Spot the difference: before and after plastic surgery to remove the disfiguring scar from her ‘dead’ right eye. Result of Illuminati MIND CONTROL ‘training’.
The highlights of THE unofficial biography of Eliza Manningham-Buller (as written by an ex-spook, who has worked for both MI6 and MI5):
Or as I prefer to call it: potted history of a shrimp who pretended to be a shark and ended up like one of those plastic blow-up models – just waiting to be harpooned.
Eliza Manningham-Buller
1980: guilty of the torture, disfigurement and murder of Kathleen – a Solihull schoolgirl who became an MI5 recruit upon the Russian course in 1979.
The highlights of THE unofficial biography of Eliza Manningham-Buller (as written by an ex-spook, who has worked for both MI6 and MI5):
Or as I prefer to call it: potted history of a shrimp who pretended to be a shark and ended up like one of those plastic blow-up models – just waiting to be harpooned.
Eliza Manningham-Buller
1980: guilty of the torture, disfigurement and murder of Kathleen – a Solihull schoolgirl who became an MI5 recruit upon the Russian course in 1979.
Manningham-Buller had originally been recruited into British Intelligence Services to teach Russian. She was a hopeless teacher but worse than that - she used to instruct her classes to stand up and do the 'Nazi' salute as she entered the room. We were not allowed to begin the lesson until this had been performed. She was known as the 'Mad Bull'.
Manningham-Buller took an instant dislike to Kathleen and set fire to her hair, in front of all the other trainees. No one was allowed to help Kathleen to put the flames out. Manningham-Buller was screaming ‘vanity of vanities’ to Kathleen, as her face burnt. Kathleen survived this attack but with third degree burns. She had been run as a prostitute (common use for female agents) but was now too disfigured to be used in this way. Manningham-Buller gave the order for her to be murdered. Various members of staff arranged for Kathleen to be ‘accidentally’ electrocuted. Kathleen also survived this attack. She was then smothered in her sleep. Stella Rimington attended her funeral. One of the ‘service’ always has to be at the funeral.
Manningham-Buller took an instant dislike to Kathleen and set fire to her hair, in front of all the other trainees. No one was allowed to help Kathleen to put the flames out. Manningham-Buller was screaming ‘vanity of vanities’ to Kathleen, as her face burnt. Kathleen survived this attack but with third degree burns. She had been run as a prostitute (common use for female agents) but was now too disfigured to be used in this way. Manningham-Buller gave the order for her to be murdered. Various members of staff arranged for Kathleen to be ‘accidentally’ electrocuted. Kathleen also survived this attack. She was then smothered in her sleep. Stella Rimington attended her funeral. One of the ‘service’ always has to be at the funeral.
‘She is understood to be keen to widen the range of recruits appointed to the security service to include more from ethnic minority groups.
Her specialist field is counter-terrorism, which is especially relevant given the threat posed by Islamic groups linked to al-Qaeda.’
This is a LIE. She is creating mind control slaves to start terrorist cells.
Spooks series:
I advised M-B in 1997 to take control of public image of MI5 (rather like James Bond is a great advertisement for MI6) in the same way as the FBI had done with various cop shows including the ‘X files’.
'A security source said: "We want to attract more females but the Spooks programme may be having a bad effect because of the way some of the female characters have been killed off."'
This show is now geared to recruiting young women (after having been lambasted for putting young women off applying because of the amount of female officers dying in the first series).
This is NOT fiction. This is FACT.
Moreover, female recruits are not necessarily killed in action – the vast majority of them are murdered by their employers.
A bad joke on my part? You don’t know the half of it.
A bad joke on my part? You don’t know the half of it.
The Times October 31, 2005
"The concern about the shortage of female applicants has coincided with MI5’s drive to expand its staff from 2,000 to 3,000, following an injection of extra cash from the Treasury. Dame Eliza had originally planned to reach the new total of 3,000 by the end of 2008. But the date has now been brought forward to 2007 to cope with the increased demands for surveillance and intelligence officers since the July 7 suicide bombings in London. MI5 is also looking for new premises in London because its headquarters at Thames House is nearly full. Office blocks, big enough to take several hundred staff, are being checked within the M25 area.
One proviso is that the new building, which will act as an alternative HQ in the event of any terrorist attempt to target Thames House, will remain a secret address — as during the Cold War days when the MI5 HQ at Gower Street in London was never listed as the official home of the Security Service.
MI5 is also in the process of opening new regional premises, to house small numbers of staff to work closely with local Special Branch offices. Eight outlying stations whose precise location will also remain secret, will cover Scotland, the North East. the North West, the Midlands, Wales, southwest England, southeast England and East England"
Read ex-MI6 officer: Richard Tomlinson’ blog to get an idea of what MI5 does in tandem with Special Branch.
They have been persecuting and vilifying him for years. The ‘hidden hand’ behind all of this is MI6 but the Mad Bull and Scarlett (Penelope Pitstop to his friends) have been ‘bosom buddies’ for years. In 1979 and whilst employed as an MI6 trainer of new recruits on the 'INSET' course (a 6 month module of 'mind control' training), Scarlett was trying to have an affair with Manningham-Buller. He has had a soft spot for her every since. Manningham-Buller repaid this by having his young son kidnapped and raped in 1980.
Manningham-Buller was transsexual at birth. She is a lesbian and develops ‘crushes’ on her female colleagues. She attended a private school for girls with Princess Anne and has been part of the aristocracy from birth. She was known as the ‘Bully’, during her tenure as head-girl at this establishment.
One can say in view of Manningham-Buller's personal history that what she most needed to do was to see a ‘good therapist’, appropriate counseling – that sort of thing. What she did not need was to be made Director General of MI5. Nor did the country, for that matter.
For the ‘official’ blurb – see Wikipedia: