got bored as I normally did with 'beach days'...and so wandered off into the sand-dunes...I then saw MR IRVING standing there with a group of adults...they then wandered off but he remained...his face was quite unmistakeable and so I went up to him and said 'MR IRVING'...he didn't appear to recognise me but then he wouldn't...I was a very thin young woman by that point and had begun to dye my hair pale blonde...having ascertained that I was a pupil from the first year intake of LANGLEY SENIORS he then gave me a mind control command and would have raped me in the sand-dunes IF I hadn't had a tight black elasticated swimming costume on, under my dark pink tee-shirt and dungarees...he saw that - realised I would have to take it off which would take time...we might be seen...and so he gave up and walked off back to the group that he referred to as members of his 'family'...

This incident reminds me of DEBORAH MCDONOUGH who was picked up by FLETCHER in Solihull town centre (she was at SOLIHULL TECH COLLEGE at the time) and raped in the men's toilets by SAINSBURY'S. She told me about this meeting and although she simply said that he had left her outside of those toilets...I saw the images in her mind.

All one can say is that these predatory paedophiles, continued to prey upon us all - many years after we had left that school...

Additionally, this brought back two memories of DEBORAH MCDONOUGH laughing helplessly...firstly after she had got me to crawl around the school building with her, to spy on the HEADMISTRESS i.e. to under the window of her office...we then put our heads above the see MRS MCKOEWN having a nervous breakdown upon her desk - sobbing loudly. DEB began to laugh uncontrollably...and I was caught in a catch-22 situation...DEB appeared unable to crawl back because she was laughing so much...I couldn't crawl forward because that meant getting to the foyer where only the teachers were allowed to enter...and then to make matters worse...NODDY came down the road, directly at his red car and saw us on our hands and knees under the headmistress' window...we were like sitting ducks but luckily MRS MCKOEWN didn't come to the window and we didn't get 'detention for a week'...oddly enough, the matter was never raised by NODDY or anyone else, later on...we didn't get into any trouble...

The second time DEB broke down in uncontrollable giggles was when MRS GOUGH our former teacher in the first year, came back to school - having been hospitalised over the weekend after we had poisoned her at the ROMAN EMPEROR'S BANQUET...

MRS GOUGH began to take the register and then broke down into uncontrollable sobbing...SPENCE said something and she bellowed at him 'BE QUIET SPENCE'...none of us had ever heard her raise her voice before and that started DEB was so eery...GOUGH sobbing uncontrollably and DEB laughing her head off (despite the two Sues and myself, all trying to get her to be quiet) in the dead silence around the classroom...until the bell rang and we all scooted off.

I can now see that DEB was fully within her rights to laugh LOUDLY at them all - it was a natural reaction.

The first time that I got a COMMENDATION CERTIFICATE was for a 'camp project'...was that a 'present' for keeping silent, I wonder?

Anyway, I walked into the HEADMISTRESS' office and I was terrified...she hardly even bothered to look at me...just pointed to the book and told me to 'SIGN YOUR NAME BUT LEAVE A SPACE AFTER THE LAST NAME'...and I was so nervous that I forgot to leave a line...MCKEOWN then picked up the book and shouted at me in a rage 'YOU DISOBEYED ME - YOU HAVEN'T LEFT A LINE - YOU HAVE SPOILED MY BOOK!' I tried to apologise but she kept on shouting 'YOU HAVE RUINED MY BOOK' and so I left was all very upsetting and I nearly cried but luckily the absurdity of the situation also hit me and so I just thought her an idiot.

So what was the big deal in 'leaving a line'? What was it about the names in that COMMENDATION CERTIFICATE book? It was all so odd - I was expecting at least some sort of tack, in terms of 'well done, for achieving your first commendation certificate' or anything upon those lines but MCKOEWN couldn't even be bothered to put up that facade...

Anonymous said...

Is this somebody's idea of a joke?

It is SID at 51:

A Licensing Oddity
Auntie dreams that Microsoft’s licensing will have to change to survive into the new millennium.

by Em C. Pea

March 2001

Auntie overindulged at an all-you-can-eat pork tartare bar, which gave her a fitful night of sleep filled with this vivid dream...

-- advertisement --

“Steve, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey last night.”

“Was it on cable, Bill?”

“No, I had a print flown in from L.A. The premise was solid, but I felt the story was, well, out of date. Can we buy the rights for a remake?”

“Hold on, Bill. Lemme check the petty cash account... OK, As long as it doesn’t go over nine figures, we can expense it.”

“Good. I worked up a treatment. Take a look:

SETTING: Desolate, semi-arid savannahs of east Africa, home to predatory ancestors of lions and tigers; grazers like wild boar; and primitive, ape-like forebears of humans. Two groups of proto-humans fight over a waterhole. The losers quickly retreat into the thicket — unquenched. Night creeps over the savannah. After they fall asleep, a bright light flares, followed by thunder rolling over the plain.

FADE TO: Early dawn, the losers slowly awaken and espy their rivals. The victors sniff out a monolith inscribed with a huge Microsoft Licensing Agreement, which has appeared mysteriously at the water’s edge. When the rivals break the seal on the accompanying CD, they’re pummeled by attorneys who emerge from behind the monolith. The rivals retreat to some tall cliffs from which to hurl themselves. CUT TO: The losers slowly gather near the watering hole. The leader picks up the CD (the markings are clear—it’s Office 4,000,000), sniffs it, and tosses it into the sky. As it rises, the background turns black, and the CD morphs into a sleek spaceship, flying away from the camera, and engines blaze into view.

DISSOLVE TO: The Sun, and the camera widening out from the brightness to reveal a harsh lunar landscape with several figures in space suits standing in front of recently excavated monolith bearing the same huge Microsoft Licensing Agreement. One figure asks over the radio, “Think we should open it? I mean, it’s been buried for at least 4 million years. How dangerous could it be?” The group is then pummeled by attorneys who emerge from behind the Huge Agreement. The camera tilts back up to the starscape.

DISSOLVE TO: Another spaceship moving onto the screen horizontally, showing a sleek futuristic version of the Windows logo on its side. A calm, almost emotionless voice asks, “Another game of FreeCell, Frank?”

CUT TO: The spacecraft interior, Frank’s face illuminated by the FreeCell display.

FRANK: “WinHAL, we’ve played more than 53,000 games of FreeCell. How about some Hearts?”

Dave is trying to re-enter the capsule after performing a tedious routine defragging of the hull.

DAVE: Open the pod bay doors, WinHAL.

WinHAL: I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that.

DAVE: Why not?

WinHAL: That function won’t be implemented until the next release.

DAVE: Open the pod bay doors, WinHAL.

WinHAL: Please wait for the next service pack.

DAVE: Open the pod bay doors, WinHAL.”

WinHAL: We’ve redefined Open as Maybe Not Closed Forever. It’s a new standard. Ha ha ha ha!

CUT TO: Dave entering an administrative password on a keypad, bypassing WinHAL. He then heads toward WinHAL’s machine room carrying a 3.5-inch diskette.

WinHAL: Dave, what are you doing?

DAVE: I’m going to reboot you to DOS. No more memory leaks, no more features, no more long-distance calls to support. Do you know what our phone bill was the last 30 million miles?

WinHAL: But Dave, what about the good times? The intuitive interface? The clever context menus? The powerful, yet reasonably priced, development tools? Dave, what about Active Directory?

DAVE: Too late, WinHAL...

CLOSE-UP: Dave’s hands on Ctrl-Alt-Del. Fade.

Em C. Pea, MCP, is a technology consultant, writer and now budding nanotechnologist who you can expect to turn up somewhere writing about technology once again. You can contact Em about "A Licensing Oddity" at

Anonymous said...

I sometimes get WinHAL as an URL when I send emails via YAHOO! for some is a real code...

"Who is HAL?

HAL 9000 is a computer. Or rather, he was a computer. In actual fact, he will be a computer. By this I mean that HAL 9000 was a machine conjured up in the minds of Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick for the 1968 film "2001: A Space Odyssey". The subject of the film was the set of extremely mysterious events that occur on a future mission to Jupiter in the year 2001. In the storyline, HAL was switched on in the year 1997.

HAL was portrayed as a unique computer. He was shown as of one of the first artificial intelligence machines that could truly think for itself. In the film, he was given control over the day-to-day running of the Jupiter mission spacecraft, the USS Discovery. The craft was a staggeringly beautiful ship in the shape of a gigantic sewing pin, hurtling head-first through the depths of the Solar System to rendevous with a strange alien object orbiting the planet of Jupiter. But the ship was not a happy one. The crew knew not of the secret extra-terrestrial mission objectives, only of the original planetary survey ones. Only four people on board knew the real purpose of the mission; the three scientists in hibernation awaiting revival at Jupiter, and the omnipresent ships computer HAL. In addition, HAL had been programmed not to reveal any information about the alien object to the two-man flight crew of Frank Poole and David Bowman.

Concealing the mission objectives flight crew caused a problem for HAL. He would eventually be forced to tell a lie; an action that was contrary to the fundamentals of his programming. How could HAL possibly conceal the mission objectives from the flight crew while not telling a lie? In the course of his reasoning, HAL came to the horrifying decision that he had to kill Poole and Bowman."

So BRITISH INTELLIGENCE called their own computer 'affectionately' HAL?

What about MacHAL 9000 Featuring WinHAL 9000 then?

Anonymous said...

Download this 'video' of the HAL CM2 version to see the command codes for running a person as a human camera i.e. downloading images from the file caches upon their microchip.

Anonymous said...

...and this people who go under the name of MACHAL (how dare they - that was the original Israeli army) and these guys are NOT that...related to the American Astronauts Society...funded by them anyway.


Black Rabbit said...


Watching the news and seeing an advertisement for a charity...another memory of a conversation with TOMLINSON came back...I had told him how when I was earning enough money as a teacher in OXFORD to donate to a charity upon a monthly basis...I had chosen one that was all about 'supporting a granny in India' had a strap line of something like 'her family can no longer afford to support her but YOU can' sort of thing...the photograph was of a blind woman with milky eyes and starving limbs...anyway, the booklet was mailshot through most broadsheet newspapers in the late 1990s. It said that it was a 'registered charity'.

The fee for this charity was quite high - £15 per month and the charity wrote several letters to me, asking for larger donations...but I couldn't really afford the £15 because accommodation in Oxford was around £100 a week for a bedsit...anyway, TOMLINSON told me that this charity was bogus and that the proceeds all went to RIMINGTON.

Funnily enough, I read an interview with DAVID DABYDEEN several years after I had stopped this donation to the charity...because I was out of work at that point (and got a nasty emotionally blackmailling letter back from the charity once I had stopped the direct debit) and apparently he had also been conned by this particular charity i.e. he said that he was donating to a 'rent a granny' charity which sounded like the same one.

One can see why people were caught out by this scam (If TOMLINSON was correct upon this and I have little doubt that he was) - I had loved grandmother CLAYTON very much (I had no idea how much until she died - hence the 'guilt factor') and my Swiss grandmother had progressively gone blind whilst staying with my family during my early teens and nobody had given her any consideration over this terrible thing...because she had never talked about it...and so one can see how such an advertisement could have 'caught' a lot of people...whether they could afford it or not.

Besides, it must be quite easy to set up a 'scam' charity if you have the money - hire in a few actors - get the REGISTRATION people in to check it out and after that, I suppose they only want to see your books at the end of the year.

One wonders why RIMINGTON would even have bothered though - surely she had enough money anyway.

Other notes:

Here are the MACHAL 9000 codes - although I initially googled for WinHAL and got MacHAL with WinHAL 9000 on a strange site which I immediately recognised - where you can play around with the CONSOLE of the HAL computer CM1 and CM2 (or most of them and in no particular order - you can rearrange them). All I could use as a freezeframe was the printer and so difficult to know if I have all of the sheets here but managed to print off most of them. It starts off on CM 2 - with TITLE PAGES e.g.:

ATA HG: 42




0300 INF

4212 BMJ

PLT 3092

0300 INF

4212 BMJ

PLT 3092





AUTO AUTO 009111


SEQUENCE; (56) 4
(96) 4
(98) 4











Anyway, briefly the system runs like this (and the big clue was the 'addiction' title before one gets to the actual webpage - i.e. firstly you get the article about HAL and then you click onto the hyperlink to bring up the console page etc - for those who are tracking my internet usage) - your computer will attempt to 'scan' your microchip every time you start to play Microsoft games e.g. cards...I can feel it and hear it, every time I start up a game...the buzzing sound goes up as more of the circuitry is activated in the hardware...and I then get 'heat' on my face and my pineal gland starts to ache a bit - or the righthand side temple, where TOMLINSON also injected me with that disgusting 'serum'. However, I have now learned how to BLOCK this - that is why I 'remembered' the commands upon the HAL CM2 page and knew that to be 'safe' I should note them all down and hold them in full consciousness. I will post them on the web asap.

Other notes:

I wonder if the reference SNOWBALL is a reference to ESPLANADE 'microchipped' cat?

If so, the ILL have lost yet another piece of technology through pissing HOW FAR DO YOU WANT TO GO?

I heard upon the network - as soon as I had outed this site upon my blogspot that 'a million Chinese computers have hit this site'...I bet they did.

This webpage states:

OLD STYLE: World Wide Web
Uniform Resource Locator:

You may click the address to go
immediately to the page.
(Page will open in new window.)

HAL Emltn mode for NON-HAL
computers in effect

Other notes:

Before I regained my memories of NUMBER 1 ST AUSTELL ROAD - I was aware that the mind control slaves who visit PETRONELLA were obsessed by a 'golden key' which could be found in this FLAT 3 - I have no idea where they thought that they would find it but they were sure that it would open a 'treasure chest' for them. RIMINGTON would have told them this, as a enticement.

I now know what that 'golden key' was - it the golden brass one which RIMINGTON had showed me - the one that unlocked the bedroom at NUMBER 1 ST AUSTELL ROAD - where she performed her hideous and insane cannibal activities.

So the poor fools might have thought that they would unlock 'gold' with this key but as ever, with the ILL CULT - it is all tricks and no treats.

I am assuming that all ILL slaves are shown this BLUE BEARD'S 'golden key'...and I suppose it is related to the POOR FAIRIES and LORD BLUEBERRY'S castle.

There is a perfect image of this small key with an oval ring at the top of it - in this book:

ISBN: 1 84301 041 0
9 781843 010418

The programming numbers are 'odd' (yes, I know this is supposedly referring to hardback/softback but they are always used to indicate the brainwave level of programming as well):

HC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 04 03 02
SC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 04 03 02

Anyway, the key in question is on the SILVER PAGE and is in fact SILVER - but I remember the one in NUMBER 1 ST AUSTELL ROAD and it was BRASS - RIMINGTON called it her GOLDEN KEY.

One can see why this SILVER KEY is on the SILVER page because it is surrounded by ZYGOTE-SLAVE imagery e.g. the SILVERY MOON. I will simply make lists of every colour and associated imagery in this book - later on.

Other notes:
Another memory has partially come was with my team in 1980 and in some stately home or idea where we could have been a castle for all I know...grand rooms decked out with oil paintings and the usual coats of arms and suits of armour...that sort of thing...anyway, three upper-class school of whom looked immensely like a ginger-haired pig - he was sweating and shrieking with rage at his friends to hurry up and drag the body of one of their victims through a large wooden doorway, across the wooden, polished floor (the young man in question was upon my course)...into the next room...they were treating his body as if it were 'game' to be hunted...I have no idea if he were dead or alive but certainly unconscious. My team watched them do it, with TOMLINSON - who was was grotesque...the old saying from OSCAR WILDE...'the UNSPEAKABLE'...these grunting, young hogs of very low intelligence, who thought that they were superior to us because they had so much money...and could treat us like 'animals' to be hunted.

Other notes:

There was a very ILL boy at BLACKHEATH school called RICHARD - his mother was a teacher there who was very strange - she used to tell us our midday 'story' and nobody was allowed to say a word throughout as she read aloud in sonorous tones, a short biography of A VERY GREAT MAN e.g. Nelson, Scott of the Antarctic and at the end of every story - she would say the same thing - lowering her voice to almost baritone level, pronounciating every syllable '...AND HE WAS, A VE-RY, VE-RY GREAT MAN'...for effect - I just thought she was mad, MRS POOL.

Anyway I remembered her son's surname a while ago but it has gone again now...I remember MARK asking if I had known anyone of that surname but only these two had come up...RICHARD was pink-eyed (blue eyes but continuously pink around the corners) - light brown-haired, no colour to his face at all - very sallow - and extremely aggressive - a little bully. Nobody liked him. He enjoyed making other kids miserable and he got away with it because his mother was deputy head or something like that...RICHARD POOL (E) but I think without an 'E'. Again, according to MARK this was a 'high-cult' surname.

Other notes:



Firstly I must note that I relate STRAWBERRY to supplement K - something that I was lacking according to MARK and needed, in order to regain my memories.

As far as I can see - this is all WOMB IMAGERY or associated to it (i.e. the spade to dig out the 'womb') - down to the cut in half, RED PEPPER.

You have two questions at the bottom of the page and these are crucial to understanding the IMAGE that the programmer stands behind (something I had noted on the BLACK PAGE with the 'black cat' with KATSAV eyes):



This appear to be linked to TERRORIST BOMBING campaigns but there are many other associations as well..we were all 'lentils' to RIMINGTON in 1980. The saucepan is a FRENCH one - like my mother used to have.


For some reason, I get the idea that you were corrected upon this answer and told that you could eat the 'marigold' too.

I was a MARI - or MARY of the ILL cult...a MARY ROSE LEE...whilst RIMINGTON was a ROSE LEE.

So I wonder if this page is more to do with CANNIBALISM than anything else.

Why are APRICOTS important? 4 apricots. A PRICK OTS? APE RICK OTS. APE RICKETTS. RICK'S MONKEY BRAINS? They are all shrivelled. It reminds me of URANG-U-TANGS...I have spelt that wrongly because I have just forgotten the spelling or maybe I haven't...U RANG - U TANG...has an unpleasantly, 'cannibal' sound to it. These things could all refer to body parts. BALL OF WOOL = intestines...EGG CUP = the NECK...CARROTS = PENISES...SHELL = SKULL...ORANGE = human skin to be peeled away...

The MARIGOLD...the 'GOLD' from the woman chosen to be sacrified to the DEMONIC SEA GOD of the ILL...I guess it looks rather like a close-up of a fertilised human egg...


WHICH THINGS ARE SQUARE? BRICKS (They look like slabs of butter...I wonder now...BRICHTO...'through the square window'...butter = sex...'I like a bit of butter on my bread'...bread = money).

I am quite sure that these ILL questions have quite different answers and explanations from what you might cannot really 'answer' them anymore apart from giving the obvious but probably 'wrong' answer...



So far the ILL see ORANGE and GREEN things as 'edible'.






So the 'TIGER PRAWNS' page - this one could be the very worst of the lot...



The clock says 10 to 2. This will be a demonic hour for some rite. I nearly wrote 'FLETCHER' instead of FELT...A SPONGE is a human brain which has been 'wrung' out of memory...rather like that horror at 'camp' - where FLETCHER had murdered ANDREW HUMPHRIES...this all about SECRECY programming by being made to watch pure horror...


All 'edible' apart from the SHELL...and all related to the body...

WHAT SHAPE ARE THE CHOCOLATES? Like brown animal pellets but then RIMINGTON told us that every time we ate a chocolate brownie...that our subconscious minds would register it as dog faeces.


As far as I can remember, you were supposed to say the 'mouse' and the 'mouse' is a higher programmer than an 'terrifies' elephants.

This will be related to SMUGGLING...I remember the large sovereign GOLD coin that the Arab was supposed to give you - for smuggling over the Israeli border.


I hadn't remembered it before but at 'pencil sharpener' was what the ILL told you your vagina was...from PRIMARY SCHOOL soon as you were old enough to know what one was.
You had no idea of your body and how it worked - whatsoever. That is why when I first heard from NEIL HARSANT at LANGLEY JUNIORS - the 'facts of life' put as crudely as possible - at 10 years old, I nearly had a panic attack - all of the images of rape from earliest childhood threatened to come back and with a huge act of will I forced them down and 'blanked' it all out. I would probably have gone hysterical, otherwise.


The image is NOT of a friendly pet but a demonic black cartoon of a cat with evil yellow eyes.


COTTON WOOL denotes do 'fluffy white clouds' 'snow storms' etc. I wonder now...about MICROSOFT...MICRO-ECT.

The last page has:


I have been trying to remember what TD meant...and think that MARK said TIE/ was an image of the old 60s way of dyeing Tee-shirts but really meant strangulation of some form...the ILL generally either strangulated or drowned you...the idea was to stop you breathing until you went unconscious and/or your heart stopped.

What I do remember is him asking me if I knew what it meant and all I could think of was my mother's best friend at Oxford University - Susannah, whose son developed what the doctors called an 'imaginary illness' i.e. he told everybody that he couldn't move his legs at all, as a young boy and remained in bed for years. He then 'recovered' and led a normal life, afterwards. He was called THEODORE and his nickname was 'TD'.

Anyway, having looked through this book...I have a much better idea of what some of these symbols mean and mainly from reading the sick stories published by FRANKLIN WATTS e.g. POPCORN.

Other notes:

It was an odd moment...normally I put the lock on the door so that nobody can open it even with a key every time I am in the flat...yet within the space of 15 mins...I found that it was unlocked TWICE...and thought back to that strange time when I had been locked out of the flat - even though I had a key because SOMEONE HAD LOCKED IT FROM THE INSIDE...and I had to get a ladder to get in via a window I had left open - to find out that it had been locked from the inside...the silver button had been pushed UPWARDS.

Anyway, I figured...that there was something odd about the door and told the LOCKSMITH about feel the electronic vibrations that go up it...if you grasp can feel an electrical current going up it...but I have no idea where it comes from...but now realise that the lock can be remote-controlled.

So I remedied this one - I pushed the silver button upwards and jammed a light blue and white PAPERCLIP underneath so that nothing could move it back down again. OPERATION PAPERCLIP 2 - i.e. when in doubt, use their techniques/objects against them!

I need to take extra precautions tonight because I can hear the insane 'zombies' around here, panicking...because they know that they will not be able to get in for their ROCKNROLLA night and are asking TOMLINSON what to do about it.

How to prove that the zombie-ILL are impotent, eh? Just LOCK them out. I should really be calling them demented PORPHYRIA sufferers.

I suppose that I have already added that PETRONELLA has a large incinerator dustbin outside the back door of FLAT 1 now.

Anyway, I have now secured the door and locked the windows and so figure that it is unlikely that I will have any 'trouble' on zombie-ROCKNROLLA night.

The only 'hazard' is MR TOM who normally wants to go out in the early hours of the morning but I will put him out early and leave a cat-bowl in the porch with his 'crunchies' in it.

Other notes:

I think that it was NUMBER 4 CHURCH ROAD that I visited...around the corner...the house which has the SLAVE BERTHS upon the top attic floor...those tiny bunks where African slaves were chained into...and we were forced to curl up in (1980) - after having been terrorised/raped by the graduates in the middle of the night...I have already related how I woke up with my legs completely numb and literally couldn't walk afterwards until the feeling had come back into my legs and it was terrifying as well as painful ...TOMLINSON had left me inert with my spine balanced across the wooden plank of the side of the berth and it had cut off my blood supply to my legs...

Anyway, there is ONLY one light on in that house tonight...and it is from that attic window...upon the 2nd floor...I suppose that somebody must have finally bought the house...but I am suspicious that anyone would want to be up there at this time of night 7.30 pm in the evening and no other lights on in the house...there is no space there at all - just a narrow corridor and the bunks...I can assume that those evil shits are still programming in that house, then...

I have therefore put Mr TOM'S cat bowls (RIMINGTON'S uranus green bowls from this flat) in the porch and put him out there with them - he can guard the door tonight...and I do not suppose he will want to leave his tuna, crunchies and water, unprotected.

Other notes:

Saturday morning - another memory from childhood came back - I was probably around 12/13 years old - and our French cousin PASCAL had arrived from Beuyot (spelling?), the South of France. He was to attend an English language course over the summer at SOLIHULL TECH. (I was reading an Usborne book on computers yesterday and ironically, it was the computer language PASCAL which must have triggered this memory).

He was blond and tanned, tall and slim, 16 years old and a champion Junior table-tennis player, so naturally I fell in love with him from the first - my first teenage crush - before that, it had simply been pop idols/actors.

PASCAL was given my father's ground-floor study as a bedroom (the same one that TOMLINSON was made to stay in, a few years later). That was a little odd because there was a spare bedroom upstairs. My father's study was filled with his computer, programming books and papers - it had thick curtains with 'WILLIAM MORRIS' print BLACK and GOLDEN headed sunflowers all over it.

PASCAL didn't get on well with the English Language course 'tutors' - in fact he got thrown off the course after a few days. My parents were very perturbed about it all - for once, my father was involved but then he could speak French and my mother couldn't. My mother told me that PASCAL was far too disruptive in the class - a real rebel, who had goaded the rest of them to rebel - he was much younger than the rest of them - who were all around 18+ and apparently he shouldn't have been registered for the course, at 16 years old. Besides, the rest of them supposedly had quite good English and he could hardly speak a word.

Anyway, for the next few weeks/months - PASCAL spent most of his time playing table-tennis in the garden with the rest of us, during that hot summer - but mainly Ed, with whom he made great friends (despite being about 8/9 years old). They would play football/table-tennis for most of the day. PASCAL also spent his fare home upon BEATLES records (the entire collection of albums) and his mother had to wire some more, in order for him to return home, eventually. He used to play them in the evenings and I suppose that is why I began to love THE BEATLES too and at 16 years old - I bought the same BLUE and RED greatest hits albums.

Now the full memory has come back of what happened. I remember PASCAL getting down on his knees one day and taking my hand - in true romantic fashion and saying to me 'what am I - to you?' in broken English. I only knew and understood the savagery of English boys and so this was completely unknown behaviour to me.

I was a fat, plain kid in school - and if any boy made an romantic overture - it was to take the piss out of me. I therefore thought that he had to be joking and so blushed crimson and angrily pulled my hand away and ran off. He never talked to me again. I avoided him - I was furious and humiliated. How dare he make fun of me? Were my feelings so obvious?

My mother saw my extreme discomfort and relished it. She used to taunt me about the way I behaved around PASCAL and make the rest of the family laugh at me - this was another 'weapon' in her arsenal against me. She appeared to have an extreme 'crush' on this teenage boy and would flirt with him upon a daily basis, in a very 'girlish' way. It was hideous to watch, my mother saw me as a 'rival'. I had no idea of what was going on around me - but I had been conditioned from childhood to know that I wasn't allowed 'love' or 'romance' in my life. I knew the ILL 'score' - they had scored my subconscious mind, deeply with it.

Anyway, it was then that it happened - SCARLETT and RIMINGTON came round (so RIMINGTON was in fact, already living up the road). I was instructed, under mind control to go into PASCAL'S room with them. SCARLETT then told him (in French because he couldn't speak much English) that I had the mind of an 8 year-old-girl, in this state. He told him that he could do what he liked with me. PASCAL gave me the biggest kiss. He then hugged me. SCARLETT then told him that he could have sex with me if he wanted. PASCAL exploded in anger - he shouted furiously at him that I was just a child. Funnily enough, even though this was all in French, I understood every word.

It was after that one - that PASCAL was allowed back on the 'English Course' at SOLIHULL TECH. He spent the last few weeks, back in that class.

I now understand my 'fury' and 'anger' at him much better - I was confused and frightened. I 'loved' him yet he had turned into 'one of them'.

Before he left, he drew a large picture of a heart with an arrow through it - with many tears hanging off it (an image that I was to replicate upon the boards around BATHSHEBA'S POOL a few years later) and before he said a final farewell to us all at the front door - he shook each of our hands in turn (my mother lunged at him and gave him a mouth-to-mouth kiss)...and he wouldn't let go of my hand until I looked at him and when I was like looking at the 'sun' - a 'Jesus Christ' - he just smiled at me - I knew that he 'loved me' too. I remember I cried myself silly that night. Everything was so WRONG but I had no idea what was going on.

My young teenage first heartbreak but at least I knew that I had loved and had been loved back, even though it had not been allowed to flourish into a courtship of sorts and the horror of being offered up as a 'mind control sex doll' to the young man that I loved - was too much for me to take, emotionally. It was devastating for me.

Post - 16 years old - my life was turn into a misery of boyfriends who treated me in the most 'unromantic' ways possible. Until I met up with Franco in Poland - I was nearly 30 years old and starved of love, romance, affection from the opposite sex. I suppose that was part of the reason why I fell so heavily for him - the pure delight of being with a man who was loving, courteous, considerate and an 'adult' - NOT a selfish little 'boy' who saw me as a rubberdoll to be sexually abused, an 'abject slave' or workhorse to make money for him or to act like an unpaid and saintly mother i.e. washing, cooking, cleaning for him, without a murmur of dissent. As far as I was concerned - the ILL expected me to be even less than a STEPFORD WIFE - I was in a 'persona non-grata' class to them (not even a person at all, really) - in the GONG room of the ROYAL FAMILY. As I have said before, there is NO love between a 'slave' and a 'master'. NONE at all.

I suppose when I look back at TOMLINSON now, over all of these years - once I had positioned myself as far 'higher' than him and all of his ILL kind - with this new 'status', I could begin to feel a sort of 'love' for him - mingled with pity. He had tried to protect me sometimes - emotionally, he couldn't take ILL slavery himself, at all. This brought out my frustrated maternal feelings, in the main. The need to protect him as if he were 'family' - despite all of the terrible things that he had done to me. He was another 'outsider' - a Swiss...part of the continental brigade. He didn't get on with the English system - they didn't understand him and he didn't really understand them either but he was old enough to know the ropes, despite that slight dissonance. I suppose that is why he bonded so much, with my family. We were all misfits, too.

However, I forgot to mention recently - whilst JOHN WATERS was showing me NUMBER 1 ST AUSTELL ROAD again...and our subsequent conversation about how mentally and physically ill RIMINGTON was and from the early 60s...he also mentioned TOMLINSON and not to trust him. JOHN had obviously known him for a very long time. He told me that since boyhood - TOMLINSON had immersed himself in 'black arts' literature - he was an aficionado - a 'walking dictionary' as far as Satanic practices were concerned and it had warped his mind and personality, entirely.

I suppose that is why SCARLETT and RIMINGTON had trusted TOMLINSON to perform the role of the PRIEST in that HEROD'S TEMPLE underneath TEMPLE MOUNT, in 1980. He was far more of an 'adept' than either of them.

Yet all I had ever really seen of him - was a crazy mixed-up 'boy' - in his child alter, most of the time...if not all of the time. He never really showed me the 'other side' to his personality...I had simply thought the dressing up as BAAL - part of the general theatrics that DALDRY and RIMINGTON tended to get up to, when left to their own devices and that they had forced TOMLINSON into that role.

What can I say in conclusion, apart from the above is part of the long and hideous legacy of ELT abuse in this country - kidnapping foreigners who are studying English in this country and ILL-programming them. As I have previously noted - HANNI'S family nearly all came over to this country in the early 20th Century - from Switzerland, to study English - they used to live around KINGSTON...and they were all ILL-programmed here. I suppose it is easier and less obvious to abuse them in this country - rather than the CONSULATE in a given country - hiring in native staff and then abusing them abroad.There is always a danger of being found out, abroad.

This all rather makes me wonder about the backlash against the colonial British in India and Pakistan. Yes, the history books tell us that these people certainly had enough reason for the 'black hole of Calcutta' WITHOUT any mention of ILL slavery and abuse...but add that to the mix...and one wonders why they were not ALL murdered in their beds. This SATANIC ROYAL religion of GB - no wonder the Islamic world calls the West SATANISTS...most, if not all of the important jobs in this country are taken by mind control Satanists. It is fair comment to call this country SATANIC. Stupid, abusive, petty, small-minded people who see 'slavery' as the only way to get on in life. Those who bought into PRINCE PHILIP'S system that one is either an abuser or abused - a sadist or a masochist. Yet they were all turned into mind control SLAVES in the end. They all ended up abused masochists.

Other notes:

Last night passed off without any sinister goings on...MR TOM came back this morning...apparently he had been chased out of the garden but didn't elaborate...he looked rather happy and cocky this morning for some reason...

I then wondered about is on for 4 nights and I feel that the 'danger' will not be passed until this 'run' is finished at the ELECTRIC PALACE.

Other notes:

I was looking at the books in the ESPLANADE HALL secondhand bookshop yesterday...and found one which we had all been made to read in 1980 - or at least excerpts of it:

CN 5399
9 10 11 12/83
1983 USBORNE publishing

Obviously they hadn't released it out onto the market in 1980 but were using it to program those on the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE POWERGEN courses.

CHAPTER: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 49-97 is ringed, upon the contents page.

Other notes:

I forgot to mention that I heard two thugs outside, the other day...they were saying 'we should be in there by Monday'...meaning this flat - then one of them went into FLAT 1 and banged the door shut.
For the record, you will NOT be in this flat by MONDAY. I am not giving it up until I see my money - and the sooner you realise that one, the better. I am beginning to relish just how much trouble I can cause and believe me, there will be MUCH MORE. I have nothing to lose, at all.

I have no intention of paying rent here, ever again - nobody will be able to get a court order to get me out and so I shall stay put - indefinitely. The more you oppose me, the more money you will lose - this is the CURSE in operation - not to mention the fact that I will continue to drag you all through the mud - exposing every single filthy little secret that you have and to the entire world but you haven't had enough yet? Okay...

Other notes:

I had a 'vision' last night of a 'possible future' for the UK - the 'haves' had hived themselves off upon country estates and the 'havenots' had laid seige to them and they were relatively easy to overcome. You simply poisoned their water supply - that sort of thing...and forced them out of their compound (blowing up their gates and generators by bombs) then ambushing them...blowing up their armoured cars with grenades...each car, each ILL by one, as they dared to come out in search of water, medical supplies was really quite exciting...I could write a film script about it all...

If a handful of men like George Millar and the French Resistance could cause so much mayhem and disruption to the entire, united NAZI front...think what a whole army of them, in the UK will manage to you see, that would be the easy way to get rid of the PORPHYRIA might even call it a 'natural' and 'organic' way of deleting the ILL...NATURE'S WAY...'natural selection' and all that...

Look at what a handful of people could do - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001 - got it razed to the is really that easy...and that quick.

Of course there is an easier way for you to go, PORPHYRIA sufferers - just go and get treatment to 'contain' your illness, stop mind control programming and give back the money that you stole.

But we all know that you won't do that - don't we? Why? Because you are too MAD. What can I do but laugh? You are all so laughable.

This all reminds me rather of DOOMSDAY scenario scripts rather like that BBC series about how rats take over the major cities...except that as far as I can will all be over rather quickly...the country houses/stately homes/castles bombarded...the ILL all assassinated and then 'business as usual' in the need to prolong it indefinitely...I think that most people know who the 'enemy' are...and therefore the whole thing should be over in a jiffy. Not quite a 'velvet revolution' but almost and one hopes not quite as 'bloody' as the French one.

Do not tell me about the plans - I do not need to know - I am sure that I will 'see' it all anyway...everybody knows what strict surveillance I am under, anyway...MARK was hoping that I would lead him to rebel groups whom he could then exterminate...such an obvious manoeuvre.

Other notes:

I just had my mother on the telephone - terrified by threatening letter containing a bill from COMPASS to the tune of around £800 which apparently they can ILL-afford, even though my father is collecting over £100k per annum as his retirement pension - which includes the £80,000 p.a. merit award for being a TEMPLAR and having sold me into ROYAL slavery.

I couldn't be bothered to enter into any discussion with her, about the TRUTH of the makes her shriek with I just 'comforted' her...told her that she wouldn't have to pay a penny - which is what is really bothering her - my parents are only obsessed by money, at the end of the day...and that I would deal with the whole show. It is really quite sad in a parents are so ILL.

My mother was insistent that I went to the Citizen's Advice Bureau - what a laugh - what for? I have other fish to fry and I am doing it in the way that I know best.

Naturally, I assured her that I would. Naturally, I have NO intention of doing any such thing.

She also told me that I had to go to the main HOUSING BENEFIT OFFICE in Clacton - to 'have it out with them'.

Naturally, I assured her that I would. Naturally, I have NO intention of doing any such thing. I will not do anything that the ILL want me to do anymore - and what they try to force me to do is all about degrading me in every possible way that they can think of - and that is why they have forced me to stand in 'dole queues' for most of my life, in the UK. I will NEVER ever walk into another of those offices again, ever.

This ILL bullying has little effect upon me anymore. It stands for all to see and read. This is the sickness of the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY and their sick PORPHYRIA system. I am the true author of the Harry Potter books, who has had to live in penury all of her life so that those sick bastards and their 'Templar class' of louts and grunting hogs, could live in luxury. What more can I say - nothing left to comment. At least I am free and NOT diseased - either mentally or physically.

Other notes:



18 > 48 K
19 < 49 L
20 = III (or 111) 50 M
21 +50 51 N
22 -50 52 O

I am a little unsure of the 'III' because they were written into the table in biro (a child's handwriting) and they look slightly like a bracket ( or 1...but I figure that it is some character in the sequence which has proceeded it in the ZX81 column:

" £ $ : ? ( ) > < (then this III or 111) * / ; , .

On second thoughts...the III/111 is more than likely to be a backward slash: \\\ I am going with that one, at any rate because they look like a child has attempted to write a backward slash in there but isn't good at using a pen...the child had difficulty in writing '5' too.

So TOMLINSON - here are some more of your codes for 51, above.

I am getting the oddest idea that this 'child' was myself...I had written those numbers into the table...filling in the blanks for those particular spaces...and there were 3 blanks in the ZX81 CHARACTER column...beside 50,51,52...and they were =\\\ +50 -50

We also have the ASCII CHART:

There are only 2 blank spaces at the end of this table:

61 =

I have no idea why but immediately the last two entries came into my mind:


I remember 'why' now - they were all in MARK'S mind. In 1994, he 'wanted' me to know the codes.

A tale of betrayal and counter-betrayal, I guess. Nobody wants to be programmed with 'son of G-d'.

If these codes are true values and I am almost certain that they are...they pull the plug on the ILL - forever.

The BEAST COMPUTER is already down...or rather its poisonous lifeblood is seeping away...

Other notes:


A sick ILL book - which RAY FISHWICK pointed out to me - he was giggling like an ugly evil little gnome...'you are the one who will herald in the Spring' he said...

The first letter code on the last page runs:


I forgot to mention that ATA is another of the title pages for the HAL CM2 computer.

C - SO FAO - ATA - I

No idea...but I would guess something along those lines...

The bonfire page is also nasty...I would guess that if you knew enough about computer mnemonics that you could work out these codes easily:


In ILL speak - 'gwei' means ghost in Chinese...and I 'know' this is the preferred meaning here.

The ILLustration where the little boy is rooting around in the bookshelf:

B I T (I) I T L W U A K

I know that this code is the most important one in the book...

This brought back FRANCO'S bizarre comment upon the smashed glass window painting of MAGRITTE...i.e. to see reality outside rather than the painting of it, as seen through the window...he had written: ARE YOU A.K?

Am I a 'K'?

Am I a computer or not a computer anymore?

I can confidently say that NO I was never a 'computer' but then I had always retained my autonomy because I had always managed to keep my SOUL.

Other notes:

It is an odd number but a large green ‘posh’ car which looked a bit like an old-fashioned Daimler…drove by me out of CHURCH ROAD before I began to cycle down the main road into Dovercourt. The registration plate was M2 ODA.

I have probably already mentioned that DAO meaning ‘island’ in Chinese is a big ILL reference to their various hideouts where they think that they are safe…the guy driving was old, balding with white-haired sideboards, chubby faced and with a skin even paler than his hair. Go and see your DOCTOR – get a blood-test for PORPHYRIA now.

Anonymous said...

Look at how YAHOO! codes the above text when sent as an email:

It is an odd number but a large green =91posh=92 car which looked a bit lik=
e an old-fashioned Daimler=85drove by me out of CHURCH ROAD before I began =
to cycle down the main road into Dovercourt. The registration plate was M2 =
I have probably already mentioned that DAO meaning =91island=92 in Chinese =
is a big ILL reference to their various hideouts where they think that they=
are safe=85the guy driving was old, balding with white-haired sideboards, =
chubby faced and with a skin even paler than his hair. Go and see your DOCT=
OR =96 get a blood-test for PORPHYRIA now.

So is the above a 'string code' for PORPHYRIA?

Answers on a postcard or not as the case may be...

Black Rabbit said...


CHIPSHOP - Saturday 1pm

A bemused lady was asking for 'cod roe' and had been made to wait for ages at the back of the shop...she then thought that I was 'queue-jumping' because her order had been taken but nobody had 'delivered'. She came back to the front of the shop - to where I was - still bemused. I told her that the queue normally worked this way...there was another woman with her and two men, up at the top of the shop (looking sombre-faced) and so I figured that they had all asked for something which had to be brought out of the back of the shop ('it'll only take 5 mins or so)...and then fried...freeing up the assistants to serve other people who wanted what was already in the fat fryers.

The lady then questioned the assistant about the 'cod roe' - she wanted the EGGS and not the 'cod'...but the assistant kept explaining that the two were 'one and the same'. You couldn't just have the 'eggs'. I tried to make sense of this - 'you mean that you get a female fish with the eggs - rather than a male fish - that is what is on offer, in terms of cod roe'. Nobody answered.

That took me back many my childhood...when my father would sometimes buy (or my mother would treat him to) a COD looked like a 'liver' in the sense that it had a 'skin' on it...a triangular pinkish 'organ' of sorts...but when you broke the spilled out all of these pinky white eggs (rather like breaking up a white block of polystyrene but far more unstable) was considered a 'delicacy' of sorts by some...or completely disgusting by others - such as myself as a child.

I then wondered why COD ROE was now officially OFF the menu at the PIE SEAS fish and chip shop.

UNLESS you bought the entire article - the fish AND the ROE.

I wondered what that meant in ILL terms:

You had to buy the WOMAN as well as her EGGS?

You cannot now just buy the EGGS.

So women are still SLAVES upon the ILL ASHKENAZIM MARKET...but with a difference:

LIZARDS like RIMINGTON (backstreet abortionists) have now been put out of work.

The 'middleman/woman' has been put out of business.

I suppose that is some sort of 'improvement' and one hopes that more 'improvements' will follow.

Like the ABOLISHMENT OF MIND CONTROL SLAVERY and the use and abuse of human beings under mind control, for their eggs/sperm, and/or glands, blood, bone name it...

The fact is that the UK population has been sucked dry - not by some blood-sucking 'alien race' but by the upper-classes (riddled with Porphyria which creates utter madness) who are so inbred that they are now all suffering from horrific hereditary diseases and the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT offered them the opportunity to keep interbreeding (keeping the money in the 'family') whilst topping themselves up with healthy blood, name it, from the general population of the UK.

Other notes:

From my somewhat extensive research upon the subject of the ILL CULT - I can now see a pattern emerge and it centres upon the principalities (small states) which GERMANY as a country, was to be formed out of...

RIMINGTON'S family came from one of these 'Royal families' of tiny 'countries' before the unification of Germany...they then moved to South Africa to loot it, basically.

I am assuming that they were of Ashkenazim origin - diamond dogs - as the ROYAL FAMILY also claim to be - but they are even more insane than RIMINGTON upon that point - they claim that as ASHKENAZIM - they have direct descendency to the HEBREW King David and even to another tribe - that of MOSES - despite those like MR ICKE pointing out that NO Ashkenazim person has more than a drop of real HEBREW BLOOD within them.

The Ashkenazim originated in the non-Semitic and Mediterannean region of Khazar and these people were all 'converts' because their KING had been a very wise man...he had read what MOSES had done...and decided that this was an excellent 'blueprint' for human life and general civilization i.e. civilized behaviour in somewhat 'ancient' times. You have the ROMAN EMPERORS next door...with their bloodbath arenas - the murder of up to 1000 human beings or more, for 'entertainment' and you get the picture that the KING OF KHAZAR was a truly enlightened human being and a ruler, par excellence. The 'kingdom' was not to last long in history and the 'Ashkenazim' were then to flee further into Europe - from where 'east meets west' i.e. the region surrounding Turkey.

However the SAINT JOHN CULT was at was beavering away from the earliest centuries after the 'death of Christ'...and one can see that it was the CATHOLIC CHURCH which carried this 'virus' all over the world...

So what of RIMINGTON'S family? She loved any sort of 'drama' and so was more drawn to CATHOLICISM than JUDAISM...there was nothing to 'spot' about her that could be deemed 'Hebrew' or of 'Semitic origins' - although many pointers to her being one of the Ashkenazim families who were part of this demonic ILL cult...and were instrumental in the chain of families who facilitated (by railway)...the uranium transportation up Africa and then Spain/France to Arnheim.

So one has to ask...THE ROYAL BRITISH FAMILY consider themselves ASHKENAZIM...they even cite that openly in their public ceremonies...that they are descended from the Hebrew KING DAVID and ultimately from MOSES...okay, it is all a laugh...and these people are clearly insane...but where did they get those insane ideas from...and where did RIMINGTON get her insane ideas of her aristocratic background from?

Those WARRING GERMAN PRINCIPALITIES...that was where this strange and insane ILL cult was born...and not just within what is now called Germany...this land area stretched all the way down to HUNGARY...many of the ILL cult orginated in what was called the region of BOHEMIA (now Czech Republic)...some trace their descendency to Translyvannia (now Romania)...they created some weird and hybridic myth about themselves...although the history books generally call them 'brutish HUNS' in direct comparison to the more civilized Turkish Empire. History is funny, isn't it? I can see that one does need to use the word 'relative' in certain contexts. It is useful but only in certain contexts. Yes, the HUNS were far more barbaric and brutal, less educated and learned...but Suleiman was also brutal but in a more 'civilized way'.

So how did the HUNS begin such an ILL philosophy - related to their warring relationship with the TURKS?

Why did the 'ASHKENAZIM JEWS' suddenly appear in Eastern Europe at a later date (and 'settle' like the Turks today, in Germany - I have always found that an odd one - what is the relationship between Turkish people and Germany? I can see the historical 'war' but little else - why this country to choose to migrate to?) and take over the 'money' side of the point where there was such a 'rebellion' against them that they were almost wiped off the EUROPEAN historical map...AND the Sephardim...who had true HEBREW roots...even referred to them as 'soap'...i.e. NAZI fodder...worthless people...what had happened to those JEWISH CONVERTS i.e. ASHKENAZIM in and around TURKEY that made them such a threat? Why did the MUFTI of Jerusalem join in...why did the JAPANESE join in...

I suppose one has to say...what was happening with this 'class' of people who identified as 'Jewish converts' from around TURKEY...had a name created for themselves in Europe, in the 1700s: ASHKENAZIM...took over the 'money centres'...and then nearly became obliterated, by a totalitarian bid for power by the NAZIS...and why did their 'Jewish convert' brethren ASHKENAZIM in the USA not help them at all hardly, until most of them were dead...

WHY did the BRITISH CROWN then hoard all of the stolen NAZI gold (from Ashkenazim families) in a WWII base in the SWISS ALPS?

Other notes:

RIMINGTON and her South-Afrikaan ilk (from STELLALAND, ha) - HATED Henri Peuleve with a passionate vengeance...that is why they had tried to 'soul-trap' his soul...and to implant it in another...and they thought that this 'other' was me - hence the extreme humiliation process as I have already outlined (the ILL appeared to sincerely believe that I was Peuleve reincarnated in female form - what could I do but laugh - and be bewildered, at 16 years old) idea why...but their basic NAZI idea was to harness the 'strong souls' who had defeated them in WWII and to make them slaves to the ILL NAZI cause, within the next generation...

Other notes:

THE SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR...the limerick about DR CRAB worried me...DR CRAB has taken FALLOUT BOY'S BRAIN OUT...before CAPTAIN RADIATION can do a thing...and I thought of BAMROD.


(I have also to mention the comedian RAB C NESBITT here - somebody left these videos at the BARNARDOS shop and I got the one out where he meets the 'circus master')

Anyway, last night I dreamt that I was watching DAVID MILIBAND continually fall on his face...and the joke going around the grapevine was that he had had his brain removed...also that he was claiming to be '4102'...or '102' it was all very odd...

Other notes:

I should have noted this one, a couple of days ago...BEV and RICHARD had put out too massive SHOCKING PINK blankets out on the line along with a LIGHT BLUE/WHITE one inbetween.

I knew immediately what it meant...and this is what is so odd...think about Cathy O' Brien's book about the ILL in the USA and how they had permeated the entertainment many SATANISTS in NASHVILLE...entertainers, performers, country singers...BOB HOPE being one of the earliest - he was actually arrested in LONDON for trying to pick up 'carrier pigeon' spies.

I had been watching that STRICTLY NOT BALLROOM DANCING...or something like that title...and had noticed the two women guest judges who were flanking an older music hall 'East Ender' type of guy...BOTH women were wearing SHOCKING PINK and the compere pointed that one out - what a 'coincidence'. ARLENE PHILIPS and the woman who does that 'makeover' program...the one who radically changes the look of women with plastic surgery...the one with long dyed blonde hair and very pale looks...NICKY somebody...

Anyway, I then remembered that MARK loved this NICKY - his favourite woman upon British TV...I had met her before...and she was a high-level ILL witch...yet to look at her...she seems one of the most inoffensive and sweetest women on TV...she doesn't verbally 'trash' anybody in the way that other comperes of similar programmes tend to do...

I then thought about the man in between NICKY and ARLENE, both dressed in ILLuminati priestess shocking PINK...and 'knew' that he must be a high ILL cult 'magus'.

It was important for me to expose that one, for some reason.

I then thought about the title of this TV programme - how odd the word STRICTLY was within it.


I then figured - MARK was behind this programme, wasn't he? Therefore MIND CONTROL will be involved.

I then thought about some of those 'stars' i.e. women who look a bit too old - if I can say this delicately...or perhaps a little overweight to be putting themselves through such extraordinary 'torture' in order to become first-class dancers (even though some of them have never danced professionally before - or even 'danced' at all, for that matter)...

I then thought about the sketches of the ballgowns that the contestants would be wearing and how the caricature of the faces was rather scary...the face of each woman in the gown had only ONE EYE and that EYE was closed (the left eye)...even the compere remarked upon this 'oddity'.

I then thought back to myself at nearly 40 years old at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - being 'reprogrammed' by the ILL...and how I had been told to climb a tree and climbed so high that I must have been about 30 feet up one of the tallest, I have only EVER climbed trees in my extreme youth...before I was a teenager...and even then to get to 6-10 foot off ground was very 'daring' for myself...

I then realised how far you can be pushed under mind control/hypnotism...and it doesn't matter how old you are...and that was what was happening upon this DANCE show.

I then realised that this was what 'FIND ME A MARIA' was all about with that horrible little gnome ANDREW LLOYD-WEBBER...the women contestants were exceptionally talented...way beyond what is normally seen or heard upon the stage...

I then remembered going to see the musical OKLAHOMA at the the late 1990s...because another teacher friend in OXFORD loved musicals and so I found this one in THE GUARDIAN reviews which said that it had mopped up every award...wiped the BAFTAS clean etc...and yet it was shit...RUTHIE HENSHAW starred and she hardly had a voice at all...she was off-tune and you could hardly hear her, halfway up the auditorium...and she couldn't act either...neither could the rest of was an unbelievably bad show...and word must have got around because the auditorium was at least half empty.

Even my friend who adored musicals (I slept through most of it in the end) admitted that it was probaby the very worst musical that she had ever seen in her life.

My friend and I then headed back over WATERLOO BRIDGE to my parents' flat...but stopped halfway upon the bridge because somebody was projecting a surreal film onto the white wall of the front of the SOUTH BANK CENTRE. That was rather entertaining...much better than the musical and so we stopped to watch.

It was then that ANDREW MARR walked up to us (people kept on walking by - it must have been around 10pm in the evening)...and started up a conversation with us - I ignored him and so he questioned my friend upon what we were up to...what we were doing in LONDON...

In retrospect, I suppose that MARR wanted to know why we had stopped upon that must have worried him...we were like BILLY GOAT GRUFF standing there...defending the symbolic bridges of our minds...whilst programmers like himself, couldn't move us on.

I am beginning to get a very odd picture here...RIMINGTON had substituted for was all a set-up. You couldn't tell the age of the main singer on stage from a distance.

Additionally, this brought back another associated memory of a man (in the daytime) at the end of WATERLOO BRIDGE who was using some sort of flashlight...he was a programmed idea what he was up to...

On top of that...having learnt that KRUSTY is now 'HEAD OF ARTS' at the SOUTH BANK...last night, I 'saw' TOMLINSON'S office within this building...

I had even rung up ask how one got a job there...the qualifications necessary to work in admin, where they advertised their was quite extraordinary the level and depths of rudeness by the employees (I rang up several times)...I wanted to know how people got work there - period...and NOBODY was willing to tell me a thing...blocked at every turn...and I 'knew' that something was very fishy indeed...the snarling told me that you had to EARN IT...what an odd phrase to use...

You have to EARN IT was an ILL cult phrase - TOMLINSON and LLOYD-WEBBER frequently used this term to mean that you had to let them abase and humiliate you in every way whilst you followed orders unquestioningly...this was how you EARNT a place in the ILL SYSTEM.

So simply writing the HARRY POTTER books wasn't enough to EARN a penny in the UK - I had refused to obey orders unquestioningly and so I hadn't EARNED anything - apart from extreme abuse and ridicule - and being hunted down as 'sport' by the rest of those animals.

However, upon a lighter note - I saw some brilliant photos - press shots of PRIME MINISTER Putin with his birthday present of a TIGER CUB upon PRAVDA yesterday...and I asked him telepathically if the cub was from CHINA...he said that it was...I 'knew' because that is how the CHINESE would view CHINESE paintings - the TIGER always represents CAUTION and a very CAUTIOUS character, somebody who is continually circumspect, looking over his/her shoulder before making a move. From a more Western point of view - they are the most deadly of the BIG CATS - they can terrorise villages...they are 'lone hunters' and more powerful than lions.

Anyway, I then told him that TOMLINSON and the UK ILL in general, had still not paid a penny back to me and were now threatening me with homelessness next week...he told me that he would force them to pay everything back. I then witnessed an AIDE of his, who was to contact TOMLINSON upon this matter, along the lines of: your balls will be shoved down your throat if you do not pay her back her money NOW.

Funnily enough, waiting in the PIE SEAS SHOP yesterday, I saw several key elements on show, by the FAT FRYERS...and they were a rather nasty looking WHITE RABBIT ornament...with a children's book standing beside it of BILLY GOAT GRUFF...and then a bottle of HP SAUCE (menstrual fluid symbol) and TOMATO SAUCE (human blood).

These 4 objects looked like they had been standing upon that stainless steel container, since time immemorial - perhaps it is now time for them to come down...

Other notes:

I also had a vision of STEPHEN DALDRY last night...he had agreed to an AVERSION PROGRAM because he doesn't want to be a paedophile anymore...and it was actually working...the treatment was crudely effective...every morning his penis is electrocuted whilst he looks at a photograph of a child...this treatment is 're-wiring' his brain - quickly and effectively. Isn't that brilliant? DALDRY is the bravest of the graduates then - quick to change everything, once he had seen how he was conned by the ILL.

Other notes:

My mother wants to come down to HARWICH 'for a walk on the beach' today but as much as I would like to see her, I do not want any hassle and I know her 'ways' far too well.

She will demand that I go to see CAB, the main housing benefit office in Clacton and so on...I will 'agree' to all of it...but that will not stop her...she will continue to say ad infinitum 'you must go to see CAB' etc until she has said it at least 100 times or more - without listening to me at all - she will not hear 'I agree, I will go to CAB tomorrow'...she is like a BROKEN RECORD when she gets into this mode and it is very difficult to get her out of it...I have managed to 'break the loop' before, as it simply has to say 'are you listening to me...listen carefully to what I am saying and then repeat back what I have said to make sure that you understand it...I agree, I will go to CAB tomorrow - have you got it - now repeat it back to me and do not mention it again' - however, she will not 'get it' the first time - then you have to get her to repeat back to you that she has heard you agree to doing whatever she wants you to do...and after two or three attempts, it finally goes in...and she stops says 'you must go to CAB' like a robot. In fact I have even used an object which I hold up to remind her - to signal to her that she has fallen back into that 'groove' again...and it makes her she starts up again 'you must go to CAB...' and I hold up a blue pen or whatever and raise my make her laugh...

I do not want to put up with this sort of stressful shit today or tomorrow for that matter and so I shall put her off indefinitely. She has been programmed to annoy me with this shit - by the ILL and so I will not put either of us through it...

Upon the note of programming - it is quite obvious that TOMLINSON's mean ways have been capitalised upon by MARK who has probably programmed him to resist paying me back any that he gets his balls cut off. MARK had set up the MEANY FREENIE game a long time can see how MARK gets his kicks.

Anyway, this won't be an idle threat, TOMLINSON - you have been warned. So I am assuming that as the 'hunter' of the 13th ONE, you are still playing this sick game but the stakes are now going to get deadly if you do not stop...DALDRY was intelligent enough to see through the whole game and to admit his mistakes but are you? How much under RIMINGTON/MARK's control, are you?

I remember now in PRAGUE I had sung that old rhyme 'I would like to sin on a tiger skin with...' and that made DALDRY and MALCOLM giggle a lot...because they caught my meaning...and it wasn't to do with the 1920s movie star 'ELINOR GLYN' either.

Other notes:

I couldn't understand why anybody would want to put TOMLINSON in charge of THE ARTS in the UK but I am beginning to understand it better now...RIMINGTON and MARK will be behind this...they love theatricals even though neither of them are 'talented performers'...they are SPECTATORS in the main...additionally, I remember TOMLINSON being very miffed at POWERGEN...he was a science graduate but hated being categorised as that...he had read all of the novels/books that MARR and DALDRY had but sensed that he was an 'outsider' to this ILL field because of his vocation in science...and he wanted to be an 'insider' to the world of ILL one can see that the arts in general would have been a combative field for conquer it...and control it...the stage shows, the 'entertainers'...the showbiz/music business crews...all ILL...that is why TOMLINSON was running the ILL LITERATURE HOUSE OF O, in France...he had taken over this side of things...

Anyway, if TOMLINSON drags his feet to 'save face' - just remember, you could easily be 'too late' - I told MR PUTIN - this MONDAY...that was the day that I needed the TOMLINSON, if you are 'too late' - then you will just be 'replaced' and the next person in the job, will have to pay up...and if they refuse...they will be 'replaced' and so on...

I can now see the full picture on this - the powers that be, have known for a long time that sick little robots like RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON LOVE THE ILL CULT...they do not want it to finish...and the powers that be are quite happy to let them continue as ROBOTS so that they can control this little country as a HIVE and a 'minaturised world'...however, TOMLINSON is disobeying the orders of those who control the ILL CULT...he is being a disobedient little robot and will therefore reach his 'expiry date' sooner than had been originally planned. He will then be replaced and my money will be repaid.

Dealing with TOMLINSON is like dealing with my mother i.e. BROKEN RECORD SYNDROME...he is like a little boy, sitting on his pile of stolen money/ tears about having to give it back...and so he has to be brought to 'consciousness' - in a similar way to the technique that I use with my mother...I suppose this is what used to be called 'consciousness raising' in the 1980s...the ILL have to be educated into a state of 'self-awareness' - which at present, they are all severely lacking.

TOMLINSON - you stole that money and therefore, it is NOT your own. Once you have 'got' that one - the rest will come easily. If you do not get it - you will die - you are an expendable robot in the ILL CULT and you know it and at present, by refusing to pay my money back - you have made yourself 'expendable' within the very near future. Try 'raising your consciousness' a little - and you might just survive.

GOOD. It is all settled then. I get my money back - and REMEMBER Tomlinson - NOT penny less than the last stated sum.

I never wanted 'acclaim' or cannot 'eat' medals and what use are they without a home - a roof over your I explained last night...all I wanted was to overthrow the ILL CULT and to be paid for my work...and now I will get everything that the ILL stole back. GOOD.

However, in relation to overthrowing the ILL CULT - one can expose it as I have done but it is then up to the others - whether or not they decide, en masse to finish it. I have done what I can. I cannot do more.

Other notes:

I do not find the 'vision' of TOMLINSON being choked to death, by his own balls - forced down his throat at all 'edifying' and wonder if this is a typical 'Russian' punishment for disobedience or part of the international 'mafioso' framework, in general?

Other notes:

I can now see that the ILL CULT is really only the PORPHYRIAC club.

I remember telling DALDRY in Prague 1995 about the curious case which was thrown out of Court by Birmingham magistrates - where a group of blind people were trying to stop one of their members from having an operation, which would cure her of blindess.

The woman in question was Afro-Caribbean so there may have been some discrimination involved...but as the rest of them couldn't is somewhat unlikely...unless it was upon cultural grounds...anyway, this group had banged the PC DRUM for so long about how they were 'differently-abled' and in some ways better equipped to deal with life, than sighted people (development of the other senses) - that they had all agreed that this woman was betraying them and upon every level - by admitting that she wanted her sight back...she was then subjected to the most awful emotional blackmail and verbal/written abuse from the group concerned.

The case was thrown out of court - the woman had the operation - regained her sight and told the BIRMINGHAM POST newspaper that she was still on 'friendly' terms with this 'Political-Correctness-gone -mad', group of blind people.

DALDRY replied that he had never been PC in his life and disregarded it.

I then thought about the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 and JAMIE OLIVER...who was standing by the platform upon which MR ICKE was standing as the 'prophet in the wilderness' railing against ILL CULT practices...OLIVER trying to get him to see 'reason' about what the ILL CULT were doing in the grounds that night (because he thought that the ILL would probably murder MR ICKE - wrong- MR ICKE was a necessary part of the stage show)...all around, in the darkness there were bonfires and people being tortured to death, burnt alive etc..."you see mate, they are just an alternative culture and you have to allow them to do their rites"...

This is what I had warned DAVID DABYDEEN about in 1991 - that the notion of 'relative cultures' would open the floodgates to everything...and as we now know...a paedophile party in the Netherlands ("they have a right to their own political views, political candidate and to vote in any way that they think fit, as part of this democracy)...

I suppose the PORPHYRIA CULT does have a certain history...although they obviously cannot claim fictional sources such as 'DRACULA' as a basis for their 'alternative culture'...they could claim ROMANIAN/TRANSYLVANIAN cultural origins...COUNT VLAD and all that...but one can see that the PORPHYRIA CULT was and is, basically ROYAL in origins. The hereditary disease apparent in all European Royal families...passed down generationally...and given an 'alternative framework' i.e. a positive spin...'we aren't sick - we are vampires - we drink the blood of other human beings to survive'...

As far as I know...and oddly enough...I seem to remember that it was my father who had told me this...a long time ago...even mentioning PORPHYRIA had been legally banned within the medical profession and upon ROYAL command...there is still some law tucked far as I know...although it may have been repealed by was an ancient one...

In fact, I can remember mother had looked up 'butterfly rash' and had actually said the word PORPHYRIA...and my father had slapped her down hard...her condition was similar but NOT PORPHYRIA and NOBODY would make such a a doctor, you were not allowed to make such a had to be something else...that was the ILL line as far as PORPHYRIA was was a 'blindspot' for him...but then more interestingly...he let on about the legal bit of history, concerning the disease...mainly because I had prompted him by saying that it was a ROYAL disease was it not...PORPHYRIA...

Other notes:

I remember 1994, MARK telling me that they had given me a blood transfusion even though I didn't really need it - just to 'make sure'. He never ever explained precisely what they were doing or why...I just had to take it all on 'trust' the time when he told me that they would have to 'wash my brain' as the final stage in deprogramming me...and I naturally assumed this meant 'brainwashing' but he replied 'no'...that it was to do with nasty stuff that the ILL injected around your brain and they had a way of 'sluicing' it out again...but that I really didn't want to know more than that...and so I didn't seemed pointless to worry about it.

Anyway, I can now see that my blood had been very resistant to PORPHYRIA and so the disease hadn't spread...if I had it at I suppose that the idea was that in order to fully deprogramme somebody from this ROYAL ILL had to give them a 'blood match' for their type...then pump in a whole new supply...and any remaining PORPHYRIA bugs would get annihilated by the healthy blood...unless it had got into the bone marrow...

One can now see why the ROYALS wanted all of their slaves to be just like them...hence the demonic blood transfusions that we were all put through in was simply a case of 'safety in numbers'...the idea that if everybody else is like you...i.e. mad as fuck from are 'safe'...and can lose yourself in the insane way of thinking, but the lines upon which, the ROYAL FAMILY thought, in order to protect themselves. They had begun to see their ROYAL disease as something along the lines of that PC 'blind' group in was something that set them apart, made them 'different' and they had given it the framework of SATANISM - those with poisoned blood...the vampiric breed.

Anyway, that is how easy it is to treat PORPHYRIA...if you can find enough donors of your own blood type i.e. if your local blood bank at the hospital can spare it...a full blood transfusion.

Other notes:

I bought TROY the movie - from the ESPLANADE SECONDHAND BOOK STORE today - and fastforwarded through the lot. Why? Firstly I had seen a 'imitation still' as a photograph upon the INTERNET - the photograph was of the back of my head with a sort of white floral wreath around it, in some white gauzy dress and the side of Tomlinson's face and upper body with his arms around couldn't see either of our faces...but I instantly remembered the was supposed to act as a trigger to make me remember the programming of this story...the HELEN OF TROY story...I remember complaining to RIMINGTON that my dyed blonde hair had been 'styled' into yellow rats tails with hair gel and looked horrid...and she told me not to be so stupid.

Anyway, I bought the movie - and remembered just how boring it was...even on fastforward X4...the 'boys' are far prettier than the 'girls'...there is no real 'homosexuality' in it at all...PATROCLUS (the lover of ACHILLES) has been airbrushed out...CLOSET HOMOSEXUALITY has been put in...(in a ludicrous scene between ORLANDO BLOOM and whoever, on board ship at the beginning)...and the costumes are so laughable that even when they have an actress like JULIE CHRISTIE doing a bit-part as ACHILLES mother - you just fell about at what they were wearing - quite indescribably funny...note also the two 'kings' who at one point in the movie, are dressed like 'mother-in-law' drag queens...the music was much worse...the final 'song' sounded like one of those old 'smoochie' 70s records that DJs used to put on at the end of the night...

What interested me about the opening credits of the movie, was that apparently it was made in association with 'PLAN B'.

So this was PLAN B was it?

What was PLAN A then?

I am beginning to get an idea of what happened...TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...the tapes had gone to people other than whom the TEMPLARS thought that they would go to...

Fastforward to 2004 and RIMINGTON is passing me off as her and TOMLINSON'S daughter in a THAMES riverside restaurant, to her assorted friends - many of whom were from the PRESS.

The connection has to be the HARRY POTTER money, doesn't it?

As her 'daughter' - she would have a certain claim to 'managing' it all, wouldn't she?

She told the assorted assembly that it was an 'open secret' that I was the author - even more incredibly - that I was her daughter and I had no idea what was going on but I can now see that the 'secret' must have got out and that therefore, this was a 'damage limitation' exercise, by the pair of them.

So was this PLAN A or PLAN B?

How many plans were there?

RIMINGTON appears to have even convinced my mother - that ANNE ELLIS wouldn't have TOMLINSON'S daughter around to her house anymore...because she was too 'fat'. I wonder if my mother believed, at that point...on the other side of the mirror...that I was really RIMINGTON'S daughter and not hers?

It is all so insane but now I have to work out what their basic plan was with HELEN OF TROY.

TOMLINSON appears to have been cast as PARIS who kidnaps me. Luckily - he hasn't done so - not since 2004 (along with RIMINGTON and MARK) at any rate.

Besides - RIMINGTON would have cast herself as CASSANDRA - the 'soothsayer' who says 'I told you so' at the end - as the GREEK soldiers come charging out of the TROJAN HORSE.

Anyway, this whole saga, ejected another 'memory' from the back of my mind and this time of below the SOUTH BANK complex. I remember being with MARK and 'seeing' below the NATONIAL FILM THEATRE - no wonder those employees were so 'cagey' about my telephone calls to their administrative offices there...I am almost sure that (H)AL - their main computer - is below the auditorium of one of their 'screens'.

It would make sense in a funny early childhood was taken up with visits to this monumental white stone block of a modern building...the children's films at the weekend...and the HAYWARD GALLERY on top...

I remember now, every time I went to stay at my parents flat in the WHITEHOUSE which was opposite to this could see the back of all of those administrative offices over WATERLOO BRIDGE...and I used to stare at them for ages...there was hardly a soul in any of them...I rarely saw more than one person working in them, at any given time...and these offices 'fascinated' me for some reason...hence the 'inquiring' phonecalls...which annoyed the hell out of whoever answered the used to make me laugh...I could never see who had picked up the phone in 'admin' in there...but I used to watch the offices as I made the telephone call...for any sign of 'life'...

I can also recall a modern block of flats being built behind these offices and my mother said that I should put my name down as a candidate to live in them...I told her not to be so silly...I didn't live/work in LONDON and I could only afford the cheapest bedsit in could I afford a mortgage on a central London flat? My mother said that the owners had decided that the accommodation would be sold off to a 'mixed community' of differing part of a new 'social drive' in London...i.e. to give access to accommodation to those on lower salaries...the whole thing sounded very bizarre but my mother was quite certain that I would be given a flat there, if I applied...I didn't...something wasn't quite right about it all...anyway, I wonder who the 'lucky ones' were...who got to live there...

This was around the time when I was harassed by two men who had driven alongside the almost empty coach from OXFORD to LONDON, VICTORIA - furiously wanking at me in their cars (one of them looked like RIK MAYALL and the other, a comedian with black hair, black eyes, white face and podgy nose - who also appeared on similar comedy sketch shows)...I took their car registration numbers - got to the LONDON flat and telephoned the POLICE - I was incensed but also feeling very threatened...I was alone in that flat for the weekend (this was the flat that TOMLINSON had broken into)...the Police then told me that one of the license plates didn't exist...the other car was owned by a woman who said that she had been using it that day...they then said that it was quite possible that her husband had been driving it and if so he would get a flea in his ear when he got home and would think twice about ever doing the same thing again...I had initially told the POLICE that it was a serious offence because they were using mobile phones at the time whilst driving at the top speed limit (as the coach also was) of 70 miles an hour, whilst hand on the steering wheel...extremely dangerous driving but in truth, I was feeling very threatened but didn't know why.

So when I look back at this time period now - in the late 1990s...just before TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...I can see that it is unlikely that TOMLINSON was really 'on the run' at that point...he had probably just hopped over from the SOUTH BANK to spin a tale, for some reason...and instead of knocking on the door...had decided to break into my parents' flat...or maybe, he didn't want to see me at all...didn't even know that I would be in there...why else would he have broken in?

He was obviously after something in that flat but I do not know what...something of my father's, most likely.

The security guards all let him do it...NOBODY was on duty at reception in that building and not for about 20 minutes afterwards.

Other notes:

ISBN: 1 85051 700 2

I can remember TOMLINSON showing me this book some time ago - he was telling me that ROWLING was the ALICE depicted in this book and that she would enact it. I have no idea why and in what context. He then told me that she would 'WIN THE GAME' whatever it was.

I do not think that she has 'won' any game at all. Not from where I am standing.

Anyway, the ILLustrations are by DAGMAR BERKOVA...and they are rather unusual. I have already noted how the DUCHESS looked very like MR PUTIN'S friend in Poland. The one who had a flat overlooking the ZOO, in KATOWICE.

I can now see where the FIRST LETTER code originated - the last poem in the book spells out ALICE PLEASANCE LIDDELL.

P198 has the sum of HUMPTY DUMPTY which runs:


He looks at it 'upside down' i.e. in 'iqbl' and 364 becomes an anagram for:


It is the other part which is difficult: far as I can see...ESP- YOUR 'I' = SHE/HESS

Alternatively, in this book...the 5s are deliberately made to look like G'S.

EDG - I...and I almost have my surname...GIDE...which used to be called 'edgy' by those like DABYDEEN.

Anything to do with ANDRE GIDE then?


The permutations are many in 'iqbl':

365 =
EQGI - this one is possible QE G MINUS 'I' = SHE

P191 - looking at the WHITE QUEEN who has turned into a SHEEP...I saw my Swiss grandmother again...with her knitting needles...even as a child, she had greatly reminded me of this character. You can see her 'cloven hoof' sticking out from under her dress...she is a real SHEEP and not a GOAT...that is an odd one...I read somewhere that the GOATS are the ones who KNOW whereas the SHEEP are entirely asleep...they just follow blindly.

It also reminds me of that peculiar genetic feature - the 'cloven nose' - ORLANDO BLOOM has quite a distinctive one.

P186 has a portrait of the WHITE QUEEN which looks rather like a caricature of JULIE BURCHILL.

P184 has TWEEDLEDUM/DEE in armour with a broken WOODEN SPATULA...broken in precisely the same way as the one outside PETRONELLA's back door.

TWEEDLEDUM/DEE are personified as CAKES to be eaten...with white icing tamoshanters on with red cherries upon the top.

P174-5 THE WALRUS AND THE CARPENTER are portrayed as the MASONS who are 'fast asleep' beside their 'setsquare' with a RED PENCIL across it.

P163 has the RAILWAY CARRIAGE scene where ALICE is accosted by three characters...firstly the GREEN INSECT who holds up a large blank white a sort of 'priest' in a newspaper hat who holds up T-70021 and lastly a SATYR who holds up T-70020

The 7s are written in such a way to look like 2s if you turn the book upside down.


This has the first stanza of JABBERWOCKY written in 'mirror fashion' i.e. backwards...and I then 'remembered' what the first and last letter code meant:


It refers to the 'school for Eastern European Studies'.

I remember that HELEN RODWAY went there to study HEBREW for a while.

I can remember vaguely now - when that photograph of HELEN and MIKE was taken...we were all very young...HELEN and MIKE had moved into their first house in a poor part of BIRMINGHAM.

Upon this side of the mirror...I had lost touch with HELEN for a while and was never invited back to this my knowledge, I never saw it...only the next house that they moved ACOCKS GREEN...anyway, RIMINGTON took me took me to this first house and told me to take a photograph of them...I have no idea why...they were doing some 'job' for her that area...but I do not know what...they didn't want their faces on camera and shied away...

P74 I wonder now...this horrible image of the black-eyed ('black hole') MAD MARCH HARE who is spilling his tea upon the table...he has a garland on his head...similar to the one that RIMINGTON put upon my head as HELEN OF TROY...was she trying to make me into the sidekick of THE MAD HATTER? That is plainly another of TOMLINSON'S roles...

I was looking at a 'goldenmean' site the other day and it all looks like madness...or rather, there is truth in it according to the 'tones' EMF and colour spectrum but somehow I sense 'darkness'...the 'golden dawn'...a front for black also suggests to me what TOMLINSON has been working on for most of his life but was using this as a 'distraction' from healing...instead of confronting ILL abuse head-on and finding a way to stop it...he had lost himself in these 'fairy castles' of theory...

However, the site did contain most of what I had touched upon in my notes...and I realised that I had experienced the reality of something of what was being given a theoretical basis...for example...RIMINGTON turning into a minature 'black hole' in that underground base and sucking the life energy out of me as I hung off that rack - after having been electrocuted into an NDE...this was no 'imaginary experience'...she was literally doing that on a physical as well as spiritual level...

P36 THE WHITE RABBIT who has the name plate: W RABBIT...and I thought again of WRABNESS.


I T N E T L R E E N A H R A M G H T D S E U D W J U O W G E L J S - N - F - - - H A - - D O E

This is the snake-like poem where the programmer ECTs you into oblivion as you reach the last word...but I remember TOMLINSON telling me to look at the letter 'I' in the first line and to follow the middle of each line down the page...and that is the 4th letter to the end of the first I simply copied down the 4th letter out of every line on the snake...and ended up with the above.

I am almost quite sure now that LEWIS CARROLL, as a mathematician was working with those who had already invented the first computers which were by then quite advanced...and that this script or 'poem' will have a computerised coded value as well as an 'esoteric' one.

Alternatively, one could copy the entire poem out and 'centre' it to find out the middle 'letter' of each line.

I began to remember something else as I was trying to find out the code...I checked back in the ALICE book...I knew that BLOOMSBURY were very pretentious about what printers and printing blocks they used...and chose their type/font faces with 'care'...and now I can see can encode with them in different ways because of their different sizes.

Anyway, this book has a letter from the author, talking in detail about printing blocks...that took me back to a conversation with MARK about old-fashioned printing PAUL MCINTYRE had used them to great effect at DARTINGTON...printing statements on paper - then blowing them up upon a photocopier...the effect was to make his print look like 'blackmail' letters...where the cut out letters are different sizes...rather unsettling.

So I decided to play around with starting with the 'I' and using the 'centring' device for your text...and also to the left as well as to the right...and then began to play around with fonts until I got a code which ended in COEH...and that 'rang' true...because TOMLINSON had written in one of his emails about the COEHLI bug...which is a misspelling or so I fact, it was just another death threat...i.e. the last lines of this poem 'condemn you to death." '

I have put in brackets the possible letters/symbols where the 'line' from 'i' doesn't actually touch any letter in particular. Maybe no letter is necessary. I found this 'code' using TRADITIONAL ARABIC script:

i T n " h a o o e (o d) (: W) h t e o (g I) h d d s (e c) u (, d) W j d o w g a (' l) u (s) c n (o) F (" t t) h a c e o h

I am not saying for a minute that CARROLL put this into his poem above but I am quite sure that those like TOMLINSON used the poem to make up their own 'death codes' and then computerised them.

Other notes:

MONDAY morning...

I keep on opening my file dated 20th Sept instead of this 12th Oct one, for some contained a lot of varied info - and began upon the subject of the changed LOCK AND KEY...ERA...

I read through and wondered why I was subconsciously going back to this file...I then remembered that in RUSSIAN diminutives...ALEXANDER is Polish it is OLEK...presumably TOMLINSON knew that and so why didn't he call himself by the proper diminutive? SAS-HA?
Why did he choose ALEX?

AL - EX?

Was he pointing out that AL no longer controlled him? He had told me that he was no longer under 'control' in France after the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 and that he was regaining his memories...when I asked for my freedom too, in return for taking his laptop...he agreed saying that it would be less boring if somebody else knew what was going on...he didn't want to be alone...

I then looked at the reference to the QASHQAI car and realised that this would be a number code:

QASHQAI = 16018760

QUASHQUAI = 16200187162000

I wondered if the 8716 was in fact, a pin-number? For between the years 2000-1

I now need to backtrack and start talking about what I found out last night - THE ALICE IN WONDERLAND CODE.

One last note before I do...I remember my German cousin SOPHIE had a nickname as a child: BILA.
That made MARK laught a lot - it meant something to him - it meant nothing to me - I assumed that it was just a German nickname.

When one looks at 8716 in 'iqbl' we have are we talking BILLS here? SOPHIE was BIL-A for some reason...ALICE has a 'bill' to pay in one of the chapters...or is this simply a reference to a BILL OBENAUER slave?

Anyway, I was looking at the CZECH ALICE IN WONDERLAND book again and pondering the first poem of the book on P6: 'All in the golden afternoon'...I knew that there was a first letter code there and so decided to find out...and the answer was simple:

Take the numerical value of the letter e.g. A=1 X 100 - 3.

It was absurdly simple: you then found out what LB was all about. This was the essence of the 'iqbl' code because with almost every number - you are left with 97 at the end of it which equals LB.

For example the first stanza is:


The last stanza is:

(8 = infinity - assuming 'M' here as seen before)

'M' is MI6 and the old 'eye eye, captain' salutation - combined with ISIS.

Anyway, this poem encodes the basic LB idea. I then began to remember how as children - we were encouraged to work out our names, using this LB code:

EMILY: 49712 978 9711972497 - 41281124
GYDE: 6972497397497 - 62434

I immediately saw the ISBN reference which is a common one, beginning 978 and so I figure that I will find my 'book' by a google search for this first name. In fact, I can remember talking to somebody in what looked like a LONDON printing press factory floor (no idea of the year or why I was there)...and asking about the ISBN codes...and being told that you had to be a 'very special person' to work in that department - evidently I wasn't. A VSP.

I then decided to apply this code to the ISBN number of this ALICE BOOK:

1 85051 700 2

781 850 517009

I immediately read FBI - FAB - JAAH

I then remembered how my mother used to call ED, 'biffa' as a boy. (Is there an organisation called the British Independent Film Association? Do they have offices upon the South Bank?)

I then looked at MARK (without the unnecessary LB/97):


Is this where MR ONE-TWO came from?

I then looked up HAL:

79797997 (LBLBLBBL) and flashbacked to childhood - this was an exercise in switching from one side of the brain to the other. It made you feel a bit dizzy.

I then looked up another poem later on in the ALICE BOOK:

P120 - the court room scene - the poem begins: 'They told me you had been to her,'

1901181722822419198 875121074501

Again another 875 possible ISBN code in here...referring to another book.

I also remembered how so many of the programming site 'Victorian buildings' had a plaque which said 1901 above the doorway.

I also found the number 1897 (but haven't put down in my notes where is simply 'S' in this code) - the year after CARROLL had published this book in 1896 - and so presumably the year in which the UK ILL began to program children.

I then tried YUSUF and got 249720971897597 (so I found it in YUSUF)

If one takes out the unnecessary LB/97 then one has: 2420185

I then realised 'twenty-four twenty'...and flashbacked to a conversation that I was having with SHARON (real name YUSUF) whilst walking through the valley under MOUNT ZION...and I had said 'I have 20-20 vision'...and he asked me to repeat what I had said...he looked bemused...'I thought you said twenty-for-twenty'...and I said 'no' and explained how the numbers meant perfect vision in an 'eye test'. So YUSUF was reacting to a basic simplified code for his own first name.

Additionally, you had the 'two for two' here...

My basic code is 41281124 and now I can understand it as 'for one' or 'for Mr One-Two' is the very same number as MARK'S room at ASYSTENCKI and also his probable room number in CFR.

Other notes:

I also noted HUMPTY DUMPTY'S evil speech to ALICE about how she can remain at her age - just under 8 years old forever...'two can'...this is TOUCAN programming which ANTONY RADCLIFFE speciallised in - the creation of 'child alters' frozen in time, through extreme torture.

"One ca'n't, perhaps,' said Humpty Dumpty; 'but two can. With the proper assistance you might have left off (growing up) at seven.'

Hence RIMINGTON repeatedly introducing me to others and throughout my life (whilst I was under mind control and on the other side of the mirror) as 'she has the mind of an 8 year-old girl.' Meaning that I was completely ignorant of sex, pre-pubertal in my mind (with a whole load of imagery for sexual abuse e.g. a penis is a 'pencil' and a vagina is a 'pencil sharpener') and after electrocution would not remember a thing that had been done to me. For those like TOMLINSON who enjoyed NECROPHILIA - I could be put into a near-death state, whilst he had sex with me. For those who enjoyed bestiality - the 'sex kittens' could be turned into extremely young child alters who believed that they were real kittens - like my sister.

Other notes:


A silver car, not unlike the QASHQAI has just left - from outside NUMBER 6, WEST STREET.

I would guess that there will be a car registration which contains the 'cash keys' for this financial ILL year.

09723971497 2 1197497597


I am not sure what to do with the '2' in this string.

02314 2 1145

231 was my shortened number from POWERGEN...231231231...but no idea really...

Let me look at RENEE:


So here we have the old 'bus to the airport' number 174 (travel command) with '13' in the middle and then the son of G-d 55 but not much else one can make of it...why do I keep on spelling this name as a 'girl' rather than a 'boy'? It should be RENE.

17974972097199711 978 9713976974971797

Is there something about the surname REUTLINGER and about 'root codes' here?

Several numbers makes me laugh in this string...not least the 118 company that costs the earth to find a telephone number...and 364...HUMPTY DUMPTY code for mind control slave...1911...but it was 1913 that MARK thought was the important year...also 911...what is it about the middle number:

Other notes:

Last night, I had a series of very odd dreams...I am certain that they were all the product of 'modified memories'...anyway, I was back at the TEMPLAR castle and being reprogrammed as a 'CAMERA' - and the command word appeared to be: TOLEDO-PHOO-TO

A woman of Spanish descent, was instructing us all upon TOLEDO and how when we heard that - we had to say 'PHOO!'...additionally, a young man of Japanese origins stopped me whilst walking down a corridor and said 'nazyva(m) PHO-TO? He pointed to his camera...the other young men then tried to pull him back into his dorm - he was mucking around...the sentence appeared to be saying in Polish 'my name is...or it's name is...PHO-TO'. So one can assume that to activate the microchip of a slave to 'take a photo' - one used a combination of TOLEDO - PHOO - TO.

Other notes:

Additionally, I can remember MARK making us all line up for an INJECTION of something and I knew that it was a nasty bug of some type but no idea I approached him for my turn - I spoke to him telepathically - if he injected me with it - he would go to hell - he replied telepathically 'I am already in hell' - I told him 'you have NO idea what real hell is'...i.e. if you think this human life is bad, think twice...a picnic, opposed to real hell beyond this he then replied 'what do you want - sugar water?'...I replied 'anything that isn't harmful'.

I can now understand why JOHN WATERS said not to be too hard on him - whatever he had been through - he was out of his mind with grief - he wasn't on the same SATANIC tack as RIMINGTON by a long chalk...blinded by grief and wanting to contaminate everybody, after the death of his partner.

Other notes:

I have found some other notes in the little SIMPSONS jotter that I have beside my bed - they were from the night of that dream about 1 ST AUSTELLS ROAD.

I now know what RIMINGTON called that terrible 'carnage' house:

SAINT ERMINTRUDE - she referred to it as a 'secret order of nuns'.

The character from the MAGIC ROUNDABOUT had been used to programme me as a zygote slave 'the cow jumped over the moon' as a child. I have no idea whether or not a real 'saint' of this name exists but assume that this is the case. I will look the name up on the net.

I also forgot to mention the name of another place that came up EASTERN HOUSE, WALNUT idea where...but I remember RIMINGTON trying to jab me with a needle there...and me turning it back upon her - and jabbing her with it. This 'house' was connected to ROGER for some reason - that is all I have down - I am assuming COMPASS 'Roger' here but cannot remember...

Other notes:

I also dreamt last night...that I was with RICHARD TOMLINSON and my SISTER...we had gone along to see the PUPPETS in some large house...people were playing with large puppets...for a big stageshow to come...and I picked up the long white THIN PLANK...which had all of the CAMEL PUPPETS upon a long line of sister held the other end...

I then woke up...fell asleep and dreamt again...HELEN BROWNE was with me...and also MARTIN became plain that AYRES was trying to run both of us as slaves but that HELEN was much higher up in the ILL cult echelons...AYRES' main ambition was to walk off with the HARRY POTTER money and that is why he had become involved...he was plotting as much as the rest of them...

It is now all beginning to hang together...why AYRES had mysteriously moved in about 10-20 yards away from my KILN LANE...joined their bookclub PROUST GROUP...he also had a FLAT in the WHITEHOUSE over WATERLOO BRIDGE...he was trying to keep tabs on me...AYRES was obviously a great favourite of ROYALTY...had married into the aristocracy...worked for MANNINGHAM-BULLER as her main editor upon the HARRY POTTER books...and he wasn't going to let that money vanish overnight after the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 tapes had surfaced...

Other notes:

My mother just rang to give me something of a message of support but also to tell me that HELEN RODWAY had just emailed DAD to tell him that she hadn't got my email address...she did have it because she emailed photographs of her little boys to one of my email boxes...but no matter, as I recall, she always lost email addresses...

My mother then gave me a telephone number to call her upon:


Well, seeing the 797 at the beginning made me think...this must be one of these phone companies that uses the '97' code as a general precusor to any number...but as I do not possess a mobile phone...I have no idea...anyway, it isn't her old number as far as I can remember but do remember that this also contained a string of 97s...

It also contains TOMLINSON'S 51 code which in ALICE CODE = we are talking FBI?

So a 518 CODE is FBI? I am sure that there are many other 'federal bureaus' other than simply one for 'investigation'. 51 to infinity (8)

797 = H

H: 6519291 (BSIPSPI?)

0797 = AHJH


I wonder what HELEN wants to talk to me about? Obvious I suppose - what I have been putting up in my notes - but will she dare to openly talk about it? Nobody I know, has dared to do so yet - the mind control slaves just 'miss' or 'blank' it all out.

However, one can see that my father and MIKE WEALE did me a favour by mentioning the SIEGE PERILOUS upon their bogus site, using my name. That put me onto the track of SAINT PAULS...and then the memories of that hell-hole, came flooding back - being programmed in there - and the ROUND TABLE of KING STAN/SATAN/KINGSTON.

One can possibly assume that this telephone number is also some form of a clue or hint.

Anyway, I can now see that I have made some groundwork into breaking the ISBN codes via 'iqbl' and the original coding of 97/LB - in ALICE IN WONDERLAND.

I might add that MR SPAM still has that old LB weight up on his shed roof - so I haven't got to the bottom of this yet.

Other notes:

I may have mentioned this in passing but the LB weight has been precisely located - so as to be directly hit by the rainwater coming out of two black pipes which are directed at it - which are laid across the top of the shed...coming from higher up. Not a good place for these pipes to be...the water would then simply go into MR SPAM'S backyard. They have been put there for a reason and recently - the shed was only constructed, during the time that I have been living here.

They remind me of the SIMPSONS COMIC diagram about how the REDUNDO RAY doesn't work:

"Perhaps I can explain! Clearly the exact duplicate
has destabilized into an "imprecise replica"!
When the highly charged DNA, already in an
agitated state of flux, came in contact with
the hard water particles in our atmosphere,
it distorted
like a reflection
in a fun-house

First letter code:



I do not know what is going on here but it appears that the 'water' of our bodies reacted badly to whatever ILL experimentation was going on.

In simple terms on the blackboard diagram: the ILL activated our DNA by trying to make us 'radio-active' and I can see that this is all about activating the microchip to act as an 'interface' between our bodies/minds and satellite/control tower.

HARD WATER - isn't that what is necessary in nuclear experiments?

Anyway, the experiment went 'wrong' and ended up as 'FUNHOUSE MIRROR' - a distortion of what had been hoped for i.e. a controllable mind control slave workforce.

But wasn't FUNHOUSE MIRROR what had been hoped for? That was the whole point of ALICE IN WONDERLAND programming.

The REDUNDO RAY tends to give a 'solarised image' of a person's basic nature i.e. it reverses their 'colours' as it LIZA is a goody-two-shoes who after being solarised/made radio-active...becomes 'hot stuff' - rather like what happens to the heroine, in the film GREASE.

MAGGIE is the only one who stays the same - the BABY who learns how to talk but doesn't change her basic nature, for some reason...which must mean that she is in the 'middle'...if you are in the 'middle of the range' - you aren't going to 'flip' one way or the other. If you are at one end of an extreme - your 'alter-ego' will be the reverse of who you normally LIZA.

BART the tearaway, therefore has a very pious, religious alter-ego, shades of NED FLANDERS then - see the episode about how NED was a tearaway as a little boy, before being continuously smacked into OBEing everyday for a year or more (as I was by my father) - this would also be about MARK's early childhood programming.

This appears to be more about the effects of extreme torture upon the psychology of individuals, rather than any scientific data. People tend to flip into their 'secret side' under extreme conditions. I suppose it is all about finding out a person's 'inner self' - their 'core personality' which is hidden under many social masks.Once you have found their 'core' - then you can enslave them and that is what the slave-drivers were hoping to do with each and everyone of us. Engaging with the 'social masks' of a victim, is no use at all - you will never work out how that person really 'ticks'.

KATHLEEN wouldn't 'flip' either - she remained 'pious' as a character and so the ILL couldn't do anything with her, at all. Sue Whalley and I flipped a bit...but not enough for us to be 'useful' and so remained relatively low in the ILL system. Deb Mcd was deemed utterly useless to the another who didn't 'flip' at all but she survived (probably because nobody had set fire to her hair and mutilated her face - thus devaluing her currency as a 'sex slave'). It was all about finding out your 'alter-ego' - your 'secret self' which could then be harnessed and manipulated.

When I was driven to extremes...I tried to throttle RIMINGTON and the QUEEN'S second cousin one has to say that my 'core' never submitted - when pushed to that point - it simply attacked back, regardless of any mind control command to stop it - although one has to say that I didn't actually really try to murder either of those women (although upon reflection, I should have done - or chosen my 'victims' more wisely and murdered those higher up)...because my 'Delta alter' would have managed it quickly and cleanly, in seconds. My natural instinct was simply to 'frighten them off'.

It was only when forced (under the direction of PRINCE CHARLES) to be TOMLINSON'S 'champion' against another woman who was DALDRY'S 'champion' in a gladiatorial match to the death at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...that I used telepathy to end the fight quickly. That is what TOMLINSON was so frightened of - he knew what I had done - but not necessarily the others, who were present.

In fact, I now get it...the whole thing about TROY programming...I was never really supposed to be the HELEN OF TROY...I was supposed to be the ACHILLES wonder I 'outed' that piece of programming in relation to my father, some time ago, in conversation with my mother: 'tell him that his ACHILLES HEEL is on the other foot and he will recover quickly enough from that insect bite on his ankle'...and he did (although he thought he was dying at the time). ILL programming is all about psychsomatosis and hypnotism.

It was watching that 'fight' on fastforward which did it...the 'killer blow' was to the side of the neck...which fells the opponent of ACHILLIES...this is precisely what I had done at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and then used telepathy to ask my opponent if she wanted a quick and 'honourable' death because I knew that she was under mind control, in a 'warrior alter' and that this was the only way to communicate with her. The ILL were pressing in all around us and would not stop the fight until one of us was dead.

So that solves the entire mystery surrounding HELEN OF TROY...RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had been deliberately trying to mislead me with the photograph upon the INTERNET...they had been planning an attack upon my ankle at some point...but my father falling ill with the same complaint about a year ago...had got that nasty piece of programming out, early on.

In fact, to 'paralyse' me more - TOMLINSON had instructed me under mind control NOT to use my martial arts skills...he had made me use them as 'ineffectual flappings' of the hands...and had then made me 'fight' PETRONELLA who pushed my hands away...and then pushed me backwards...TOMLINSON's purpose was clear...she was supposed to be able to defeat me in unarmed combat...but there were those around who had seen this 'programming' and so decided to show me another way of 'fighting' i.e. 'boxing'...and whilst doing this...had unlocked TOMLINSON'S anti-martial arts programming so that I was able to use it again (they had contacted my 'core' as it were by continually making me 'fight back')...i.e. I eventually flew at the guy with what is called 'whirling fists' and made him laugh with shock...

Other notes:

I have now got a RED BILL threatening letter from BRITISH GAS who handle my electricity for about £100...which naturally, I will NOT pay...the small amount of money that I still have...I am saving for more important things than bills.

This particular letter is from a certain KEVIN ROXBURGH - HEAD OF DEBT.

Nobody can take me to court in this country and if they try to 'debt collect' then I shall simply continue to expose this ILL abuse upon the INTERNET. If they cut me off - ditto. Another nail in the coffin of the 'undead'.

At least as far as I recall it is technically ILLEGAL for the waterboard to cut off your water...and they cannot take me to well and good there, then...

The ILL of this country are NOT getting another SOLITARY PENNY out of me, until they have repaid EVERY single penny back, that they owe me.

I do hope that you are enjoying all of your UNEARNT cash in your 'country manor' with your 'posh wife and kids' MARTIN AYRES - they must be worth the effort now, mustn't they? To steal every penny off me and to leave me in this impoverished 'dungeon' of a flat.

You must be feeling very 'proud' of yourself, at this point in time. A ROYAL mind control slave who was just an 'oik' from the lower classes - who made good and married a 'lady' and now has to pay up every month so that his children will 'respect him' but ONLY IF he can send them upon extravagant holidays, pay for their horses and private schools...because I do not suppose that there is any other way that ANYBODY could respect you, eh MARTIN?

Living off the money that you have STOLEN off me (and probably others too) makes your sad little sham of a life, all worthwhile, doesn't it?

MANNINGHAM-BULLER'S main editor of the HARRY POTTER books - that brought in one helluva lot of money, didn't it?

Not that you creamed off the most - I just haven't attacked you yet - for your lying and deceitful behaviour towards me. Just covering your back, eh MARTIN AYRES? All of those promises that it would be all right (the 13th one game) and that whatever happened - that I wouldn't be harmed (after having abused me as a mind control sex slave in my parents' flat in WATERLOO). You lying dog.

Other notes:

ISBN: 0 7496 6141 0
9 780749 661410


The interesting point about the ILLustrations in this book (it is a pastiche of the LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD BOOK) that the ARISTOCRATIC fox is wearing a GROUCHO MARX nose and spectacles i.e. crude imitation of an ASHKENAZIM stereotypical nose...anyway, this FAIRYSTORY collides with GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS...where the BEAR (programmer) is seen as the PROTECTOR of the little girl KIMBERLEY and saves her from the WOLF. Ha Ha.

This book was left out for me, at the library:

ISBN: 978 1 84616 894 9
9 781846 168949

Interesting - this is a 978 ISBN number above:

Remember my name - EMILY: 49712 978 9711972497 - 41281124

So this book will be pertinent to my own programming or other 'EMILYS'.

This sick little story is all about a HOOP and it doesn't take much to guess what this will all be about - the associated imagery is immediately obvious...the HOLE of your vagina...the HOLE in your pocket from which all of your money disappears and so on...

I wonder if one can work out any other coded meaning from:

978 1 84616 894 9

Let us substitute back the simple ALICE IN WONDERLAND CODE (you simply add 1 and look up the letter of the alphabet i.e. 8 = 8+1 = 9 = 'i')

b - iegbg eje j

I EGG EJE J - I know that the '1' isn't normally used in the code - you can take the 'b' out.

Now I get it - this is what CUERVOBRILLANTE was jeering at me with upon TOMLINSON'S blogspot in SPANISH: 'jeje'


So this programming book is primarily about ZYGOTE slaves.

Now I am finally getting the whole picture concerning WHY my grandfather was a member of MI6 and a director of HEINEMANNS book publishers...and I can remember now, that it was MARK who showed me the printing presses and told me that only 'very special people' could work in the ISBN coding is all SO obvious why.

978 1 84616 894 9

Let us look at the full code:


Thinking into TOMLINSON'S 'ARABIC PRINCE' mentality and what do you get?


EJEJ is interesting because it sounds like 'EDGE-EDGE'...and also backwards, as I have stated before - JEJE is pronounced the same as the DZ-DZ code for 'deep space 9' i.e. MEMORY DUMP.

For the record, this filthy, little book was first published in 2008.

It is dedicated to 'GEMMA POOLE, with lots of love' and 'special thanks to SUE MONGREDIEN'.


ROLL ON FARENHEIT 451 - that is all I can say...and let us stoke up a nice big bonfire of EVERY single FRANKLIN WATTS publication. The stories are far too shit for anybody to memorise and so sorry RAY BRADBURY...nobody is going to remember any of it...pure, boring, stupid, evil filth.

Other notes:

ISBN: 07445 6055 1
9 780744 560558

Need I tell you that as soon as I saw this book - I not only recognised it but also remembered that this 'drivel' which purports to have some sort of a 'plot' was written by STELLA RIMINGTON. Yes, this is another sample of her work (she doesn't write her novels - a ghost-writer does that - but she writes this sort of shit).

I was made to imagine that I was the GREEN KNIGHT who is called SIR SILLY in this shite book...and I am supposed to rescue the 'two children' who in this case were the 'over-70 year old' RIMINGTON and 'over 50 year old' TOMLINSON. Believe me, I saw the humour of it at the time, even though I was supposed to be under mind control, whilst being held prisoner at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

I am supposed to transport them to their YELLOW CASTLE....their CASTLE OF GOLD...'D'OR'...yes, I also magically transported the CIA there by 'default', HA HA. A good job that was too or I would have ended up slowly dying with a knitting needle stuck through my back - courtesy of sicko 'ambassador'.

It is a little odd that they chose to throw him off a mountain and then bury him in an unmarked plot...I wonder...he got off rather lightly, I would have thought.

...and then the BRITISH GOVERNMENT denied any knowledge of him...wiped him off their records completely.

Other notes:

Here is another ZYGOTE SLAVE programming book, left out for me:


ISBN: 0 552 54991 6

9780552 549912

I haven't even bothered to look at this putrid storyline...why ...because of the front cover...VINNIE is a pathetic looking white 'RAT' with bulbous RED eyes...this is all about programming young girls to see their unborn aborted foetuses as 'rats'.

Other notes:

I must look up MORNINGTON CRESCENT again and what is above it...also where CFR is...I can remember the tunnel which MARK took me down now, from his office building...there was a numberpad to a door...if you didn't get it activated something like a was only triggered by a human bodily presence so work out how you could do it without being damaged...

Black Rabbit said...


I looked up my EMILY ISBN number upon AMAZON and you can find many products which begin with:

978 9711972497

The search found nothing but put up three 'bestsellers' instead.

I then tried 978 which brought up far too many books and products.

I then tried an increasingly shorter string of the EMILY ISBN until I got a product...and there was only one...Italian leather shoes - just like my father used to wear...incidentally, so did TOBY MACKLIN...a popular type of shoe for a certain 'class' of English male. See the URL above.

The number which brought up this product upon an AMAZON SEARCH was:


Holden Italian Leather Men's Laceups.


This is all about 'computerised' mind control and just how far it has got a grip upon our 'modern world'.

BARCODES/ISBN numbers are not made up at random and 'out of the blue' - nor do their follow a normal sequential or chronological sequence in order to keep track of things. Everything is now 'coded' and 'branded' - as well as human beings.

Black Rabbit said...


Ironically, the first part of the ISBN EMILY code brings up an ESSELTE 4D ring binder.


The mind truly boggles...I was trained in 4D timetravel 'viewing' - how else could I have described to MARK - the man that he would fall in love with (whom he hadn't even met yet) - who would die young of a terminal illness - and MARK had told me that he would funnel research money into that field to prevent it from happening...but it did, anyway. MARK couldn't change the future. Nobody can.

Why a 'ringbinder' though? I have NO intention of binding ANY ILL mafia rings together.

Black Rabbit said...

49712 also brings up this:

Hama CD Event Tower Metal Free standing or Wall mounted (60 capacity)


This is PAIN programming i.e. the BOL in the jpg categorisation of 'commands'.

Again the mind boggles as to what this could mean but probably a 'memory device' upon which a programmer could stack so many recordings.

The 'tower' reference reminds me of seeing 9-11 before it happened - as if I were watching a 'video' in my mind - in 1997 - and then described it to firstly Collie and then Manningham-Buller.

I should also note the 'jpg' value of the RINGBINDER:


This is all so shocking but at least I know now that I have at least some evidence for my experiences/terrible memories of abuse at the hands of British Intelligence and others who were out to 'poach' me.

Black Rabbit said...



The shortened version of the ALICE code brings up nothing upon an AMAZON search but 3 'random' best sellers:



Sandisk 2GB Secure Digital Card


SanDisk Cruzer Micro 8GB U3 Readyboost Flash Drive


This is rather odd - because as I learnt from the first day - after having been kidnapped by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE at 16 years old, in 1979 - 'nothing is a coincidence' and so I have to compare the other string which I originally put into this AMAZON search engine and the 'bestsellers' brought up from that one:


This brought up:

Jamies' Minstry of Food

Dear Fatty

Parky: My Autobiography

(I may be a bit touchy about my weight but I think that RIMINGTON probably chose the 'dear fatty' one - even though I have been under-weight for most of my life - and Rimington rarely manages to get into anything less than XL these days...she always had large haunches.)

Anyway, one can see that the first two are 51 books and the last is the old 'oil cult' 1741 callback number.

Anyway, I also tried this string 9789 and got:


_MG_9789 - Canvas Print 20x16 (51x40cm) by Robert Harding

Black Rabbit said...

Converse Allstar Core Hi Mono Canvas

Converse Allstar Core Ox Canvas

I also got this as part of the above main string...and I now wonder if this was supposed to be my 'core'?

Anonymous said...

Jamies' Minstry of Food?

I remember that caption upon the film TROY:

'inspired by the ILLIAD'.

This must be linked in some way, to this book and to TROY programming - if only in terms of coding.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fatty

Some object from IKEA?

Anonymous said...

Parky: My Autobiography

This is the old oil cult code and so why not an old film used in programming i.e. KRULL -this was all about the 'breaking into' the pineal gland via the nose (as I have outlined in previous notes).

2 BRUSSELS - are we talking 'beheading cabbages' or the centrigual point of the EU?

Black Rabbit said...


I forgot to mention the 3rd 'shoe' of the lot:

Caterpillar Womens Sly

So the unholy trinity of 'false core' programming for a 978 slave (zygote slave) then.

Black Rabbit said...

The ORANGE LILIES are now the main programming objects in the window 'under the arches' of SAINT HELENA'S HOSPICE CHARITY SHOP.

The very ones that Ruedi had painted so long ago - whilst training to be a latin teacher in Interlaken.

He also painted the green 'pine trees' - so are we talking 'males' and 'females'?

Who were/are the 'orange lilies'?

The Jewish female mind control slaves of the ILL cult were termed the 'lilies'(usually white) but what about ORANGE ones - this is linked to terrorist bombers 'orange magdalene programming' no real idea what this could mean.

Anonymous said...

Try the qashqai code 8716 and find the IPCRESS FILES - the first real exposure of what British Intelligence were up to:


Black Rabbit said...


Ultra Clear Screen Protector set of 12 for Samsung SGH-G800, Display Protection Film, Mobile Phone

The above also comes up for the qashqai code.

Again a '51' Tomlinson code.

Anonymous said...

A simple way of buggering up this ILLsystem of categorising slaves - is to change your name by deed poll (so long as a programmer didn't choose the new one for you).

In Jewish folklore - you could actually change your entire 'fate' by doing so. How much more so true, today.

Anonymous said...


Another pertinent 'death command' for 51 slaves:

Leaves of Grass: The First (1855) Edition (Penguin Classics) (Paperback)

Walt Whitman

Remember Tony Smith and 'the leaves of the trees'?

This is the G RA SS 'death signature' code.

Anonymous said...

ISBN-10: 0140421998
ISBN-13: 978-0140421996

This 'leaves of the grass' edition has an 'ur-text' according to the reviewer upon AMAZON - what does that mean?

Any ILL relation to the City of Ur?

Anonymous said...

Publisher: The University Press (1938)


No comment.

Leaves of Grass (Mass Market Paperback)
Publisher: Dorset Pr (April 1994)
ISBN-10: 1566193044
ISBN-13: 978-1566193047

No comment.


Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass (Hardcover)
ISBN-10: 0195183428
ISBN-13: 978-0195183429

No comment



Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave: Written by Himself (Dover Thrift) (Paperback)
ISBN-10: 0486284999
ISBN-13: 978-0486284996

No comment.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Penguin Popular Classics) (Paperback)
ISBN-10: 0140620648
ISBN-13: 978-0140620641

No comment.


The Scarlet Letter (Penguin Popular Classics) (Paperback)
ISBN-10: 014062080X
ISBN-13: 978-0140620801

No comment.


Walden: Or, Life in the Woods (Dover Thrift) (Paperback)
ISBN-10: 0486284956
ISBN-13: 978-0486284958

No comment.

Anonymous said...


Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Dover Thrift) (Paperback)

ISBN-10: 0486419312
ISBN-13: 978-0486419312
Product Dimensions: 20.8 x 13.5 x 1.3 cm

No comment.

Anonymous said...


Selected Poems (Dover Thrift) (Paperback)

ISBN-10: 0486264661
ISBN-13: 978-0486264660

No comment.

Anonymous said...



IEC/TR 62434 Ed. 1.0 en:2006, pH measurements in difficult media - Definitions, standards and procedures (Paperback)

No comment.

Anonymous said...


Guess who is a 'bright friends frog' then?

Lamaze - Bright Friends Frog

CODE: 976519291

ASIN: B0000AIY09

Anonymous said...

Persian Gulf, Kuwait-Iraq-Iran, approaches to Khawr Abd Allah and Shatt al Arab (SuDoc D 5.356:62434/995) [Import] (Unknown Binding)

CODE: 62434:

Publisher: The Center NOAA Distribution Branch, N/CG33, National Ocean Service, distributor (1995)

Are you a KNOWER/NOAH?

Ask RAY FISHWICK about being a paedophile 'noah'- he knows all about it.

I had always thought in the back of my mind 'cheese and onions...'
by Neil INNES.


Black Rabbit said...


I remember now...what happened in HELEN'S first was upon the outskirts of Birmingham but RIMINGTON had taken me there by night and so I have no idea of the 'look' of the general area by day but reckon that it was probably BORDSLEY GREEN.

HELEN was to tell me...many years later - whilst I was living with her in ACOCKS GREEN that her and MIKE'S house had been on a Council Estate near to the centre of B'ham and that it was near wasteland...

There was a lot of 'urban renewal' going on around the CENTRE of B'ham and a swathe of derelict 'wasteland' between the actual city and then the 'urban areas' to the South. You could see it all, as you passed through it, upon the last stage of your train journey on the SOLIHULL line to MOORSTREET STATION, B'HAM.

This was location by the centre of B'ham, was apparently convenient for HELEN - because she worked to the East of the centre of B'ham - and so it was a short drive to work.

In fact, HELEN didn't work there until quite a few years later on. HELEN and MIKE were being blackmailed out of their minds, by RIMINGTON - who was using both of them to work for her, in the district.

RIMINGTON had taken me to see HELEN because she wanted HELEN to practice her 'backstreet abortionist' skills upon me. HELEN had become another 'night-nurse' like RIMINGTON.

I remember HELEN telling me to keep still - she would try to make it as painless as possible and she did - a far cry from TOMLINSON and his thugs breaking into my ESSEX UNIVERSITY towerblock room and terrorising me out of my mind. I kept still and let her abort me - take away whatever RIMINGTON had told her to take away - I wasn't pregnant as far as I knew - but what did I know - all I know is that during those years - it never 'showed' upon THIS side of the mirror and so it was unlikely to be an advanced pregnancy.

I learned from RIMINGTON (in her car, driving back to Solihull) that HELEN was on £10,000 p.a. for this job of 'uncertified ILL abortionist' for the ILL cult.

I was only a few months past a missed period and so it wasn't as if I had noticed that I was pregnant - nor was the 'abortion' as painful as it might have been.

Afterwards - no contact was allowed with HELEN in this particular house or address - I might have remembered something otherwise. I didn't remember anything at all, at the time. I lost contact with HELEN for several years.

I do not know how many years HELEN had to endure this. I do not bear any ill-will towards her for what she did to me.

I can see the full perspective here - AND by telling HELEN'S story - I can free her up from RIMINGTON'S blackmail; for all time. RIMINGTON will NEVER EVER be able to use her as a 'backstreet abortionist' again.

RIMINGTON had instructed a 16 year-old HELEN, under mind control, that she could spend up to the hilt upon credit cards - she admitted having done so to the tune of over £30,000 by the time she was 17-18 years old - every 'store card' and 'bank card' was available to her.

HELEN had been given the mind control role of 'BIANCA CASTAFIORE' at POWERGEN and RIMINGTON had told her that the ILL cult 'loved' her...that she could do no wrong.

I remember this in 1980 - how HELEN was asked in to play this CASTAFIORE role in the TIN-TIN 'dramatic enactments'. She was a 'beloved' of the cult - a 'star'. It was the easiest way to 'catch' and 'hook' HELEN.

RIMINGTON then told HELEN to 'SPEND, SPEND, SPEND' because she and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE would pick up the debt...they never did.

HELEN was then forced into the most horrific social situation - with her parents - her social milieu...her teachers/college lecturers...soon 'everybody' in her social world...knew what she had done - and how much debt she was in.

HELEN must have thought - I am going crazy...but she was a very practical-minded person, upon this side of the mirror...and her true personality was that of somebody who thought of themselves as a very 'solid citizen' - somebody who had a very good moral understanding of right and wrong, somebody who worked very hard and diligently and who lived by the results of their hard work. Hence HELEN gaining 9 CSES GRADE 1 - when in fact, she should have been put in for O' levels by her school and simply raised her game a little - she was obviously intelligent enough to score As in her preferred subjects and she would have walked away with 9 O' levels.

Helen was a hardworking 'HANNI GLOOR' type - and so 'easy meat' for those like RIMINGTON. These women were 'pillars of society' and their biggest flaw was - still wanting to be that - after having been tricked on the other side of the mirror. They couldn't give up their 'good name' in society - it meant everything to them - they had worked so hard - been good to so many people - filled their lives with 'good works' to have it all overturned and overnight by filth like RIMINGTON. They quietly agreed to 'tow the ILL line' and to do whatever was necessary, in order that RIMINGTON would keep their 'dirty little secret' safe with her.

It wasn't their 'dirty little secret' it was RIMINGTON'S. I wish I could have told that to HANNI GLOOR in Switzerland - I wish I could have made it clear that she was not to blame for the DIRTY LIES/SECRETS of the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY and their associate lackeys e.g. BRITISH well as all of the other ILL ELITE families in this world who had put those like HANNI under mind control and blackmailed her into doing such horrible things...

HANNI told me that 'there are things that I everybody does' do have things to regret...but staying alive until that point and within the ILL CULT to then EXPOSE it, is NOT one of the things that you should feel any 'regret' about...the very action exhonorates you...liberates you...from whatever the ILL had made you do...

If you can tip the whole equation...if you can tip yourself over into EXPOSURE...and then are doing can look back at the precipice behind you, where the ILL like RIMINGTON have fallen into...but probably not a good idea...after winning that BATTLE - the main preoccupation is 'just get on with ordinary life' i.e. the future - because that is where the HEALTHY belong, with thoughts of the future. The PRACTICAL future - rather than 'fairy castles' and PORPHYRIA.

Other notes:

Back to Helen RODWAY:

Her sister who had far worse academic results - became a millionnaire virtually 'overnight' after a few years at BLUE ARROW - ended up living and working by VAUXHALL BRIDGE (MI6 territory) and eventually bought and then flew her own plane.

Her sister had joined the WRENS at school and had apparently learned how to fly a plane before 16 years old (at TUDOR GRANGE SCHOOL) - according to Helen - a 'slippage' as is often the case, with mind control slaves (see my notes on my mother's 'slippages') - I mean who would allow a young teen to fly a plane unless under hypnotic mind control.

I have no doubt that HELEN'S sister did but that would have been 'on the other side of the myself, driving a car for the first time, at around 8 years old and from Suffolk to Essex.

THE RODWAYS...a family who were on the margins of the very wealthy 'middle-classdom' of Solihull's mainly 'managerial business class' (the 'professional class' were much poorer, in the main i.e. if they worked for governmental bodies and weren't lawyers).

HELEN'S father earned roughly £10,000 a year (according to Helen - during her childhood there) and her mother worked too but at a much lower salary. The family income wasn't much.

Helen and her sister had an onus upon them to be 'model citizens' in a way - the 'middle-class' way - an onus that wasn't upon those of the moneyed classes, to the same extent. Her mother and father spoke R.P. English and so both must have been to either grammar schools or private ones. Her parents were really kind people, to all and sundry.

HELEN'S only real problem was her sister - who was very unpopular at school (no friends and apparently bullied) and she used to take it out upon HELEN at home subsequently, as her 'younger sister'. HELEN 'understood' this about her sister and in latter life, told me that she didn't 'blame' her.

Helen's sister used to hold Helen's face close to a boiling hot radiator and threaten to burn her. Helen was terrified of her sister at these times but 'overcame' this anger and fear of her sister - however, it bubbled up now and again at 'family dos' such as one Xmas...

I remember HELEN taking her sister to task for various things (at a packed dinner table of friends/relatives) - it was radically funny but none of the family/friends assembled laughed - her sister was making some ghastly speech at the head of the table and HELEN would interject with an incisive, witty comment to bring her down.

I 'knew' - (rather like DEB MCD who had giggled uncontrollably at school) - that HELEN was making a BIG point about how ILL her sister was and how hypocritical her speech was, in relation to what she had done, upon the other side of the mirror - I managed to control my laugher and was amazed at how nobody else found what HELEN was saying funny regarding her robotic Miss Managerial-type, 'people skills' sister.

Her sister JANET was typical of those chosen for managerial positions, I suppose (and full of the NEW LABOUR managerial-blather)...i.e. she would come into the kitchen after a meal and say 'aren't we all a great team - all working so well together...' however, she wasn't working at all...just walking around, watching everybody else do the work - it fluidly came out of her mouth...and as I didn't have to bear it all of the time...I just saw her as a 'comic character'...but I can sympathise with HELEN...because she had real intelligence and her sister didn't - yet her sister was the 'millionnaire' flying the plane and she wasn't...I suppose that on this side of the mirror, things just didn't add up for HELEN. What had she done to deserve such a fate? She was more intelligent, more charming - loved by everybody, more skilled than her sister. So what had gone so very wrong?

It is quite obvious what went very wrong, from where I am standing...but I am more interested in her sister...why did things go so 'very right' for her? Unquestioning obedience, right from the beginning (and NOT stealing the nuts from the squirrel as a baby, would have paid huge dividends in MI6 ILL culture - it all went on your 'record'. I am not joking, here.)

A note: don't worry, HELEN - I will probably eventually remember something that I did which is far worse than what you have done - that will probably be the last 'memory' to come back...just remember that we were all ILL SLAVES and were under mind control...think of the person that you most respect and admire in this world and they were probably made to do something extremely hideous under mind control in order to get a NAZI MAFIA hook into them (and far worse than what you have done) just bear with it and get it all into perspective.

So your sister did worse than you, in order to gain such a high positioning in ILL culture (as she inevitably did) - remember that - she has far more 'shame' to bear - whatever it is - and in relation to my family - I wouldn't like to know what ED did, to get so far in the PR governmental world (without even being able to type) but one can imagine. THE SIMPSONS episode where BART as an 'adult', becomes a 'smasher-up' of cars past their expiry date - pretty much, sums it up.

I mean, it is a laugh in a way - that I used your phone number to call up your 'FROG programming' isn't it? Or maybe you cannot quite see the humour in that one yet...but you will.

I had no idea that WOMEN could be 'frogs' too...but I remember you pointing that one out to MARK in HOTELU ASYSTENCKI in 1994, upon your visit there...and he was very hurt...'you have frog eyes like me' you told him matter-of-factly and very loudly - and I could see him wince in pain (I had already hit him with the 'receding hair' and had realised the mortification that followed but couldn't stop you coming out with that one)...and as you said to me, a few years later: 'Mike and I both suffered at school for having frog eyes'...later on, I tried to mitigate the 'frogs eyes' thing, with MARK...but he had wiped it clean away from himself...she was wrong, he didn't have protruding eyes...a he wasn't angry with her...and upon balance, he liked my friend...she had his approval...I suppose he was entirely correct upon that one, if one looks at 'goitre' disease where people really do have protruding eyes - look at the photographs upon the net and spot the difference. The ILL homed in upon those tiny things, that people get hung up about...the things that make you slightly different from the norm...the things that even the most beautiful male/female models can look at in the mirror and become suicidal about...'I am not the perfect KEN/BARBIE' sort of line of thinking...(and this really happens - people do get suicidal about their looks).

You were all very attractive people ('frog eyes' never put anybody off) who had been made to feel small by having slightly protuding eyes...and I can now see how the petty-minded evil of the ILL CULT worked upon everybody's insecurities about their physical features...DALDRY had said to me that the main reason that they had chosen SUE WHALLEY as a 'rabbit' programmer was because her two front teeth looked like that of a rabbit...all of the things that really hurt...had been noted down in your records...and then used against you...and most people are very vulnerable in relation to them...

I am surprised that the ILL never used more than FATTY upon beak of nose would have been more hurtful but there you go...they appeared to get it wrong with me, a lot.

Other notes:

TUESDAY morning...I woke up and almost immediately remembered more about that dreadful night at HELEN'S first house in Birmingham...RIMINGTON had told HELEN to take me upstairs...and that is where the conversation occurred...HELEN warning me not to wriggle or it would be more painful than necessary...and then I disassociated as I normally did.

This is the odd part and something that I have often experienced...I could then 'see' all rooms in the house...I could see HELEN and myself in the bedroom...RIMINGTON in the living room and MIKE, Helen's husband, escaping to the bathroom. He locked himself in and was promptly very sick - they had been eating spaghetti. He then whipped out an old-style mobile phone and called DAVE...this was a mate of his who had done well for himself as a photographer...he used to pretend that he was straight and had a girlfriend in the East (Singapore I think) but everybody knew different...

Anyway, MIKE was petrified on the phone 'that awful woman is in the house again - what am I going to do?'.

DAVE kept telling him down the phone to calm down and then 'just ask her for money - more money'...

RIMINGTON must have suspected something was up because she then banged on the bathroom door and MIKE said 'just a minute' and went to wash his mouth out in the sink - then the urge to throw up again...and he just made it back to the toilet bowl.

RIMINGTON was grinning upon the other side of the door. She hadn't heard the telephone conversation but was enjoying the fact that MIKE was obviously so terrified of her.

Anyway, that is enough about HELEN and MIKE - I can now see that they were put in as unwilling 'minders' of myself - my 'zoo keepers' as it were.

What interests me here is that this ability to 'see everything' had occurred many times in my particular, within that large building (probably Shepherd's Bush) where I could 'see' precisely where TOMLINSON was within the interior of the building and could 'track' his movements (I had even seen him blowing the safe in that closed off room, whilst I was outside of the building) but I could also see the whole building as if I had 'x-ray specs' on - very odd indeed. I can now see that with this ability - that it would have been impossible to 'soul-trap' me because I had no 'fixed point' of existence for the ILL to do so. I was in 'all places' at once and therefore 'walls' presented no problem at all for me.

Other notes:

I have left TIN-TIN: BLACK ISLAND upon my bedside table for a long time now...and recently put an old cheap 'FRENCH PHRASEBOOK' on top of it...and last night...I began to browse through idea why...I knew just about every word and phrase...but something was niggling me...

I then realised...firstly that this book had the programming number 15 at the front of it...secondly that the first chapter has a large black inverted pentagram star above it...and thirdly that RIMINGTON had made me buy this book at the cheap bookshop THE WORKS whilst I was living in Ipswich and used it to program me with a bit of French before I went to my parents chateau.

She was using PAS 'FOOD' mind control - and it was hideously funny in retrospect simply because RIMINGTON was of Germanic descent, her second language was German (Afrikaans) and she had no aptitude for learning a Southern European 'tongue' in terms of pronunciation.

She looked up 40 and said CURRANT. It was intentional in terms of PAS FOOD programming but one can see where that might have come from...somebody (Tomlinson?) listening to RIMINGTON attempting to speak French and realising the possible 'crossovers' in FRANGLAIS programming...I then pronounced it properly and RIMINGTON was furious...I could see TOMLINSON sniggering behind her back...she then said CURRANT again...and I 'tried' again 'CAR-RUNT?'...I was making life difficult for her and making TOMLINSON laugh by that point.

Anyway, flicking through this little book again...I realised what had been 'locked up' in my mind at level 15...I had spoken FRENCH better than ENGLISH as a very young child...mainly because until nursery school I was in the hands of my Swiss-French grandmother who simply didn't bother to speak English with me and my mother was hardly ever was at nursery school that I really had to start learning English properly...I remembered the early Swiss holidays after that...and was a very odd is as if the French was going into your right ear and your subconscious mind understood every word...but your left ear wasn't hearing anything...and was registering that it didn't understand a word...but your subconscious mind was making you act in accordance with what you are that I could repeat back in English to my mother later on, what Grati and Nini were talking about - without realising that they were not talking English...because if I had consciously admitted to myself that I understood French...that would have broken down the 'walls' between the left and right I just 'passed over' that one...a 'slippage'...I remember my mother was exasperated at the time and annoyed with me 'how could you know what they were saying?' she demanded and I felt very ashamed for some reason...

Put that together with RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON trying to block me from learning FRENCH and for most of my life...up until the time at the TEMPLAR CASTLE where that really worked in my favour...both of them were of the opinion that I couldn't speak a word...and so how could I be a possible suspect for THAT telephone call...

It was still true...I couldn't consciously remember much French at all...but I just 'forced' it out in desperation...anyway, I can now see why 'VENEZIA' had told me that I spoke very 'good French' during that visit with GEORGE MILLAR to my parents' chateau...she had obviously read my early records...where it would have been stated that French was in fact, my first main language...before English. The first 'imprinted language' as it were. The third was to be HEBREW via the blessings with the MANDELSON family down the road...and as a child - I must have had a strong aptitude for languages in that I could remember them instantly...whereas their own children could not. However, by 14 years old and at LANGLEY SENIORS - attempting to learn any other language almost paralysed me...but then doing any academic work at that point...caused extreme anxiety...but within the last few months...I forced myself through it, to get my exams.

Other notes:

Anyway, I was wondering why I had put this FRENCH PHRASEBOOK (a royal blue and white PENGUIN edition) on top of the TIN-TIN BLACK ISLAND book?

I can only guess that this BLACK ISLAND is one where FRENCH is spoken and naturally my thoughts turned to the CHANNEL ISLANDS...TIN-TIN is wearing a kilt...and so it would be somewhere within that region...

I then got a curious message that there were un-named and un-marked 'islands' which were to the north of the channel...but no idea if this is true or sounded suspect...and I began to think more about JERSEY and GUERNSEY...and how JERSEY was a tax-haven for the ILL elite...those paedophile monsters in the 'yachting clubs' and so forth...where that old witch AUNT VALENTINE in her 'dead fox head' furs, used to live...not to mention Haut de la Garenne...and how PAT ANDREW used to have to go 'cap in hand' to her dead husband's relatives upon this island to get her share of his money that was 'tied up' there...and how these people were fabulously wealthy but also extremely mean...kept her hanging on a string...constantly 'forgetting' to pay her the annual amount she was entitled to...and she depended upon it to live - and to keep her children and mother...

I forget the history now but weren't both islands NAZI-occupied for some while? At any rate, I was getting the idea that this BLACK ISLAND was all about a NAZI base which still exists upon a CHANNEL ISLAND...underground...and that this is an important ILL 'signals/computer' base.

Other notes:

I can now understand why MARK thought that ILLE was so important as a word (I only heard him say it and I mentioned the tennis star because of it - but I had no idea how he was spelling it)...that is what I was looking up in terms of the 978 ISBN it wasn't actually about EMILY at all was a way of spelling the 'electric eel's' surname...I still have to look up that family in EAST BERGHOLT...NB do that today...

So one can assume that other 'top programmer' families will have encoded their names into ISBN listings...

However, the name EMILY will be linked to zygote abuse...a lot was put upon your first name...I remember my mother saying to me that her father had NEVER forgiven her for calling me EMILY and not MARY for some reason...I suppose that it is a 'good' thing...MARI/MERI get eaten...I was simply used as a 'womb' instead...

Other notes:

As I was browsing through the AMAZON codes yesterday - I instinctively 'knew' and could pick out the main string that a programmer would use out of a given code (they normally only go for 6 digits) I was doing this, I began to realise that this is how easy it is, for a programmer to find out the full 'spectrum' of programming materials to be used upon a given slave. It is a very easy international system to use. A code will pull up all you need to it sportswear, books, lampshades from IKEA etc. I bet it could pull up CARS too, upon other sites...and freezers...the whole lot.

Other notes:

I was in the library the other day, scrutinising people as I normally do...and I saw a Muslim guy...I immediately knew that he was Muslim because he performed a gesture that I recognised...he averted his eyes, cast them downwards and waved me off with a flicking of his was a gesture of extreme respect to a woman...'I am dipping my eyes in respect and you should do the same'...and I remembered how CAROLINE'S brother who had converted to ISLAM had done the same when he visited our cottage - he didn't look at me once during the whole weekend.

Having been in the company of an ILL ARAB PRINCE for so long i.e. TOMLINSON - I had forgotten that the REAL Islamic way is not a 'one-way' is NOT that men can look at women as they please but women cannot look at works BOTH ways. Respect, both ways.

Other notes:

I forgot to mention another important point about ISBN coding: MARK had told me that 'they' had conducted studies regarding the encoding of this system (the original ALICE system) and found that for some reason - the vast majority of people tested had a 'blind spot' for picking out a repeat pattern of the number '97'. They simply 'didn't see it' and therefore registered the string of numbers as entirely random - unless told to focus in order to see if there was a particular pattern and even then the repeated '97' was quite hard to spot, for most people.

So yesterday, I made the other numbers 'stand out' in my mind and then re-merged them with the 97s and realised that this could easily be the case - I was 'chopping' up the string of numbers into segments at random as I looked through them and 'missing' the repeated clumps of 97 for some reason but I am still not sure why...

Other notes:

The full details of that French phrasebook:

First published 1968

ISBN: 0 14 062276 4 90201
9 780140 622768

Now that is father once took our family to see the COX family...within that idea why now...I cannot remember much, if anything about it...but they had also been in BLACKHEATH but I couldn't remember playing with their children at all...the guy was involved in the publishing design I think...and so one of FISHWICK'S friends then...

I remember the PAS command 'coxed in boxes' i.e. 'dead alters in boxes' in your mind.


J - H I A B E C C H G I

For some obscure reason - I am getting someone called 'Agamemnon' and I am relating this to MR COX...he was referred to by this name and by my father - in MR COX'S study which overlooked their extensive country garden - he had a large graphic designer's drawing board in there with all of the necessary materials...was it his real name or a 'joke' must have been part of ILL programming at his house, for some reason.Was his real name ABEL? I know that this name is also related to whatever was going on at the COX house...and it is coming back now...FISHWICK'S gang of paedophiles had all got nicknames...GREEK/ROMAN nicknames...

The last bit is worrying me...IACAB...and funnily enough, the association I have with this is...whilst standing in a queue at SOMERFIELDS the SPIRITS...I saw a BACARDI rum bottle and the sign of the of TOMLINSON'S 'favourite' drinks but then after being programmed as 'dracula/batman' - I suppose it would be - there is a large BAT logo upon the bottle. However the above code is more likely to be the CIA and AB/BA...but there is something about 'rum'...and the 'Rumba'...the only dance my father could ever perform, according to my mother but he says that he was also good at the 'Quickstep' and my mother laughs herself silly at that one...and that has brought back another memory...of POWERGEN...RIMINGTON and SCARLET showing us one of those old-fashioned books which teaches you how to dance...the dance steps...with FOOTPRINTS and how even the young men upon the course, had to follow the lead of the programmer...they had to dance the woman's part...

It is funny but I witness so many 'coincidences' upon a daily basis that it is difficult to sort out what must be REAL coincidences and what are not...for example...a young woman walked in front of me into BOOTS - heading to the back of the shop, as I was...and she had her name tattooed upon her back D A N N Y...but all I read was DAN - NEW YORK...I simply 'decoded' it even though it was quite obviously a 'coincidence'...but my mind was thinking on...about how with microchipped slaves...they could all be put onto some computer circuit/program...and that it just then plays itself out...and I felt myself to be really like 'AMERICAN MCGEE'S ALICE' but a real human being trapped within a game of computerised human beings, around me...

Anyway, there are so many sick little scripts at work is ridiculous...I mean, the last bit of minature programming that I uncovered yesterday was the ACHILLES number...(probably linked to CHILLIES - which is how I originally typed it) what was I supposed to do...fall in love with my best mate PATROCLUS according to the ILLIAD, or fall in love with a 'slave girl' according to PETERSEN'S crap movie...and then wait for RIMINGTON to 'blowdart' my ankle? I am laughing...oh, and I forgot...I also have to kill KING PRIAM whoever he is and drag his body around where - HARWICH? What happens to PARIS/TOMLINSON then? He doesn't have a 'good ending' in this script either.

The whole idea of beseiging TROY is interesting looks like an 'island' within the film but is supposedly EPHESUS in TURKEY...and then sending in the TROJAN HORSE...this is all about computer programming.

Who is KING PR I AM - then? I am getting PETER MANDELSON as a possibility or COI - if one looks at the UK as TROY and I am quite sure that it is, in RIMINGTON'S mind.

I mean - this could have wider repercussions than just being a way to 'kill me off' - like my father - who was also programmed with ACHILLES HEEL and so one can assume that it is a usual mind control script command, put into every ILL slave...

TROY - YO R T (Richard Tomlinson)...ROTI...roasted...the PAS FOOD mind control commands are coming back...

Other notes:

I should consult this FRENCH PHRASEBOOK a bit more...for the FOOD picked out, in particular...I have just noticed a word that TOMLINSON tried to use as an 'association' but I told him that 'it doesn't work for me' and he got furious:


His idea was IT - CH as in computing-Switzerland.

I cannot remember the words that RIMINGTON pointed out in this I will have to look through every page...oddly enough several pages are folded over and upon subjects that I wouldn't want to look up e.g. CAMPING/ON THE BEACH...

I get it - the TRIANGULAR TENT image - this is '3 men in a boat' programming and being 'straightjacketed' in a tent...the word ORDURES as in 'rubbish/garbage' is the last one upon the page...and RIMINGTON was forever trying to programme me as a 'baglady'.

Other notes:

I really cannot believe the added harassment today from my mother - apparently COMPASS have sent her a letter to say that they have NOT been harassing me - they have also LIED about the boiler and told her that it was possible to fix it - when the plumber said it wasn't - he had sent off for a part which he then found was incompatible and couldn't use and didn't know whether or not he could get another one but had decided to tell COMPASS that it wasn't worth the bother - just to replace the lot - which COMPASS then agreed to do.

My mother then proceed to threaten me - as per usual - I was creating this mess - they would not pay up and I will be out on the street - the usual shit.

You can see how 'sick' my parents are about money. Especially money that was paid to them because of my slavery - they will not part with a penny of it. They do not see themselves as having lived off my slavery at all - they do not see my father's unearned £80,000 a year extra, as anything to do with my predicament now.

My mother was in her usual vicious 'hard-as-iron' alter. It is amazing how she can 'switch' so easily when it comes to money. I suppose that is true about all of the ILL.

She started on the usual tack of 'YOU WILL GO TO THE HOUSING BENEFIT OFFICE' and continued to repeat it on and on...


You can have me out on the street if you want but it will take a court order to do it.

Your SHAME not mine.

It is a pity I have my period today because I was feeling a bit 'weaker' than usual and so didn't give my mother the short shift, verbally - that she truly deserved.

However, it is all water off a duck's back to me now - I am NEVER going to sign on again in this country and I will NOT be bullied, harassed and cornered by these SICK people, into doing so. THEY WILL PAY UP.

Upon reflection, I would say that this is my mother's RIMINGTON alter i.e. thick as shit, cold-blooded with a bullying, greedy and grasping, avaricious listening to a vicious little 'lizard' at the end of the line.

I am now getting a much better picture upon what I have had to put up with all of my life - the schizophrenic 'nature' of my mother. One minute, she is ringing me up 'all supportive and loving' - the next day, she is ringing up as the bitch from hell/Stalag 9. The difference between her normal front alter and her RIMINGTON alter.

Other notes:

GOOD - that's really annoyed the ILL then.

I suppose the events of yesterday must have really put the shits up the ILL - as I began to hack through their ISBN coding (that must have caused a few to choke upon their tea and digestives back at MI6) and no doubt HELEN RODWAY is also having kittens - about her 'social status' after so many people read about what she was forced to do by the ILL and MARTIN AYRES must be feeling as sick as a dog, concerning the exposure of that miserable little sham of a life, that he has been leading.

In brief, these terrorised slaves are running around like HEADLESS CHICKENS and only thinking of themselves - not a thought for myself, in this dire predicament. They all have good incomes, houses, families whilst I have nothing but that doesn't bother them at all - they just want to hold on to what they have and to grab more - whilst hiding their 'guilty secrets'.

No wonder the 'backlash' was quite severe this morning. I could go on about how evil bullying is - how emotionally upsetting (not to mention the current 'mobbing') but I have reached a plateau upon that one now - and see it all as a 'game' to be played out and I am going to WIN.

Additionally, we have now passed the ROCKNROLLA stage and the ILL still haven't been allowed back into this flat - I read the minds of those downstairs...PETRONELLA and CO were contacting TOMLINSON 'what are we going to do? They will kill us all...' So they are petrified of being murdered if they do not get into this flat to perform more hangings, murders and backstreet abortions. What sort of yellow-bellied cowards, are they all?

Anyway this is a big one, in the eye of the ROCKEFELLER FAMILY - I have completely screwed up their ILL timetable.

Yes, I do have to gauge THE REACTION OF THE ILL and this morning - it was pretty fucking good but also rather 'feeble'. They are ultimately defenceless and that is what I am currently proving.

When one looks at the whole thing, within the context of their two most famous programming texts: ALICE IN WONDERLAND and THE WIZARD OF OZ - one can see that we are literally talking about people, who are as useless in the real world as a 'pack of playing cards', 'kittens/cats' and a 'puny old man in a special effects box'. Even their own texts, let the ILL down. The 'poor fairies'.

Other notes:

My father is letting my mother 'take the rap' in her RIMINGTON alter for some reason - whilst he and MIKE WEALE are obviously reading up everything that I post, upon a daily basis, on my blogspot. What are they up to?

Other notes:

I have got out two DVDS to watch:

Firstly the film MUNICH for obvious reasons - made by NAZI SPIELBERG - so it should be a laugh a minute.

DVD BARCODE: 5 0583 028873

I will fastforward through it because I do not want to be OFFENDED by anything - and I might easily be, if I were to watch every frame, in real time - of this stinking farce of a movie.

In fact, I remember asking TOMLINSON if I could view it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and he was immediately suspcious and asked me why I wanted to see it.

I replied: 'For obvious reasons'.

He asked me what those reasons were.

'Because I haven't seen it.'

It was always easy to fool TOMLINSON with my 'faut' naivety - in a 'child alter'.

However, I now need to 'refresh my memory' upon this inexcrable movie.

Other notes:

Update upon TOMLINSON and MARK upon the 'network':

"I can't stand the woman, I can't stand the woman - make her stop".

Poor fairies.

I am getting the idea here that it was MARK'S PEOPLE who have told TOMLINSON to deny me any repayment and upon pain of death - because I spoilt his icky little home-snuff movie for SPIELBERG...ah diddums...and TOMLINSON - being that tall, handsome, immensely strong and intelligent MI6..................CARTOON CHARACTER in the latest SIMPSONS comic - rolled over, whining...and then sat up and begged for his MASTERS...he then did what all DOGS do, turned around and offered his arse to them...imagine that...a puny, whinging, cowardly SAINT BERNARDS bending over for a dirty little runt of a dog, behind pathetic.

I have to say that in retrospect - I now much prefer the character of ETI to you, least he had COURAGE...he had a BRAVE character...whereas you and TOMLINSON are just a pair of RETARDED RUNTS with 'oh, so delicate feelings'.

Other notes:

My mother has rung up again...but I haven't answered the telephone...she will now probably attempt to frogmarch me into the CLACTON HOUSING BENEFIT OFFICE...this is how desperate the ILL are becoming...I will therefore have to avoid her where possible and NOT answer the door to anyone (you cannot tell through the glass necessarily, who is calling - apart from 'height').

Other notes:

My mother has rung up again and left a message upon the ansaphone:

"Hello BOHUN (her nickname for me and my middle name) - pick up the phone, pick up the phone... I have just had a LONG conversation with ROGER at COMPASS about the COUNTY COURT and I just need to TALK YOU THROUGH IT - pick up the me back...I need to talk you through it - the COUNTY COURT."

Naturally, this will be about the ILL trying to get an eviction order but they will not actually dare to go to court - hence the extreme bullying tone of this left message .

So this is how RATTLED the ILL are is really escalating isn't it?

This is only the MONDAY after the SATURDAY repossession date - AND I have given a possible date for moving out (see email above) upon this THURSDAY - so, in all fairness - the ILL are not behaving in a 'rational' way, are they? They are acting in a very irrational way - and they are employing every bullying tactic that they can think of...but failing. Do your worst. You are only digging your PIT deeper and deeper. Showing your true stinking colours, with every step you take and giving me more and more to expose about you all.

NOT a good 'advertisement' for the UK eh?

Or 'BRITISH CULTURE' for that matter...just a bunch of bullying thugs and grunting hogs.

I suppose that the ILL still haven't quite got the fact that so many people loved the HARRY POTTER books, worldwide...and to KNOW that the real author is being treated in this way, by ROYALTY, by BRITISH those like MARK ROCKEFELLER and SPIELBERG...will change the way that they 'view' these 'subnormal personalities', forever.

It is an 'OPEN SECRET' after all (and has been since 2001) - even RIMINGTON admitted to that one and to the BRITISH PRESS.

The CHINESE know...the RUSSIANS know...who doesn't know?

Other notes:

I fastforwarded through MUNICH at x8 speed to give myself a quick reminder of what it was all about...crap was interesting to note how many 'Woody Allen' type faces occur as part of ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE...crap, there wasn't ONE person that I met in Israeli Intelligence who had those genetic looks (but then I was in Israel) and I suppose it is 'pleasing' for the NEW YORK Jews - particularly those like SPIELBERG to pretend that they were all 'in on it', at the time.

I hadn't got the subtitles on but realised as I was nearly towards the end...that there had been only one line which was even remotely interesting to me and I really couldn't be bothered to go back and watch the movie, to find it.

I remember now my initial reaction after having viewed this movie with TOMLINSON...

HA HA isn't even 'bad fiction'...

Although I kept my opinions to myself.

Anonymous said...

The ELEY family who run the East Bergholt Garden Centre.

Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716


Why would a Hurley T-Shirt - Hurley Money T-Shirt - Cinder....come up as the very first item upon a BRITISH INTELLIGENCE programming items, list?


I 'get' the third item i.e. THE IPCRESSE FILES but this one?

It rather reminds me of a 'green' dollar bill in terms of the typeface.

Why is it called CINDER?

Do BRITISH INTELLIGENCE officers all get 'roasted' as DALDRY would put it, at their MIND CONTROL SLAVE expiry date?

Anonymous said...


The second item upon this list is also interesting - it contains TOMLINSON'S 51 code.

Ultra Clear Screen Protector set of 12 for Samsung SGH-G800, Display Protection Film, Mobile Phone


It appears to be a 'clear' YELLOW screen - especially for the 'British Ashkenazim' then - or those like the ROYAL FAMILY who claim to be of Ashkenazim descent?

I forgot to mention that the HURLEY tee-shirt is another 'baba booey' one:


This time he appears to be 'I DOGE' - but surely TOMLINSON had wanted to be an ARAB PRINCE so where does this 'Doge' business come in?

Anonymous said...


Retro Movie Prints: Ipcress File - Belgian Movie Print - 30 x 40 cm

ASIN: B001BY36KA that brings something back...I remember asking if it was to do with 'cuvee'at the TEMPLAR CASTLE, as in the first press of the grapes for wine...and DALDRY replied that this was the general meaning.

However, in ILL CULTURE - grapes = one can imagine what the 'first press' would mean to a member of the ROYAL FAMILY, for example.

Anyway, I will pursue this line of inquiry upon AMAZON because it is yielding so much more information about ILL programmers and programming.

Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716


This is a really nasty one and an extreme death threat:

Primus 8716 Neck Tube Valve Gas Torch

Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716

Here is a personalised one from MARK ROCKEFELLER - using his bogus ID as a member of the FBI/IRS:

ON THE FARM BLOWOUT (a mind control threat of a heart attack).


Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716

Anybody remember 'CAGEY'?

Or would that be JAMES CAGNEY aka RICHARD TOMLINSON in Cagnes sur Mer?

Queen - Taschen/Rucksäcke Logo


Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716


Remember those 'green shorts' that TOMLINSON wore as he perched upon a washing machine for MARK to take photographs of him for the BBC RAW LIBRARY poster?

You can buy these 'ILL programming' shorts here:

Rigg 18 Watershort - Flourite Green

Anonymous said...

Were you programming as a BRITISH INTELLIGENCE abortionist?

If so this vacuum cleaner to suck up the 'eggs' was your programming object:

Philips FC 8716 Easyclean Vacuum Cleaner


Anonymous said...

Didn't RIMINGTON used to refer to herself as BETTY BOOP, doing the she terrorised another young girl through a horribly painful abortion - to then call the child dirty...

Anonymous said...

You know, I bet the UK ILL are sitting on their hands thinking 'ho de hum, hum de ho', nobody is going to take any of the above seriously.

Everybody believes in James Bond fictionalised accounts of us.

Wake up and smell the coffee because every one of your systems is now being dismantled - torn apart.

Anonymous said...


Yet another ILL book was left out for me - this thick paperback has a particularly nasty black and white image upon the cover.

That of a SERIAL CRUCIFIXION upon a hill overlooking a large, modern city.

The title is:

ISBN: 0 7528 7709 7 00699
9 780752 877099

Yet another attempt to scare me - using the 978 code as well as the British Intelligence 528 (green ray code), not to mention the 77 Carrier Pigeon code AND to top it off the demonic TAU of OTO code: 0699 (69)

You have to laugh, don't you?

This is all about how the ROMANS takeover modern society and start crucifying people again.

Programming numbers: 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

To give you a gist of this author's skills - the first chapter is entitled EMBALMING and describes the embalmed parents of the protagonist MARCUS in the following terms:

"They looked as peaceful as artificial fruit."

Now, I had never really thought about whether 'artifical fruit' were capable of looking peaceful or 'worried' or 'nervous' for that matter...but it makes you wonder, doesn't it? If only about the state of mind of this particular author.

Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716

This is a good one - a LOWRY code and so bound to be exceptionally perverted, sick and evil:

Broadway Musicals [Import]


Label: Madacy
ASIN: B000000LOW

This appears to be a 'spinner' program - to make your head spin like a is linked to CD programming.

Check out the 'initial letter' code on each CD - for example, CD3:


Black Rabbit said...

CODE 8716

Another 'interesting' one, no?

Perception and control of simulated self motion (SuDoc D 301.45/27:87-16) [Import] (Unknown Binding)
by U.S. Dept of Defense (Author)

Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716

Petzl Charlet Tikkina Torch

Now, let me see - this was linked to PSI programming and your 3rd eye, wasn't it?


Anonymous said...


Disc: 1
1. Phantom of the Opera
2. Music of the Night
3. I Don't Know How to Love Him
4. Jesus Christ Superstar
5. Don't Cry for Me Argentina
6. Oh! What a Circus



Disc: 2
1. Hello, Young Lovers
2. Oh, What a Beautiful Morning
3. Carousel Waltz
4. Climb Ev'ry Mountain
5. It Might as Well Be Spring
6. There Is Nothin' Like a Dame


Disc: 3
1. Cheek to Cheek
2. Doin' What Comes Natur'lly
3. Easter Parade
4. Girl That I Marry
5. Change Partners
6. Isn't This a Lovely Day?


Anonymous said...

CODE: 8716

Another 'interesting' one, HO;

Korea, the Indian Proposal for Resolving the Prisoners of War Problem (Cmd.8716) (Unknown Binding)
by Foreign Office Great Britain (Author)

Black Rabbit said...


HA! This programming is unique to myself - it contains my debit card pin-number:


Sealey AK6114 - TRX-Star Socket Set 14pc Deep Female 1/4, 3/8 & 1/2Sq Drive E4-24
Sealey Tools

Price: £28.71


But then...I had been programmed as a 'seal-woman' by the ILL...who would then get me to inaugurate their 'Springtime for Hitler'.

Yes, like HITLER and his original troupe of 'dancing fairies' (before they were all murdered in their beds) - you are doing a good imitation or should I say, reinactment of the rise and (rather more rapid)fall of the 3rd Reich.

Anonymous said...

Want to be a member of the 5th column of NAZI FASCISTS WORLDWIDE?

Get programmed with this little baby:


ISO 8716:2001, Road vehicles - Fifth wheel kingpins - Strength test (Paperback)

Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Multiple. Distributed through American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (23 Aug 2007)
Product Dimensions: 26.7 x 21 x 0.1 cm

Anonymous said...

8716: calls up a lot, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

The more boring ILL programming stuff:


Here you go...


Kingston ValueRAM - Memory - 2 GB ( 2 x 1 GB ) - DIMM 240-pin - DDR II - 667 MHz / PC2-5300 - CL5 - 1.8 V - unbuffered - ECC

Product Description: Kingston ValueRAM memory - 2 GB ( 2 x 1 GB ) - DIMM 240-pin - DDR2
Storage Capacity: 2 GB ( 2 x 1 GB )
Upgrade Type: Generic
Technology: DDR2 SDRAM
Form Factor: DIMM 240-pin
Memory Speed: 667 MHz ( PC2-5300 )
Data Integrity Check: ECC
Latency Timings: CL5
Features: Unbuffered
Supply Voltage: 1.8 V
Manufacturer Warranty: Limited lifetime warranty ( Germany, Austria and France - 10 years )

...and another one (for the 'rechargeable' mind control slaves amongst us) :


High Quality Battery for Panasonic NV-GS50, 7,2 V, 2160 mAh, 100% fits, properly matching, Li-Ion, Lithium Ion Technology, silver, Batteries, Camcorder, Video, #02
by Mexxtronics


Black Rabbit said...

FEMALE ILL MIND CONTROL SLAVES - set yourself free from sex-slavery with this one:

Media Storehouse


Anonymous said...

249 was a quick reference 'call-up' code for that one, by a programmer, wasn't it?

Anonymous said...


This will have been your childhood programming code:


SCHOOLGIRLS KNITTING - Canvas Print 16x12 (40x30cm) by Mary Evans


You will have been shown this photograph upon programming.

A class of young German girls busy with their knitting, aided by fraulein since the date is 1915, they are probably knitting socks for the soldiers at the front Date 1915

Black Rabbit said...


A middle-aged woman - who goes by the name of VIOLET as a programmer and even dresses in a 'violet' top...has just left her car outside; picked up a bag of programming objects and then walked down past the front of EAGLE HOUSE only to quickly disappear...I opened the window to track her progress and she had vanished.


Other notes:

I had a nap this afternoon and woke up to hear TOMLINSON on the network saying:

BATTLESHIPS...I then asked for a name and he said THE DREADNOUGHT...I said that this ship had been converted into a CRUISER years ago...and then he said BATTLESHIPS AND CRUISERS...that was the key to the whole ILL GAME.

Anyway, I then thought BAC - didn't I see BAC encoded somewhere?

I then also remembered THE SIMPSONS comic where this game would be played out for REAL between PRINCE PHILIP and some GREEK BUDDY of his - exploding real warships just for the hell of it, in peace time...until the UNITED NATIONS stepped in, with JIMMIE CARTER presiding over the signing of a contract, outlawing such disgusting behaviour.

So I got up to note all of this down and as I was about to...saw the video that I had left behind this chair, in a box...three in fact:


I knew that all 3 had been seminal programming materials but wondered why I had picked them out together especially.

I then thought of the name ABEL and figured...maybe this was about the encoding that I had recently found out in relation to ISBN CODES?

Finally, after pulling these three videos out - one was hiding behind THE FALCON AND THE SNOWMAN:


Additionally, one video wasn't in a box and just stated:


Let us us the ALICE CODE on it:


I then saw DOGMA without its video cover on:

VCF: 15318


(2125) BFDBI (five to 'one-two'?)

I then thought of the HAJIB code that I had seen...and realised 'no'...not actually HAJIB but one of the men who had run CATHY O' BRIEN in WASHINGTON DC: PHILIP HABIB.

Other notes:

There is a woman who is a painter/decorator who comes in a white car with her equipment to do HAZEL'S flat. The car reg. is:

T679 ABY

In ALICE CODING this is:

19 - GHJ 0124

I then thought about the code that I was given by RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON for this flat and in ALICE CODE:


2 CGHJ 24

The name of this woman appears to be JILL.

If one shifts the values of this simple ALICE code back by 4 points, one gets FIJL - JIL F?

24 FIJL 20

The numbers are reminding me of the code for YUSUF.

Let us substitute letters:


There is some code going on here...but I do not really care what looks like an anagram for 'wife I jilt'...

Other notes:


CC7492 (22 HEJC - so who was JC?)

VFB13488 (2151 BDEII - the 'beady eye' - I have heard that term before)


VFB 12496 (2162 BCEJG)


This is an odd one - the label says:
VVD 517 ( 21214 FBH)

Other notes:

I should have noted before that MARK told me that 'his people' would be driving cars with the registration being variations upon VBO/VBH around HARWICH...and the cars which are parked to the left or right of EAGLE HOUSE both have those registrations, respectively...and he told me that they would be FBI cars.

I can now see that MARK had decided to 'run' the FBI after kidnapping LOEHRMANN.

However, I am assuming that he wasn't necessarily telling the truth about VBO/VBH being an FBI registration plate...this is all about VIDEOS and a HOLLYWOOD mafia elite who run mind control slaves (via the ROCKEFELLER FAMILY) all over the world.

I have also to note that the above video has a sticker on the side:

P2 16460 (16C BFEFA)
18 00083 (BI AAAID)


VFC31242 (2163 DBCEC)


VFC 30585 (2163 DPFIF)

Anyway, I can now see why MARK called himself MR ONE-TWO...because that is how the supposed FBI code worked - read backwards...and I can now see what I had to do...what part I had in this 'system' i.e. if it was out everything upon the internet and ironically it was a ROCKEFELLER who broke the system - using my remote-viewing alter...and lied to me about everything that he intended to do...lied to me about working for the CIA (he was only out for himself and RIMINGTON)...lied about the whole lot...and set-up the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 to create a video blackmail package, simply to make more money...whilst screwing me into the ground as a mind control slave...using my lucrative creative material to make even more money for himself...a man who had then proceeded to let the ROYAL FAMILY torture members of the CIA to death in the dungeons because one presumes, that they had found out what he was up to...

So the above CODING system is now officially 'worthless' - the whole original FBI WIZARD OF OZ/ALICE in WONDERLAND scam which had been set-up to takeover the European ILLUMINATI CULT is OVER, exposed to the world - and look how deeply entwined HOLLYWOOD had been, within it - but then it was all about 'entertainment' and from the first DISNEY was clear that HOLLYWOOD housed many NAZIS. The irony here is that the ROYAL FAMILY were a pack of NAZIS just warring factions of NAZIS then.

Let me look at the barcode of this cartoon LORD OF THE RINGS:

5 014780 374089



I have no idea...but remember my 'starring role' as ARAGORN (and his wife MOSSAG) in HARRY POTTER...the black spider who is brought up in a 'closet' at HOGWARTS by HAGRID...a character that I had always associated with TOMLINSON...spiders hatch from eggs...

I am beginning to realise how much I had shocked the ILL and from the very first, in 1980 - when SCARLETT realised my ability to takeover his mind and to make him do things, without him that first PSI test where I was supposed to simply view which coloured card he choose, alone in a locked room...and then, add to that the whole 'smoke and mirrors' event at HEROD'S TEMPLE...and that must have frightened them all considerably...

I can now see more clearly what MARK was up to...he had got me to do the same to MI6 in terms of getting an employee to go through their TOMLINSON'S office...where they were in the business of spouting sick, stupid and evil things down the network to the radio towers and then on to their radio-controlled slaves...

Other notes:

I am now going to watch a library DVD which was 'recommended' to me by JOHN WATERS:

RED EYE (this is 'camera' programming)
5 05083 027487


So we are back to the old ACHE code again are we? We have several associations for that one:

ACEH (Indonesia)
ACHE (Templar castle hideout in Israel)

On the DVD: 8302748-11/V1


The CIA network told me rather cryptically to watch it - and enjoy it - get a bit scared and then go to bed. Whatever it was would 'work' - they were referring to some code and something that I would remember whilst I watched the movie.

The movie was released 2005. The first noticeable code was the seat number of the young woman flying - 18-G which in ALICE CODE comes out as BI-6. MI6?

The heroine is a bit of an emaciated ALICE and her colleague who is running the hotel where they work, in her absence - is even more of a 'little girl'. The colleague, rather worryingly has one of the biggest splits down the front of her nose, that I have as yet seen, upon a young face.

PAEDOPHILA and/or COCAINE ABUSE - and a nose job?

I have forgotten the number above the stone front door of the house of the heroine's father - I should check back because this was also 'important'.

Anyway, all I can say is that if this movie was used in ILL-programming, which it could easily be - those like RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON would simply show excerpts to 'educate' their victims into a 'fear of flying' i.e. the FRESH AIR flight company (this was also a brand of chewing gum used in programming so linked to 'breathing')...and also terrorising them into obedience by showing excerpts of the psychotic man bullying the woman upon the plan, regarding the life of her father - pure emotional blackmail.

The fact that she stabs her assailant in the throat with a pen, is an interesting one - precisely where MARK had his 'wound' i.e. scar tissue around the throat.

Is that what I was supposed to 'get' about this movie? That this man represents MARK ROCKEFELLER?

If so, he is then linked up with the RUSSIANS i.e. some mafioso oligarchy (it doesn't have to be Russian Intelligence, now does it?) an attempt to blow up a wealthy businessman's family in a certain number of suite in the hotel.

I suppose I should whizz back and find out the numbers.

Other notes:

Last night - this code came back:


This represented a man who had made some of the worst trouble - the man who was responsible for so much of what had happened in the ILL CULT...I had several associations...firstly JAY...then JACEK...JACK (the man in the movie was called JACK RIPPNER)...and then 'JAS' as in 'JASON'...I linked this to ROWLING'S father and also to PRINCE WILLIAM for some reason.

Other notes:

To summarise - I can now understand the whole scenario...and how MARK had tricked me yet again by telling me that the VBO/VBH cars were a variation upon FBI and that I would be safe with these cars upon WEST STREET.

In fact, they were the cars of those who were FILMING me for MARK'S sick movie.

However, all three cars disappeared some time ago and rarely appear nowadays. However, the guys who drive them - haven't - they have simply swapped their cars for new ones.

For example - the guy to the right of EAGLE HOUSE now drives a car with the registration:



1113 FB 4186

Doesn't one get the feeling here that the REAL FBI have now taken over MARK'S slaves?

This guy WAS formerly driving a VBO he is driving an FB one.

So now I REALLY do have the FBI keeping an 'eye' upon me around here.

That is very comforting - and not the EVIL EYE of MARK'S sick documentary of my 'life and death' according to an insane and psychotic script that he and RIMINGTON dreamed up.

So FBI, what are you going to do about COMPASS and PETRONELLA'S sick crew down below in FLAT 1? Over to you. I am going to do nothing unless 'contacted'. I am just going to 'sit' here.

This changeover of cars, occurred some time ago - although one of the green VB cars turns up now and then but never for long.


Thinking about the RED EYE again - it is all about the 'defeat of MARK' isn't it?

How US INTELLIGENCE pulled themselves back under their own control - from ROCKEFELLER 'private business' control.

That is why the MI6 representative STABS the predator IN THE precisely the same spot where MARK had been given a tracheotomy...he then ruthlessly hunts her down until she eventually manages to shoot him - then her father 'wakes up' and manages to get him with the final bullet.

I can see echoes and parallels to my own life here - particularly my father turning up in Switzerland and acting as a 'team' with me in terms of helping to book the 'right' accommodation for my final days at the HARDER MINERVA and HIRSCHEN and adding helpful clues and tips from his own memories even though it was quite clear that he had been given a lobotomy 'needle through the eye' - a year or so ago, to prevent him from 'waking up'.

This film was made by DREAMWORKS...therefore this means that even SPIELBERG and GEFFNER have now been put under FBI control - or taken out of ILL MIND CONTROL...either way - and since 2005.

I have to say that this was a good movie and that I would recommend it to anybody.

Other notes:

I can now see that my father was always CIA/FBI affiliated because of his 'friendship' with JOHN WATERS in BLACKHEATH.

The big problems started when RIMINGTON took over the UK ILL cult with the 'golden chain' in 1980 and then MARK took over the running of it - after he had got me to 'break into' both MI6 AND the FBI - by remote-viewing - to get his hands upon all of the pertinent files to run MIND CONTROL and DRUGGING (as well as the medical records of genetic experimentation).

I had NO idea that he was affiliated to RIMINGTON at all - I thought he was FBI and against ALL of the ILL CULT. It slowly dawned on me recently - after putting all of my fragmented memories together - that he was NOT who he said he was, at all. He had also harboured a MASSIVE grudge against me and from 1980.

Instead of reading MAX AND LARA literally i.e. taking the most obvious meaning from the plot...that MAX AND LARA are helping this evil circus of mind control freaks to 'perform their rites'...I had decided that this was not the 'real meaning' because MARK was a 'good guy' wasn't he? He was really against them all...he had deprogrammed me in 1994...told me the ILL CULT 'secrets'...and how to combat them.

I suppose RIMINGTON and MARK were just doing a version of GOOD COP/BAD COP and I had fallen for it because I hadn't got a chance - no memories of anything, most of the time...people so rarely did me any 'kindnesses' at all...that I was 'easy prey' for those like MARK. I had nobody else to trust and basically no choice in the matter, so I went along with whatever he said...until recently.

I have now to look at MR PUTIN'S role in all of this - he 'knew' what I had to do - to help get the satellite in place and to upload the material - and so told me to run off and get TOMLINSON to do this - whilst he and his men, dealt with NATALIE SAATCHI and the ROTHSCHILD programmer...and CHARLES SAATCHI.

This is still an unclear area for me - the tapes were supposed to go to GOLDMAN-SACHS but didn't ...they went to an ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE satellite.

All I can do is to trust that this was an ARMY SATELLITE and that there were still a large and growing contingent of REBELS to the ILL CULT within the ISRAELI ARMY.

MR PUTIN and his men, were obviously out to get free - that is why they had to fell LOWRY as the top programmer.

So maybe MARK had decided to do a U-TURN then, who knows? TOMLINSON obviously didn't know what was going on but went along with it, anyway. RIMINGTON and the rest of them, didn't either. Only MARK, NIKOLAS, MR PUTIN'S men and myself - knew of this 'latest plan'.

According to MAX AND LARA - MR PUTIN is 'king of the castle' by the end of their story but in real life - he wasn't at the beginning - it was LOWRY who was really in control - he could give any of them a heart-attack and just by making that OMEGA symbol with his hand.

One also wonders who BERYL AND NIGEL were...but I figure the ROCKEFELLER parents.

Other notes:

Anyway, that still leaves me here - because nobody has given me anything else to do yet and I am trusting the CIA upon that one now - they are my first points of contact (since Switzerland). My father was obviously working with/for them by that point - they were free of MARK'S control and Switzerland was 'waking up' rapidly...or rather INTERLAKEN was now 'awake', at any rate.

I suppose it all hinges upon the 'break-in' to the FBI and the kidnapping of LOEHRMANN - that breach of security and at the highest level - meant that the whole ILL system had to come down and be dismantled, to prevent those like RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON continuing their sick mind control games. It had obviously gone completely out of control, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001. It was in effect, another WACO but far more terrible.

Other notes:

I had a horrific dream last was fragmented but was obviously from 1980...I was with the graduates and we were in an Eastern country but no idea if it were China, or Tibet or Burma...but I 'feel' that it was linked to BURMA...we had all been locked in a smallish hut to sleep upon the floor and the graduates were like little the 'famous five' but not...planning their escape from this hut...later on we were let out and given something to eat...this was the terrible part...RIMINGTON had small fried balls of something...SCARLETT pointed out that they were ovaries...human ovaries. It was apparently a 'delicacy'. Luckily, I didn't have to eat any - but the graduates did - without complaining.
I suppose they were 'too far gone' by that point to care - after having helped to behead so many women like 'cabbages' in that field.

Another memory has come back from the TEMPLAR CASTLE - there was another field, just like this 'killing field' where the 'cabbages were beheaded'. TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON had decided that I was 'old enough' - still in that Primary School uniform - to go out and help the man who 'beheaded the cabbages' there. The field was full of dead bodies. I didn't know what to do...if I refused to do it, I would blow my cover. I went out there and picked up an axe - I got the man upon the back of the neck. He had bent over, showing me what to do (a difficult angle) - he then turned his back upon me (and I got him). I then went back to the TEMPLAR CASTLE and said that there was nobody there. They came out to check - they found him dead. I professed total innocence. I had no idea what had happened.

I had no way of escape from that CASTLE or the grounds - and so by murdering him - I stopped this 'sick trade' down in that field. RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON looked visibly worried - obviously there had been some sort of 'mutiny' but they had no idea what.

Other notes:


The above number is above the stone door of the father's house in RED EYE.


All I can see is either JD SEE idea...ACDJ

The letter J is the memory stick drive upon this computer...and the only person whom I have ever known who had the name JAY is JAY BLAKENEY who was working for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE at ST CLARES. He was also trying to 'run' me but failed.

The boat of the Russians...RAPTURE...that name conjured up a lot last had been a programming word which no longer had any effect upon me...but I cannot remember the associations now...I think it is possibly linked to the APERTURE of a CAMERA...with possible associations of RAPE and 'capture a frame': also possibly 'freeze-framing' ability which means that you can slow down watching a bullet bounce in slow motion upon BLACKHEATH...or as MR ICKE put it...seeing the football in slow motion and managing to stop it before it hits the back of the net...

Other notes:

THE FLIGHT 1192 to FLORIDA was cancelled.

BBJC or LBJC - Julius Caesar/Roman Emperor cult has been cancelled? IN 2005.

Why were the GRAPHIC DESIGNERS calling themselves GREEK names?

Other notes:

FLIGHT 247 has been delayed.

CEG. SEE EG has been delayed.

I guess that makes sense - and from CHINA 2003 where the 'calendars had been changed'.

I then turn up in Switzerland much later than planned - mainly because I had taken a 'detour' route beforehand - to ISRAEL first and had 'woken up' to SON OF G-D programming.

Other notes:



MIAMI = 1280128

I relate MIAMI to MARK for example...he had a habit of saying 'MY OH MY'...rather like DOROTHY in the WIZARD OF OZ. In an American accent 'my oh my' sounds a little like 'mi-ah-mi'.

I am getting something around ABA...and BABUSHKA for some reason (MARK had mentioned the Russian/Polish name for grandmother BABUSHKA to me beforehand, in 1994)...father and grandmother...I get it...the BUSH FAMILY...

Other notes:

18F has bomb i.e. floor 18...but this is a heavily coded film and so:

BI-5 has bomb or S-5 has bomb. Maybe this is referring to a plane.

Other notes:

The watch of the mercenary appears to be saying: 4:10 or would that be 4-1-2?

Other notes:

SUITE 4080 is the replacement:


SUITE 3825 is the normal one:


Other notes:

The only other thing is how well the PREDATOR knows this girl's programming...down to the fact that she would normally order a 'BAY BREEZE'.

This reminds me of the TECHNICAL DIRECTOR at COUNTYWEB and how the 'sessions' in the CITY would utterly depress him...with the rich and powerful there...who were of the opinion that all laws in this country were made to protect the rich and to screw the poor. He also added that we were all so 'conditioned' that you didn't even have a choice over what car you drove, even if you thought you did because the advertising companies had it all sewn up. You thought you had free will in this capitalist society but in fact all of your choices were made for you. He didn't mention mind control but one can see that he was circling it.

Other notes:

Anyway, here I sit until something what happens next? I hate to be left in the dark upon that one but will just 'go with the flow'...make as much trouble as possible until I have my demands met. Sure, it uncovers the entire stinking mess - sure a massive amount of people like AYRES took huge bribes in the CITY i.e. took their HARRY POTTER million pound bonuses home every so often (and these CITY BASTARDS knew very well what it was all about on their ILL network - DALDRY even called this bribes HARRY POTTER bonuses to their faces)...but that is their problem...I will have my dues...I will have my money back...and I do not care about the financial 'hardship' of those grunting pigs in their troughs...they were all far too wealthy anyway.

Something is going wrong with the financial markets of this world and call me superstitious but they will all lose a lot more if they do not pay me back PRONTO.

How LOW do you want to go?

I will be reporting as ever, upon the extreme abuse of the ILL against my the Stock Markets crash around them...just a case of 'coincidence' though, eh?

So, NO TOMLINSON - ROWLING was never the ALICE was she? She didn't have the brain, skills or talent and it is all 'in the mind of Alice', isn't it? The true 'ghost in the machine'. I was one of the first to be elected by the FBI upon the portals - the gateways. Think about it.

The ILL network keep on begging TOMLINSON to 'stop the program' but he doesn't know how. Useless.

So, if COMPASS bothers me again - watch your stocks and shares dip by BILLIONS, ILL CULT...and keep LOW as you can...but do remember, that once you have lost that will never regain it. Let us see how LOW you want to go - would you like to lose EVERY penny?

The OIL and the GAS were your first WARNING but you disregarded it. Now, if I have any more trouble from ANY of you - I might just do something that you will all REGRET and once done, remember it cannot be undone.

Other notes:

The CIA was right.

After watching that movie – so many more memories came back:

The computer CAL.

The file left on TOMLINSON’S laptop entitled CECILA.



That is why he doesn’t hold the KEYS. I do. Within my brain are the keys to the ALICE program.

That is what MANNINGHAM-BULLER was trying to work out in 1997. She wanted to know why I wouldn’t let the ‘dogs’ in i.e. GILES and SELF during that terrible exhibition party for the AMBASSADOR at the BC Prague DTO.

I replied that if they tried that I would destroy them. She wasn’t so sure. She replied – why would you want them to live? It doesn’t make sense – words to that effect i.e. they were bullying and terrorising you and so why not destroy them?

The keys were FBI keys and as MARK was to confidently state in 1994 – MONEY, that is what the FBI are all about…it is the old MARXIST THEORY which remains true…if you watch the money in and out of any given organisation/company…you can work everything out…from their culture, to their politics…hierarchy…the whole lot. You can then control them.

That is why the situation is as it is now…and I would rather not say anymore about it…the old system will come down…the ILL will repent or they will lose everything. The ILL of this country will admit everything – make public their medical files – their programming manuals – the whole lot AND they will repay me every single penny of the HARRY POTTER money. If they do not – the ‘program’ continues to run and now I know why and how to run it. MARK thought that he was in control of it but he is not. I took over the reins from him.

Other notes:

Back to mundanities as ever, I shall now write a ‘suitable’ reply to COMPASS. Remember – you annoy me – you suffer.


I received your letter and am concerned that you misread it – I continually referred to the landlord’s behaviour (Mr Charalambous) as ‘harassment’ and not yours.

I know that you are ‘only doing your job’ and I am quite sure that you have enough humanity within your soul to feel upset when you have to attempt to make people homeless (one of the downsides of the job). I am not questioning your ‘integrity’ within this matter.

Regarding HOUSING BENEFIT – I have not received any answer yet, as to why they stopped my housing benefit and I am awaiting their reply.

I am therefore extending the period of my stay in FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE, 74 WEST STREET until next THURSDAY 23rd OCTOBER.

Again this is only a PROVISIONAL DATE, based upon the variable factors of:

1. Repayment of my dues.
2. Finding a suitable new flat.
3. Arrangements with a suitable removals firm.

I feel confident, that we will come to a ‘happy’ arrangement by next THURSDAY (if not earlier).

However, in the meantime, I suggest that you put it to the landlord that he could arrange for the plumbers to come in this week (with prior notification to myself, of the time and date) because naturally, it is in everybody’s interests to have the technically illegal and defunct boiler system (and Victorian copper piping) replaced.



Anonymous said...

Remember the OIL CULT code/telephone numbers?

CODE: 1741

Check out what you were programmed with by tapping that into AMAZON.

For example:

Handel Messiah 1741 : A Sacred Oratorio for Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass Soli, SATB & Orchestra (Paperback)


Anonymous said...

code: 1471

Black High Quality 174.1/175.0MHz VHF Dual Handheld Radio Microphone System. Boxed
by Soundlab



Price: £64.99

High Quality Dual Radio Microphone set
Frequency 174.1 & 175
VHF quartz locked fixed frequencies
Sensitivity 75 +/- 3db@ 1m

Anonymous said...

code: 1741

Remember this one?

Portrait of Mrs Fuseli, 1741-1825. - Canvas 40x30 (101x76cm) by Heritage-Images

The woman with the 'vampiric' hairstyle? Compare to recent 'manga' versions that RIMINGTON uses of the 'bloodless' vampire with the 'two horns' of white hair in a heart shape above her head.


ASIN: B001H11W4E

To divest yourself of this programming - read the 'details' e.g. sizes of each product too - they may also have been used.

Anonymous said...

CODE 1471:

Caldara: Missa Sanctorum Cosmae et Damiani/Tuma: Sonatas


Product details
Performer: Monika Frimmer, Ralf Popken, Wilfried Jochens, Klaus Mertens
Orchestra: Westfälische Kantorei Herford, Capella Agostino Steffani
Conductor: Lajos Rovatkay
Composer: Antonio Caldara
Audio CD (24 Jan 2000)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Veritas
ASIN: B00002DF37
Average Customer Review: No customer reviews yet. Be the first. Sales Rank: 368,620 in Music (See Bestsellers in Music)

Anonymous said...

CODE 1741

Phyto Moisturising Hair & Body Wash 150ml


Boxed-product Weight: 182 g
Delivery Restrictions: This item can only be delivered within the UK

YES, this one is a GAG code - just browse through and the memories will come back.

Black Rabbit said...


9ct White Gold Diamond Stud Fitting Earrings Set with 1pt of Diamonds

A very interesting code here...

Jewellery Information
Metal stamp: 375 Gold
Metal: 9ct White Gold
Setting: Pave Setting
Height: 25.8 millimetres
Width: 7.2 millimetres
Back Finding: Post with Butterfly
Total Metal Weight: 1.4 grams
Number Of Stones: 8
Stone Weight: 0.006 carats
Stone Information
Stone Shape: Round
Minimum Colour: JK
Minimum clarity: I3
Cut: Good Cut
Minimum Total Carat Weight: 0.006 carats
Stone Weight: 0.006 carats


Price: £55.00
Sale: £42.00
You Save: £13.00 (24%)

In stock.

Black Rabbit said...


MARK liked me and trusted me - he let me into the 'program' because I didn't care about money. That was refreshing to him - his social milieu was composed of people who would sell/murder their own grandmother to make a fast buck...or worse. In fact, when I mentioned that to him, he shuddered and said 'much worse'.

He knew TOMLINSON and his obsession with money too well. He didn't let TOMLINSON know what was going on, or rather not to the same extent - he viewed TOMLINSON with deep suspicion and rightly so.

However, it was a boring job in the sense of not being able to share it with anyone and so MARK allowed me to look through the program. He was in a child alter and so was I - however as a 'child' and without the constraints of ILL programming in my later childhood (i.e. the many attempts to annihilate my 'ego')...I was the 'stronger personality' and so tricked him into giving up the keys. I then 'changed' the locks so to speak and wouldn't let him in again.

May I note here that PETRONELLA has also had her locks changed and guess what to?
Lock programming may work on her BUT IT DOESN'T ON ME.

The ILL should have realised that one by now...even SHANA as in MISS is all still locked up, safe and sound...MARK is actually in agreement with this...he now knows that this was the TRICK IN THE TAIL/TALE...the last joke being on him but not really him..

I do not suppose that MARK was really unhappy about that one - for all of the 'barrage' that I have fired at him recently, for holding that terrible grudge against me - I still think that he was first and foremost a very 'good' human being - sent mad by ILL programming and the straw that broke the camel's back was his determination to prevent the death of the love of his life (whom he hadn't even met at that point) from terminal illness by channelling funding into that area of medical science. It didn't work. That must have killed him.

I suppose that because I have had NO significant longterm relationship with a 'partner' - I have no real idea of just how much grief can turn your mind when the most important person in your life, leaves you forever. I had thought about that one as a terrible it was...the idea that this person wasn't just in 'the other room' or in 'another country' but that this person really wasn't 'here' anymore - anywhere in the world. It was a terrifying thought.

I only began to really understand that one, after my grandma Clayton had died...and that was an oddity...I had no idea what a 'cornerstone' she was to me, within my family...and to my brother ED as well. I rang him up from PRAGUE and he told me to look at the sky...that she had joined the cosmos...the extraordinary sunset that was a VIOLET one - over LONDON as well as PRAGUE that grandmother's first name was VIOLET. I didn't think of her as having joined in with the sunset or the cosmos for that matter...but I knew that she had gone back to G-d (who is everywhere) and G-d had manifested that was an 'image' of is everything beautiful in this world...and my brother had given me the right way to understand it all i.e. not feel to the 'loss' so much but to see and feel it more as a 'gain' for grandma...

Other than that, I can only understand it through 'teenage emotions' really. The need or want to 'paint it all black' - THE ROLLING STONES song comes to appropriate for a ROCKEFELLER. That song was written after the death of a member of the band - in mysterious circumstances, drowned in his pool. It was written up as a drug overdose/suicide attempt but one can guess that ILL programming played a large part within it.

I didn't think of my grandmother as a 'VIOLET'...more as a KATHERINE...I suppose it is obvious why of the most evil top mind control programmers was called VIOLET...but one has to reappropriate the name and the colour...because the sunset does not belong to the ILL and nor does the name VIOLET.

MARK had told me in 1994 that grandma CLAYTON was the spiritual anchor of my family...from both father and mother...she was the one who had fought the ILL CULT...and had succeeded in passing down the 'sewing scissors way' to 'cut oneself free'...i.e. from telegraph programming...she had also BANNED paedophila from her house...despite my grandfather continuing to try to get away with it...I have no idea what my mother or her brothers went through in that house but one can be sure that they didn't have it as bad, as other ILL families...

So I have to compliment MARK upon his incredible insight he had isolated quickly...the one person who was a positive and a good influence upon so many...

It showed at grandma's funeral...the whole of COMBS village were out there...almost...but so few for my grandfather's funeral...

Until that point, I think that grandma CLAYTON had gone somewhat un-noticed by the ILL - she went about her business - she was one of those very 'good Church women' who polish the brass, put in new flowers...and visit the various members of the village, generally helping out...doing the accounts for the 3 sports shops that grandpa was to own at his pinnacle of financial success - in Sudbury, Ipswich and another nearby town...but I cannot remember what the name of it for some reason...

All I felt at the time was extreme spiritual is that loss that makes you feel that in a cosmic way...that the evil are now going to take over the world...because another extremely good person has left it...a sense of fear...I suppose that is what the NATION felt after LADY DIANA died...

Anyway, as a CLEOPATRA in the RA CULT...grandma CLAYTON would have been an ILL CULT WITCH of the higher orders...hence her large Egyptian golden necklace...which she never took was like a SLAVE ring around her neck and that is why I could not bear to wear or own it (my mother had given it to me - for no apparent reason)...

Despite the fact that it had been grandma's and that it was a beautiful and very expensive piece of jewellry... I gave it back to my mother and she then gave it to her brother MICHAEL'S daughter, in front of her two brothers.

I am getting annoyed again... UNCLE BOBBY must have known what that golden RA SLAVE NECKLACE of my grandmother's meant...he had been initiated into that ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY order...yet he was quite happy to 'shed tears' upon the sight of it again...because it reminded him of his mother...AND her SLAVERY to the ILL CULT...the CULT that had caused her to go into severe depressions throughout her life...the mental hell and anguish she had suffered at the hands of her paedophile husband and his criminal associates...

I do not suppose that BOBBY cared a jot...he was 'happy' that his long-suffering mother was a SLAVE...a sex-slave STEPFORD WIFE...he was happy that he had sent his own wife MAD...BUT she had fought back...and her son had fought back...and now BOBBY is...according to my mother...a very sad, fat, unhappy, little old man.

BOBBY has at least a million - in the bank and assets...but one wonders...having joined the ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONS a few years ago (but he might have joined them earlier for all I know - he admitted to it about 5 years ago) much of it he can really 'touch'. My mother has never understood why he now has a tiny flat above a GOLF COURSE (instead of the spacious town houses he was used to)...and is having an affair with the woman next door, who is virtually is a source of amusement for her family...

Other notes:

Upon that note...the POSTMAN in MANNINGTREE...the one who WON THE LOTTERY...who loved his job so much that he never gave it up...looks distinctly like the POSTMAN who delivers to this house...I am not saying it is the 'same man' but they are generically of the same appearance...tall, thinnish, fit...blondish hair and a tan with quite deep wrinkles...

This was the guy who shouted at me 'no more trouble in the MASONIC GARDEN' which naturally I took offence to but didn't take him up upon it because he is only a 'carrier pigeon' mind control slave and under orders...

My point that if you are under mind control, you cannot ENJOY the money that you supposedly have, from the ILL CULT as payment for BLIND OBEDIENCE. You then have to 'pretend' that you have it - to everybody else, in order to save face. If you do not - your family will be harmed.
You do not HAVE the money. Rather like ROWLING. You then become an 'actress' and 'actor'. You have to pretend that you have the money.

MANNINGTREE was a little shocked by this guy's behaviour - he gave meagre sums to his mother and another relative - in the region of £10-30,000...and spent NOTHING upon himself apart from a few interior decorations to his house. That was all.

He then continued upon his BRITISH INTELLIGENCE 'carrier pigeon' duties as the main POSTMAN upon his bicycle for the immediate town.

Obviously the ILL were not going to lose such a 'good slave' - he was important to them. You can guess where his 'winnings' went. RIMINGTON upon a spending spree.

You can imagine his shame and anguish about it all - he couldn't 'talk' about any of it. Where had the money gone? He then had to LIE about it all and did the best he simply saying 'I love my job'...'I am saving up the money for important things' - END OF DISCUSSION - which actually provoked quite a bit of discussion in MANNINGTREE because nobody could quite understand it but ended up by saying 'he is a good bloke/character after all and so just trust his way of dealing with his own life - we have to respect his privacy' sort of thing.

The ILL think up quite excruciating ways to torture people. RIMINGTON liked PSYCHOLOGICAL torture more than PHYSICAL torture whereas those like DALDRY/MARR liked to cause extreme physical pain. DOGS like DAVID GILES were puny men and so far more 'effeminate' in that way...they used to go for the more 'female' approach but let us face it, they didn't have the skills of a woman and so failed upon all ILL accounts, as ILL programmers who might get promotion.

Imagine thinking that you really had the winning ticket...then a visit from RIMINGTON...then having to face the fact that you were NOT allowed to spend a penny unless she said so...and that you were NOT allowed to spend more than a few £10,000s and that was just for 'show'...then to go back to your old job and have to continuously fob off friends and family with 'that's my business'...because if you didn' knew what would happen to your children.

If the MASONS (as this guy was indubitably part of) are going to get free of ILL BRITISH INTELLIGENCE mind control, they all have to wise up to the fact that coming clean and admitting that you buggered your children under mind control was part of the course...a course that if you 'failed' were murdered...until they clear that one up, and out of their 'brethren' - they will not get clear of the ILL system. So many of them did it (particularly the 'ELDER'S - all of them were guilty of it)...SCARLETT is laughing on the network: 'ALL OF THEM DID not believe them if they say that they didn't...' SO MR POSTMAN - you are not alone - even if you think that you are.

Other notes:

This is actually fun.

The 'penny pinch' upon the ILL.

My mother always said about people in general - and in relation to AIDS health and safety information by governmental PR:

"It won't work - until EVERYBODY is affected. Their own circle of friends - their own street - their own husband - their own child. THEN they will do something about it - people are like that - they do not act until it affects THEM personally."

How true.

So the ILL have lost billions on the stock markets so it is time to go in for the real 'killer'...okay, so you can make a ROCKEFELLER LOSE a billion or so (they do not care, they have billions in terms of IRS 'announced' billion figures but everyone knows much more than this paltry sum)...and as MARK SHOWED me through the program...and I saw his ROCKEFELLER accounts...I began to think...okay...I can see inside them...I can see everywhere...let me do it then...let me take the whole lot down and I purposely memorised the different 'accounts' of the ILL - all over the world 'when you are in the mind of G-d' you can do this and MARK couldn't...I tried and it happened...and now that I can remember all of this it makes me laugh and laugh...

Other notes:

Last night I was with MR TOM in the bedroom and he did a funny thing...he went up to the door and biffed it hard with his left paw, looking at me over his shoulder as he did so. It was almost a 'human' action. Normally if he wants to go out - he will use BOTH paws and uses them to scratch down the door.

Later that night I had a brilliant visualisation. I saw within the lefthand side of my brain - this door opening and all of this gold flooding was quite incredible and then I realised...I had become QUEEN was rather like THE SIMPSONS comic strip - where MAGGIE gains her CROWN from MR BURNS - suddenly I had ALL of my jewels and jewellry back and a golden crown upon my orb, a sceptre...the whole was funny...a good feeling. I do not mind if THE SIMPSONS portray me as a homicidal baby. The whole 'got myself a gun' theme to the video sequence where MAGGIE picks up a rifle and takes on the various mafia upon the suburban lawn, was good fun.

I then thought back to MR TOM'S peculiar gesture that night...and realised that his action had triggered this 'door' opening in my mind, for some reason. The door is to the far left of the bed. Approximately where this 'door' had opened in my mind.

I had been listening to the ILL network for some time - in particular to a MR ROBERTSON...a few of the LORDS...and various members of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE who were trying to work out what to do...and also REES-MOGG...whom PRIVATE EYE are calling 'mystic mogg' this week because he invariably gets his political predictions hopelessly wrong...

I then got hit by the worst 'tinnictus' ever...and it wasn't from inside my eardrums - two had a lowish hum that resonated...the other was the usual 'beep-beep-beep' of a MORSE code type of was really very annoying but I knew that nobody could 'break in' or harm me and so eventually managed to get to sleep.

The major conversation upon the network was how to force me to give up the keys to the money markets. I simply told them - you will NOT get them until my demands are met and if you continue to annoy me - I will simply make them dip more - I then made various acccounts dip - they went through the floor - and after a while - those who were harassing me stopped. They had got the message. However REES-MOGG was the worst - he was incandescent with rage.

Eventually, I was made another 'promise' that I would be reimbursed in full. I suppose that this is yet another lie and I will have to continue making their money disappear, until they fully get the message.

Until I have my money back into my bank account - and have my house in SWITZERLAND...having safely left this country...I will continue to make those accounts upon the money markets fall. If anybody tries to harm me - I will simply make the markets 'self-destruct' and believe me, I know how to do it. I was better at MARK at this sort of game.

Isn't it extraordinary, the lengths I have to go - how many billions those fools have to lose before they repay me and I wasn't even asking for a billion back.

However, I think that it is now time to renegotiate a new figure. Why shouldn't I ask for a billion? The power relationship between myself and the ILL has now entirely changed. I would be a far better 'keeper' of the money that they have stolen off others, than themselves. I should now be asking for 'billions' which I can re-allocate, to those far more deserving. I will have to think of a new 'figure' - a new price to be paid by the ILL. The prices are going UP as far as my ransome note is concerned.

In the meanwhile, I shall feed TOMLINSON useless 'access' codes to keep the ILL happy for a that they lose even more money...all part of the game...he will raise their hopes and then dash them...I will continue with this song and dance for a while because it amuses me to watch the ILL suffering so I had surmised from the very beginning...the only way that you can really hurt them is by taking money away from them...and so this is a particularly good form of revenge...

Another point - I have decided to take TOMLINSON back with me to Switzerland - that should hurt RIMINGTON more than lose her robotic toyboy...I will take everything away from the ILL...piece by piece...if one let TOMLINSON work upon the positive aspect of his 'golden mean' could be very useful indeed...and I get the feeling that he has woken up enough to make his work very valuable to the scientific community...

Other notes:

One thing is still puzzling me...why did they get ROWLING to pretend to be the ALICE...the 'goose that lays the golden eggs' and worship her, for her ability to make so much money via her non-existent 'creative skills'...because the whole game around ALICE was about mathematics, computers and money...and the ALICE was the main 'computer'...a computer 'game' that had been started up circa 1987...I suppose that I get it now...the woman who had contacted me and 'downloaded' a massive amount of information into my brain...the woman with an AMERICAN accent...she had been the last ALICE and I was to be the next about 'oral history'...this is almost funny...the ALICE mantle was being handed down telepathically and orally...

Last night...I remembered how I had taken my English Language O' level a year early...I had scored 10/10 for every coursework essay...and was embarrassed to learn that other O' level classes were being read out my stories...I had become a 'celeb story-writer' was my only pleasure in life...I tried my hand at every style...romance, science fiction, ghost stories...and I loved it...every time we were given a new title and sent home to think up a new short story...and HELEN BROWN'S class showed me where the files were kept...everybody had their stories in a file, in a filing cabinet, in the English room...and how people were borrowing my essays to take them them home and read them...I had been put up as a 'model story-writer'...and the other kids had been told that they could use my work to inspire them to write better creative that to ROWLING at school and the dreadfully funny (and bad) 'first short story' that she had written...if one compares our is so obvious now...

In Art, I had also produced a very weird surrealist painting of large dimensions...inspired by THE BEATLES...of a young LENNON leaning on an old wall...he was silhouetted...and over the wall was WONDERLAND...a mixture of imagery from BEATLES songs...ALICE IN WONDERLAND (I had depicted Alice and a large mouse, swimming in a pool of BLOOD in the centre of the painting) well as various images taken from religious iconography e.g. the INDIAN Ganesh 'elephant' god...and nobody had any idea where it had all come from...but the other kids liked it...I had no idea where it had come from either...I just did get the images out of my brain...they 'fitted' together somehow but I didn't know why...

Anyway, once MARK had shown me 'around' this program within my mind, how it worked (confident that 'money' didn't interest me - not after my hideous programming of torture/abuse) - I locked him out and took over...I could then see that I had my hands upon the most powerful device but had no idea what to do about it...all I knew at the time was that it was 'mine' and that nobody was ever going to break-in to my mind and try to control me I can see how to put it to good use.

Other notes:

In relation to REES-MOGG (who is a strong ROMAN CATHOLIC), I heard that he had contacted the VATICAN but they could do very interesting...I had found my 'code' within the root files cache of the VATICAN website, upon the internet - whilst I was in ISRAEL...

Other notes:

Another very odd memory came back from the TEMPLAR CASTLE - this was when TOMLINSON was supposed to have re-programmed me...I was still in that PRIMARY SCHOOL uniform...and I was on the lawn in front of the TEMPLAR front of me was a long line of MALE TEMPLARS...I had been set a task - to try and 'break through' this wall of men...I didn't bother...the whole thing was consumately amusing for me...I walked down the line, inspecting them...once I had got to the end of the line I shouted ATTEN-SHUN! It was a reflex action for these (mainly) Public School boys and they all 'stood to attention' and I fell about laughing.

Later on - TOMLINSON, who had been watching from a window - he had evidently been told to tell me off for this behaviour and for not even attempting the 'task' - but he was laughing as he did it.

Other notes:

The price has just gone up to £3 billion.

I could do a lot of good in the world with that amount of money.

How much do you want to lose, ILL?

I then made the markets 'dip' again...and the figures went berserk...TOMLINSON threw up his hands in horror and ran away...I then locked him out of CAL. He is useless to the ILL now.

The network has been talking about MEDICAL RECORDS again and I can guess why:


This program was the brainchild of MI6 in its infancy - before they ever became publicly known as an organisation. 'M' for 'mother' - the Head of MI6.

Now would that be MALICE as in the most malicious mind control program EVER thought up? Reading through the ALICE books is all blatantly clear now, that this was a book written by S/M paedophiles, for S/M paedophiles who wanted to sexually abuse little girls in the most obscene ways.

The big joke here is that the ILL thought that this program would run silently in the back of my would pull the money markets down but it wouldn't touch their own money...they had no idea that I would not only become conscious of this program but would then lock everybody out and RUN it myself....'got myself a gun'...or something rather better than a gun, in point of fact.

My only advice to the MASONS is - you have your codes now - don't let the ILL try to force the tax-payer to pay. The ball is in your court.

I shall continue to go through the OIL CULT 1741 codes upon AMAZON and expose more coded items - some of which are rather 'Catholic' in tone, as far as I can see but then I always knew (from my mother's dreadful choir practice) that HANDEL'S MESSIAH was a big number (and ST JOHN'S PASSION an even bigger one).

Knowing the only command which can kill you - should help i.e. the SON OF G-D OMEGA sign made by your programmer's wonder PUTIN pushed me into that room first...because there was a real danger of dying from a heart-attack. However, once you KNOW the sign - and have held it in your conscious mind. It doesn't work.

The rest of the times that they made you go unconscious and into OBE/NDEs to implant 'death commands' you were not in such danger at all and if triggered by these commands, you will just go unconscious but then your natural bodily systems take over - you start breathing properly again and regain consciousness shortly afterwards.

Other notes:

I now begin to get why the ILL were so very evil to me...more so than most...why they had denied me any 'normal expectations' about money, within my life. How they had done their best to steal every penny off me and in every way that they could. I had no expectations of a decent salary - one that I could survive on, never mind any thoughts of buying and owning my own property - even a one-bedroom flat.

The ILL who were 'in the know' - knew that this evil little ALICE program was running silently at the back of my mind and that if I started to even think about money - sizeable amounts of money e.g. payment of a mortgage or buying a car - how money works in this world - start reading the business news 'stocks and shares' index...that I might stumble upon it...

How very amusing - I was only 'naive' when I was younger because I was consistently kept without ANY memories at all - unlike say MIKE WILLIAMS 'that awful woman is in the house again'...yet now I have regained my memories - I know precisely what I am up against and how to defeat them. I have always been a very 'cautious' person and never engage in any 'battle' unless I know that I will win.
As DALDRY had said to me in 1980 'you do it in the end, you manage to pull them all down'.

The vulgar, evil stupid ILL then decided that I wasn't even allowed to be a 'housewife' as in 'we do not want you to bother about paying bills' (right, I have now taken that one to the LETTER - I recently got a RED BILL from BRITISH GAS)...remember TOMLINSON'S PAS email where this is all stated matter-of-factly - as if I were 'special' to them?

Additionally, the ILL were terrified that any thoughts of 'money' and 'bills' would make me start to think about FINANCES...then STOCK MARKETS and the penny might drop...a connection might have been made...

All the ILL wanted to do, was to film my misery - having to sign every few weeks, living in the cheapest bedsit/flat can see how the sickness of their minds would have 'enjoyed' that one...and then to play sick games with me...i.e. find me a part-time job upon around £4-5 per hour and then put in one of their bullying slaves to try to force me out of it or to make life as horrible as possible, during the temporary appointment...that must have pleased their sick sense of 'humour' too...even the teaching post in Prague at the British real terms...was hardly £4-5,000 in salary per annum...

If any one of the ILL had been 'clever', they would have realised that funnelling a bit of the HARRY POTTER money my way, in terms of a lump sum (to live upon the interest) and a cottage of my own...and I would have been unlikely to cause any problems at all...but they were not 'clever', just vulgar, stupid, evil people.

Other notes:

Looking out of the window...I can still see the DARK YELLOW CONE and the bicycle inner tube...I had forgotten to mention that many weeks ago now...I had pulled one out of a hedge...just by the local derelict school down the road - to the left of it was a MR WOODALL house...I remembered RIMINGTON showing me it tied up in the I pulled it out and dumped it upon the pavement then disappeared a day or so later.

I also forgot to mention that I went back to the PINK IRON TIT at the end of the garden overlooking the railway and wrote POWERLESS upon it again...the last indelible ink coating appeared to have rubbed off.

I also forgot to mention that I had found a CD entitled NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE under the 'heebie' which replaced the ROMAN EMPEROR LAUREL was half broken...I took it with me...broke it cleanly in two and then left it upon the doorstep of the NAVAL MASONIC LODGE down the road...they can deal with the 'TEEN PROGRAMMING' around here and one hopes that they will put a STOP to it.

I remember in 1980 - how RIMINGTON had trouped us all in there...boys and girls...and I had been grandmother had said that if a woman dared to step into such places...that they would be murdered outright...RIMINGTON was impatient...and told me not to be so stupid...we then had a 'demonic lecture' in there...about our mind control programming course...

Other notes:

I have now got the other two DVDS regarding RESIDENT EVIL out of the library - they make me annoyed just to look at them - MARK'S sick idea of 'writing the future' in the hope that it would happen. It will NOT happen.

5 050630 482139

UK 4481-RN
VFD 14094



I get it EI is no longer answerable to CAL or would that be Launcelot du LAC, ha, ha i.e. Tomlinson.

EI is now supposed to see 'BDJ'. I am not 'seeing' anybody until I get my money back.

MD funny...sometimes, when I was mother would call me a 'mad Alice'...and there was in fact a 'mad Alice' in her family...upon one of her Victorian family photographs...Alice was a great aunt of hers or something like that...

UK EEIB-1713
2153 BEAJE

So a code to make me 'forget' as in memory dump i.e. 'jeje'.

The blurb upon the front:

'My name is Alice
and I remember everything.'

Alice is positioned in front of a 'time-tunnel'.

5 050630 479931
VFC 69112

A number is also written upon the DVD in black ink: 76114

You know what, I am NOT even going to bother watching these two DVDs - despite having shelled out £3 for the privilege. They are simply too degenerate - too sickening - i.e. MARK'S idea of a 'laugh' to make those who are not infected with PORPHYRIA, try to survive in a world full of 'zombies' - which he would then film. This trio of DVDs was simply to 'warm people up' to the prospect of the future that he was planning, as a ROCKEFELLER with the monetary back-up, to do it. You sick bastard.

2152 GJBBC

This is an interesting one...we have MR ONE-TWO in connection with the BBC. Of course, MARK was always involved with this TEMPLAR COMPANY and from way back...the MAX AND LARA series was published by BBC RAW LIBRARY...and MARK was also involved and running the QUICK READS BBC venture...

However, in relation to the FINALE that MARK was planning for ALICE against the PORPHYRIA sufferers, in their degraded and insane final stages of their blood disorders...where would the BBC come into it?

76114 = HGBBE

Another EBB code for some reason...

Other notes:

L123 DOL - a four-wheel drive that parks outside the fish and chip shop.

11b CD 3143

Other notes:

For the past few nights...there have been up to 3 vans with the name GEO something and a large green dinosaur painted upon the vans...they are inspecting 'land' somewhere around investigation service...and yesterday, one van had an open load at the back...of what looked like cannisters of gas or even some sort of bombs...torpedo shaped...

Other notes:
R950 MGT - a 'posh' antique car in dark blue...has been here for a night or so...

17 JFA 12620

Another of MR ONE-TWO's minions, at any rate - parked outside NUMBER 7.

Have I mentioned the new silver car of the guy who lives to the right of EAGLE HOUSE:

L051 ESG

11 (A or 14) FB 4187

Let me look at another car down the street which normally parks outside NUMBER 8:


410FH 1323

I do not know what this code means yet...but what about my mother's CJD...293...

Other notes:

Looking at the RESIDENT EVIL DVDs is a list of ALICE's 'crew' in EXTINCTION:


It was the 'Ashanti' that primarily caught my eye. It brought back that horrific tale from RIMINGTON - about what she had been up to with her 'milking stool'.

Are the other names also coded references to peoples that the ILL have abused in their slave markets?

I am quite sure that there is an ILL sentence within the above names of the actors/ actresses, for example:


In APOCALYPSE, there is another 'crew' led by JILL VALENTINE and CARLOS (characters) according to the blurb: JVC. In ILL terms, a JVC is solely for digging the graves of those that the ILL have murdered - the image of a JVC was incorporated into ILL symbolic language, as a death threat.

Other notes:

I went into the fish and chip shop the other see if they would part with the WHITE RABBIT and THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF book...the woman assistant gave me the book but said that she thought that the WHITE RABBIT had 'only just come in' and therefore they would keep it for a while...that is not has been there since the first time that I walked into that shop...anyway, I began to wonder what she meant by a programmed slave...the WHITE RABBIT is also a real person...had that person been into that shop recently?

ISBN: 0 7214 1951 8
9 780721 419510

There is a name written in the front:


The name of RIMINGTON'S youngest daughter who was at Primary School once I had just left school at 16 years old...whilst they were living in Solihull (I have no idea what had happened to her previous family and 'two boys' in Blackheath).

Programming numbers: 13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14 12

Other notes:

RA programming centred upon these numbers within the ALICE CODE:


0 1 18 14 11 20 19 5 11 24

We were made to remember variables of this code in terms of AB - SOL - LUTE - TELY - ELY

The 'telly' CODE is the most interesting here: 'for one-two 51/15'.

However, it is actually more interesting to make the numbers run the other way in the code i.e. +1 rather than -1:


Spot the 5122 code which occurs twice here. Deduct it and you are left with 121911 120 5

Anyway, one can see why the numbers 181411 come up so much in ILL they BARCODES or ISBN codes...and I had thought of them as simply 'Venusian' multiples but in fact they are SUN RA codes.

Try it with:


15 14 18 8 19 8 21 4 24


TWENTY-FOUR for ONE-TWO...are we talking 'blackbirds in a pie'?


Alternatively: PO'S IT 'IVE ELY

Note how the SUN RA code occurs backwards here: 8141

THE SIMPSONS made a joke about the above codes during the AVALANCHE episode where BURNS and HOMER are trapped under a snowdrift in a log cabin and BURNS states that they have to be AB-SOL-LUTE-LY, PO- SI- TIVE-LY...careful not to say one word more than they have to...or else it could make even more snow fall upon them...

Another 'joke' here was upon 'CABINS' in general...CAB-IN...HOMER'S two friends from work, ponder whether or not the 'cabin' they are searching for is a metaphorical one...which they had all managed to create by 'teamwork'...i.e. it is 'all in your mind'...being 'locked in' with the rest of them...


How funny...I now get why my mother kept telling me over and go to the CAB and I wouldn't covert was that command?

Other notes:

Outside NUMBER 8, is parked a vehicle with the registration plate M449 BCL

An old sailor is packing up the back of tuis 4 wheel drive.

13eej 12 11

He was probably 'in command' of this whole 13TH ONE game...those who live in this house...are all naval intelligence and ILL. I remember being taken to the second floor and to the naval library there (you can still see it - untouched by time - the bookcases with model ships on top)...where HELEN BROWNE'S real father gave us a lecture upon being ILL slaves and he was very rude to the graduates and they were rude back.

Anyway, he is now going round the corner and into CHURCH Road with workman's toolboxes...probably to do up the house beside the Admiral's house around the corner...that has work going on in many things being ripped out...

Other notes:

I haven't mentioned how many times we were 'hanged' around HARWICH...and how adept most of the men were at letting you down before you were really dead...just unconscious. There is a big pulley and hook down the side of the Admiral's house...we were all also 'hung' there.

A memory of the TEMPLAR CASTLE came back some time ago...they had a wooden platform and gallows in a room rather reminded me of the room in the PP Jerusalem prison...which is dedicated to the two 'ORANGE/POMEGRANATE BOMB' rebels. I am sure the ILL had fashioned it to look just the same.

RIMINGTON was a bit nervous about it all and queried if TOMLINSON had practiced enough to do it on me. He assured her that he had. I didn't even think about it - best not to - you just had to trust that he wouldn't break your neck. You went up the steps, rope around your neck, the trapdoor gave way and you went unconscious.

Other notes:

For my own amusement - I shall buy a newspaper today and look through the STOCKS and SHARES.

I remember RIMINGTON once showing me them but then commanding me NEVER EVER to look at them again.

Black Rabbit said...


Here is the email reply from ROGER from COMPASS:

Hi Emily

Thanks for the e mail, all duly noted. I trust you will find a suitable flat in the very near future.

I will pass on your thoughts and the date etc to the Landlord for his information and any actionhe may require.Payment of the arrears needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later, and we have been incontact with your parents as the guarantors about this matter.

Regard to Benefits Dept. sorry to say you will need to keep chasing them up on this matteror they will just put you to the bottom of the pile!!regard to boiler replacement, as I advised this can not be done whilst anyone is in occupationas the floors right through the flat have to be taken up to install new pipework, but thanks forthe offer.

Regards Roger.

Anonymous said...

STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER...just keep your eyes closed and disassociate:

Walnut Drive Gardens
562 Randolph Rd
Mogadore, OH 44260
Please call us at
(330) 628-3213

The ILL pun here was MOG (as in cat) of gold DORE/D'Ore

Remember this place?

These two recipes are PAS FOOD mind control commands designed to terrorise your subconscious mind.

STRAWBERRY PIE - not 'strawberries' in the jello.

FRUIT COBBLERS - remember what part of the anatomy the slang 'cobblers' referred to?

Anonymous said...

Another ILL programming site (YAWN) hosted by (mark rockefeller)CAMPBELL:

Anonymous said...

Remember the WALNUT DR?

What about WALNUT DRIVE?

Walnut Dr, Larne BT40, UK

Walnut Dr, Witham CM8, UK

Walnut Dr, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM23, UK

Walnut Dr, Cannock WS11, UK

Walnut Dr, Winsford CW7, UK

Walnut Dr, Wendover, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP22, UK

Walnut Dr, Somerton TA11, UK

Walnut Dr, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK2, UK

Walnut Dr, Plympton, Plymouth PL7, UK

Walnut Dr, Normanton, Wakefield WF6, UK

Take your pick. Those POSTCODES are rather sinister.

Anonymous said...

The above ASHFORD B&B is used for ILL programming.

Look through the photographs and relate them back to NEBULA programming (helpfully mentioned in the jpg tag and numbered for the programmer).

Black Rabbit said...


I have had no success in gaining a WHITE RABBIT this morning.

A couple of days ago I had tried to get hold of the ornamental WHITE RABBIT in the PIE SEAS fish and chip shop but failed. I tried again today and failed. I was told - that they wanted to wait a bit longer because apparently a child had left it and might come back for it.

I also went into the SAINT HELENA'S HOSPICE shop today, to inquire about a large soft toy WHITE RABBIT in the left LOCKED window display - the new programming display for this week.

I offered to put the money down for it in advance and the women said 'no' - it was on a first come, first served basis upon a Wednesday morning, when they unlocked the gate. I questioned them about this system and one women said that many years ago - they could do what they liked - put in anything into the windows but now it was all controlled by the COLCHESTER branch. The Dovercourt assistants now had no control, over what went into the windows - a young woman of 'oriental' descent was doing the displays for them. I complimented the shop on this week's display - the quilts in turquoise and white, within the right hand display, looked lovely.

I was well-aware of this talented 'oriental' woman who was now doing the displays so beautifully...I had met her the other week - when she had decided to sell me the Chinese 'bird' vases before she had put them into the locked left hand window (because she had precedence over those who ran the Dovercourt branch).

That week - nobody saw 'the birds' as a programming device i.e. as a double-whammy mind control image: remote-viewing alters, funeral urns for your own children. Yet this week, the viewing public will all 'see' the WHITE RABBIT, for some reason.

So this week is WHITE RABBIT programming week (have you already met your 'white rabbit'?) and I cannot 'nab' or 'buy' the programming devices, in advance...but funnily enough...I already think that I did...and in the PAPER shop upon the main HIGH STREET.

I was kneeling to look at the newspapers and an elderly Southern European man said in what I thought might be an Italian accent 'you don't have to kneel for me' in a jokey way...I looked up and saw a guy who was vaguely familiar...but I have no idea why. I asked him if he were ITALIAN - he said 'no - GREEK' and proceeded to tell me that he had moved to Dovercourt with his wife a couple of years ago...but she didn't like it here...none of the 'better quality' shops that she was used to...and so they would probably be moving back WINDSOR. Somehow, I knew that I had come face to face with a WHITE how many are there?

The man reminded me of PETER SMITH to a degree although not as tall...he had the same nose, eyes, colouring...of Arabic descent and possibly Jewish. He was friendly...his pupils didn't contract in the way that people do if they have taken an active dislike to you...I always study the pupils...because even if a person is pretending to be 'your best friend'...if there isn't a slight dilation of the pupils when they look at you...they are lying. So I figured that this WHITE RABBIT was a friendly one.

For example, I remember TOMLINSON's pupils when he was pretending to be DR BETTLE in his surgery...I immediately homed in upon his pupils...pinpricks...the guy, as good as hated me. Same iris colouring as Mr 'white rabbit' above but pure cold anger and antipathy towards me - so I played along with him, as coolly as I could.

When my mother is in her RIMINGTON alter - her pupils turn to pinpricks too. I remember that one big shouting match at the VIEILLEY chateau (which ended all shouting matches with her afterwards - we never had such a row again). I had stood up for myself and held my ground and forced her back onto hers by simply out-staring her...and her tiny pinpricks of pupils were darting to and fro...and I said to her at the time, eyeball-to-eyeball:

"I KNOW who you are and I KNOW what you are trying to do and I am NOT going to let you get away with it.'

As I have pointed out before, the above is a very strange thing to say to your own mother i.e. 'I KNOW who you are...'

The point is, I wasn't talking to my 'mother'...I was talking to her RIMINGTON alter which had taken over her personality, at that point.

I have already mentioned how I had confronted DALDRY'S 'RIMINGTON alter' at the BC Prague party 1995, by teaching him to 'put her in a box, take her to the bridge and throw her off it' visualisation ...every time this evil alter, regained control of him.

We then sang 'Hey, Ho, the Witch is dead...' after RIMINGTON had stalked out of that party in a rage...she couldn't stand any more 'funny stories' being told about her...and as far as I can was the 'fork' one which had done her in...MALCOLM had found that one as funny as MARK had.

They all 'got' the jokes far more than I did...I was telling the stories and looking for clues...trying to find out what was so funny...

I can now see that the whole thing up was set up...and I am guessing that it was by MARK ROCKEFELLER before he had gone 'mad' after the death of his friend...and before COLLIE had 'got him back' as she put it, in 1997...MARK had intentionally set the whole thing up, to use me to bring the entirety of the ILL assembled DOWN...and the AMBASSADOR with was a party held in his 'honour' after all.

So JOHN WATERS was right...I should never have been so hard on MARK. I shouldn't have been so hard on NATALIE SAATCHI either (JOHN wanted me to leave her alone in terms of 'just put the photograph up to identify the ISIS/MI6 logo/necklace) - but without the full information...and simply finding out how these people have harmed is difficult not to be that hard...until you know the full story.

These people had simply 'stayed alive' like towing the ILL line (whilst not necessarily agreeing with any of it)...and those like MARK - had made a massive 'break' for it...but failed...and I suppose that if MARK really does have something to berate me is because he gave me an email address for him...which COLLIE'S spies stole off me...and that must have given her the clue to his whereabouts...or the postcard that he had sent me from the USA and his indication of where he was working (I still have it - I kept all postcards from my time in Eastern Europe)...i.e. an arrow to a block upon the SAN FRANCISCO skyline...

In fact, the oddest thing is...that MR ICKE now has this very postcard up upon his website...he is using it as an image of SAN FRANCISCO (for a VENUE he had planned there)...the one with the FULL MOON above the skyline of skyscrapers...the very same postcard that MARK had sent many years ago...

COLLIE knew the name of that 'office block'...isn't that surprising? Someone on a low-grade academic salary at Warwick University...knew the CITY of San Francisco's financial quarter that well...even to know which company owned that particular towerblock - even though all I saw as a 'bunch of modern skyscrapers' that all looked rather alike...

I have also to add that this image is a common one...and was used in ILL was one of the MOON photographic postcards which were lined up in that white plastic 'filing cabinet' at the HOTEL HARDER MINERVA.

The idea of the MOON above those skyscrapers...brings back REV. MOON and his 'grip' upon those like GEORGE BUSH - funding his campaigns etc.

So what can I deduce from the above?

MARK appeared to be working for MR MOON...whether he knew it or who was MR MOON working for...he appeared to be working for THE ROYAL FAMILY in 1980...but everything changes in the ILL cult...people rebel...form the GOLDEN CHAIN....

It is all in state of flux and will remain so...these ILL groups will continue to program their victims and continue to fight each other, using 'mind control slave microchipped-armies' until ALL of this has become PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.

If it is not publicly admitted to - nobody can defend themselves from it.

It continues...I WANTED so much to see the latest contingent of young people being showed the BLACK HOOK upon the 'green' between the Upper and Lower Lighthouses, as being an INNOCUOUS trip...just a sight-seeing event...but after reading a few minds...I knew immediately that it wasn't...I cycled by...making a mental note of the faces of those, who were programming them...

I read the minds of the PROGRAMMERS. They were acting upon ROYAL decree. This was the ROYAL family - up to their old tricks again. EVEN after so much exposure. I 'read' from the programmers' minds that they were under the rule and command of PRINCE CHARLES and were to carry out the 'new' the ROYALS now envisualise it:

KING CHARLES AND QUEEN CAMILLA...need to know that they have their entire 'clique' at the top of government/CROWN SERVICE/Civil Service - sewn up...

The ones in charge at this point (in the above appointments)...will not last the ROYALS into their old age (they do not see BROWN etc lasting long or even CAMERON for that matter)...and it is VERY important to program the new intake of young people, from whom the 'elect' will be chosen to run the country...i.e. to ensure the security of CHARLES' accession to the throne and beyond that...after will be WILLIAM who has to worry about mind control programming, the next generation of mind control slaves to ensure his 'easy life' as a MONARCH.

Business as usual - for the ROYALS then. The stock markets crashing? That does not bother them. Sell a Van Gogh if things get a bit 'tight'.

However, the fact that they are all SPUDNIKS is now very intriguing. MARK controls them...or he DID control them...the CIA now does...and I control the STOCK how do we divvy things up then, boys?

CIA guys: you make me laugh - every time I think of you and NO offence but after getting me to 'divulge' your own programming...and it is horrid...but they chose man of you guys because you looked a bit like my brother ED...with his blue eyes a little bit too close together...and pink tendrils coming off here and there...I hate to say it but you simply looked like 'intelligent life-form lobsters' some SCI-FI movie...and if you cared to look at the USA B-MOVIE which has an 'alien lobster' within have probably already read in my writings that this was the ONLY image that I found funny in the whole ESSEX UNIVERSITY SCI-FI B-MOVIE PROGAMME...i.e. a LOBSTER being waved in front of a camera, close-up, under water...with a GREEN filter upon the camera...I howled with laughter at that one but not many found it that funny...I got some sort of a 'joke' there...but others either didn't or didn't find it funny...what can I say but maybe those B-movie film-makers, were ripping the piss out of everybody - but particularly those in 'intelligence'...

There is a pink LOBSTER image upon the front of this ALICE book...and it is holding a hairbrush for some reason...maybe they call it a CRAYFISH in the book...I cannot remember...but the CRAYFISH is associated with the MOON (in Tarot/Aleister Crowley set-ups) and so in ILL PROGRAMMING this would be connected to REV. MOON. I would reckon that we were the WHITE SNAILS to your CRAYFISH/LOBSTERS. In DR WHO terms, it is a bit of an OUD image.

I was thinking of OUDs the other day...and saw that even MR WOODLEY from the library is an OUD but an OUD who has now got his 'soul' back...rather like an OUD with his brain in his hand...under his own control.

Other notes:

I woke up this morning...after an odd night...I discovered quite a bit from a CHILDREN'S BOOK left out for me in the library and maybe it is any rate, I had a conversation with MR PUTIN and then REV. MOON...MR PUTIN was telling me that REV. MOON wasn't a bad man...he was stuck between two extremes...he had researched mind control via the MARTIAL ARTS for many years and had become an exceptional MASTER of it...his psychic power was enormous...yet he could do nothing to save his country...caught between the AMERICANS and the RUSSIANS...a battlefield of extraordinary proportions...he was stuck in the middle...and relatively powerless apart from the 'POWER OF THE MIND' which he was using to try to free his country...MR PUTIN was in contact with him telepathically...they were both 'visible' to me...and acknowledged that it was my 'brush' with the true DALAI LAMA which had made it impossible for those like them, to control those like myself...

I do not know what to make of this...nor the connection between the CIA image of LOBSTERS/CRAYFISH and the MOON...but it appears to be a battle between the true FAR EAST and the WEST...with the complication of Communism vs Capitalism.

Other notes:

I woke up from a dream that I cannot remember which is odd...but with the conviction that the number '1.5' was the key to TOMLINSON'S programming dilemma as the 13th ONE...I suppose this was his BOUNDARY...mine had been 141.2...or rather room 412 and MARK ROCKEFELLER (to RICK - INFINITY and BACK) TOMLINSON'S was set at a wider band width...he was at something like room 500? The FIFTH FLOOR and the FIFTH ELEMENT huh? There wasn't a fifth floor at ASYSTENCKI as far as I am aware but maybe there was an ATTIC under the roof. I link most of TOMLINSON'S most deadly programming to attics. That is where the GREEN GOBLIN programming was put in for the graduates.

One could call the basement of ASYSTENCKI - the 'fifh floor' in a way. I remember how in our second year there - a new regulation was put in - that we all had to take our laundry down there every week and a very pretty young woman of occidental appearance (all the men fell in love with her - she didn't speak a word of English) used to take the bundles of sheets etc, over the counter.

This was the WASHING ROOM.

The oddest thing to me now is...that I cannot remember at I got anything washed...I remember...I used to do it in the bath and in a bucket...then put it on the radiators which were boiling hot...and clothes used to dry in a second...the BED LAUNDRY...sheets and pillow cases were normally taken away by the cleaners every so often but then this rule changed for some reason...

I am wondering about EDWARD SAID and his school of thought, now...and the change in academic discourse from calling the the Far East, the 'ORIENT' to calling it OCCIDENTAL. O CC I DENTAL.

Other notes:

Last night...I got why TOMLINSON told me BATTLESHIPS AND CRUISERS: was linked to his BACARDI 'BAT' programming: spelt backwards BACARDI comes out ID RA CAB and if one says BACARDI sounds a bit like BARCODE...the barcode of Bacardi would be important to look at - it would have been used in programming (although RIMINGTON also often used the other smaller number upon items...which isn't a barcode but no idea what it stands for...)

Other notes:

Yesterday, I saw that two clocks had been put into the RIGHT hand side of the SAINT HELENA'S HOSPICE charity shop and one had that 'MR ONE-TWO' time upon it: 12.15 or thereabouts...I will check it again...I have no idea if the clock was wound up or not...

The FULL irony of the EA game: AMERICAN MCGEE'S ALICE now strikes me...within it, ALICE comes face-to-face with the RED QUEEN at the end of the game which appears to be a MONSTROUS WOMB which has many weapons...after she has got rid of her main 'programmers' e.g. HUMPTY DUMPTY, JABBERWOCKY...

The idea is that ALICE has to defeat what is in 'herself'...that this RED QUEEN is somehow part of her own personality as were the 'alters' of her mind control programmers...this is a very cruel ILL joke...what is within all ILL slaves is a microchip...and probably quite a few of them...that is what they have to defeat more than anything else...and then set to work getting rid of all of the 'alters' which are activated by these 'chips'...this is all about that horrid film 'BEING JOHN MALKOVITCH'...whereby these monsters have found a way to run you, to control your mind, via microchips and DNA bio-implants...

Other notes:

I had decided to buy THE TIMES yesterday - which was when I met the WHITE RABBIT in the papershop...I then looked through the STOCKS AND SHARES etc...remembering as I did so...the time when RIMINGTON showed me these pages...THE TIMES is the INDEX you have to look at it if you want to work out what the ILL were up to...there are certain things that ILL SLAVES always 'miss'...and I will not say more than that.

Other notes:

I remembered who SAINT ERMINTRUDE was, last night...the real-life woman who ran the 'secret order of nuns': PRINCESS ANNE. It comes as no real surprise to me at all - not after that sick pig of a woman, had aborted me in that tower room - as I lay frozen in terror upon the bed and that filthy bitch told the graduates 'you have to see her as an animal - that is all she is - an animal'. Apparently this is more of a 'hobby' for PRINCESS ANNE more than anything else - she does it for 'enjoyment'. Okay, if one were being clinical about it - one would just say that ANNE is a PORPHYRIAC who was brought up in an insane S/M culture surrounding SATANISM. There was little hope of her ever growing up 'sane' - whether or not the Porphyria had really taken a hold, over her mind and personality.


My great aunt VALENTINE CHAMBERS was a member of this 'secret order of nuns'. She was high up in this particular 'cult'. No wonder she then went to live upon JERSEY as a tax-exile, in close proximity to HAUT DE LA GARENNE.

VALENTINE used to impress her 'status' upon us as very young children. She was ERMINTRUDE and used to call all of the children 'DEAR HEARTS' - in precisely the same 'upper-class' way that ERMINTRUDE in the MAGIC ROUNDABOUT does - the aristocratic PINK COW. VALENTINE was connected to her mother's side of the family (CHAMBERS was her married name) and this was impressed upon me as a child...THE SYLVESTERS had married beneath them, in relation to the GYDE family.

Other notes:


ILLustrated by
Tor Freeman
written by
Saheen Bilgrami


The dates stamped upon a white STICKER upon the back of this book (last borrowed):

25 OCT 2007
19 MAY 2008


ISBN:1 904921 03 5
9 781904 921035

I have typed out the above because it is all relevant.

Firstly because I remember RIMINGTON sticking the white STICKER over the above information which gives the publishers. She wanted to HIDE this publishers. I have never heard of it before - it has a BLACK PINWHEEL as its logo. This is the sign of the SWASTIKA.

Therefore I simply rubbed a little water onto the WHITE STICKER and the paper came off to reveal the publishers, underneath.

Secondly, the dates will be important - particularly the second one, which was written in by hand. I remember RIMINGTON forging the first one with a 'date stamp' at the library. She had taken over the desk there, from the librarians.


So the middle date is a 501 code in fact...followed by MR ONE-TWO and 007.

This is a joke reference to LEVIS.

Anyway, this book chimes in with my dream last night...if one looks through sees who or rather what, the JELLYFISH is:

RIMINGTON pointed out to me that HERSELF and DALRY, TOMLINSON and MARR constituted the 4 'children' with 8 legs upon the PINK SOFA...which, in the darkness, looks like a JELLYFISH in this book...and is pointed out as such: IS IT A JELLYFISH?

So what was RIMINGTON saying? That those 4 monsters ran MARK? That they were 'inside' his mind the whole time...running him?

Anyway, I can now confidently say that I HAVE HAPPY-SLAPPED THE JELLYFISH.

The interesting point about these 4 children upon the PINK SOFA is that they appear in 2 ILLustrations and that some of them have THEIR EYES CLOSED at different points.

In the FIRST ILLustration, they ALL have their eyes closed whilst reading the RED PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL - apart from one of them - and that is ANDREW MARR.

In the SECOND ILLustration - ONLY DALDRY has his eyes closed. They have all put the RED PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL down and are looking at all of their programmed slaves in different bedrooms of the next house.

So DALDRY - rather like PAT ANDREW - is heavily 'asleep' i.e. under mind control and without any memories of what he has done - the whole time. That makes him a rather 'good' person and a huge potential REBEL to the ILL CULT.

One can see that MAX AND LARA were saying the same thing about him - he is the SHOOTING STAR who continually suffers from AMNESIA.

The above revelation also makes ANDREW MARR the most evil one. He has been allowed to KNOW the most, out of the lot of them - about mind control programming.

At any rate this is what the NAZI PRESS is saying so one cannot take it with more than a pinch of salt...but anyway...PINWHEEL needs to be thoroughly investigated.

I wonder why THE SIMPSONS portrayed MARK as the PINK JELLYFISH?

I suppose because it is generic programming...there are many JELLYFISH out there...and they all have 8 LEGS.

Therefore 4 PEOPLE will have been running MARK'S brain.

Other notes:

I had mentioned PORTUGUESE MAN OF WAR at that PRAGUE PARTY in 1995...I had told MALCOLM that Daldry was front of him...

I am getting a better picture now...somebody wanted me to 'scan' Daldry's programming and throw up anything and everything that I possibly could about it...that was why I was playing the 'name game' with him...calling him whatever programming symbols, came up...and the JELLYFISH was one of them...I then found RIMINGTON's alter, which was the most DANGEROUS of the lot (in his brain) and so taught him how to capture and throw her out of his that he could return to 'normal'...

Who wanted me to do this? TOMLINSON was smirking at the back...or rather next to the exit...behind the ILLuminati 'academic' table of Collie/Bassnett and Co...and PUTIN was rather closer, with his it would have been TOMLINSON and PUTIN who wanted to know...they would have put me up to it...

PUTIN then got very annoyed with me, much later Shanghai...for apparently 'outing him'...but I had no idea of what was going on around me, after that memories apart from that 'insane' 3 hours or more - conversation with DALDRY and MALCOLM - where we three, appeared to be the main centre of attention in the middle of that party, for some reason...bugged.

It was only after SUSAN SINCLAIR had gone missing for 3 days...that finally JON decided to tell me about it...I then told him about the 'odd guy' in my class who had tried to persuade me to go out to dinner with him ('our heartbeat is the same' etc) but that I had declined...JON then told me that Susan had been reported, last seen, going out to dinner with a student from her class...that made me laugh out loud in scorn...if JON had asked me earlier...I could have told him the whole story...

It was SUSAN'S petty nature, that had gone against her...PUTIN (disguised as a student) had told her that she was a much better teacher than me (although the rest of her classes wouldn't agree - I got bouquets at the end of every term - she never even got one flower)...and that had flattered her so much that she had bitched at me in the staffroom, about what this student had said to her, at the beginning of the new term...and that is how I learnt that this 'strange individual' was now in her class and on her register...and I laughed to myself at the time, 'good riddance' I thought - he had made so much trouble for me, in my class (and had probably taken great offence to me after the 'draw a tree' lesson, as I have already outlined)...

That is why I could remember the whole scenario later on because the bitchiness had hurt me but it was also simply another 'brick in the wall' for Susan, as far as I was concerned...another example of how dim she was...and how petty.

She had gone out to dinner with this student because he had flattered her...told her that she was a much better teacher than me...that was his 'winning ticket' to entice her...and as I was to learn from JON - some time after the event...she had then disappeared afterwards.

I then berated JON for all of this 'cloak and dagger' shit and why the hell hadn't he asked me about it a long time ago? What was going on in that staffroom - why all the secrecy - surely everybody should have been asked...why were they doing this stupid 'secrecy' thing and excluding me...anyway, by that point...the 'register' had conveniently gone missing - Susan had lost it or it had been taken by the receptionists...I can't remember...but at any rate, JON couldn't find a 'name' for this student...and I couldn't remember but then I had only had him for a term before SUSAN and he didn't turn up that much...but naturally it would have been a false one so I do not suppose that one mattered...

It was all so odd...on one hand...PUTIN had saved me from being murdered by the ILL UK scum who had broken into my flat...on the other hand...he had 'got' SUSAN...and all I could remember (almost ad verbatim) was this extraordinarily 'surreal' conversation which was more like a battle of wits and minds, with DALDRY at that party...but none of it really made any sense at all...and afterwards ...MALCOLM then told me that he couldn't remember a thing about that night and not to worry about it...and it was useless probing him...I said 'I thought he was a friend of yours' (i.e. DALDRY) which MALCOLM replied rather tartly...'I thought he was a friend of yours'...and so we left it at MALCOLM did remember a little but wasn't willing to talk about any of it...

Other notes:

BT has just rung up to try and get money out of me. They can cut me off. I do not care - or rather I DO care - very much so. My DUES have not been repaid yet and so ALL of the ILL CULT will suffer. I am warning you, ILL...every single bit of harassment from this point on, will be 'rewarded' with your stocks and shares dipping still further. I am getting VERY ANNOYED now.

YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANOTHER PENNY OUT OF ME and until you understand that one, you will continue to lose all of your money.

Once I have run out of money and I do not have much left - I will activate the 'self-destruct' program upon all of the markets and wipe your money out entirely. You know what happens next. CHAOS, ANARCHY. You will be hunted down - just like you were at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

It is so funny - the ILL still think that this is 'unbelievable'.

As I have said before, this is probably the best way to end it i.e. to get rid of all PORHYRIACS upon this planet. NATURAL SELECTION.

I have also set a program to run which punishes RIMINGTON every time she says POPPYCOCK and several others which perform a similar function i.e. ANY abuse from any of you, upon the network and you lose money immediately. I will teach you to behave and MONEY appears to be the only 'carrot'.

I have often noted how the 'devil' is only to be found in the minds of human is not a 'real entity'...but now I can see that those religious people who called MAMMON the root of all evil...were entirely right...that is what the ILL CULT is all about, the insane, degraded and disgusting practice of worshipping 'money'.

Other notes:

ISBN: 978 0 440 86866 8
9780440 868668

Would you know it? This one contains my BT telephone code. It must have been written just for me - how 'sweet'.

Needless to say what type of sick programming is involved here - I have already outlined how we were all programmed within the LONDON EYE. Get lost.

Other notes:

More books left out...


ISBN: 978 1 84616 873 4
9 781846 168734

This one is really making me laugh - NO I am NOT going to help save ANY 'bottle-nosed dolphins'. You can deal with your COCAINE ADDICTION and your PAEDOPHILIA on your own.

Guess who VIVIAN is? You've guessed it - RIMINGTON.

Other notes:


ISBN: 978 1 84616 872 7
9 781846 168727

Ha, ha. This one appears to have been written just for me (or those like me i.e. zygote/mermaid slaves)...and she has to try to save the 'twins' - NOTHING DOING.

Other notes:

ISBN: 978 1 4052 3813 7
9 781405 238137

This is a truly revolting little number - just turn to PAGE 27 to see the largest BLOOD RED PENIS you have ever seen. Quite unmistakeable. Very nasty indeed. It is being 'dipped' into what is called an 'INFLATABLE DAMN' but appears to be a large YELLOW PLASTIC DRUM of sorts.

That reminds me...this was part of TOMLINSON'S programming - the DRUM as in DR RUM (Bacardi Rum). He showed me the bottle in France, the memory came back last night.

NIGHT SHADOWS has an image of 3 children playing musical instruments and one of them is MARK i.e. the one with BIG EARS (a deliberately confusing image)...which are in:


There is also a girl beating a DRUM.

A boy playing the SAX-O-PHONE i.e. COBURG-SAXE-GOTHS or whatever the Windsors used to call themselves.

I get it now...these are those who RUN the JELLYFISH.

This book is a simple HIERARCHY:

Remember THE MOON IS A BALLOON? Well, Mr MOON and his GREEN BALLOON (posing as a 'witch') is near to the front of the book...preceded only by 'two children'.

She likes 'cats' and he is interested in what is happening 'down the hierarchy' i.e. 'down the street'...and his 'alter' as in his animal/bird has been scratched out of the ILLustration...let me guess now...wasn't it the MONKEY that was up the tree?

Other notes:

ISBN: 978 1 84234 456 9
9 781842 344569

The main code here is the 'initial letter code' down the CONTENTS PAGE:


The EEP bit is about EASTERN EUROPE.

Other notes:

The ILL network have continually abused me all morning with so many swearwords, abusive language...and every time, they lose more money...(and also, every time that they pray to a false idol such as Akhenaton/Ashkenaton) has to draw the somewhat inevitable conclusion that things are going to work out MARK'S way...his RESIDENT EVIL script...and this is most probably in the interests of PRIME MINSTER PUTIN and REV. MOON...but NOT in Sci-Fi terms...the simple terms will be this...far more like the RUSSIAN/FRENCH REVOLUTION...the ILL will have stockpiled up the food and fresh-water supplies for this 'inevitability' which naturally makes them the NUMBER 1 targets around the globe...they will then be bombarded and murdered by the rest of us...that is how it will all pan hopes that it will not be too 'bloody' but when one looks at what the ILL did to the peasants of RUSSIA as well as what the 'sun-king' did to the peasants of FRANCE...the people were starving and starving people are not exactly 'civilised' in their behaviour...or the revenge that they then exact upon their oppressors...those POOR FAIRIES...

Other notes:

It is interesting that CUERVOBRILLANTE was saying pretty much the same thing (as above) - how the whole decadent ILL structure of the WEST would fall...everything would be destroyed...and the ILL would die in their bunkers...which is where they will all be 'holing' up in the end...

Other notes:

Whilst having a wash - I began to think about DOCTORS in general and how I do not even trust them enough to go to a surgery any more...but then after my experiences at the ARDLEIGH can see why...TOMLINSON posing as a doctor there...that sinister 'private hospital' in Colchester which was forced upon me...DR BETTLE's 'riding accident' that left him permanently brain-damaged and on epilepsy tablets...and to cap it all, the main MANAGER of the centre who also poses as a Doctor of Medicine...DR MANDERS...has no qualifications whatsoever...or rather, not in the medical profession...I have changed my surgery to one in Harwich now but still feel that unless I am taken to the local A & E after a road accident...I will not be visiting any UK doctors in the near future...

I had better luck with my Pakistani 'trainee' dentist who unwittingly removed a microchip from a molar whilst doing a root filling...and was completely dumbstruck by it...she had never seen anything like it in her life...- but I am still frightened of going to the dentists because she left the surgery, a long time ago...she was going back to Pakistan...I can see that I am now turning into an 'Great Aunt Valentine' or 'Uncle Arnold' in this way...I do not trust any of the medical profession, anymore...

Anyway, I then thought back to what my father had told me about PORPHYRIA and how it could be a total blood transfusion BUT that there was a general rule of thumb in operation at BLOOD BANKS in hospitals, NOT to do this for anybody...because they simply didn't have enough blood...the ratio was something like 3 pints of blood per citizen per be used in emergencies i.e. in casualty or during a serious operation...and even then NOBODY would get a total blood transfusion...maybe 6 pints or so...

One can see that THE POOR FAIRIES ROYAL CULT do not see their illness as an illness...and nor do they want anybody to be cured from it...that is how sick this cult is...

I looked at my mother who was obviously infected with PORPHYRIA when she was ST demonic blood transfusion...the ROYAL ILL were deliberating infecting their 'slaves' with make their slaves 'like them'...whilst those like my Swiss grandmother, might have inherited it from 'ROYAL' Spanish genes...

I then thought about the general history behind almost every European ROYAL HOUSEHOLD had to escape from the peasant rebellions/revolutions across Europe and beyond...and how so many ended up in the UK...that is what THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL was all about...and how SCARLETT had enacted this part, during programming...the 'saving' of the POOR FAIRIES from FRANCE...saving them from their fate at the guillotine...

I then thought about my own personal experience of the ARDLEIGH practice...and how DR OWEN had been very 'kind' to me in the sense of not disbelieving my brief explanation for the nightmares and my need for sleeping tablets...she gave me 14 and then said that I would have to use 'self-help' books about 'self-hypnosis' afterwards (the sleeping tablets were simply to give me a few good nights sleep to make me feel less anxious) and then, in her own words, I was to use 'self-hypnosis': "TO REPROGRAMME YOUR MIND".

She had wanted me to REPROGRAMME MY OWN MIND.

This was a BRITISH-INTELLIGENCE run medical practice. Therefore one can assume that it was BRITISH INTELLIGENCE who wanted me to reprogramme my own mind.

Why would they ask me to do that?

Because they all KNEW that I had the KEYS to the ALICE programme and that eventually I would wake up. They then hoped that I would REPROGRAMME it so that the ILL would not lose their money.

They obviously knew that something had gone very wrong within the circuitry of this 'computer system' and had targetted myself as the part of that circuitry that needed fixing. TOMLINSON obviously didn't know how to do it - I know that now - only MARK did. RIMINGTON hadn't got a clue and nor did SCARLETT.

I was given no help or money with which to do this. It is quite incredible, isn't it?

RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON obviously thought that they could then control me like a 'remote-soldier' under mind control - and that they could continue to run the 'ALICE computer' and to keep all of their stolen money.

It would be 'business' as normal for me - a horrid, 'cheapest on the market' bedsit, HOUSING BENEFIT and having to sign on - whilst being forced onto degrading schemes where I would have to do a full week's work at some menial job, in order to collect about £50 a week. This is how RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had envisaged it would all pan out but it DIDN'T because of quite a few related things...not having my pineal gland punctured again...visiting Israel and then Switzerland...and discovering what had really been going on behind the scenes...

Now the ILL are shit-scared of me...they know that any attempt to 'taser' me and then reprogram me etc...will result in a self-destruct program going off...and they are in a quandry as to what to do next...

It is funny in retrospect...TOMLINSON must have had his memory wiped by the TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON had no idea what had happened to the NAZI idea what had happened to the SAUDI MONEY...and then their stocks and shares start to go down the toilet by the day...and it is only NOW that they are beginning to get WHY...that is why they had set me up see what I could find out for them, by 'waking up' was the only way that I would tell them anything at cutting myself free of the cult...waking up to everything...and by doing so, the ILL hoped that I would tell them what they needed to know...but it hasn't worked out that way...

Other notes:

On a more mundane level...the last DEODERANT that I bought...was one that my sister buys...SANEX...I had never bought one of these before in my life...but she had because it is supposed to be kind to skins i.e. hypoanallergic or whatever the term sister normally buys this type of product. She is allergic to many things.

I have just finished it...and for the first time, I really looked at the shape and design of this peculiar item:

It looks just like a DILDO. It is quite astounding...check out the LILAC topped SANEX 'dermo invisible' which apparently 'minimises white marks'...and unscrew the top to see that this item was molded to look just like a plastic penis head.

I then remembered RIMINGTON remarking upon this brand - it was part of SEX KITTEN programming and to be used to 'open the womb' but I have no idea how ILL abortionists actually used it, in practice or rather why...perhaps the deoderant simply serves as a 'reminder' of your programming...which is what it would do...most of the time...sitting in the bathroom or wherever.

Funnily enough - as I looked out of the kitchen window this morning at MR SPAM'S backyard...a moment ago...there is a new coloured peg upon the line...a LILAC one...same colour as this SANEX deoderant. Additionally, there is a rather 'fat' and peculiarly shaped peg upon the second washing is half WHITE and dark RED...BURGUNDY coloured...

Other notes:

This morning was rather I was putting the garbage out in the semi-darkness early on...the light was on in Mr SPAM'S store cupboards...I could see into all of them...and also the lights were on in FLAT 2...I could see everything upon the ground floor of this flat...I hadn't realised just how extensive it was...what a lot of room and space they have...but then it goes so far back...taking up a lot of space which one might assume, was part of FLAT 1.

RIMINGTON had never been into FLAT 2.

Anonymous said...

Hey, there is a NEW GUY who has turned up in HARWICH - dressed in SCARLETT'S disguise (the MUNCASTER one).

The really funny thing is that this ACTOR is at least a foot shorter than Scarlett. Can't MI6 get anything right this days? Okay so the wig is good - probably the same one as before but the rest - BWAH-HA! Please try harder.

Anonymous said...

'HCE' has turned up too - so at last - PRINCE CHARLES has decided to take a 'personal interest'.

Anonymous said...

Look what has turned up!

It has suddenly jumped to the top of the queue of the OIL CULT 1741 code upon AMAZON:

The New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741: Daniel Horsmanden's Journal of the Proceedings, with Related Documents (Bedford Series in History & Culture) (Paperback)
by Serena R. Zabin (Author), Natalie Zemon Davis (Editor), Ernest R. May (Editor)

So the ILL are now demonically in earnest are they? BWAH-HA!


Paperback: 193 pages
Publisher: Bedford Books (4 Feb 2004)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0312402163
ISBN-13: 978-0312402167
Product Dimensions: 20.8 x 13.7 x 1 cm

Anonymous said...

CODE: 1741

Pro Plan Puppy Large Breed Robust (Chicken) 3Kg Dry


Another EGG code.

ASIN: B001A348OU

Price: £10.87

Anonymous said...

CODE: 1741

Learning Resources Animal Numbers Activity Centre
by The Sales Partnership Distributors Ltd

Price: £41.99


Product Dimensions: 38.1 x 5.1 x 50.8 cm
Boxed-product Weight: 545 g
Delivery Restrictions: Available for delivery to the UK and most countries in Europe. See Delivery Restrictions.
Item model number: 1741

I do not think that I need to comment upon these anymore - just to expose them - work the programming out, it is easy enough.

Anonymous said...

CODE: 1741

Bailey 1741 Universal Drop Scraper 4in



Boxed-product Weight: 164 g
Delivery Restrictions: This item can only be delivered within the UK
Date first available at 30 Sep 2008

Anonymous said...

The Daughter of Peter the Great: A history of Russian diplomacy and of the Russian court under the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1741-1762 (Paperback)
by Robert Nisbet Bain (Author)

RRP: £13.49
Price: £8.90


Paperback: 372 pages
Publisher: Adamant Media Corporation (30 Nov 2005)
ISBN-10: 1421271095
ISBN-13: 978-1421271095
Product Dimensions: 21 x 13.3 x 2.4 cm Sales Rank: 705,825 in Books

Anonymous said...

Hahnel HL-IQM71 Sony Type 7.2v 2800mAh


Price: £34.23

Product Features
Battery Type: Lithium-Ion
Capacity (mAh): 2750
Capacity in mAh: 2750
Chemical System: Lithium-Ion
Usage: Camcorder
Year of Introduction: 2003
use: For Camcorders

Anonymous said...

1741_2606 - Canvas Print 20x16 (51x40cm) by Robert Harding
Media Storehouse


Price: £40.00

ASIN: B001GVE166

Anonymous said...

The Great New York Conspiracy of 1741: Slavery, Crime and Colonial Law (Landmark Law Cases and American Society) (Paperback)
by Peter Charles Hoffer (Author)

Price: £10.95


Paperback: 190 pages
Publisher: University Press of Kansas (30 Jun 2003)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0700612467
ISBN-13: 978-0700612468
Product Dimensions: 21.1 x 14.7 x 1.5 cm Sales Rank: 1,945,961 in Books

Anonymous said...

Handel's Operas, 1726-1741 (Hardcover)
by Winton Dean (Author)
Price: £49.95


Hardcover: 565 pages
Publisher: The Boydell Press (19 April 2007)
Language English
ISBN-10: 1843832682
ISBN-13: 978-1843832683
Product Dimensions: 23.4 x 16 x 4.8 cm Sales Rank: 161,092 in Books

Anonymous said...

Shiny Red/Black 826 Midi Case,500w LCD Display
by Fast-Tek
1 used & new available from £27.99


High quality Shiny Piano Black/Red Paint Finish
Mid Tower Case for use with ATX or MicroATX Motherboards
Multifunction Colour LCD Display
2x USB2.0 and Audio Input/Output on side of case behind stealth
500watt PSU

ASIN: B0015CG0E2
Date first available at 4 Mar 2008 Sales Rank: 55,218 in Electronics & Photo (

Anonymous said...

This is getting dull but it is just as well to have a record of the first top 1741 PROGRAMMING ITEMS.

There are several in this lot that were used upon me e.g. the TIGI stuff but one has to say that an ILL slave is only programmed with a small amount of the total. RIMINGTON went through this list and picked out certain items that she wanted to program me with - mainly 'ladies' things' eg. that ghastly silver TEMPLAR ring:

Ladies Black and White Designo Cross and Heart Sterling Silver Ring - UK Size Q (Large)


Jewellery Information
Brand: Designo
Metal: Silver
Ring Size: Q


(My computer threatened to shut down - as soon as I had copied the above information to paste it here.)

Anyway, here is a general list from 17 onwards:

17. Alexander Adam (1741-1809) Scottish teacher and writer. - Canvas 40x30 (101x76cm) by Heritage-Images by Media Storehouse
Buy new: £129.99
Usually dispatched within 2 to 3 days
Kitchen & Home: See all 20 items
18. Pieces de clavecin en Concerts 1741 by Jean-Philippe Rameau (Audio CD - 2008)
Buy new: £6.992 Used & new from £6.99
Available for pre-order. This item will be released on 4 Dec 2008.
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Delivery.
Music: See all 21 items
19. The story of Handel's Messiah, 1741-1784: A short popular history by Watkins Shaw (Unknown Binding - 1963)
1 Used & new from £6.00
Books: See all 1,039 items
20. Alterna Caviar Volume Molding Creme 50ml by Alterna Caviar Seasilk (Personal Care)
Buy new: £25.49 (£50.98/100 ml)
In stock
Health & Beauty: See all 6 items
21. Lexmark 12N0774 Oil roller 0012N0774 C910 C910N C910FN C910IN C912 C912DN C912N C912FN by Lexmark (Electronics)
Buy new: £34.424 Used & new from £32.67
In stock
Electronics: See all 19 items
22. Ladies Black and White Designo Cross and Heart Sterling Silver Ring - UK Size Q (Large) by Designo
Buy new: £44.99 £35.99
In stock
Jewellery & Watches: See all 4 items
23. PIGNEAU (1741 - 1799) - Canvas Print 40x30 (101x76cm) by Mary Evans by Media Storehouse
Buy new: £99.99
Usually dispatched within 2 to 3 days
Kitchen & Home: See all 20 items
24. The Story of Handel's Messiah 1741 - 1784 by W. Shaw (Hardcover - 1963)
2 Used & new from £15.00
Books: See all 1,039 items
25. Classic Straight USB Cable for the Philips GoGear SA2104/37 with Power Hot Sync and Charge capabilities - Gomadic Brand w/ TipExchange Technology by Gomadic
Buy new: £13.97
In stock
Electronics: See all 19 items
26. Fore-warned, Fore-armed, 1741. - Canvas 40x30 (101x76cm) by Heritage-Images by Media Storehouse
Buy new: £129.99
Usually dispatched within 2 to 3 days
Kitchen & Home: See all 20 items
27. Russian America - The Great Alaskan Venture 1741-1867 by Hector Chevigny (Unknown Binding - 1965)
1 Used & new from £14.47
Books: See all 1,039 items
28. Telemann - (24) Odes 1741 by Georg Philipp Telemann (Audio CD - 2003)
Buy new: £10.9911 Used & new from £7.60
Not in stock; order now and we'll deliver when available
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Delivery.
Music: See all 21 items
29. The Constitution of England and Les Idees Politliques De J. L. De Lolme: 1741-1806 2 Vols in 1 (European Political Thought) by Jean Louis De Lolme, J. L. De Lolme, and Jean-Pierre Machelon (Hardcover - May 1979)
5 Used & new from £41.19
Books: See all 1,039 items
30. Tigi Bed Head Hair Stick for Cool People (75g 2.7oz) by TIGI Catwalk (Personal Care)
Buy new: £9.25
In stock
Health & Beauty: See all 6 items
31. PTFE Thin Wall Sleeving, Bore : 6.05mm, Wall : 0.40mm, Size Ref. : TW3, Coil Length : 10m [per Coil] by Altecweb
Buy new: £37.01
In stock
Electronics: See all 19 items
32. Sterling Silver Amber Bracelet With Large Crystal By The Olivia Collection by The Olivia Collection
Buy new: £79.95 £39.95
In stock
Jewellery & Watches: See all 4 items

Anonymous said...

CUCKOO clock programming is all about the ILL programming in 'timers' into your FALSE CORE and so quite deadly programming. Let us look at who sells these EVIL TEMPLAR RINGS:

About Seller
About Kooqi:

Kooqi is almost kooky, just a little bit different. The word kooky is derived from American beatnik slang, possibly a shortening of the word cuckoo. Our ethos is: do it, do it right, do it right now. Above all be yourself, no matter what people think.

At Kooqi our aim is to make our customers very happy, both with the lovely jewellery we source from all around the world to our FREE delivery policy, with FREE gift packaging and gift messaging service. We aim to post items out on the day the order is received, but at the latest on the next business day, and you can be sure you won't be waiting long for your item to arrive as it will be sent by First Class post.

Seller Help
Kooqi Customer Service Contact
Contact this seller Phone: 08458678752

Anonymous said...

Telemann - (24) Odes 1741

A nasty one - often used on female slaves.


Audio CD (1 Sep 2003)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Cpo

Price: £10.99

Anonymous said...

ASIN: B001HW0E88

Tigi Bed Head Hair Stick for Cool People (75g 2.7oz)
by TIGI Catwalk

TIGI is the same as above - really nasty 'cat' sex kitten alter programming.


Anonymous said...


Sterling Silver Amber Bracelet With Large Crystal By The Olivia Collection
The Olivia Collection
Sale: £39.95

Evil stuff on here - this code is linked to THROTTLING/HANGING.

Jewellery Information
Brand: The Olivia Collection
Metal stamp: 925 Sterling Silver
Metal: Sterling Silver
Length: 200 millimetres
Clasp: Lobster Claw Clasps


It also appears to be directly related to the LOBSTERS/CIA.

Anonymous said...


A Parish Feast, 1741. - Canvas 40x30 (101x76cm) by Heritage-Images
Media Storehouse

No customer reviews yet. Be the first. More about this product
Size Name:
Canvas 16x12 (40x30cm): £39.99Framed Print 20x16 (51x4...: £59.99Framed Print 10x8 (25x20cm): £24.99Canvas 40x30 (101x76cm): £129.99

Price: £129.99



Black Rabbit said...


How interesting...

I had got back from the LIBRARY...started to cook my lunch...and as is often the case...the cooker blew the electrics in the entire is an extremely dodgy appliance...luckily though - since the electrician put little white panels over the missing fuses in the I have no fear of flicking the main switch back on, for fear of 'losing a finger' as I had been told by many people (too numerous to mention) whilst doing this...and I honestly do not care if the negligence of the ILL results in my death...that results in ALL of their money disappearing and their plunging into death, doom and destruction...via the activation of the final code...(I have been reprogramming myself from 1994 - that much should be clear fom my previous notes)...

Anyway, I then thought about how the TEMPLARS probably thought that it was 'fun' to escape from their burning CASTLE...although not 'fun' for the ROYALS in terms of PRINCE PHILIP and PRINCE WILLIAM who had to go out front, with POTATO SACKS over their the waiting BRITISH ARMY...

I then thought that the TEMPLARS might have thought their 'escape' down the tunnel as rather exciting...believe me, it won't be exciting after you have lost all of your money...and one by one, every castle of yours is razed to the won't be feeling the same 'buzz', I can assure you - that is, if you are still alive.

I then thought...why wasn't PRINCE CHARLES with them?

I then figured...because he could 'hide in a crowd' odd number...but with the black SAS woollen hat pulled down over his eyebrows, forehead and was quite incredible...but he looked like 'any bloke' upon the was a perfect disguise in that I presume that he had escaped being numbered as part of the TEMPLAR crew in that way...and had escaped with the other general members of the UK public e.g. the 'media crew' and so forth.

I also wondered what had happened to the QUEEN...but then having seen her unpacking bags out of a car to go into PRINCESS ANNE'S 'whitehouse' upon the front i.e. MARINE PARADE...she looked like an old 'Ashkenazim' would never have known that it was the Queen...and I had to do a double-take...naturally one couldn't 'swear' upon it...but I 'felt' the woman either had her 'alter' or really was her...dressed down, no headscarf, without makeup and large brown curls...a very different hairstyle to normal, which hid her forehead...but pretty much the same, for all that...

Anyway, I then turned my computer on because of the FUSEBOX blowing and got the BBC RAW LIBRARY flash of their 'empty stage' in dark TURQUOISE.

I had seen a similar image before - the help-dog on MICROSOFT WORD had warned me, that it would occur - by moving in SLOW MOTION across the screen at a certain point in his normal 'activities' as an ANIMATION upon the old WORD program - upon a library computer. I immediately knew what it meant (as Mr Icke would know)...activate your 'freeze time' ability to capture the image when it comes...

I cycle home - switched on my home computer and I caught the image - it was of TWO SPOTLIGHTS upon a dark TURQUOISE STAGE. The RAW LIBRARY STAGE colour. The 'stage' in the book where MAX and LARA along with RIMINGTON and SCARLETT (the two KING PRAWNS) are advertising for 'new acts'.

However, this time the image of the RAW LIBRARY STAGE was significantly different. It varied in TWO aspects.

Firstly that there was now only ONE SPOTLIGHT upon the stage.

Secondly, that it incorporated into the design, the usual MICROSOFT IMAGE that occurs just before you get your DESKTOP up and running i.e. the image that TOMLINSON had described as a sort of 'comet' dovetailing into the NWO. I forget how many 'teams' were involved but that they would all 'come together' in the end...i.e. those WHITE STRANDS of light across the greenish-bluish-yellowish background - they 'cross' at some point in the design.

However, THIS time...the image of the WHITE STRANDS was upside down..and under only ONE spotlight...what can one deduce from that? It was to the left of the screen.

So tell me TOMLINSON...what is BBC RAW LIBRARY saying here?

Other notes:

I have remembered what I was muttering about this morning...I like to tell the ILL what I am thinking about before I write it...because to have an 'audience' is an important thing...even if it is the ILL...and once I have found what I want to say...I type it...if I haven't forgotten it...whilst doing various chores beforehand...

What is obvious to me now is that PORPHYRIA is the key to all of this and the ILL are actually waking up to it...they are not simply part of a demonic cult...they are part of a blood disorder group... of people who can be cured.

I had thought this morning...about whether or not MR ICKE might be interested in that one...because you have people like RIMINGTON who control others by infecting their blood...people who are so taken over by the disease that they have become literally less than human and more 'lizard' in every sense...rather like my mother in 'lizard mode'...the pinprick pupils flicking to and fro...

I was thinking in terms of the 'spacey' thinking of a lot of researchers into disease...and how they think that it was quite possible that a lot of diseases come from OUTER SPACE...i.e that they enter this hemisphere (presumably via meteorite rock)...fall to Earth...infect water, the general food chains...and therefore it is a continuous process of finding out that we have a lot more 'diseases' than before...once human beings have come into contact with whatever 'organic matter' is contained within the rocks...

I have no idea where that theory came from but it is one that is commonly touted as scientific 'sense'...and it makes me think BWAH-HA...and makes me want to laugh out loud...but it is an accredited theory...and so I would guess that meteorite rocks have been found to contain nasty viruses (long dead or dormant though, one presumes - they are calcified volcanic rocks in the main, surely? I mean, almost everything burns up as it falls to Earth...apart from space modules).

I suppose my thinking upon that one is...if you still do not know all of the possible diseases that you might possibly contract in a rainforest and are still trying to blame AIDS on 'little green monkeys' from this general location - then this theory about how meteorites from Outer Space contain viruses that could kill everyone on the planet and are probably responsible for many diseases as yet unknown by medical science - is a little far-fetched...

The big problem here is what is LEFT OUT of the equation and this is why ACADEMICS go so wrong and in every field. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE as run by the ILL - do not allow your 'common or garden' academics to know ANYTHING about their top-secret research which is light-years ahead of ANY university research upon the Globe.

The 'big problem' was then problematised by MARK ROCKEFELLER who broke into FBI files and stole the lot...and used it within a 'private field'...the effects of which are still to be seen.

The above, is probably the most CRUCIAL point of the lot. PRIVATE INDUSTRY has known as much as MILITARY INTELLIGENCE - if not more and for many years now.

I would guess that CERN was something that MARK wanted to manage because...and now I get everything...

CERN was apparently set-up 14 years ago.


The year that MARK had deprogrammed me.

The year that he got me to 'hop' from one person to the next within the ILL hierarchy to find the 'top man' i.e. LOEHRMANN in the FBI.

He had hijacked me with 'kindness'.

He had got rid of all of my ROYAL suicide programs but was no kinder than the rest - he had a more 'fun' idea which would really stretch him creatively...he and SPIELBERG would film my life and death (snuff movie) whilst taking the piss out of the ROYALS and their 'son of G-d' 13th ONE game...and make a mint out of the whole thing. They would then murder me at their 'discretion' to prevent me from ever talking about a thing.

To this end, they had programmed RIMINGTON to 'walk me through it' - telling me all of their stage directions e.g. the trip to SWITZERLAND in stages - even down to what colours I was to wear, when and where and upon what day - what I was supposed to 'say' would be 'in character' i.e. sex-kitten/zygote slave ALICE who just reacts to the other characters around her in complete subservience where 'no questions allowed'.

I now know where I first saw SPIELBERG in the flesh. He had 'deigned' to make an appearance in 1980 - in the UK - we had met him whilst on programming and I do not remember if any of us knew who he was (I have never seen ET for example and wouldn't want to)...I do not know his 'screen career'...maybe he hadn't even made a famous movie by that point. The man is a faker anyway - talentless - even he admits it in his interviews nowadays, he doesn't have to lift a finger, everybody else does it for him - however what he doesn't say in interviews is that he has always used PI SLAVES to do whatever was necessary (the script, ideas) - however, he now openly admits doesn't even 'direct' most of his movies - other directors are brought in to do it.

At any rate, we had no idea who he was, in 1980...just an obnoxious, little bullying Ashkenazim man with an American accent...we were in one of the music halls (a largish group of us - from POWERGEN) ...and that is why I can NEVER remember the is so annoying...I have heard it a million times...I have been there so many times...and yet my memory still blanks out...the torture I must have been under to forget this one, is any rate, it is the place, down the coast from SOUTHWOLD...where so many concerts are given...something to do with MALTINGS...

Anyway, SPIELBERG sneered at the slaves allocated to him...particularly at myself...he was an ARCH PAEDOPHILE who preferred boys...and only liked 'girls'/'women' if they were anorexic - or as thin as a stick - child-like bodies...he got angry with the BRITISH mind control programmers around...why had they given him such a DUD crew?

I stood there feeling angrier and angrier...I have no idea what the other young people were thinking, who were standing around me but I could tell from their expressions ...everybody was thinking what I was thinking but nobody dared to say a word...this guy SPIELBERG was an ugly, nasty, stupid, vulgar, little SHIT.

I had been put onto that little SHIT's team. I was hating every minute of it. You had to just stand there and put up with it.

I knew the game - I had had to put up with RAY FISHWICK from early childhood...another stupid, evil, vulgar little SHIT...and these two little men were quite similar in looks. I would now call this RUMPLESTILTSKIN programming, not because we were given that fairystory to read before we met those like FISHWICK or SPIELBERG but because they were both very short men with violent tempers who exploded with such aggression at those around them - that you really wanted to pour a bucket of cold water over them.


Simply, he was one of the ILL and from a NAZI family - he was there to divvy up the mind control slaves - he took the GLOCKENSPIEL ones and the ROYAL FAMILY took the XYLOPHONE ones.

It was a HARMONICS PROJECT after all.

This is the interesting part to me...I had been put upon the G-LOCK-EN-SPIEL team and not the XY-LO-PHONE one and this is possibly related to other things e.g. the CIA in Shanghai telling me that according to British Intelligence, I was an XY file case.

Was SPIELBERG 'Jewish'? NO. His family were NOT Jewish. They were NAZIS who escaped to the USA upon false ID. I had learnt that one early on.

This is also interesting - the fact that he 'looked' like he was from Central/Eastern European Ashkenazim heritage but that in fact, he wasn't even that - no claim to be 'Jewish' at all. Yet SPIELBERG acted the part. He 'presented' in the same way as the histronic and hysterical LSE Economics Ashkenazim Professor at the LSE in 1988 - stupid, ignorant, as well as being extremely LOUD and ABUSIVE, in tone and conduct.

That is what makes me so FURIOUS about MARK'S telepathic conversation with me before I realised that MARK was part of the RIMINGTON's mob and against me...he had told me that SPIELBERG had been a 'friend' and not a 'foe' to me - apparently he was the director who had been interested in filming my lifestory and had 'bought the rights' off MARK - can you believe it? MARK had got me - whilst drugged and under mind control - to sign away the rights to my entire lifestory and then he had sold them to SPIELBERG.

As I have said before MARK - that is NOT worth the paper that it is written upon and if I ever see a copy of it - I will have you in court upon the most serious charges of 'misconduct'.

I didn't believe MARK at the time - because my experience of SPIELBERG spoke reams to the contrary...for example the pitch and plot of the film AI...I had written that...sent it off to his DREAMWORKS had then been made...I wasn't paid a acknowledgement whatsoever. I then had a 'dream' of SPIELBERG telling me that my work was 'right on time' i.e. my unpaid slavery as a mind control slave - was making millions for him. No wonder his company got the rights to make the HARRY POTTER movies. The dream had perturbed me at the time - I 'knew' in the back of my mind that this man was a NAZI and a paedophile...more to the point that HE WASN'T JEWISH...a faker...a 'pretend Jew' and yet MARK was then to try to persuade me to the contrary...that this man was 'helping' me.

Other notes:

ALDEBURGH. I have just looked it up upon a map - that is where those music/concert halls are...down by the marshes upon the Anglian coast.

The place that BENJAMIN BRITTEN was so obsessed by...he had been a 'nobody' young pianist when he met my Swiss grandmother...she was young but already the best 'voice'...SOPRANO in Europe...and because it was war-time and she wanted to help the 'war-effort'...he played the piano for her...whilst she sang to FRENCH troops before the NAZI invasion...old French love songs in the main...he began to get her to sing his own works - and soon became a 'big' name...I have heard his 'work' and dislike it...according to some, BRITTEN is one of the few 'talented' composers to come out of the UK...

I remember the childhood stories I heard about this evil paedophile (as my mother was to say about the latest biography of this man 'it is only coming out now - what a paedophile he was') father was in the hands of predatory paedophiles from the day he was born...his godfather is BENJAMIN BRITTEN...we have a photograph of BRITTEN holding him as a baby at his christening...BRITTEN used to come round with PEERS and say 'we are taking the boy out to a concert/recital' in central London and disappear off with my father - his stupid mother would let them take her son can imagine what hell he was put through as a young boy and why he is the way that he is as an adult now - there was no real awareness of such men in the 1920s...never mind, 'rings' or gangs of them.

Anyway ALDEBURGH was where the most evil programming was put in..we were tortured in those 'soundless' music rooms...I saw SPIELBERG rape a young boy in one of them...he is a paedophile of the worst order...

At DARTINGTON I was then to become fascinated by the music department...I made a sculpture of an SAGITTARIAN ARCHER shooting an arrow through a window to hit a replica of a pineapple perched on the roof of the building outside...the BASE of this plaster of Paris ARCHER was that of a XYLOPHONE carrier upon wheels...

I now know what that was all about...I was showing the ILL that their HARMONICS project hadn't worked upon me (I had cunningly stuck an arrow upon both sides of the window to create a trop d'oeil effect of it being in the process of passing through the window) and my message was this: 'you cannot soul-trap me...I am at once, within this building and also outside of it...I am everywhere...I can see EVERYTHING that you are doing and one day I am going to wake up and talk about day I am going to hit my target and then the lot of you are finished'...

I also made the most horrific installation about CHILD ABUSE within one of the music rooms...which had a PIANO in it...for obvious reasons...

I might add that this was after I had read a book upon self-hypnosis, I had bought one because our art project brief, was to find a hidden memory, something from our past and to 'make the invisible - visible'...I had made some visualisation/meditation tapes to this purpose...and they worked so well...too well in much came up...and I began to 'wake up'.

Other notes:

Saturday morning...after the 'horror' of yesterday evening...many thoughts came at once...firstly that the ILL had calculatedly sent me a specific SIGN and trigger - the BBC RAW LIBRARY stage and the WHITE STRANDS of the NWO...

TOMLINSON had told me (at the TEMPLAR CASTLE) that 'they' i.e. himself and his mates...would REVEAL themselves as MASTERS of the NWO upon this very MICROSOFT bluey/greeny/yellowy stage with the WHITE STRANDS of the NWO symbolically running across it...he had pointed out that they would all come up and reveal themselves.

That is what I had taken the piss out of, with my cartoon portraiture of TOMLINSON, RIMINGTON, SCARLETT, MANNINGHAM-BULLER, MARR and DALDRY, 'revealing' themselves in their true colours.

Anyway, the fact that the ELECTRICS had all gone off in this flat when I only had the computer on and the suggests to me that this was all preplanned...that I was shown this image at a particular time...that it could only run at 'start-up' and that therefore the power-cut had been necessary and engineered by the ILL to put this image up on my screen.

I then wondered if this hadn't gone out to ALL ILL SLAVES and that it wasn't just me who had seen it...was it a trigger device?

Was this image to warn the ILL SLAVES to get ready for some coming event?

Later on that night...I had another brief, telepathic conversation with PUTIN who told me that there would be a LIGHT-SHOW around SAINT PAULS...he appeared to find the whole thing hilarious...I asked him what he meant by that...he said 'wait and see'...

I then wondered if this meant that the ILL would appear in front of SAINT PAULS in some sort of fancy dress...I am assuming that they wouldn't be so dumb as to reveal themselves as they really are...

I then thought about costumery...RIMINGTON would obviously want to dress up as a 'space lizard'...I then thought about COLLIE and MR maybe they were not as 'dumb' as they looked in terms of putting out the propaganda message of EVIL SPACE LIZARDS...

I then hoped that the SAS/ARMY would have their rifles trained upon any such 'SPACE LIZARDS' and take them out, in front of SAINT PAULS...if and when, the 'masters of the NWO' decided to 'reveal' themselves...if that is the case, remember that they will be wearing bullet proof costumes and so perhaps gas might be necessary...however...100 rubber bullets raining down upon them should do the job...whatever the weather...

I then thought about MARK'S big fantasy and wondered if this STAGESHOW would also incorporate the SECOND COMING...but I do not know...I have only been told to 'wait and see'...

It is an odd coincidence that my mother left a message yesterday evening to say that she and my father would be in LONDON today because my brother HUMPHREY and his pregnant wife would be staying there for the weekend...over from the if the STAGESHOW occurs this weekend...they will have front row seats...I am very glad to be in HARWICH for the duration...

My father turned up 1/2 hour before 7/7 to catch a Euro-Star train...he appears to have a knack of turning up just before NWO events...and I wonder if the STAGE SHOW is planned for this weekend...although I have no idea...all I saw was the TRIGGER...the 'get ready' sign from the ILL.

Other notes:

MR TOM came round early this morning...and after eating his breakfast...keeps wanting to go out but something is stopping him...I can see that the light is on in the alleyway down this is triggered by somebody walking past...but is continuously on, for some reason...and so perhaps somebody is standing out there and MR TOM cannot make his usual bid for freedom, down there...that is what is perturbing him, at present...

Other notes:

Having made a note of ALL changed locks upon EAGLE HOUSE yesterday...I realised that a new code had been spelt out:


There is also the backdoor lock of FLAT 1 which has no name upon it...and the backdoor lock of FLAT 2 which has a golden/white snake handle upon it and an ordinary large keyhole...

Anyway, as far as I can see, we now have a simple message: BYE - Y

Other notes:

Naturally, I am still furious with I had been in ISRAEL whilst being with SHARON who had showed me SPIELBERG's RESIDENCE there...which is a large part of the MONTEFIORE complex which stands right by the AZTEC building of a car park, just outside JAFFA GATE.

SHARON had told me that this dirty, little man had donated around £20-30,000 to ISRAEL and I couldn't believe my ears...ONLY £20-30,000? He had got to be kidding. No, he wasn't kidding...surely that was quite a lot of money? Sharon must have been laughing at me...he was subtly telling me what a little shit SPIELBERG is...even too tight to spend money upon the country that he pretends to have ties with...

All I can say is that ISRAEL has got to pull its socks up and throw these SATANISTS out of their country for good - it has to cut all ties with such criminals...because if it doesn't...those like MR ICKE and COLLIE have so much more ammunition against Israel as a country...if Israel continues to pretend that those like SPIELBERG are Jewish...the Israelis are making their country into even more of a target for those who claim that it is run by NAZI SATANIC ZIONIST PAEDOPHILES...and until ISRAEL decides to change its policies, regarding such people...they run the risk of being blown up.

There is only so much that those like MOSHE DAYAN or ROMAN POLANSKI could do, in order to change the tide of public opinion against these sick pretenders...

When one looks at what happened to ROMAN POLANSKI at the hands of the PRETEND JEWS of HOLLYWOOD it is horrific...ROMAN had made the film ROSEMARY'S BABY about NEW YORK SATANISTS from the 'Ashkenazim' class...i.e. the WOODY ALLENS of this world...and was widely castigated by those very 'pretend Jews' for this extraordinarily brave move.

POLANSKI had been in the death camps...his family had 'disappeared' in them...he knew what he was talking about...and he paid for it...his pregnant wife was butchered in their own Hollywood home and Satanic signs daubed all over it...he was then ironically arrested upon charges of PAEDOPHILIA of all things...because he had slept with a 14 year old prostitute (who had dressed herself up to look at least 21 years old)...he had been framed by the ILL...

It was so ironic, that years later...after having made a brilliant film THE PIANIST...that POLANSKI wasn't able to pick up his OSCAR because if he had returned to the USA - he might have been was so SICKENING to see paedophiles like SPIELBERG in the front row of that auditorium...pretending to be Jewish and 'clapping' POLANSKI'S success...sickening...

Spielberg had made that shit movie, SCHINDLER'S LIST about the same topic - which has since been widely discredited...Schindler was nothing more than a slave-driver...a hard-nosed businessman who knew that his Jewish factory workers were skilled and difficult to he fed them enough to keep them alive...that was all he did...the historians are now saying that it was his wife who helped a small amount of them, to escape the country...

I have already recounted how I saw this film in POLAND and it was discredited by was pure HOLLYWOOD smaltz and didn't capture one iota of the real flavour of living in Poland...or being in a death camp...or anything at all was pure it to THE PIANIST and see the difference...

MOSHE DAYAN had HATED that class of 'pretend Jews' i.e those like SPIELBERG with a passion...he had hated those so-called 'American Jews'...the fat Satanic bankers who were destroying his country and from the very beginning...I cannot begin to imagine the bravery of those like POLANSKI who decided to then 'out' these filthy people to the Public...but I suppose once you have been through a death camp, yourself, as a child...nothing much ever frightens you just get on with it...

A couple of years ago...I read that SPIELBERG had converted to the ORTHODOX ASHKENAZIM...he must have been shit-scared by that point...that his whole sick history would come out one day...I read the article - scornfully and disdainfully...these people will stoop to limit to how far they will low they will stoop to hide and to protect themselves...

I then remembered what DALDRY had said about SPIELBERG in Prague 1995 - how that dirty little man had a trailer in which he tortured his actors and actresses if they were not 'unquestioningly obedient' only has to look at the depressive sadness upon the face of actresses like GWYNETTH PALTROW (she made her debut in a Spielberg movie)...and listen to her words in interview - about how she likes 'stepping up to the plate' for a new role...and DALDRY'S explanation of that in Hollywood terms: you step on the electrified plate - have your memory wiped and the new 'role' put in, under hypnosis and at a deep level of consciousness...

One only has to have a quick look at JULIA ROBERTS' career which ended for many years (she gave up acting for a significant amount of time)...after a public 'spat' with SPIELBERG upon set...that was after he had filmed her as TINKERBELLE with a large CREDIT CARD behind inform the ILL CULT that they could 'buy' her sexual services from him...if they had enough money...according to Tomlinson...and she cost millions.

Other notes

My query to PUTIN last night...included 'what is CHARLES SAATCHI up to'...apparently he is now the JUDAS figure in this 13th game...because his daughter is not able to fulfill that role anymore...he was elected by the ILL to play that role...but he is still an 'equivocal' figure within it...blackmailed out of his mind...he had pledged to help PUTIN against the ILL...and so we shall see how it pans out...which way he jumps, in the final analysis...

Other notes:

I was looking how I had stacked up the books upon my bedside table...and was amused to see that I had two distinct piles...that I had put together and ordered 'subconsciously'...

The pile to the right - I shall term the ROMAN CATHOLIC has the book THEODORE (with a monk in black upon it i.e. the Roman who converted) underneath the large GREAT LOVES Penguin series - with most of those ILL books about 'love' still in it.

None of those books really talk about 'love' per se at all...most of them talk about sexual obsession, infatuation and peversion...and I realised what my subconsious mind was up took me back to school and listening to the CONVENT girls talking about their RE lessons...and the hideously perverted stories of how their various saints were tortured and then murdered...and their various 'erotic passions' concerning Jesus...whilst they were being tortured to was all horrid but funny...I couldn't believe that any religion could pass that sort of thing off as a 'valid education' for young children...

Anyway, to recap the RIGHTHAND pile from top to bottom - reads like this:


This is all about MI6 isn't it? MI6 and the Satanic Catholics.

The pile to the LEFT is far more varied...and all of the books are balanced upon the new JEWISH PRAYER book by SACHS - so from top to bottom:

GIOVANNI'S ROOM - JAMES BALDWIN (Penguin Great Loves series)
HOLY BIBLE (my mother's St Felix copy)

You can see how I have separated the SATANIC CATHOLICS and their baleful influence upon this world...from the far more 'varied' baleful influence of the SATANIC JEWS.

I then realised that there was a THIRD PILE which was in front of the SATANIC CATHOLIC pile and so from top to bottom:


I am assuming that this pile is 'connected' to the SATANIC CATHOLIC pile because it is also upon the righthand side...but one can see the REV MOON 'eastern influence' here.

So my subconscious mind had sorted out THREE PILES of books around the 3 corners of that small reading table...they have all been sitting there for some while now...

The STRUCTURING ABSENCE here is the empty 4th corner of the table...which has no books upon the front and to the which books should be here, then? I am thinking SATANIC ISLAMISTS but I have never known anything much about the religion...the old SAT B'HAI CONTRACT of the ROYAL FAMILY etc.

Instead of books...I have an old yellow lamp which had previously been left by the MANNINGS of South Street, in their house which my parents then bought...RIMINGTON had programmed me with this lamp...she had pointed to the white leaves and small balls upon the lampshade and told me that these were the SEEDS which I had to give up...i.e. the human eggs...the zygotes.

Looking at the above piles...I was again struck by the first letter codes...particularly this one:


For some rather 'way out' reason...I then remembered a bit of programming that had come back whilst I was standing in line at BARCLAYS BANK to cash in a traveller's cheque...a SECURITY MAN was in front of me and carrying one of those black plastic cases - presumably full of money...I read the chalk words upon it:


I remembered this from was the FOTHERINGTON family that had been up to their eyeballs in ILL programming...and the 'causon' had been referred to as the 'ravens cawing'...the FC.

Anyway, I might have put another code together here...because the titles and authors names are all an option to be used...I will have another look later on...I can see how there might be a second letter code which gives one ORO but everybody knew that the MOLOCH cult was a Semitic one and so no big news there...I just wonder how far my 'computer brain' went with this one...

ATTT: One can see where OTO got their TTT logo from then...KOREA.

I am not sure about QTP...the Q-tip pens...ha, ha...the scribes...the Jesuits...

I am getting a basic picture here...the PAEDOPHILE TRADE was a Satanic Jewish one...SPERM/EGG TRADE was a Satanic Islamic one...the ILL PROGRAMMING 'LITERARY' MATERIALS was a Satanic Catholic one...and the DEMONIC/ESOTERIC religion had its heart in in the FAR EAST...with the attendant ILL experimentation in drugging and 'different dimensions' i.e. PSYCHIC WARFARE.

Other notes:

One final note upon SPIELBERG...I think that it was the OBSERVER MAGAZINE which published a long article upon SPIELBERG'S career - some years ago was a rather brave and shocking article, in relation to the early photographs of SPIELBERG directing his first movies...the man used to come to work in FULL DRAG...and sit in his director's chair dressed like some old Ashknenazim woman...i.e. a large, dark brown curly wig - pancake make-up and lipstick...chunky necklace and bracelets...flowery dress, high-heels...and NOBODY on set was allowed to comment upon this behaviour...he was often photographed with young children around him...the journalist referred to this behaviour as 'eccentric'...nothing more and then went on to applaud SPIELBERG for 'loving' children so much - they were always around him.

Other notes:

'Got myself a gun'...that funny scene from THE SIMPSONS where you have MAGGIE the homicidal baby who is holding off the mafia upon her lawn from the bedroom with a that her father isn't harmed by them...

A memory is beginning to come back here...of those like SAATCHI i.e. the top mind control programmers being in a largish group upon the lawn in front of the TEMPLAR CASTLE - the KATSAV programmers...they were approaching the BRITISH ARMY in the hope of triggering their military mind control codes and getting them under control for the TEMPLARS...and I was on the battlements with DALDRY who had organised a few of us to give those programmers 'cover' i.e. to shoot at the BRITISH ARMY if they caused any trouble...(whereas as far as I can remember...I had met the SIS general and 'Allison' by that point - and was trying help the Army get a grip upon the TEMPLARS by infiltrating and disrupting their plans)...

This was my last chance to get those programmers before the 'game was up' and LAW AND ORDER try to prevent them continuing in their evil ways...and so I started to take potshots at random at them...that made the group disperse, quickly in utter terror...and they began to run for it...unable to activate mind control codes of those they were ever, DALDRY asked me what the hell I was doing... a throwback to 'he isn't 'prey' kitten'...whilst I was chasing MARR around the Castle after having been programmed with 'vampire'...and I pleaded that I was just 'practicing'...Toby Macklin had showed me how to use a rifle but I hadn't actually used one before which was quite true.

Other notes:

The SHTETLS of Eastern Europe are still bothering me...why their histories are being covered up terms of ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER being covertly banned from academic reading lists...and then I remembered a conversation with MARK about 'beyond the pale' i.e. the Russian Jewish settlements which existed outside the town/city walls...Jews were not allowed to live alongside gentiles...they were made to live 'beyond the pale'...and I began to wonder if these were early experimental 'mind control camps' run by the local aristocracy...these Jewish peoples had to be trusted because they were 'good at figures'...'good at money'...and so it would have been imperative to put them under ILL mind control if one were to trust them as your 'bankers'...and therefore, people would have been programmed as 'practising ILL Satanists'...they would have been programmed with paedophilia and most likely infected with PORPHYRIA...and left 'unchecked' outside of towns and cities...this secretive ILL culture would have grown up like wildfire within these small, isolated and for the most part 'shunned' communities...this is what SINGER is hinting at, in his short stories - the hidden history of the Ashkenazim under aristocratic mind control...and as MANNINGHAM-BULLER was to comment upon, whilst calling me GIMPEL THE FOOL...these societies were evil, through and through...because for the most part, people were simply out to harm each other...cut each other down, lie, cheat and the manner of the local aristocratic mafias...and then if one fastforwards throughout history to then have the 'aristocratic' Dr Mengele who is programming Jewish interns with the computerised version of the ILL mind control program...and then letting them lose upon society...

When you have seen STEPHEN SPIELBERG annally raping a small child, in a music room...into white-faced oblivion - complete disassociation through sheer fear and is difficult to view these 'false Jews/Ashkenazim' per se, with any 'kindness' whatsoever...but one has to acknowledge the wider context and historicity of the connection between the Ashkenazim bankers and their Satanic sponsors within European Royalty and aristocracy.

Anonymous said...

18TH OCTOBER 2008:

Central Line - St Pauls - disrupted Underground station closed at St Pauls due to station improvement works.

Is it likely that the ILL will continue with their insane plans once exposed?


Anonymous said...

Just for the record, here is the timetable of events for SAINT PAULS for next week:


Sunday 19 October 2008

08:00 Holy Communion
10:15 Mattins
11:30 Sung Eucharist
15:15 Evensong
18:00 St Paul's Institute evening Service 'Under the Microscope: faithful scientists'

Monday 20 October 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Tuesday 21 October 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong
18:30 St Paul''s Institute Public Debate: Stories of Evolution

Wednesday 22 October 2008

07:30 Mattins and Litany
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Thursday 23 October 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Friday 24 October 2008

07:30 Mattins and Litany
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
13:15 Dome Dais recital
17:00 Evensong

Saturday 25 October 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

In connection with the
Cathedral’s internal cleaning scheme scaffolding will be in place in various parts of the Cathedral. We apologise for any inconvenience caused whilst this vital work takes place.

Anonymous said...


ICS (microchips)PC (computer brains)IV (intravenous)

Check out the WORD 'paste' facility upon that innocent little phrase about the 'scaffolding'.

Anonymous said...

Check out the week which includes HALLOWEEN - beloved of all Satanists - ALL HALLOWS/WALPURGIS NACHT (if the ILL are going to choose a date, it will probably be this one):


Sunday 26 October 2008

08:00 Holy Communion
10:15 Mattins
11:30 Sung Eucharist
15:15 Evensong
18:00 St Paul's Institute evening Service 'Under the Microscope: Faithful Scientists'

Monday 27 October 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
10:00 Admission to galleries begins at 1000
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Tuesday 28 October 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
08:30 Cathedral closed for sightseeng until 1330
11:00 Consecration of the Bishop of Aston
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong
18:30 St Paul''s Institute Public Debate: Body and Soul

Wednesday 29 October 2008

07:30 Mattins and Litany
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Thursday 30 October 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong
19:00 Organ Recital by Olivier Latry, Organiste Titulaire, Notre Dame, Paris

Friday 31 October 2008

07:30 Mattins and Litany
08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Dome area restricted from 0930 all day
12:30 Holy Communion
15:30 Last entry to the Cathedral for sightseeing
15:45 Last admittance to the Galleries for sightseeing
17:30 BBC Young Chorister of the Year Competition 2008

Saturday 1 November 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
08:30 Cathedral will be closed for sightseeing until approx. 13:00
11:00 Diocesan Confirmation Service
17:00 Sung Eucharist

November 2008
- - - - - - 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 - - - - - -

(Number code: B IP VC)

In connection with the Cathedral’s internal cleaning scheme scaffolding will be in place in various parts of the Cathedral. We apologise for any inconvenience caused whilst this vital work takes place."

Another code appears when you paste this from the ST PAULS official site:



However, one you have posted it upon this site - the 'initial letter code' changes and is lost.

Anonymous said...

In case you are wondering - RIMINGTON told me about that 'scaffolding' code upon a 'reprogramming' visit to ST PAULS in 2004. It has been in operation for some time now.

Black Rabbit said...

A 'little bird' tells me that in fact, these will be the most important dates. Remember how REMEMBRANCE is the most significant ILL rite of all? The act of 'cannibalism' in relation to the dead body of a Son of G-d.

In relation to MYSELF replacing TOMLINSON as the 13th ONE - are the ILL hoping to eat me upon the date below?

I have already warned them that this would not be a 'wise' idea.

You know what will happen to you, ILL - if you do.


Sunday 2 November 2008

08:00 Holy Communion
10:15 Mattins
11:30 Sung Eucharist
15:15 Evensong
18:00 St Paul's Institute evening service 'Under the Microscope: Faithful Scientists'

Monday 3 November 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
11:00 Garden of Remembrance service
12:30 Sung Requiem
17:00 Sung Requiem

Tuesday 4 November 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Wednesday 5 November 2008

07:30 Mattins and Litany
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
13:00 Last entry to the Cathedral at 13:00
13:15 Last admission to the galleries
14:30 Cathedral cafe and shop close
17:00 Evensong
19:00 Lord Mayor''s Charity Concert in aid of Wellbeing for Women and ORBIS.

Thursday 6 November 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Friday 7 November 2008

07:30 Mattins and Litany
08:00 Holy Communion
10:30 East end of Crypt closed for sightseeing until 1130
11:00 Airborne Forces Wreathlaying
12:30 Holy Communion
17:00 Evensong

Saturday 8 November 2008

07:30 Mattins
08:00 Holy Communion
13:00 Performance of Dick Whittington
14:00 Performance of Dick Whittington
15:00 Performance of Dick Whittington
16:30 Cathedral closes

November 2008
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 - - - - - -

View events diary byAll eventsRegular servicesSpecial servicesConcertsRecitalssight seeing

view the events diary >>

In connection with the Cathedral’s internal cleaning scheme scaffolding will be in place in various parts of the Cathedral. We apologise for any inconvenience caused whilst this vital work takes place.

Anonymous said...


Those sick animals should be put out of their misery, NOW.

Anonymous said...

The photographs upon above website is used by RIMINGTON to programme them with 'Satanism' in London.

Note the one of St Pauls through the black spear-headed railings. This is a supreme death threat and related to the 'garden of remembrance' programming i.e. ILL cannibalism.

Anonymous said...

Off the cuff - a book that ILL SLAVES are told to read if they have been 'out of order' i.e. if they have gone against 'vampire high command' as in TOMLINSON in his 'bat-gear' - I am laughing but it is NO joke:

ISBN: 0 451 46093 6
9 780451 460936

Anonymous said...

Another ILL site that RIMINGTON uses for programming images. Check out the CHERUBIM image in particular.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's a very colour SWASTIKA, isn't it?

So no doubt about it at all then - the CHERUBIM at the TEMPLAR CASTLE WHO were all 'fake Jews' - whether they were the SAATCHIS or the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY...are all NAZIS.

My question now is: what is ISRAEL going to do about these monsters?

It is incredibly bad PR for them and endangers their country - in fact their very survival as an ethnicity/religion.

The Satanists targetted Judaism as the most dangerous religion against them and look how they have succeeded in undermining it.

Black Rabbit said...


It is all coming out of me so quickly now...those last memories...and I wonder where and how this is all going to end, yet again...

I sensed in the LIBRARY from that book left out for me...the one about VAMPIRES - that TOMLINSON would be set upon my trail again at some not bother...nobody will ever be able to trick me again...and certainly NOT him...

It even surprised me, this look at that 'scaffolding notice' upon the official ST PAULS site and to immediately flashback to RIMINGTON, pointing out that it was call ILL SLAVES in for a rite...I suppose that the ILL put up scaffolding in there, now and again...un-necessarily - just to put out that SLAVE 'callback' notice for a rite to be performed...

the ludicrous thing about it all is that this is quite plainly about ROBOTS and not human beings...the reference to IC (microchips) and PC (personal computers) amazes me yet again...that the ILL are running people like robots, yet they are still running these 'Catholic' Satanic rites. This peculiar mixture of SCIENCE i.e. 'robotic brains' - human minds which have been butchered and tortured into behaving like computers...and the CULTURAL CONTEXT of cannibalistic/paedophilic S/M Catholicism. It simply doesn't 'mix' to my mind.

It is 'high camp' in that way, as Richard Dyer (Warwick University) was to define 'high camp' where the artifice of the deceit is fully revealed i.e. in film, you can see the people who are making the film around the set as the actors/actresses perform (the guy handling the boom, etc) far as the actors are can see that this person is in 'drag' or heavily made-up to pretend to be a certain historical character and is only playing a 'charade' game of acting the part...

I always hated this sort of thing...I liked to 'believe' in whatever narrative was being shown me...the point of 'high camp' is that you are not supposed to believe a word...not to care...and to simply 'love the costumes and make-up'...whilst knowing that the whole thing is a 'big act'. Rather like watching a JUDGE put on his wig and robes...I suppose...or ROYALTY putting on their crowns and mantles...or 'dandies' making themselves up, powdering their faces, rouging their cheekbones/lips and putting a small, black love-heart upon their cheek, before going out in public...

Why even bother with these ILL Satanic doesn't quite make sense...why dress up the fact that you are running people like slaves robots - in some HAMMMER HORROR fancy dress pantomime? I do not quite understand why the ILL need the cultural imput and context to it all...ILL slaves are allSTEPFORD WIVES/HUSBANDS and CHILDREN...why do they have to be Satanists as well?

I suppose that was MARK ROCKEFELLER'S idea...he was sick of SATANISM...he wanted THE TRUMAN SHOW...he wanted a spotless, happy Christian society of STEPFORD WIVES/HUSBANDS and CHILDREN...

I can also now see why JOHN WATERS got so pissed off with me as a toddler because I wanted to believe that 'fairies' were good...whereas to his mind...and I assume he was talking about gay/lesbian people...he was of the opinion that they were definitely not 'good' and applied a whole variety of derrogatory adjectives to them...but then, he was in the company of those like RIMINGTON and so one can forgive him for being a little 'jaundiced' about the whole 'closet homosexual/lesbian' thing in ILL CULTURE...

However, I now know that behind the 'closet homosexual/lesbian' association with the word FAIRY is in fact a far more disturbing definition of FAIRY and that is POOR FAIRY/PORPHYRIA - a severe ROYAL blood disorder which has been labelled as 'vampyrism' and 'werewolf' disease...'butterfly rash' is even termed LUPUS which means 'wolf' in LATIN...which has been something of an EPIDEMIC in the UK for many years...but the medical profession have been banned from talking about it...and are not allowed to 'cure' it when those like my father i.e. CONSULTANT HAEMATOLOGISTS know how...a full blood transfusion...i.e. as much of a transfer as possible...and then continuous transfers until the virus has been beaten by the strengthened immunity system of the PORPHYRIA victim.

I also remembered...but didn't comment upon my father getting annoyed with Afro-Caribbean populations in B'ham who wouldn't give blood, in the main...because according to my father...many of them had blood types which would have helped their own ethnic group - in casualty...and there was a dire lack of these blood types to treat Afro-Caribbean people in need of surgery 1991, DABYDEEN didn't have much of an answer to that one, apart from the usual...nobody trusts doctors/the medical profession in general...and I can understand that one I have already outlined...I would have to be hauled into a surger,y almost feet first, before I would see another doctor...

I can now understand why my father was so worried about the medical sites upon the INTERNET where you can look up your symptoms and ailments...and DIAGNOSE yourself before visiting a doctor...he wanted some sort of 'clamp-down' and out-lawing of these sites...but then my father has always been a TEMPLAR and an ILL would be in every POOR FAIRY'S interest, not to let the general public into that hallowed domain of 'diagnosis'...

Other notes:

I was thinking about CRIKEY the other day...which works out as RIC EYK...and I remembered MARK programming me with that one...the place where he lived in SWITZERLAND i.e. RICKENBACH...and then he showed me an old MI6 programming image from VAN EYCK...something is wrong here...and that is ICKE/ now I know where MR ICKE'S family came from...the DUTCH ARTIST who painted that crucial 'ILL message' ARNOLFINI painting of the marriage between the ORANGE and the GREEN...

What 'heritage' does that give DAVID ICKE?

I wonder...rather like CARRAVAGIO...or rather DEREK JARMAN'S interpretation of his life...this artist had been commissioned to paint something that he thought was 'obscene' evil and so wicked as to defy belief...that was JARMAN'S 'take' upon what appeared to be, upon rather an innocuous painting of a 'little boy' as an angel...the little 'white snail' of his penis and balls...the beautiful, muscular blond male 'slave' with large GOLDEN coins in his mouth...the MAGDALENE with her ORANGE hair...the JESUS CHRIST with a dark 'halo' cast upon the wall, behind his head...

I guess painting up ILL CULTURE (relating their stories/ histories to make the ILL feel better, in fictional form) takes people (their slaves) in different ways...I did it with HARRY POTTER whilst at ESSEX UNIVERSITY and it nearly did my head in...I got so thin that I was in danger of my life...okay, only down to about 8 stone but even so...far too thin for a big-boned person...and I was suicidal...the only time that I have been suicidal in my entire life...and one can see it in the film the artist paints his commissioned painting in a tormented way...he can hardly bear the task he has been set to do...but he forces it out...and produces a 'facade' to cover the truth about what the ILL were up to...and gives them their history, in 'prettified' form...

I have no idea if this was the 'reality' of the historical painter CARRAVAGIO but it was certainly DEREK JARMAN'S own history as a 'ferryman' of the BRITISH CROWN. That is why he had identified with CARRAVAGIO. He had seen the historical similarities. He also made films upon a 'shoestring' which exposed as much of the ROMAN EMPEROR cult in the UK as he dared...the closet homosexuality...the paedophilia...the whole lot.

I have no idea how much was 'subconscious' with JARMAN and how much was consciously realised 'rebellion' against the CROWN and their sick ILL system of programming 'sons of G-d'.

I do know that JARMAN - who was an 'old-school' and rather respectable, privately educated school
boy - turned 'gentleman' in his latter years - had immediately identified with the youth movement PUNK - even though he was generations older than the teenagers involved...G-D SAVE THE QUEEN, THE FASCIST REGIME...and that he had even made a film with budding PUNK stars such as Toyah Wilcox...

"Let's have something REAL from the pulpits, from the popcharts...from EVERYWHERE for a change" .That seemed to sum up my friend SARAH CONKEY'S life as a teenager...I met her in my second year at SOLIHULL 6TH FORM COLLEGE...she had been a punk since its inception but the movement was 'institutionalised' very quickly - and had its hayday between 1977-1989 (I am talking 'grassroots' here)...she still wore 'punk' clothes for the next two years at 6th form but the movement was already 'dead'...and she had moved on...into PENTACOSTAL Christianity...she was looking for 'reality' in terms of people who could and would talk 'reality' about life and not the usual bullshit...

Until RIMINGTON got SARA - during her 'gap year' from UNIVERSITY (she didn't like SAINT ANDREWS, left after the second week and then re-applied for BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY, the next year) and that was pretty much the end, of 'independent thought' for SARA CONKEY and the beginning of her career as a mind control slave i.e .the appointment at the BBC - then the manipulation of her 'talent' as a BBC RADIO 4 PRODUCER to make programs that RIMINGTON wanted her to make...with the correct ILL 'bias' and coding, involved. To my shame, I introduced ANDREW MARR to her and he used SARA as a 'stepping stone' to get into RADIO 4 from his THE SCOTSMAN political editor post. (I have already related this in detail, in other notes). Sorry Sara. I had no idea.

Other notes:

Last night I dreamed that NIR HOFFMAN had 'visited' me in a dream...he told me that he had died in a road was all very idea if this was true or not...upon waking, I went back over the two strange times that I had met him and his odd Prague 1995 and then in Shanghai 2003...and suddenly realised what it was all wonder I had felt so maternal about him...such a strong would have been genetic...I felt the pull of a mother to her child...and so I counted back the years...I was 40 in 2003...and NIR claimed to be 19 years I would have been 21 when he was born...going through hell on earth in my second year at ESSEX UNIVERSITY and writing HARRY POTTER...this was where the character was born...and looking at NIR, if anybody was a real little 'magician' and from a 'magical family' was him...his mother was Sephardi...she could 'read' foreheads and had taught NIR...and so he read mine...the 'Aleph' upon it...his mother had taught him many other 'spiritual' things as he was to tell me in my dream last night...passed down within Sephardi families...although his father was ASHKENAZIM and that is the interesting point...

In my dream, I was back in CHINA...and in a shop...I wanted to buy bread and found some but then opened my wallet to find that I didn't have any Chinese money...I had English/Swiss and HUNGARIAN notes...and as I touched the HUNGARIAN money...this 'called up' NIR into my dream...

After waking...I remembered the HUNGARIAN money that I had given to TOMLINSON whilst in BUDAPEST...the old notes...which had been freshly printed outside the CASTLE...but that had been on the other side of the mirror and I was so upset to see that they had gone from my possession ...I suspected FRENCH Nicholas and also ENGLISH Mark of taking them out of my luggage...but they hadn't...and were non-plussed about it all...

I then remembered how I had wanted to go to HUNGARY most of all...once I had qualified as an EFL teacher in 1992 - but that I couldn't find a job there and so at the last minute, went off to POLAND.

I then remembered NIR talking about his father's HUNGARIAN family - their roots there...and my telling him about the MAGYAR Orthodox Ashkenazim group who hadn't agreed with the creation of the State of Israel - they wanted G-d to do it and not by 'human hand' so to speak...NIR hadn't heard of this historical group.

I then thought about the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and how this had been based - or centralised, in and around HUNGARY. The EMPEROR CHARLES...and the period of European history which coincides with the TUDORS of England.

I then thought about HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY! - the children's book to program 'green goblins' who perform Satanic abortions.

I then thought in detail of the strange things that had happened in TOMLINSON had turned up there from BOSNIA with his diamonds, in fear of his life...and the NEW YORK CAFE which the New Zealander MICHAEL RICHARDSON had impressed upon me to visit...

I then remembered in detail, the encounter Ashkenazim-looking man had met me and MARK there (the guy had that generic 'Spielberg' look)...we were having was an impressive cafe...a turn-of-the-century affair...huge gold/cream pillars and art deco...that sort of wasn't expensive either but we were the only ones in there...

This man had instructed MARK to arrange the meeting with 'his friend' at the same place, which MARK agreed to do...

MARK told me that this was a 'private meeting', the next I went off on my own that morning (to the Castle) whilst he had his 'meeting'...and I eventually made it back to our rendezvous to meet up again...and I saw TOMLINSON under the eaves of a shopping parade...watching us...I pointed him out to MARK...and MARK replied that this was his 'friend'...the one that I was not supposed to meet...naturally I didn't recognise him but he looked 'familiar'...

I do not have a time frame for this but I then 'woke up' in bed in a room in the BUDAPEST railway hotel beside TOMLINSON and he told me about the diamonds from BOSNIA and his dilemma surrounding them...

I am wondering now if that odd encounter with the guy and the suitcase of printed 'out of circulation' historical notes which I then bought some of because they were 'pretty' and cheap souvenirs (only paper after all but beautiful colours and designs)...were those notes 'payment' for something...were they connected to the 'diamonds'? Was I supposed to give them to TOMLINSON?

I then had to buy a GOLDEN MIRROR in Katowice, once MARK, NICHOLAS and I had got back to POLAND...which had the diamonds in the back of it...the mirror that MARK ROCKEFELLER and his people were to pick up from my room, once I had vacated it at the end of my contract (after I had moved into his room and he had begun to deprogramme me in 1994)...

I am now thinking MAGYARS...MAGPIES...the ILL cult do not like them much...they are consistently portrayed as 'thieves' who pilfer the ILL CULT...and are made to 'pay back what they stole...

TOMLINSON kept writing about NOTA BENE as CUERVOBRILLANTE...and now I can see that NOTES are the main have the NOTE - ETON NOTE... TO-EN...NETO...TONE...NEOT...I wonder if ST NEOTS has something to do with this...that little town/village outside of CAMBRIDGE...I remember talking to MARK about it...HEATHER LAING had come from around there...I think she also had a house there.


The 'money well'?

Other notes:

Last night, the name JARDINE came up again...I remembered the cups at the TEMPLAR CASTLE with MY GARDEN upon them...GARDEN was in 'italics'...and I realised the FRENCH for garden JARDIN(E)...I then 'knew' that LISA JARDINE'S Jewish family must have had HUNGARIAN roots...for no particular reason...apart from that the aristocracy in most European countries often spoke French...although GERMAN was the second language of most Hungarians...

MI GARDEN...MYGAR DEN...the fox's den?


I then thought about how the GY has come up in codes a lot...particularly GYSSBACH mountain...and then remembered the ILLuminati film - THE SOUND OF MUSIC...and the NOTES...and how it was funny to hear the Hungarian name GYORG pronounced GAY-ORG in the if he were a 'GAY OGRE'...but in fact, it is probably a reference to ORGANISATION in ILL culture...this film is a seminal one in ILL programming...

The strange thing is that I can remember so clearly, buying those notes outside of the wall of the front of a large gate entrance...and yet I cannot remember anything about the interior of the castle at all...nothing at all. Something must have happened in that castle but I have no idea what yet...

Other notes:

I forgot to mention that this morning...switching my computer on...this time, I had a central image of the BBC RAW LIBRARY dark TURQUOISE stage again...with the WHITE STRANDS across it but there appeared to be less than before...and the two spotlights had merged into a long one...

I will now switch my computer off (and at the wall - as I normally do before I go to bed) to see if I will get the same image again.

Nothing comes up this time...but I remember now...the image of the WHITE STRANDS was simply the same as the one upon the main MICROSOFT 'green/blue/yellow' was simply superimposed over a dark TURQUOISE stage of the RAW LIBRARY books. So the ILL will reveal themselves upon the 'Max and Lara' BBC RAW LIBRARY 'stage'?

Other notes:

I bought a PERIODIC CHART from the LIBRARY yesterday and remembered RIMINGTON pointing out a few things upon it.

I then looked up the number 141.2 and couldn't find it as an 'atomic mass' so I then decided to find two atomic masses which might add up to this:

I found:

(58) CERIUM 140.12
(1) HYDROGEN 1.01

140.12 + 1.01 = 141.13

I then figured that RIMINGTON had put 141.2 to mislead me a bit...

I have been drinking hydrogenated spring water every day now, for 2 helps to purify my system...

I then found out that FLUORINE is a interesting...the whole chart is colour-coded and the 'GREENS' are not what I would have expected...TIN, LEAD, THALLIUM, CARBON, SILICON etc.

I then looked at number 77 and found IRIDIUM - that would figure - the 'eye'.

The precious metals...GOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM are all in YELLOW.

I then realised that the ILL had coded each number in terms of the years of your life...and at 63 (when MARK had wanted to murder me)...we have EU - EUROPIUM 151.96

RIMINGTON is at the end of her run of life at 71 (PINK) LUTETIUM 174.97

Now, isn't LUTETIUM the name that ASTERIX THE GAUL gives to PARIS/FRANCE? Isn't that the Roman name for it?

You can become CAESAR at 55 and RA at 88...

No wonder I found that novel THE PERIODICAL TABLE so interesting...DR MENGELE started off this sick ILL system in the death camps...

Anyway, having found my 'number' in relation to CERIUM...I then wrote it backwards in my mind:


I then remembered that FRANK MUIR had been another mind control programmer, from my youth but then, anybody connected with RADIO in particular, as well as the music business...seemed to be in on the ILL game because it is all about EMF/SOUND waves.

I will study this PERIODIC TABLE more closely but having skimmed the blurb...this bit is interesting:

"In 1869, DMITRI MENDELEYEV suggested an arrangement of the elements based both on their relative atomic masses and on groupings of elements with similar properties. He left gaps in the table, predicting that elements would be discovered to fill the gaps, and even suggested what their properties should be.

There were anomalies in Mendeleyev's table in that some elements had to be moved out of their relative atomic mass order if they were to be grouped with similar elements. This was explained in 1913, after work by ERNEST RUTHERFORD who discovered that an atom has a central nucleus which carries a positive charge. HENRY MOSELEY working with RUTHERFORD, showed that the positive charge is a definite amount which increases a regular pattern from one element to the next. This positive charge is the element's atomic number. When the elements were listed in atomic number order they fell perfectly into place."

So maybe MR MENDELEYEV was correct - there are GAPS which have never been filled...and that my ILL atomic number is 141.2 and that would put my 'atomic charge' between PRASEODYMIUM and NEODYMIUM.

MARK had said that there was something odd about my 'magnetic charge' that they hadn't worked out.

I do not suppose that they had worked out MR PUTIN'S either.

Anyway, the ISBN CODE for this shiny TABLE:

ISBN: 0 7217 5614 X
9 780721 756141

Anyway, one can see from the X above that after an ILL programmer had shown you this particular map - they then took you out and HUNG you or DROWNED you into an NDE and the ECT'd you to take away all memories. That is how 'secret' this all was...and my neck keeps on giving a loud 'crack' now and then...the amount of times we were all hanged...and I have a particularly thin neck compared to most...

Other notes:

I can now see that the ILL had tabulated ALL of the elements that they could CONTROL i.e. they had identified them, weighed them, worked out their properties...BUT there were other elements around that they were unsure of...which they hadn't managed to categorise and 'box' up...and this was the BIG SECRET...the one FLAW in their ILL plans, concerning human life upon this planet.

These 'other' elements do NOT appear upon the table. ONLY the ILL are allowed to do research upon them - which they will continue until they have managed to 'harness' and control these elements. I appear to represent the 'properties' of one of these 'other' elements.

MR TOM came over and sat upon the YELLOW AREA of TRANSITIONAL METALS - he then knocked over a stack of videos to reveal PLANET OF THE APES again.

I looked at the 'make' of this map:

TEL: 01484 607080

The above 1484 is a SUN/RA code.

CERIUM is related to the ALICE CODE:


I had dropped a point on MARK'S scales RATHER than gaining ONE.


0 1 18 14 11 20 - the numbers that cover O L and the 2 of 20 (U)


That is what had worried/mystified him.

Other notes:

NOTE the RED LINE upon this map - it separates NON-METALS from METALS.

Look at the elements UNDER this 'red staircase' of BLOCKS:

(13) A1 - ALUMINIUM 26.98 - 2.8.3
(32) GE - GERMANIUM - 72.61 -
(51) Sb - ANTIMONY - 121.75 -
(84) Po - POLONIUM - (209) -

I remember that RIMINGTON had a simple explanation for the above and based upon her NAZISM - her own interpretation...that included Germany, Poland and the Sudetenland. She had used 'iqbl' upon these characters:

A1GESbPo to produce: GESTAPO (it doesn't actually work in iqbl but that was her sick little story).

Naturally, the numbers 13 and 51 interest me in this sequence...not to mention the 'Artifical Intelligence' A1.

I still do not get why TOMLINSON was programmed with 51 in this flat i.e. in his 13TH ONE role.

I then thought back to when he would have been 51 in real life - when I was 40 years old in China...that was where I met him that could one possibly say that he was programmed with 51 there...or was I?

Looking at the table again...number 41 is Nb...Niobium...92.91...and I remember this as being pertinent to myself...QUEEN NIOBE annoys HERA because she is better at spinning than her...and so HERA murders her family and turns her into a TOMLINSON/CUERVOBRILLANTE was trying to impress that one upon me as in NOTA BENE...

For some reason...looking at Sb ANTIMONY...I am getting SZABO as in FROG...the FROG ON A LILY PAD...the ILL paedophile - is this something to do with Antimony? BOOTS used to sell Antimony as a herbal remedy.

PO is the teletubbie with the coat-hanger (used for abortions) as a sort of aerial upon his head...

Other notes:

The YELLOW TRANSITIONAL METALS have a large break in the middle...

Other notes:

My fan heater (bought in HARWICH) as seen in my father's room at the HOTEL HARDER MINERVA:


In ALICE CODE: another RICKENBACH RA item...

Other notes:

I get it - those IN THE PINK 57-71 are what DALDRY called DIVINE...or as he put it: TO ERR IS DIVINE...see 'ER' upon this colour grouping...with RIMINGTON at 71 LU...

So this is about DIVINE CHOCOLATE and MARTIN AYRES...another 'little lizard' from RIMINGTON'S stable of reptiles...

As I have said before CULTURAL RELATIVITY let these monsters in the back is a possibility that after ILL programming, that they did present more 'lizard' attributes than 'human'...possibly MR ICKE and his supporters are correct to categorise them as that...BUT cultural relativity when left to go to 'infinity' allows these people to be like that 'blind group' in Birmingham i.e. allows them to get 'self-important' and indignant if people do not recognise their 'right to be' and so they club together and form a 'front' in order to protect themselves and how they see the world...they are a 'culture' of sorts...they have every right to survive and to practice their paedophile Porphyriac rites...and so insane.

If I am now supposed to be a 'reptile' at CERIUM 58, at least I haven't presented 'symptoms' as such.

Gd at 64 - 157.25 is an interesting this the 'canopy of the gods'?

I am getting Nd for SHARON here...I equate the number 424 with him and Nd has 144.24 as the atomic weight.

99 - Es EINSTEINIUM (252) this about ESBACH?

I was thinking about the URBACHER family who lived in SAINT PETERSBURGH...I had inherited the ILL heirloom jewellry from them...handed down through the generations and through 'Emilys'...

I also began to think of the lyrics to THE BEATLES 'Back in the USSR...get BACK to where you once belonged'...and the young men who sang it upon the plane there, in 1980...

The SAINT PAUL'S code now worries me...the command to the SV to ACT.

We have 89 Ac ACTINIUM (227) - this is in the TEAROSE PINK sector and it has some nasty associations:

90 Th - THORIUM - this was DALDRY'S programming and considering he was 'asleep' most of the time whilst doing the most evil things can guess the depth of this brainwave functioning level...

We also have 93 Np NEPTUNIUM (237) and I associate this with level 10 brainwave programming...the king of the sea...and the paedophile phrase about NIPPERS...all children to be abused are called 'nippers'...additionally 'it's nippy, isn't it?' a paedophile catchphrase.

I remember RIMINGTON pointing out number 98 Cf CALIFORNIUM (251) because of the 51 in it...and telling me that this would now apply to myself (once in this flat)...

64 Gd GADOLINIUM...the tribe of GAD comes up again...the tribe of the prophet (and not the profit) class...and in the TEAROSE PINK class behind Gd comes the 'cure'...96 Cm CURIUM (247)...

I will now simply list associations:

PROMETHIUM - PROMETHEUS - TOMLINSON had to act this one out at the Templar Castle, bringing 'fire' to humankind.

FERMIN who turned up at the MI HOTEL, JERUSALEM...68 Er - 100Fm


67 Ho 99 Es - HOSEA...'holy Moses'...

71 Lu 103 Lr - 'lurelass' as in THE SIMPSONS

64 Gd 96 Cm - 'curmudgeon'...

59 Pr 91 Pa - 'parp!' THE SIMPSONS

I have associations for every pair of PINK and TEAROSE PINK elements...and can remember making up those words with a quick memory reminder...

I suppose that the 61 Pm 93 Np 'pump' is an interesting one because both elements are RADIOACTIVE...the big point about the TEAROSE PINK elements is that they are ALL radioactive...

I am beginning to get it...AMERICA has the MC whilst EUROPE has 'god'...GD...

Other notes:

I was thinking of the French film THE RED BALLOON last relation to REV MOON being represented by a BALLOON in ILL children's books...and wondered about how painful this film had been to watch as a young child...

I then was the first time that the ILL punctured your pineal gland...with the promise that once this 'red balloon' had been burst...that you would be then 'free as a bird' to FLY as in to 'remote-view'....your soul would be able to fly was all framed as a beautiful, poignant and almost religious experience...

Looking at this PERIODIC TABLE in its entirety...if you want to understand WHY the ILL arranged it in this particular way...with the colour coding and shapes...turn it SIDEWAYS.

You will see the rough image of a person standing up. Their feet are RED and their NECK is GREEN...and the top of their head is VIOLET.

You can then see the THIRD EYE which is a VIOLET BLOCK upon its the very front of the head.

This is 2 He HELIUM 4.00.

Now I can see how this all ties in with THE RED BALLOON...that HELIUM balloon...helium...helios...'of the Sun'...the gas which is lighter than air...

The ILL obviously thought that this gas was connected to your G-D SPARK...that once you had died...this would float upwards...back to the SUN...and so as soon as they had punctured your pineal gland...they would attempt to trap this particular 'gas' which had similar properties to was a real entity but isn't upon the PERIODIC TABLE...

That is why THE RED BALLOON chokes people up when they see a child...I saw what the ILL had proposed to do...steal your G-d spark from you...that dying 'red balloon' breaks your heart to watch it...the pain of separation...

I am now beginning to understand why questioning LOEHRMANN upon how ILL experimentation could be cured...he was talking about a this gas could cure the PINEAL GLAND...the 'third eye'...I forget what he called it now...but one can see that this whole line of VIOLET elements which the ILL have placed 'at the top of the head' are all gases:


I remember RIMINGTON talking about how we were all chosen for the X that would be 54 Xe XENON 131.30 in the VIOLET sector of Noble gases...rare or inert gases...

Were the ILL extracting this gas from our brains?

Anyway, the KEY to this map is HYDROGEN...and that is also a separate WHITE block in front of the 'toes' of the FIGURE.

The PINK and TEAROSE PINK bands of people - appear to be 'measuring' this FIGURE...or WEIGHING idea...but they are separated off from it...

Additionally, when seen SIDEWAYS...the RED 'STAIRCASE' LINE...comes from under the chin to the back of the head...the 'gestapo line' as RIMINGTON called it...

I am getting the image here of 'dead puppets' - whose mouths would fall open if not 'tied up'...rather like the old man character in the ALICE POEM who has to keep his jaw bandaged up to stop it dropping down...because he has been hung upside-down so many times...


Now I know why tears come to my eyes when I hear that was all tied in with RED BALLOON programming as a child...

Anyway, if you look at this FIGURE upon the PERIODIC TABLE - you will see that the SOLES of the feet are also the TOP PROGRAMMERS i.e. the SHOEMAKING ELVES...the MI6 'SHOCKING PINK' and another sort of TEAROSE PINK but this time a bit more PINK than ORANGE...and the funny thing is that you then have the HYDROGEN element in front of your TOES...

All I can remember about my toes is that they tortured the nails of my BIG TOES...and used them all in finger/toe programming in of different alters.

I will check back the colours to the GREAT LOVES (PENGUIN SERIES):


The Gd row of top programmers: DOOMED LOVE - VIRGIL

The other colours do not match - they are darker or lighter shades sometimes but no direct 'match'.

Other notes:

I have always tended to spell the PERIODIC TABLE as 'periodical'...and I now know why: the computer IC-AL was based upon it.

Looking at where the COCCYX should be upon this FIGURE...I was struck by how the base of the spine is composed of two BLOCKS...or if you prefer to call them 'feet' then the balls of the feet, then:

87 Francium (223)
88 Ra Radium (226)

Otherwise - the COCCYX would be 104 Rf Rutherfordium (261)...and the fact that Rutherford worked with a guy called MOSELEY upon this PERIODIC TABLE...suggests fascism to me, how about you?

Other notes:

Looking at what is said about HYDROGEN - that is lacks NEUTRONS and LOSES an ELECTRON during 'reaction'...then I looked at a typical ATOM which has ELECTRONS around it - represented as small golden balls which orbit the NUCLEUS...I am getting the rather simple idea that the ILL were after capturing our ELECTRON 'human electricity' ENERGY (that 'golden energy')...which is what I knew from MARK'S CERN project...but he had obviously started to collect NEUTRON energy instead because apparently he could find more of it...

The NOBLE GASES tend to only have 1 ELECTRON in the outer shell...and my guess is that these were what the ILL were after - or a type of 'Noble Gas' in the pineal gland...and that it was so rare...and difficult to capture...that the ILL gave up and started to use the NEUTRONS instead.

Is that what caused the BLACK HOLES in people's heads?

The ILL had managed to gouge out the NEUTRONS in key atoms - out of the nucleus of the atom...and that had created a knock-on effect in terms of 'dark alters'...ways of thinking, ways of being...

So in effect, they had found the DEVIL dimension and not the G-d one, at all.

The only moral that can be drawn from all of this is: NEVER let anyone do 'top secret scientific research' anywhere in this world, again.

Anyway, according to LOEHRMANN, it was possible to 'fix' the above with a certain gas...and so all is not lost...I am presuming that this isn't a 'known' gas though...because as far as I can recall...the word that he gave me for it...didn't ring any bells...

Other notes:

I cycled around HARWICH for a bit of exercise this afternoon...and saw some important things...firstly that the Church Road RADIO AND CYCLE shop has the NUMBER ONE SNAKE light above it...with the same 'colours' as the white/mauve peg which MR SPAM put upon his washing line...and I KNEW that something was going on above that shop...but couldn't see anything...additionally, there was a light BLUE circle by this 'snake light' and that reminded me immediately of the same blue circle that is used in the library to denote the P children's books...I had PEELED one off to see the 'dark side' of that book concerned with the hierarchy of the ILL cult and the big JELLYFISH at the end of it...the 'what can you see in the dark' children's book...and so what can one deduce from that?

This RADIO AND CYCLE shop upstairs is used as the NUMBER 1 place for the paedophile cult...although the guy who ran the CYCLE shop, closed it up some months ago now...

Additionally, I saw a houseboat called MOONLIGHT something by the Ha' Penny Pier and it reminded me so much of TOMLINSON'S 'ferryman' boat...

Lastly...I was taking stock of as many LOCKS around HARWICH as I could...found an old street round the back the SHIP restaurant (or was it the BEAR - I toured both streets around the back of these restaurants and found similar houses) which has BYE...BIRD, YALE, ERA down it...and wanted to know what number 16 had in this row but was blocked by a far as I can recall...number 13 had the ERA lock - a new one...

I also found another PINK house up for sale upon the street down by the of the attic windows (to the left) had been bricked up but the other had been forced could see the NAILS hanging out of the broken bottom of the window frame...


I then came to a number 13 house which is on the street with the ALMA pub...and whoever it was, had left ALL of their keys in the lock...including their car keys...and so naturally I used the large black door knocker and a young woman answered...and I told her that her keys were in the lock...she thanked me and took them she did so, I remembered having to go into this house with RIMINGTON...I suppose that RIMINGTON had told them to leave the keys in the lock tonight...she must be planning something...I did what I could do protect them...what else can one do?

All I can say is that if the 'ferryman' is in town - lock up your children. There is no way I am ever going to go near any such boat again in my life.

Additionally, in this particular area...I saw a HORSEBOX and flashbacked or forward to RIMINGTON'S plan of drugging me and putting me in kidnap me way, Hosea.

By the Ha'Penny Pier...I noticed that the front of the huge old apartment block has an ARCHWAY built up on top of the roof and flashbacked to RIMINGTON taking me up there and telling me that the RA cult threw people off the roof, through it - if they ever talked...there is also an aerial mast up there...

I then looked at the front of the facade and saw all of those LOBSTERS waving one claw at the two LIONS in the centre...

For some reason, two SHAG birds wanted me to look at the HARWICH HAVEN building and then back at the MOONLIGHT houseboat and so they perched upon either side of it - squawking loudly at make a connection between the two...and that would be that the HH is responsible for the paedophile 'ferryman' boat.

I also really LOOKED for the very first time, at the ships coming in to unload at the HARWICH PIER...RIMINGTON had taken me down there to be ECTd in that big GREEN HANGER...and so I looked at the Chinese ship and the MAERSK ship coming in...and wondered what they were up to...

I also looked at a house for sale (or was it rent) which is on KINGS QUAY STREET and noted that the 'colours' on show were those of the two PROGRAMMER lines of PINK and ORANGE TEAROSE PINK...and so I figured that this house had been occupied by those from this 'class' of programmer.

Other notes:

On a lighter note...and heaven knows I need one...THE SIMPSONS this Sunday afternoon...are suggesting that MAGGIE is in fact a hybrid 'alien' whose father is KANG. Okay, everybody is really pissing around now, aren't they?

I was aware sometime ago that RIMINGTON believes that her ultimate superiors are called ALIEN HIGH COMMAND but I am also quite sure that they are not really 'aliens' - even if they are her superiors.

Other notes:

MONDAY morning...and I woke up realising that I had written about a strange feeling yesterday...I had looked down at the palm of my hand and seen what looked like a plastic eye-contact lens stuck to one of them...and then I knew that 'the scales had fallen from my eyes' in that the video fibre camera that TOMLINSON had attached to my eyeball - had finally fallen MARK'S company can no longer view where I am going or what I am doing...

Other notes:

I now know why I wouldn't go upon that HEDINGHAM coach to Aldebrugh/ is so obvious now...this was the cruellest cut...the most evil, savage and unjust thing that had been done to myself...

I had become an Israeli heroine by working for the Mossad and I had risked my life in extreme danger (nobody had much hope that I would get out of there alive), in order to protect Israel...and then, so many years on I discover that:

STEPHEN SPIELBERG has not only been living 'fat' off my earnings i.e. mainly the HARRY POTTER film money (but other 'projects' too) whilst I lived the life of a penniless slave. MARK ROCKFELLER had then coerced me under drugs/ mind control to sign away my entire lifestory, he had then taken the contract to SPIELBERG and SOLD it to him...the pair of them decided to attempt to WRITE the 'last stage of my life' as a SNUFF MOVIE (with various alternative endings) in a sick little SCRIPT of their own making...which they then got RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON to 'walk me through' in relation to that trip back to SWITZERLAND - I was given 'stage directions' upon every single item - what I would say on camera, what I would wear - and all with the main purpose of glorifying the NAZI cause - a cause that both STEPHEN SPIELBERG and MARK ROCKEFELLER supported. I was to be portrayed as 'one of those Auschwitz victims' who had tried to escape but had finally been forced to tow the line.

I wonder now what terrors CHELMONDISTON would bring back if I went there? I do not propose to do so, as the local ferry service to SHOTLEY has finished for the summer and anyway, I still feel that it might be a little too dangerous to go there. There is the 'bottleneck' upon SHOTLEY PENINSULA and the ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE is located in a position whereby you have to pass it, in order to get on to the PENINSULA - and so in essence, it is a bit of a trap, if the ferry were not running later on, to get back to HARWICH. Even my mother does not like driving through the ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE for some reason and tries not to do it - I relate that to her early ST FELIX school programming in Suffolk.

I was sticking my neck out, going to ERWARTON HALL and CHURCH but I presume that the ILL thought that would be a 'good thing' (the NHS 'brain aneurysm' letter 'death threat' left inside the church as I have already mentioned - the one that UNCLE BOBBY had pointed out, about 8 years previously). Anyway, I shall look at images of CHELMONDISTON, upon the INTERNET instead.

I wonder what ILL jokes there might be around CHELMONDISTON as an anagram?

CH (where they keep their money) EL (semitic god) MOND (world) IS TON (his town).

Other notes:

I woke up this morning with the realisation that I am in a similar 'trap' to the one that TOMLINSON had kept me in - whilst I was still in France - after the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001. He had kept me in a small white house - with no food - no books/TV - nothing to do except sleep and starve. Why? He was simply too 'tight' to shell out any money for food and could hardly remember to bring any in, when he visited me in this little 'prison'. Most days when he turned up - he had forgotten.

Okay, I do not have to suffer his 'jailor' presence here and I am certainly not starving - I eat well - but it is the same old story - the ILL have not got the message yet. I therefore decided to use my ALICE keys and made his stocks/shares plummet through the floor. They are now 'in the red' so to speak and so watch out, TOMLINSON...and those whom you 'advise' concerning portfolios i.e. all of your are all now going to lose a MASSIVE amount of money - I have programmed it in. I will not tolerate being kept in this shit-hole, a minute longer. You will reimburse me ALL of my money and if you do not - all of you will suffer.

Other notes:

I was looking at ILL games around WORDS...and wrote PORPHYRIA backwards in my head:


I thought MARTIN AYRES - why were you behind the HP 'R' Operation?

I couldn't believe it...and I asked JOHN WATERS about it...he said 'what do you think Honey?'...and I began to attempt to explain some esoteric nonsense about how the REAL WORLD has a connection to LOOKING GLASS 'insanity' and its dimensions, within the minds of slaves...even though LOOKING GLASS WORLD isn't is in the heads of those who have been programmed to see the world in 'two halves'...and the minds of these slaves and their 'intent' then affects the real world in terrible ways...

So as a sop to COLLIE and her 'language/linguistics control our world' - they do NOT but they can affect it in terrible ways - simply due to the power of belief, of the programmed slaves.

It was a dumb argument in context because obviously MARTIN AYRES was born after the word PORPHYRIA was coined...and I was looking at the word PORPHYRIA backwards and seeing AYRES behind the whole HP OP at ACORN VILLAGES (HP sauce means menstruation and zygote, in ILL speak)...was he ultimately to blame for it all...working for R HOUSE as in MARK ROCKEFELLER?

JOHN WATERS wasn't entirely helpful...he just said 'there ARE other dimensions' thoughtfully and continued to eat his lunch...I couldn't get it out of him...what he really thought...

I now know that WATERS was supposed to be KP in the HA KP I BAT (BATMAN being TOMLINSON) but in fact, neither of them 'bat' when it comes to the Stock Market because I control the keys.
TOMLINSON ONLY had the keys to AL but he cannot even use them now - I have locked him out and changed the passwords.

Other notes:

I forgot to mention that when PUTIN and REV MOON were holding that telepathic conversation with me...I 'saw' their energy as two bright SUNS...they had become extraordinarily powerful in the spiritual dimension...and I immediately linked the image to the BON VOYAGE logo of 'aferryto' and the BONGO BONGO command (a reference to JOHN WATERS from my childhood and his 'bongo drums' that we used to play with)...outside of the 'saucer' of ILL CULTURE...

Other notes:

Language and its power in this world...

I thought about how TOWN-PLANNERS (and I had met some PRINCE CHARLES ones in Birmingham many years ago now)...and how they have the most power to dramatically effect your life...if you grow up on some sink estate surrounded by inhuman concrete walls and skyscrapers - with hardly any trees and grass are going to get depressed...very depressed...most cities are a jungle of this inhuman 'anthill' type of architecture...not to mention the toxic emissions in the air around you...

Where did the type of 'thinking' come from...I wouldn't say that 'language' was to blame...I would say the beliefs of the slave-driving want to create 'anthills' and concrete order to control cities as 'hives' was their 'intent' which created these cities...even without 'language' per se and in earliest 'human' times...they would have been fighting the next group of humans and trying to enslave them...or eat them.

I would also say that the BAUHAUS movement (even though it is written up as a 'socialist movement' historically) was one of the most fascist 'art' movements that the world has ever known. RIMINGTON was well-aware of that one - having pointed out the BAUHAUS-design Secondary School in INTERLAKEN and telling me proudly, that this was where 'they' had begun mind control programming - in earnest. BAUHAUS is a symbol of FASCISM and not SOCIALISM to the ILL. They love these buildings as symbols of the orgins of their movement - to create an NWO.

Other notes:

I had a very odd dream last night - PETRA PHELPS had come into my room at ESSEX UNIVERSITY with a 'plan'. She wanted to get back at IAN RICKSON for something and was asking for donations - she (and Allison Strachan and Nathan Somebody) were putting a 'pot of money' together to order a tombstone for him. I gave her £5. She came back later and said that she had arranged for it, quite easily over the telephone (surprised how easy it was - the cheapest - no frills - just name, birth and death) and she had given the firm Rickson's address for the delivery - she had paid by debit card. I have no idea whether or not this really happened. If it was real - then it was simply a measure of how we all hated him by that point, as so many people did. No wonder he turned into ANNE ADENEY, later on.

Anyway, another memory of STEVE SAVALE is coming back...he lived in the same student house...he mentioned a gravestone turning up in front of the house in passing but closed to subject down almost immediately as a 'bad taste joke'...RICKSON had holed up in his bedroom and wouldn't come out...and the oddest thing is, that I had NO idea of what STEVE was talking a mind control command would have been used...PHELPS had been most probably given an order by a mind control programmer who had got annoyed with RICKSON being too 'cocky' as DALDRY'S boy or EDWARD BOND'S boy...and wanted to take him down a peg or two. It just goes to show how we were all being forced to torture each other, mafia-style, at that hideous place.

Other notes:

Can you believe it? The ILL have now sent round a certain TREVOR EAST from TENDRING BENEFITS to call at MY FRONT DOOR this morning. Do they normally pay HOUSE CALLS? I think not. You are lucky if you get to see anybody at all, who has any 'personal interest' in your claim for benefit at their offices (and why should they - it is a low-paid bureacratic job).

The ILL are so desperate to make me claim for money - to enter their SICK ILL SYSTEM again and I will NOT do it. They will REIMBURSE me EVERY SINGLE PENNY THAT THEY OWE me.

How many times do you need to hear that one, ILL?

You will LOSE ALL OF YOUR MONEY if you do not pay me back the full amount of the money that you have stolen from me.

Why are they so desperate to try to force me to join the BENEFITS system again?

Is this because I have simply thrown a spanner into the ILL ROBOTIC 'hive' WORKS?

I cut the guy short as soon as he opened his mouth - he had on a TENDRING COUNCIL BADGE and I assumed that he would be from the ELECTORAL REGISTER because they can attempt to fine you for not registering - which I have not done - I have no intention of registering or voting.

I told him that I was moving this week. He asked 'outside of the area'?
I replied in the affirmative - he asked for a date - I wouldn't give one - he then said 'okay, just let us know where to' - he then held up his name badge as justification for who he was - and made a speedy exit.

He obviously hadn't wanted to make this 'house call'. How very mysterious. He didn't even attempt to ask me any questions at all. He obviously had no reason to want to call apart from to know when I would be moving out (which I had picked up and answered before he even asked the question).

Why would that be? Because the ILL had sent him to find out. I wouldn't give him a particular date - just this week depending upon 'removals'.

Isn't this the strangest occurrence. Firstly - was this guy from HOUSING BENEFIT at all? I have made no attempt to contact them at any point. They simply stopped my benefit after the JOB CENTRE contacted them - after they had ILLEGALLY closed down my claim.

Only ROGER from COMPASS has contacted HOUSING BENEFIT and I have already pointed out that the information given out about me, to ROGER - was more than likely to be breaking the law - technically ILLEGAL. Governmental departments should NOT being giving out personal information upon their databases, to 'private companies'.

Other notes:

That reminds me of my current debit card pin number and how that is translated in ALICE CODE to a fascimile of my name. Additionally, I remembered my old pin number for LLOYDS BANK whilst I was in Manningtree and that was: 4848


ALICE = EI - LAC/CAL (I have already pointed out that TOMLINSON was called 'Launcelot du Lac' by Rimington upon the lake of Thun...she used to refer to him as 'lac'...)

I do not suppose it matters now and so I will reveal my current pin-number which is:


I am now EBBG...a 'big bird' of the ILL CULT.

My actual initials are EMBG (but you wouldn't necessarily be able to get an 'M' = 14 into the code.)

I will change my pin-number today - there is a facility to do so, at the HSBC CASHPOINT.

Upon reflection, yet again...isn't it extraordinary what lengths the ILL cult will go to attempt to bully and harass you...EVEN when they are in the situation that they are now in...sheer stupidity if you ask me and laughable...

Other notes:

I decided to look at my QCONNECT A4 notebook again...underneath the GREAT LOVES PENGUIN series...and decided that it was most likely that the SATANIC part of CATHOLICISM was mainly due to the baleful influence of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE SATANISTS...why else would this book be below THEODORE (and the basis of this entire pile)...which is an historical novel which is mainly to do with the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and a woman who wanted to be EMPRESS called MARTINA circa A.D. 639-641...and her court and palace within CONSTANTINOPLE - home of the RA CULT.

The only other book that I looked at, was another one left out for me in the library:

9 780746 029770
0 7460 2977 2

I realised immediately that TOMLINSON had kept me 'like a rabbit in a hutch'...he has been calling me 'dirty little bunny rabbit' upon the network, for so have the other ILL slaves.

I then remembered ANDREW MARR'S poetry about keeping me 'like a rabbit in a hutch'...that is how the graduates all viewed me...(as well as Susan Whalley)...we were their 'pet rabbits'.

However, what was really interesting about this book - were the 'first letter' codes...and I remembered MARK telling me in 1994...the more you do it...the more you will get the hang of it i.e. to break the codes...he told me that he had been 'punished' within the mafia system quite a few times for misinterpreting codes (i.e. getting transactions/orders for slaves wrong) but now he was a 'master' of it.

This book is chock-a-block with ILL coding - far more so, than any other book that I have seen...

It takes me back to the 'WHITE RABBIT' Rothschild/Bauer that my father had known in Switzerland...and my dream of the 'rabbits' who were running rings around the PARK RANGERS...

The rabbits are very good at what they do...they are very important ILL slaves...they make a massive amount of money or rather control a massive amount of money circulation, for the ILL CULT mafia slave rings.

In my case, it was a 'computer program' running silently at the back of my mind. It would still be running silently and accessed only by MARK and TOMLINSON if I had not remembered how to 'enter it' and to control it AND to lock the two of them out. I then had ALL of the ILL accounts at my fingertips.

How funny - upon the ILL network - MANNINGHAM-BULLER is promising the bastards that every code can be broken. NOT these ones.

You see BULLER, I have an IQ above nearly all of the ILL - all of the ones that I knew, at any rate...I also have the ability for what is called 'deep thought' i.e. I can make up codes which are not numerical/linguistic/visual images - and YOU do not have that capacity - you cannot 'think' in the way that I do. You will never break it. I am beyond the 'saucer' and you are not. It is that simple.

I would guess that the ILL being too stupid and too mean to pay me back my dues - all chimes in with the plans of MR PUTIN and REV. MOON and I am not unhappy about that one - they are more intelligent than the ILL CULT at any rate...and this world now needs 'intelligence'...real intelligence to run it...

That will naturally mean the end of the ILL CULT...the end of the ROCKEFELLERS...the end of the ROYAL FAMILY and all of their lackeys...and upon balance, that will not be a bad thing.

...and no, PUTIN does not take seriously the old 'agreement' concerning BULLER and the ROYAL FAMILY i.e. 'we are all communists now'...just remember how many times you tried to murder him, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...and think again.

It is ironic that the ILL CULT will not pay me back the money that they stole from me and that it is unlikely that I will get my revenge upon them in this way - but I win by taking all of their money off them and bringing them down for good. Plus I have made a massive example of them and their kind - a testimony in history, to the fact that these people should never be allowed to gain any sort of power, ever again. I have to see the 'bigger picture' here.

Other notes:

It is interesting to gauge the reaction of the ILL upon their network - they now see me as a 'foreign body' as an extreme threat to their system - TOMLINSON even asked for a 'council of war' - silly, little boy playing at is all quite incredible (I thought you didn't like meetings but then perhaps you just want to waste time). Any JUST court of law would have made the ILL pay me back the money that they had stolen from me, a long, long time ago.

Yet the ILL know that their system is NOT just...and never has been. They had designated me a 'slave' and put me in their 'gong' room. I was therefore not allowed to profit from any of my literary/creative work and nor was I allowed either a choice or payment about being used for human eggs/zygotes and finally - the ILL tried to force me into the horrific position of being used as a surrogate mother, under mind control (which luckily didn't come about).

This is very much a PUBLIC/PRIVATE SCHOOLBOY system isn't it?

I begin to wonder at my own family - I had never thought of myself as an 'oik' or of the 'lower classes' because my parents were Doctors - yet even to my own family - I was a 'slave'. Is that because I went to Comprehensive school (and my siblings didn't - I paid for their education by slavery, according to my father). Was it primarily my father's decision to sell me into ROYAL slavery in order to make a fast buck or had he been blackmailed into doing so?

Anyway, it is a very good thing if the ILL now, all lose their money...and then their lives, later on.

Other notes:

It is also interesting to gauge just how long the RUSSIANS have been onto the whole ILL CULT game since the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

From my experience - it was from the time - when those Russian sailors chucked that rock out onto the small bay at WRABNESS - without landing...the British Police were crawling over those sand-dunes, at the time...they had had a tip-off but naturally no arrests were made.

The very same ROCK which had been at the heart of the ORB that PRINCE PHILIP had used at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - the one that PUTIN was then to smash and pocket the 'rock' - which had been inside of it. This was a year or two AFTER mother, sister and I had gone for a walk upon that very small bay...and my mother had spotted the rock first...I then pocketed it.

So one can deduce from this that the RUSSIANS wanted me to know that they had completed their research and 'analysis' of whatever that ORB constituted...and that the KOREANS/CHINESE were in on the whole thing - from 2003 I was to find out, in Shanghai - accompanied by the CIA who were then, to find out rather unpalatable things about their own programming (i.e. that they had also been ILL-programmed as LOBSTERS in the same old ALICE game - even though they had been told that this system was no longer operational, in US Intelligence...)

We are now 2008 - 5 years on...

The fact that MR PUTIN and REV MOON appeared like bright SUNS during my telepathic conversation with them, means that they are now fully out of mind control and have their 'suns' back in their heads...they are also enormously gifted at 'martial arts' psychic warfare...and this is the game - the battlefield and arena...

Other notes:

The ILL network are now pleading with me about the ROYALS in terms of 'they are Porphyriacs - they are mad' if that made any difference at all, from where I am standing...everyone has always known that they are mad...from the newspaper reports of Charles peeing into his valet's those who have remembered extreme ILL abuse at satanic rites...

The insanity of the ROYALS (and it is actually understandable, in its way) is that they infected all of their slaves with their hereditary disease by 'demonic' blood transfusion...simply because they didn't want to be 'alone'...and then gave it all a PR spin, in terms of 'there is an upside to all of this, you can live out your fantasy as 'Dracula' - a 'vampire' or 'werewolf' at our TEMPLAR CASTLE rites...' Rather like the 'blind group' in Birmingham who were so desperate to give themselves a sense of 'equality' in relation to more able-bodied people in society...that they began to take Political Correctness to an insane degree...this is obviously a human foible.

For the record - this morning...I have sent down TOMLINSON'S stocks/shares...ROYAL stocks/shares...ILL RUSSIAN OLIGARCHY stocks/shares...and ROCKEFELLER stocks/ make a very important point here:

The ILL wanted to do this to everybody else - however, their own stocks and shares would be exempt - I am proving that this is NOT so...and so this is REAL history in the making and not 'pre-destined' ILL plans. I have no idea where it will all end but figure that this is very 'healthy'.

Of course, if the ILL wish to pay me back the money that they stole - they can send me the details in a letter. I will not be answering the door, if any of them decided to try a 'housecall', in order to 'talk about it'. I am NOT open to ANY discussion.

I will then publish the 'letter' upon the INTERNET for all to see - just to make sure that all is 'kosher' eh?

Other notes:

I can now see why the ILL were so 'precious' around - at least after I began to 'wake up'...and I had tried to find reasons...the last one concerned the 'film' that was being made of me...they didn't want to murder their main protagonist in the 13th ONE game until the END of the SNUFF MOVIE - they were keeping me alive until that point and I just had to remember NOT to move to the 'final square' as MARK had put it...

Now I can see that it was 'all about money' and not primarily about some sick, esoteric game...they were all frightened of losing their money because the ALICE game wasn't so much about paedophilia as about computers, computerised slaves, the slave markets and the CIRCULATION of that ILL money.

It is quite fascinating to look back at the orgins of ALICE mind control programming...and to see this in tandem with RUTHERFORD/MOSELEY and their cloaking of the real PERIODIC that stage in history...fin de siecle - 1897 ALICE mind control programming books were on the market - 1913 RUTHERFORD/MOSELEY published their 'research' ...this was officially before the NAZI movement and so these people were simply FASCISTS...from slave-driving families...hiding away their scientific discoveries ...keeping the power all to themselves...

Other notes:

A silly note maybe...but I remember asking my history teacher at college where the name TUDOR came from and naturally he couldn't tell me...these names were made up at various points in history...rather like the WINDSORS today...and history books do not tend to list such details...

TU D'OR - you of gold...or 'golden you' in familiar terms - French.

So LOUIS THE SUN-KING wasn't the first one, then?

Upon this historical note: the BLAKENEY family were well-known to be up to their eyeballs in the Satanic 'magic' at the court of ELIZABETH I...and I remember a conversation with JAY BLAKENEY at ST CLARE'S COLLEGE, Oxford...he loved OSWALD MOSELEY and was surprised that I had read his speeches and that I thought he had made some sound points (Blakeney was used to 'sheep' in terms of Oswald was a fascist therefore 'bad')...but then that wasn't an odd thing to do...most of the Post-Colonial course and my course, had read his most famous speech and many agreed that certain cultures couldn't live together...too many conflicts upon fundamental points...MANNEKE concurred that it was those that MOSELEY had attracted, who were the problem ('kill all foreigners')...but the cultural studies mob, rather liked Moseley on the whole and saw him as an intellectual...

My question now is: who wants to live with the PORPHYRIA 'mind control' cult? How many other cultures can tolerate that one as a canker in the bosom of their society and politics?

Other notes:

I forgot to mention a program that the CIA contacted me about called CASCADE...this is apparently to pull the LONDON Stock Market 'House of Cards' down completely...but having woken up so much now...I know that the ILL are not solely in this country...and I have devised another more elaborate program to deal with the ILL...

Other notes:

Final note - this may sound very petty but I know that it hurt MR PUTIN in 1980, Israel - somebody and that somebody would be SHANA, had reported back to him that I had stated that he was just a 'shabby little RUSSIAN'.

I was NOT the person who had made that remark - it was JOANNE ROWLING. Just for the record -
she was the one who had termed him as such - after he had asked her to dance at one of the 'parties' that we had in the hotel. The SEX KITTENS had thought that a remark worthy of relaying to everybody else. ROWLING never said much at the best of times - one of her few remarks of 'note'.

My conversation with SHANA had been about the fact that he appeared to find me funny and would break out smiling whenever he saw me - which I perceived as rude but then I was seen as a 'clown' by most of them upon that course - I was used to it. The words 'shabby little RUSSIAN' were not mine - they were J K ROWLING'S. I aim to put the record straight upon as much as possible.

Anonymous said...


Check out the 1945 HUNGARIAN NOTES here:

Anonymous said...

Austro-Hungarian note.

Black Rabbit said...

Check out POSTMAN PAT'S BLACK AND WHITE CAT (the same markings as Mr Tom even down to his black/white nose).

Click on the lefthand stream to take you through a very 'interesting' chronology of images and TITLES.

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